Nawaki Live! [Narutoverse]

Chapter 5: Ch.4 Glow Up

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I’ts been a month since I train with Tsuna, because my Large chakra reserve and good chakra control, we move to next training.

This week Tsuna teach me basic Taijutsu, as unathletic shut-in nerd, with chronic Disease In my past life, save to say i have little To no Experience in this field.

“Well then, Nawaki let’s see you stance first”

‘Stance? oh i know! isn’t that some kinda pose you make before Fight! Let’s Show her Strongest Stance’

So i stand straight open both my arms, and make smug smile while looking at Tsuna,How’s my stance nee!?

“Pffft!..Hahaha...what kinda stance is that hahaha!?”,Tsuna burst out laughing while holding her stomach.

‘Ehh!...what i did wrong!? isn’t this Friza-sama Strongest Stance!’ I get embarrassed and let go my stance.

Hahahah, Sorry i forgot you still one years old and never see a fighting before.

Then what should i do nee?

Here Let me show you!,Tsuna demonstrate her karate like stance, and punch forward.

’Uwahh!...That Punch sounds like a whip! How much force in that? sigh...I will have Rough Childhood!’

Copying Tsuna posture and bend my legs slightly, gathering power in my arm and punch forward!, ‘Agggh Shit my shoulderrrr!?’

Ahh! Nawaki are you allright? don’t put too much force in your strike!

I am allright, I will control it next time

Um you are smart!, but you need to control your strength, i decided this week you will learn basic Taijutsu!

Umm Got it!, So i focus on my Taijutsu training that week, at first my Posture is messy and awkward, Fortunately Tsuna continue to guide and correct it, thanks to that i improve fast i also learn Combo strike now.

Another month Pass Tsuna doing mission again, so i training alone this time, accompany by this chestnut Hair Guard.

I do taijutsu training in morning and Meditate in afternoon as usual, But i’am still have to take my afternoon sleep, that one of my mom condition.

Over the time i also realize change in sytem, he seem like growth by days just like human being!,‘System,I always curious by this,but did you also Experience growth?’


it was astounding to hear a reply, is not a Floating word anymore!, it’s voice of Woman!, voice like that machine narrator!,

‘You can speak now!?’

[Yes, as master growth i Also will learn to adapt, I’am part of you so we grow together!]

‘Huhhh so that how it this!?, By the way why you calling me master?’

[Humm? I think that more appropriate this way!, did you dislike it?]

‘Umm Not really, iam just not getting use to it, You can call me whatever you like!’

[Thank You Master!]

‘Anyways Hows my improvement This Week?’


PHY : 10,9
INT : 13.4
SPI : 12.2

I always get satisfied by seeing my status improvement even tough is not much, in number it’s still a lot faster Compare to Other.

‘If i calculate correctly i will be Jonin when i enter Academy!’

[To Bad Master,you Are wrong as you stats will get harder to improve the more you Growth]

‘Hey! don’t you Broke my Hope end dream of Opness!’

[Sorry Master, i state the Fact]

‘Ughh you really getting smart now huh!, So how about my points?’


With this i be able to afford Basic class jutsu,but what i really want is Ability Like Senjutsu,so i was planing to save my Point until that.

‘Hey sytem How about MAP is there is improvement?’

[Yes,Improvement in map including range expand and Presence detection!]

‘Huh Presence detection!?’,I check it quickly,the round map appear in my mind, this map range improve from 3m to 10m now!.

But the huge Improvement is this presence detection, I can see blue dot on map right beside my position, which is mark In big white dot.

‘Oh!...this is the guard right?, this is awesome! if the range continue to improve, it will compared with that of Byakugan! And i will be the Greatest Sensor Ninja Alive!’

But There is still a lot of downside with this map, for example the Range is meh,i also need to close my eyes to clearly see it, And unlike ability of sensor-nin, this map can’t distingues chakra signature.

‘Well Let’s leave it for now, it will grow with my SPI improvement anyway’

Week later Tsuna back, She said she want to see my training result, and told me to sparring with her.

‘Really!!? You want to sparring with 1Yo! you just want to torture me right!?’

Feel helpless i can only nod, and follow her to backyard, iam getting ready, and prepare my stance.

Okay Nawaki come with all you got!

I rush to her with Yakuza kick, she easily avoid that, i rotate with Back hand Punch follow by Right Uppercut and Leg kick, all of my combo easily Blocked, Come again!

After i realize i’am not gonna land any strike, i change my plan i kick forward seeing this Tsuna prepare to block it.

But it’s a feint! Iam using force in my legs to jump, while gather all my strength in my right fist and deliver superman punch.

‘Takeee This! Domesticc Violanceee!’

Tsuna flich, but she still block my punch with her palm,Hoo..not bad Nawaki!, You Improve a lot,after that she grip my hand and throw me like a Rag doll,eeekk!

