Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 94: Chapter 93 Vampiric Overlord 2

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Losing his element of surprise, Clive's gun was wrenched out of his hands simultaneously as Randall avoided the shot without much effort. Enraged, he brought his hand holding the gun directly onto the skull of the dying man in his right hand. 

*Puchi* Blood splattered all over Randall's face. The long barrel of the gun had been punctured into Clive's skull, killing him instantly. *Sizzle* The smell of the hot gun metal charring the human grey matter permeated the air.

*Thud* Clive's lifeless body dropped to the ground. Only his blood could have calmed down Randall's riling heart. "You have slept for too long, my lady." *Tap* *Tap* Randall walked across the room, his eyes were retained on the woman clasping her abdomen with her face morphed in agonizing pain.

"Don't go on underestimating these pesky humans. These bastards sure keep coming up with innovative techniques to survive." Stopping next to large windows with shattered glass, Randall turned around to find the ghastly woman glaring at him with completely red eyes. 

Gone were her pupils, now replaced with two glowing red eyeballs. Rage was evident on her face. Randall shrugged his shoulders, retracting his wings back as he returned to his previous human form. 

"It was not something I planned." He shook his head in disappointment. "I didn't know this bastard managed to get his hands on such a powerful weapon. They call it something.. I believe.. yeah.. technology. Please be wary of that." 

"They must have infused the bullets with divine magic. Obviously, it can't kill us purebloods. Nevertheless, it can surely injure us, keeping us out of action for a while." Randall took his time explaining. 

Unfortunately, with a set of buzzing eardrums, Lucy can't hear a word he said. Intense rage flooded her mind. A sensation of irritation originating from her internal organs burning, only made her madder with every passing second.

"Mr. Randall.... run..." "..???" Randall had just picked a new set of clean robes from his ring and put it on when he heard Lucy utter those words. *BOOOM* Lucy's body exploded with extreme bloodline pressure. 

The entire mansion came crumbling down like a house of card, unable to bear the insurmountable force. Both the surviving vampires were buried under the debris. 

What remained of Lucy's dress was ripped apart by her transforming body. "This is bad.." Trepidation filled Randall after which he was forced down to his knees by the humongous presence morphing into something ungodly right in front of his eyes.

Vapors of blood-covered Lucy's entire body, but Randall can see her grow in size through the red fog. "Aahahhhhhhhhh!!!" Randall screamed in agony. It was like the hand of God himself had befallen on his back, crushing him into the ground. 

"Suchhhh.. such.. POWER..!!" This amount of bloodline pressure... Randall had only felt something similar when in the presence of the esteemed progenitors. "Hurry.. up.. Searlus.. I am going to die out here... Fuck..!!" With his face plastered in the rubble, the desperate man can only hope for a rescuer to arrive. 

Hidden behind the fog, Lucy had transformed into a more than 16 feet-long monstrosity with long burly limbs. Her head elongated into a snout and her two front canines grew to a length of a foot each.

Randall noticed the wings on her back glow up and turn muscular, turning into a third set of limbs. This was not something Randall was ready to face off against. Not even speaking of the monumental difference in strength, his blood will surrender to the will of this monster at the first instant. His situation was not much different than a peasant struggling to stay on his feet in the presence of the monarch of the lands.

"Aaaaaagghh..!!" Aware he will not get a chance once Lucy emerges from her shell, Randall somehow managed to force himself back on his feet. If he didn't run away.. he WILL die. 

Putting pressure on his bent knees, he jumped in the air, throwing himself off. Shooting through the air, he managed to land almost half a mile away. 'Wait.. Victor..!! Stop moving..' Receiving a metal communication, Randall sighed in relief and let the person lock onto his body. 

In the next breath, the space in front of him simmered and a man stepped out. "What took you so long?" Randall complained but the man in front of him could not even be bothered by the wretched condition of his comrade. 

"What in the world you provoked?" Searlus looked into the distance. His attention completely occupied by the red cloud that was definitely encasing something sinister.. something he definitely didn't want to get face to face with. Even from so far away, the being was casting terror straight into his heart. 

"What are you staring at.. bastard..!! Run.. we don't have time." Randall shouted. Searlus readily agreed with him, putting the curious case of the entity to the back of his mind. "I can't travel back to the capital in a single jump. We will have to create some distance between us and that thing..." 

*BANG* Searlus had only turned his head to look back at the red cloud when he panicked. A blurry figure leaped out from the bloody fog.. leaving a punctured cloud behind. Alas, they could not see a thing. "She is coming.. RUN!!!" 

Over the past year, Searlus had never seen Victor so scared of anything. For sure, whatever the being was.. it was fatal for both of them. Not wasting any time, Searlus raised his hand and the space next to him became malleable. 

Both men jumped through the portal. Only a split second later a massive hand swept the place. *SCREEECHHH* A ghoulish being showed itself in their place. It had two fangs and a ripped body. There was nothing remotely human about the entity, it was through and through evil. 

The very next second, its leathery ears fluttered and at the same time it's bulging eyes picked motion in one particular direction. The being possessed two muscular legs, legs which it used to launch itself precisely towards its unfortunate prey.

