Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 75: Chapter 75 Breaking the Norm

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<<Hello readers, author here!! It's a new month and as always I am here to pitch our Patréon page for possible patrons. 

You can choose to support our little community if you got some extra cash. No compulsions though!!

I would keep writing even if the support dries up simply because of my love to cast these fantasies in my head. Still, an income, no matter how small, helps keep me motivated and meet the deadlines every day.

Enough of my rants. I will list down our patrons for this month as it had been customary. 

Our Viscounts: The old cubic slime, tan gab, Michał Yuri, Andrew Wilson

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A lot of appreciation for your support, from myself and my readers alike. >>

"Is there something on my face?" Aron found himself at the end of an unpleasant gaze from Christina. "Jerk!!" Unsurprisingly, she ended up badmouthing him anyway. No matter who among them was caught staring at the other, it was always him who was at the receiving end every time. 

"Haha.. both of you are funny..!!" Chris stretched his limbs while chuckling. "Huh... All the talk from earlier had me excited. Let's see how hard this can get... 5th stage.." Since Simon told them that opponents can vary at each stage, there was no real benefit in asking for his sister's experiences in the trial. Not to mention that he wanted to go in blind just like her. 

For the first time since they had met, Aron can feel mana churn around the boy. Such was the intensity of the agitated mana around him that his long hair stood at the end as he heroically walked toward the stage. 

His impressive aura immediately attracted all attention to himself, including Mr. Simon. "You want to go in next?" He smiled, looking at the tiny sparks the boy was generating all around himself almost passively. 

"Yes, instructor." After Christina, no one else had even passed the first stage, let alone the second one. As such the attendees already had their enthusiasm levels greatly quashed. Consequently, everyone moved aside to let the boy climb into the platform.

"Who is stronger among both of you, Ms. Christina? If you don't mind me asking.." Aron saw the fiery sparks dance all around Chris as his body disappeared from the stage. He reflexively ended up shooting his question right at the girl next to him.

As a result, Christina could not fathom this. This disgusting thigh hugger actually spoke to her directly. She almost took a step back, as if she can't be any more disgusted by his very gaze at her. 

Having not expected such a severe reaction from her, Aron can only roll his eyes in frustration. "You don't have to act like that." Her gaze at the moment felt like... like she was looking at a.. sexual offender?? 

When did this happen? Aron was flabbergasted by her obviously exaggerated reaction. In the end, he himself chose to put some distance between himself and the girl, simply to put her at ease.

His efforts did seem to work out, with Christina's expression relaxing sufficient. Albeit she tightly hugged her chest with her arms, her abhorrent gaze was toned down by a bit. "Brother... He is a tiny bit stronger than me huh.." 

Her sentence felt as if she was speaking to herself, more than answering Aron. Regardless, he decided not to engage with her anymore. It will be exceptionally bad if he faces harassment charges right after entering the academy. 

Away from them, Chris stared at his opponent with a sense of sympathy. "There could not have been a worse match-up." Opposite him stood a massive ant-like creature, entirely made up of wood. "Just disappear." 

*Click* At the click of his fingers, a ball of fire swallowed the wood puppet. The match was over even before it started. There was nothing left of the creature except the ashes and its burning body left behind.

Gloria and Tracey were tasked with recording every significant combat trial by Mr. Simon. As such, they vividly saw the boy burn through the entire wood puppet in a matter of seconds. 

"Don't tell me this guy is even better than his sister?" Gloria's heart can't take so many surprises in a single day. "A fire user haha.. amazing..!!" Tracey clapped her hands, excited to see what the boy had in store for them. 

"A perfect fifty?" Aron was left gobsmacked by the score on the display board. Not only himself, everyone else had their eyes attached to the board. Mr. Simon had taken a step closer in excitement. "Hahaha... That's my boy.. haha.." 

"Hey.. what was the breakdown of my score?" Aron heard a voice directed towards himself. Though not very appreciative of the lack of courtesy in her question, he decided to answer anyway. "45 in one to three, 30 in fourth, and 10 for the fifth stage. 175 in total out of 250 I guess." 

Even while they were talking, the scorecard changed once again. "Another perfect score? Man.. he is on a roll hahaha.." Aron was genuinely happy for the guy. "Hmph... Trying to show off.." In spite of being close to her brother, it was not a good feeling to be outclassed by him on every occasion.

Another quarter of an hour had passed and the display board read.. '5th stage in progress!' 'Score: 185' Aron was on his feet at this point. "50, 50, 45, and 40... Damn... Is he for real?" In contrast to him, Christina was gritting her teeth in annoyance. The more she saw Aron cheer for Chris, the worse she felt. 'Just you wait.. brother. I will surpass you.. definitely..!!' 

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Meanwhile, Chris was facing a monster in the sky that was raining down lighting on him. It was a giant bird that was constructed entirely out of lightning elemental magic. He wiped the blood from the corner of his lips. "Now I know how Christina was defeated.." 

This was not a simple puppet or a golem. Rather this was an artificial creation carrying some sentience of the mage who created it. It was easily visible in the bird's sparkling eyes. "No matter.. Let's see how far I can push you."

"Flame magic: Divine Ruler!!" Crimson flame covered Chris's body, engulfing him. The fire kept getting stronger despite all the lightning barrages that kept falling upon itself. Flames surrounding Chris took the form of a giant human with a large sword in his hand. 

