Nawaki Live! [Narutoverse]

Chapter 11: Ch.10 Summer Break

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Two week after we contact our inventor, he finally arrived with the caravan from the capital, this young man in his late twenties is Kanjuro, we invite him to our  clan hall, and talk about his invention.

“Itama-sama, my name is Kanjuro, thank you for invitation”

“Um, its my brat, who want to see you, nawaki you talk to him, i don’t really understand this stuff”

I nod and sit down beside my father, Kanjuro seems confused, and uncertain because of my appearance.

“This young master right, I heard from Haru, you’re interesting in my chattering box”

“Yes!, But i noticed all of the component is already mature enough, where you study the principle?”

“Eh!...How could you noticed it! yes!, its actually base of my late grandfather creation, i found the way to to transmit actual voice, using this new electric tube, from land of lightning, and simplified it to this boxes!.”

“Hmm?, why your grandfather, not selling his creation?, you know how much this worth right?”

Kajiro shook his head and answer,”no, this is actually not that impressive, my grandfather plan to promote it first,

but there is other, who take it, and even upgrade its range using jutsu......”

“Huh!, did you report this to Daimyo!”

“No......we are just civilian family, and this inventor is come from mysterious organization, they seems have many higher ups, and influential people as backing......”

“Hum.....there is something like that?, is that the reason, you create new way to transmit the wave?”

“Yes!, Daimyo-sama never pay attention to these thing, so i need the better result, in hope to get funding for him, unfortunately this creation, have inferior range compare to my grandfather tickling device...”

“Tick-,sigh........well we understand your circumstance, so let’s go down to business!”

“Business? what do you mean young master?”

“Well here is the deal, we still have some land in capital, and weapon shop there, we can form a contract, and we will send fund for your research”

“Really!, Thank you so much!....”,He stand up with sparkling eye, and looking at shanks direction.

“Um, this brat say your invention will worth it, i don’t understand this stuff, but when come to contract is still my job, so should we form it now?”

Kajiro nod vigorously, while shanks look at his expression and smile wickedly, i can sense evil aura appear from his back.

They begin to negotiate the term and agreement, and as expected the result of negotiation is one sided, i peek at the scroll and shivered.

‘Uwahh! this is definitely a slave contract!!, are you some kinda ido-’

The term is actually not that bad for Kanjiro, but as person from modern age this type of contract is rarely appear, Kenjiro will continue his research using the fund from us.

We will build research center, in one of the empty land in capital to be his , when the research is ready to produce.

We will establish new factory, and responsible for production material, both party will get dividend from the income.

Its sounds normal so far, but the following term is terrible, Kajiro can only sell his research to our company, this agreement included his future invention.

Dividend he will receive, its only 10% of clean income, and our clan will received 80% of it, the rest of 10% will be mine.

‘Nice!, with this i can build my own lab, and create various weird stuff for fun!’

Week before Kenjiro arrived, i already study various business method from shanks, and discussed about my own sharing,

He refuses and said that it will eventually become mine when he retired, But i insist and said i will borrow it for now, and return it if my own research is successful,

He reluctantly agree with condition, that i continue to to study about business management.

When the negotiator is over they stand up and shake their hand, konjiro stay for dinner before going back to his inn,

“Thank you again,young master to have this insight in young age, i can only describe you as genius!”

“Um well do your best, if you succeed,we will Rich so work hard!”

“Yes, the i will take my leave!”,I watch him go outside the gate,and suddenly remember something.

“Ah! Wait!..”

“Hum? Did you have anything else to say,young master?”

“Yes, is almost forget you mention about the distance problem right?, i advice you to search another type of frequency, and try to build device that can strengthen the signal”

“Ah!.......I also thought about this before! you really something young master.....”

“Stop the formality, you can call me Nawaki, and one more, about that secret organization your mention, never act hostile toward them, my family influence is only exist in konoha, and cannot effect anything outside”

“ did you know?”

“Well, your mood is change when you mention them, even my dad notice this, this is why you lost your rationality, and sign that slave contract hahaha”

“Ugh! i never thought Itama-sama actually really different person compare to rumor outside....”

“Me too....anyway remember this thing, and don’t worry, i will promise you that we will have our chance!”

He raised his head and stared to me.

“Young- i mean Nawaki, i understand, i will not act rashly!, i will focus on my research and bring the result as soon as possible!”

“Um, ah! And change the name okay!, the chattering box is suck!,Good bye then!”