Hearing the sound of dying deer, the guard come in hurry, after Sees i’am allright, he let out sigh of relief,Tsunade-Sama don’t be to hard on Nawaki-Sama he’s still a child!

‘Oh!, sounds Misleading!...but thank you for your concern Ossan!’

“He is Okay he have strong body!,Righttt Nawakiii?...”,Tsuna stared at me, and seems to say don’t say anything unnecessary, so i nod my head to the guard.

“Umu,i’am allright”, Guard feel relived and leave, while Tsuna looking at me and smile satisfied.

‘Damnt it! Demon,i can’t feel my back!, just you wait one day, i will sacrifice you to Jashin!’

After taijutsu training, Tsuna guide me to do some meditation, she told me method to focus chakra in my stomach and try to rotate it.

Iam doing this for an hour before i can’t feel any different, in afternoon after i woke up i continue to rotate my chakra we doing this for a weeks.

The next practice is shuriken throwing, in two months i was able to hit all dummy target from various range.

Because of my chakra reserve get bigger by day, Tsuna teach me tree climbing method, to better control my chakra.

Focusing chakra on your feet and climb a tree, remember to concentrate!

Um!, I start to walk to a tree and applied chakra on both of my feet and start climbing, after i climb half of the giant tree, my feet is get blasted out leaving mark on tree and i fell down.

You use to much chakra!, repeat it again!

Yes!, Few try later i realize how this work, all i need to do is keep focusing on amount of chakra i applied if it’s to strong then i get blasted out, and if chakra is weaker i will fall down.

So the key is to make Just enough chakra to stick to the tree, after an hour, i finally manage to climb this big tree.

Tsuna consider this as pass,You still need train your chakra control, but overall is good enough, the next practice will be tomorrow and we will go to near river inside forest

In morning time after gain mom’s permission, we head to forest behind our backyard, this is the first time i going outside.

As i curiously looking around, i can see many wild animal such as deer and rabbit,‘System if i can hunt them will they give me Points’

[Yes!, master but the gain will not worth mention, since they lack of strength]

‘Ughh!...Then!, how about when i put some Poison in grass or something? And kill them in large number? did it count as Defeating them?’

[Yes!, it will count, every soul you take no matter what method you use will be count]

‘As expected!, Hehehe then i will prepare extermination plan after this’

[I don’t recommend this method master!]


[It  will damage environment!]


I train daily, check my improvement weekly, and sparring with Tsuna if she’s at home, I continue to do this for a years.

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Today however i stop training since this is my second birthday party,unlike the first one, we just celebrate it with family this time.

I was lying on my bed, with bulging stomach, i think i eat to much, we celebrate this noon Without Tsuna.

She said she went to train, she been busy nowdays and have less time to train me so i can only progress by myself.

Fortunately there a lot of book i can read in this house, there is even some jutsu scrolls, my father is Shinobi but He is to lazy to train in his young days,and din’t even graduate from academy.

Yes, he is failure of a family, just like me in my past life, my mother medical-nin and retired from her Nurses job.

But I don’t really want to learn medic, Iam not asian parent yet, the only people i can ask to train me is the guards but they are busy with their guard duty.

I ask Shanks how we can afford to hire guards? and where our income from?, He said that the guard is assign from village and their duty is to guard us and Grandma mito.

as for the income, he said it come from business in village, next day he take me to his office side of clan hall and explain about what business we had.

Surprisingly we had many business In and outside village, including in Fire country capital, we also the one who make ninja attire, and weapons.

I said why i never see you go to work, He frown and say that he assign merchant to take of it and only responsible for handling Monthly commission.

‘He is just to lazy isn’t it!, as expected from Rich second gen, Wait! Isn’t this make me Rich boy to!?’

After that i have thought to follow my father footstep, and becoming Pampered Rich boy,but after careful consideration, and knowing what future ahead i forget that thought.

Apparently all these business is Inherit by my father, come from Granduncle Tobirama, since he doesn’t have child and die Virgin.

As for my Grandpa fortune, some of them is left to Grandma, but he said that Grandpa lose most of his fortune in Gambling.

I laugh so hard on this, as expected of every ashura reincarnation, i mean just looking at his personality on anime.

I can tell that this guy is just like Naruto, naive and easy to read, in gambling table, this trait will be disaster.

I took a look around in his office and found many ninja scroll most of it is Granduncle scroll, ‘so that why this room also have guards,huh’.

i was excited to see this, i want to read some scroll but my father stop me, and said these scroll is to early for me.

He see me sulking and sigh, I bring me to other rooms beside it,“This is the clan library most Jutsu scroll is move by Father to hokage office alongside Scroll of Seal,What you can find in this is just some basic jutsu and book about clan history”

“That good i will learn to read here!”