"Haaaaaaghh!!" Determined to put his last stand, the giant fire human charged the electrifying bird, leaping into the air after only two steps. His massive flame combined with the lack of room for the bird to take flight, let him bring his flaming sword right on its head. 

Both the eyes of the bird shined even more brightly before its entire body began glowing. *BOOOM* Flames contended against the ball of lightning, giving way to a groundbreaking explosion. 

"As expected.. He can infuse his divine magic into his flames. He is even more dangerous than his sister." Gloria can't see anything.. at all. Yet, the relief on her face meant that Chris failed to clear the stage. 

*Tring* 'Stage five: Fail!' The screen announced, causing a sense of serenity prevails over the room. *Swish* A disheveled Chris appeared back on the stage, shaking his head in dismay. 

Simon showered him with praises, and Chris responded with a courteous bow. Taking one last look at his final score he stepped down from the stage. 'Score: 200!' That was his overall total from all five stages combined.

Christina was not sure how exactly she should congratulate her brother. For sure, the large difference in points left her with a feeling of aggravation. Their cultivation was more or less on a similar level, yet when it comes to actual fights, Chris always outclasses her. 

The fact that instead of walking up to her, Chris chose to address Aron, added to her grievances. "I am so happy brother.. you literally scored perfect points in all three initial stages." The closeness with which both boys interacted, became a source of envy for the girl.

"Hehe.. that's a given. I got high hopes for you as well, friend." "Certainly.. I will do my best." Both of them laughed freely. It was hard to believe that they built such a rapport within a single day. 

"Why so despondent, little girl?" Finally, Chris came to his sister, opening his hand to ask her for a hug. "Huh.. do I need to tell you?" She hugged him half-heartedly, her gaze pointing to the screen still displaying his score. 

"Hehe.. then you should work harder, I guess." His remarks were only returned with a grunt from Christina. Right then, Chris shifted his focus towards the front stage where everyone else was hesitating to step up. "Why don't you go in as well, brother?" 

Aron smiled in response, consistent with the train of thought. He felt his heartbeat faster in his chest. It was the moment of reckoning. He has waited for this chance for almost two years now. Once he becomes a regular student at the academy, he will be a step closer to freeing himself from the status of a slave.

A sense of thrill filled him, blood rushing to his brain and agitated mana responding to his will. *Dum* *Dum* *Dum* Without looking back, Aron walked past the participants, not stopping until he was standing on top of the stage. 

"Can you feel it?" Chris questioned his sister who was looking at the back figure of the boy with wide eyes. "This..??" Everyone in the room, including Mr. Simon, felt his blood rush through his veins. As if the boy at the center was directly enforcing his will on their bodies. 

*Badum* *Badum* *Badum* Simon squinted his eyes. 'What type of magic is this?' Did the boy have some kind of hybrid magic talent, allowing him to manipulate blood? If this was the case, he was duty-bound to inform his superiors about the kid. 

Yet, the way the last trial was interfered with, regarding the boy, Simon believe that the authorities were already aware of the kid. Otherwise, why won't they allow him to test him again, after the crystal ball accident? They were hiding something about the boy. 

"Ready?" *Swish* Aron vanished from the stage, instantly finding himself thrown into a tumultuous journey. Once his mind relaxed, he found himself in a massive chamber with very little light that mostly illuminated the boundaries. 

"There is no going back... now.." Aron collected his wits, soothing his nerves. Mana bubbled at his core in response to the excessive thrill he was experiencing. *Crack* His fingers collapsed into fists, ready to take on the incoming adventure's journey.

*Grrr* Mana swirled opposite to him, a thick white fog blocking his vision. *TUUURRR* A scream informed him of the entrance of his opponent. *GUURR* The fog dissipated a little, revealing a large figure hidden behind the curtain.

It was a magic beast. Closely resembling a rhino, the beast had a long horn on its head. Its eyes immediately locked onto Aron, its feet rubbing across the ground. "This is not a real Demonic beast Aron.. we can do this." The boy motivated himself as the rhino beast charged him.

Blood pulsated in his veins, his heartbeat increasing to match his level of excitement. His feet sunk to the ground. *Gulp* "Haaaaaahhh!!" With a loud shout, Aron's fist crashed against the head of the beast. *Bang* His feet sank to the ground, even so, the boy had managed to effectively stop the charge of the bull rhino. 

This was not strength a regular human at his level of cultivation should possess. Taking advantage of its disoriented state, the boy swiftly moved to the side. Infusing mana in his fist, he punched the beast squarely in its abdomen.

The force behind the fist in itself had carried enough physical strength to rupture organs in its body. Yet with the infusion of mana, his punch grinded the internals, effectively putting an end to the life of the magical creature. 

*Thud* The beast fell to the ground, its eyes losing light. Aron took a deep breath, wiping the thin perspiration from his forehead. Right when the rhino began to disintegrate into mana particles, the boy fell back on his butt. 

He had begun to already meditate on his mind and try to recover before the next round. The only advantage of a small mama reserve was that it took relatively less time to fill it back to the brim.

Outside the chamber, the scoreboard changed. 'Stage one: Pass!' 'Score: 75!'The display instantly broke the silence in the hall. This was unforeseen. Wasn't 50 the perfect points you can score in a single round? Then how come this random boy scored 75?

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