After see Kanjiro leave, i back to clan hall, shanks still there and wait to teach me, i usually study before bed time, and we only sleep when mom come to remind us.

Iam running into hall, destroying the paper wall and roll into tatami math, making the guards shake their head, Shanks is startled and yelled.

“Dammit brat!, do you know how many time i have to change the wall!, since you’re born!”

“Hahaha sorry, iam getting too excited, i eat lot of sweets this afternoon!”

“Hum, did he already leave?, you remind him right?”

“Yep, he’s our golden goose afterall!”

“Good, seems like my teaching this week is not wasted, here is the document from shop in capital, like usual you read it first, and ask if you don’t understand something...”

I began my to read the document, and stop when mom calling for us, now i have added schedule to my routine, in morning i will practice taijutsu and going to academy.

In afternoon i will train my ninjutsu, and in evening i will learn business management, and in Sunday i will go to train with Dai-san.

Its month of July now, the weather is little hot, i walked toward school gate, and greeted by my loyal servant Megane-kun, he took my backpack and bento box to help me carrying it.

When arrive in front of class, he open the door for me, i enter and the crowded kid open the way, i go to seat and prepare to take a nap.

Other kid is getting used to my rude behavior, because they know if they protest, i will beat them up.

One day i beat that burly kid until his teeth fall of, he’s calling his big brother which was a genin, so i did the same to him and throw him to the river.

The uchiha kid is even miserable, if i encounter him in sparring match, i will lock him in water prison before he can surrender.

The only one who regularly challenge me, is Minato but i still beat him up like other kid, and since my written test is also perfect, sensei cannot say anything about my sleeping habit.

We have another Physical class today, and as always i was paired with Minato who grow stronger in past month.

We allow to use shuriken this time so he attack me with it, i want to show off little bit so instead of dodging i catch all the shuriken with chakra enchanted in my hand,

Then throw it back to him, before realize i put too much strength, and shuriken flew too fast, Luckily Sensei step in to block it.

After our match minato is coming to me,“As expected of Nawaki-kun, i really can’t beat you!”

I look at him and smirked,“Of course you are!”

“Eh! i work hard” Minato being minato is really easy to read.

“I know!, so what do you want?”

He hesitated to speak before close his eyes and bow,“ Nawaki-kun if you don’t mind can i train with you,Please!?”

I feel little discomfort by this, so i reject him,“Minato you sounds like girl!, so No!”

“Gir......But i think i can only improve when i have sparring partner, help me please!” He keep bowing and attack me, with his blue puppy eyes, which is work!.

“Okay-Okay!, no need to bow down, let’s train together in summer break!”

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“Really? thank you!, Nawaki-kun!”

After class is over Sensei give us homework, and we return back home.

“Hey boss, see you in school again!”,Megane give me my bags and say goodbye

“Huh? ah yeah, good work Megane, you can go back now!”, back home, i continue my meditation training.

At night after the dinner, i give my mom my academy report,

“Oh! as expected of Nawaki, rank first among student!, mom is so proud of you!”

“Heh!, it’s not surprising, its my gene afterall!”

“Honey, we are in same class before you drop out, but i don’t recall you being top student?”

“Kugh!, ahem...i mean its our gene afterall !”

“Fufufu, Nawaki did you want something, mom can buy it for you as reward, for your excellent grade?”

“Umm, i don’t lack anything for now mom, i will save it for later!”

“Save it?...okay then, you can go to bed first!”

“Ah, by the way can i invite friend to come over, we want to train together?”

“Haaah!! friend!? Brat!,  you can have friend too!?”

“Of course i have friend, unlike you!”

“Stop it both of you!, and Nawa of course you can invite your friend anytime”

“Okay, thanks mom!”,after that i going to bed, and in next morning i wait for minato at clan gate.

After couple of minute he show up,“Ho you seems really eager to train Minato?”

Minato reply with smile,“Of course, when do we started?”

“All right come, follow me”, I bring minato to the backyard and we start to train, first we warm up by running back in forth to forest.

After that we doing taijutsu sparring, i can see why Minato is become youngest hokage, his talent as shinobi is really outrageous!, he improve every time we sparring!.

When i see him exhausted, i stop the sparring and let him rest for a bit, before continue next practice, i teach him shuriken-jutsu and kunai Bokujutsu i learn from library.