“Ah!, I always forget that you only 2Years old, yes you can learn here, that way we no need to bother hired a tutor for you!”

It was lie, i already know how to read since i open my eyes, since most of word here is in Japanese and i study Japanese in my previous life to better enjoy my Blu-ray collection, It just give me reason to spend more time in this place.

As i Browse through library i can see many basic jutsu scroll, there is even D-rank jutsu!, with this i don’t need to spend my point to learn some jutsu, i just need to study myself!, With the Passive effect of my INT i can learn a lot faster!.

“Okay seems like you found what you want, i will leave first, remember coming in noon, you stil need to take afternoon nap hehehe”

He leave with mocking smile, ‘Ugh, afternoon nap huh, my mother is Nurse she really Strict on this’

Well after Shanks go i start to browse again,first i found clone jutsu and decided to study the principle first, Few minute later i start to practice it,“Bunshin no Jutsu!”


‘This one is really easy, how about other scroll’, I spend hours searching for scroll and learn it, most of this is basic jutsu and i already learn most of it.

weeks i spend back and for from library to learn more jutsu, i also found few clan kenjutsu, But i have’t learn any sword technique yet, so i can only save for later.

Searching for some leftover for an hours, i finally found useful technique!, It’s body flicker jutsu!

‘Well this jutsu is only D rank, but if i can improve it, it will be deadly!’

I remember Shisui and Strive to be as fast as him!, I decided to learn the body flicker First, after reading the Scroll, i am going to backyard and practice it.

‘So i need to apply chakra on my body? Hum....Let’s Try it first!’, I applied chakra and try move to right side, my body fell like floating and i can see tree come to my face.


‘Fck!!! Where’s this damn tree come From!!....Ahhh! Blood!! Shit my handsome face!’

“Mooom!”, after That i was grounded for a week, no practice and Dessert, It’s Another month again.

My parents are prepare to go out, when asking i where we going moms say we going to orphanage to do some charity, she said she's been doing this routine each years, before Her pregnancy.

We walk toward village street an heading to Orphanage, mom smile at me, while i curiously look around.

‘Wow look that a Hokage Rocks!, Is bigger than i though!, this village is also a lot bigger than i can imagine’

As we past by The Market i can see various shops, approaching the Orphanage i can hears Bunch of Kids noises,

They playing Ninja and while running around in circle, when they look at us they stop and one of them running to orphanage, moment later old lady with brow hair wearing a glasses come from a door.

“Aiko-sama, Long time no see!”

“Long time no see Dean, hows the orphanage recently?”

“Everything fine!, Thank to Aiko-sama help,we finally got more fund from village!”

“Good to know, oh by the way this is my son Nawaki”

“Ara! you really handsome Nawaki-sama, you look like Shodaime-sama very much”

“Thank you!”, I was really  happy to get this lip service, there not much people call me handsome after all, but shank who hold me, looking at my face and Frowned

“Man! Stop smiling like that! you scare the other child!”

“Shhadap Shanksss!, you just getting jealous i was praised!”,I punch shanks in the face and we began to Quarrel.

Since this madao is really childish, we often quarrel over small matter like, who is the more handsome or which desserts belong to.

“Stop it! Both of You!”, Mom Glare at us and we stop the quarrel, Shanks put me down and i can see Orphan kids looking at me curiously.

“Hum, Nawaki go play with other child we will go inside and have chat with dean first”

‘Eh! no way i will play with these brats!, Oh wait..i was also a brat...’

After The dean take my parents inside, brats continue playing around, i got nothing to do so i go to nearby tree climb it and Sleep on branch.

These bunch of brat is getting noiser after watching me climb.

“Woow look he’s walking on tree!”

“He’s a Ninja a Real Ninja!”

“Hey can you teach us how to do it?”

One of the older brat is telling me to teach them, but they are just bunch of civilian child and their chakra almost none exist,

“You don’t have enough chakra...”

“eehhh then how can wee get chakraaa! I want to be a ninjaaa!”

These brats is getting noiser, i think i should’t show off in first place, well let’s fool them,

“Well you Know that hokage is Strongest ninja in village Right?”

“Of course we know that! why you asking This?”

“If you can get one of his.....beards!, you will be a strong ninja Just like me!”

“ehh really!?”

“Yeah! in Fact i also have one!, its my birthday present!”

‘Hehe With this they can only give up, and stop Bothering me’

“let’s go to the hokage office now!”

I almost fell after hearing this,’They not gonna go right!?’

“Yeah Let’s gooo!, let’s ask for Hokage-sama Beard!”


‘Shit! They really go! what should i do, ahh Mom is out, let’s get out of here!’

“Hum nawaki where is other child?”

“ah! etto...they play hide and seek somewhere!, anyway i’am hungry, let’s go back now!”

“Okay, let’s go back now”

Days later i hear the rumor about Hokage getting attack on way home.

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