“seems like you really talented minato, you made great progress”

“Thank you, but i don’t even land a proper strike, i need to work hard more!”

“Heh, why you need to work hard that munch?”

“Well Nawaki-kun you see, I was an orphan and my dream is to be Hokage, so that everyone on village can recognize me!, so i need to work hard to achive that dream!”

‘Its the same dream as our protagonist, father like son huh?, well there is a lot of people who want that position, and with me messing up timeline, i don’t know what is future become’

“Hokage huh?, well you need to queue If you want that position”

“Eh!...did Nawaki-kun, want to be Hokage aswell?”

“Me? Nope, but my Nee want it, and told me to support her”

“Ah! Tsunade-Sama, well seem like i need to double my training!”

‘Why you sounds like Dai-san now?’

“well that the spirit!, let’s continue our training then”

“Ouu!”, We continue to train until noon, and invite him to dinner but he refused and said that he will come back tomorrow.

Week has passed since summer break start, i was training with minato like usual this week, i can feel his tremendous improvement, before i will dodge all of his attack, but now he can land some decent attack to me.

His chakra control, is also improve since we practice leaf holding method, his shuriken throwing is getting accurate too.

He can hit all target in different range now, when two week pass, i plan to teach him basic body flicker jutsu.

“So minato our summer break is almost a month now, i will be honest with you, that i can’t focus in my training while watching you”

Minato shocked and lower his head,“eh!..this....i am sorry, Nawaki kun i hinder your training”

“No no i don’t blame you, contrary you improvement put a lot of pressure on me, i need to work hard and not get surpassed, don’t be sorry”

“Nawaki kun.......”

“Ugh stop!, don’t stare me like that, i am not into that kind a thing, Okay!” I Back off little bit feel threaten.

He get confuse and ask,“Ehhh What do you mean?”

“Ahem, anyway, i will teach you jutsu now follow me”

“Really! what kinda jutsu? can i learn it?”

“Its D-rank jutsu, its call bodyficker, i think you can learn it now!”

“Wow!, thank you so much Nawaki-kun!, you really kind!....”

“Okay-okay, just stop staring me like that”,After we come into forest near the swallow river.

I teach Minato the priciple of body flicker jutsu, and told him to train alone until he can master it.

Because his insufficient chakra, i expected him to master it around a week, taking this time as i want to improve as well, iam going to Dai-san to train.

another week come, and mom wake me up in morning saying that minato is coming,i stay late at night try to browse system shop and find thing i can buy with my current point,well save to say i don’t find anything useful at my low budget.

I greet minato and we walk to forest as usual,“Did you master Body Flicker yet!”

“Yes i was able to do it yesterday!, let’s sparring Nawaki kun!”

“well okay then, show me!”, we do sparring match again and he indeed has master bodyflicker, he even combine it with various taijutsu and catch me by surprise, but with this speed i can still easily block it.

“well you mastered it already, summer break is over, as well as our training, well done Minato!”

“Thank for everything Nawaki-kun!, I will continue to work Hard! and one day i will Surpassed you!”

“Hahahaha, that the funnies think i ever heard, Dream on Blonde!”

“Eeeh! Iam serious!”,after that we continue our last practice until noon, in our way back Minato asked.

“Um by the way Nawaki-kun, iam always curious by this, why most of tree here have hole in it?”

“Ah! that...well...Minato! can you keep a secret?”

“Eh?, of course!”

“okay then!, let me show you my secret”,I gather chakra on my right hand and rotate it moment later blue sphere appear, i look at minato, who seems to froze in place.

“This...?, what is this! Nawaki kun!?”

“This call Rasengan, its made by gathering chakra and shape into rotated sphere!, look”

 I push Rasengan to one of the tree, and the sphere burst out leaving deep hole on tree.

“Whaaa!, this jutsu! really strong! did Tsunade-sama teach you!?”

“Nope, i learn it myself, to be precised I created it!”

“Ehhh!, this strong jutsu!?, Nawaki-kun you are genius!”

“of course iam!, if you can keep it as secret, I will teach you when your chakra is sufficient!”

“Really! thank you very much!, I will work hard to improve my chakra!”

He left after that with Bright smile on his face, iam watching his back and remember about my past life, i can hardly have acquaintance, let alone friend, but now i think found one more friends.

‘Iam really shameless.....if Minato from other timeline see this!, he probably gonna Kill me!, let’s save some point, to buy anti Space-time jutsu!’

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