*Thud* Both Victor and Searlus had fallen onto the ground when they heard the horrifying screech, chilling their bloods. Victor's whole body was spasming out of terror and Searlus had a head covered with overflowing perspiration. 

*Boooom* Miles away from them, the two men discovered something tearing the sky apart. It was headed their way. "Fuck fuck fuck...!!" Searlus cursed out in a sequence, but his hands were already working on connecting to the next space bridge. 

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In only the time it took him to manifest the space bridge, the creature had almost caught up to them. "Bring us further, Searlus. This will be our grave if we land in her hands..!" Panic evident in his voice, Victor warned. 

"I am trying my best.. motherfucker..!! Stop giving useless advices." A thoroughly angered Searlus didn't wait for the man behind him and hurriedly jumped through the next space bridge he prepared. 

After a second succesful attempt at space travel, the first thing both men did was look back. Thankfully, they can't see the creature in the sky anymore. They had traveled many miles this time around and Searlus fell on his butt, exhausted. 

"You bastard.. you should have asked me to bring someone along. Are you trying to get me killed?" For obvious reasons, Searlus was mad. Victor didn't contest his claim, falling on his butt himself. "How would I have known things will turn this bad?" 

"How would.. my ass..!!" Searlus remained disgruntled. Among their group, he was the one with the least strength. As such, the probability of him being the first one to be killed, I case of any mishaps, remained fairly high. As such, no one can blame him for being cautious at all times. 

"What in the world was that thing?" Searlus had just asked the question when the two men turned their heads back at the same time. The demonic creature had once again locked onto them and was shooting through the skies to reach them. 

"How is that possible? I left it almost 30 miles back..!" Searlus remarked but his hands were back to creating the next space bridge. "I am so done with you, Victor!!" He kept cursing the man throughout their multiple space jumps. 

Only after jumping a total of four more times and probably leaving the creature hundreds of miles behind did the duo came to a stop. Night had fallen over their head and Searlus collapsed on the ground, vomiting blood continuously. 

His face had turned pale from all the space jumps he had to perform. The longer the bridge, the more mana he needed to burn. As a result, he was left on the edge. It was unbelievable to him that something can push him this hard even when all they are trying to do was to run away from it.

"I am.. I can't go any further.. If it catches us now.. we are done for.. no one's coming to save us." Searlus recounted their situation and fell on his back. He had done his very best and was out of options to deal with the fiend chasing them.

Victor nodded his head, proceding to get up and stand in front of the guy. "If she catches up.. you run away on your own. I will try to hold her off.. for however long I can." With a determined look, he produced a long black pill from his storage ring and kept it in his hand. 

Searlus didn't say anything in response. If they are caught upto, even a single one of them surviving will be the best-case scenario. With bated breaths, the two men waited for their pursuer to show up. A minute.. two minutes.. five minutes.. ten minutes.. except for the gentle wind blowing over the sparse vegetation, they could track no other movement.  

After the twentieth minute passed, Victor fell back onto the ground. They had managed to outrun her. "Hahaha.. haha.. hahahahaha.. damn.. that was scary as fuck.. hahaha.." Having survived the disaster, Victor laughed hysterically, much to the annoyance of his partner.

"You are laughing? Bastard.. I almost pissed my pants.." Searlus's confessions only made the vampire laugh even more recklessly. There was not a single doubt in Victor's mind that Lucy would have murdered them in cold blood driven by that crazy state. It will take a literal demigod to stop the progenitors when they either lose control of their faculties or are enraged beyond a certain point.  

He had heard only fables of the first progenitor going up against an entire group of the mighty dragons, in a similar berserker state. No other title suits them more than 'a force of nature'. On a hindsight, both of them were incredibly lucky to escape with their lives today.


*Tip* *Tip* *Tap* A naked Lucy returned to the now dilapidated villa. Blood still dripped from the left side of her abdomen. "A spatial mage.. hmph.. let's hope he can come to your rescue every time." She spat the blood clots in her mouth and proceded to walk over to the sole surviving couch among the debris.

Draping herself in a long gown, she settled on the dilpidated sofa and put her head down in a resting position. Ready to take a nap, she discovered a figure standing in the shadows. "What do you want?" Lucy remained unfazed as if she had seen the figure from the very start. 

"I.. I can help." A few short words later, the person stepped out in the dim light of the dusk, showing herself to be an elf. Lucy smiled condescendingly and turned to look at her wound that refused to heal up. 

"No need.. I can help myself. It's just a small bullet.. once I pull it out.. everything will be fine." She recognized the elf to be the one who was being assaulted when she raided this place. 

"It won't.. I inspected them." The elf girl revealed a bloodied pistol in her right hand and two damaged bullets in her left. "You need proper treatment. I got some medical knowledge." 

Lucy didn't doubt her claims. The knowledge of elves when it comes to medicine was truly second to none. This girl was probably speaking the truth. "Hmm.. even if I believe you. What makes you think I will allow you to treat me?" 

"I am nowhere near your level. You can probably crush me with a finger even in your injured state." The elf girl was now only a few feet away from the pureblood. Determination flashed in her eyes and Lucy can see the naivety of youth on her face. 

"Hahah.. Blunt. I like you." Lucy didn't bother sitting back up. Her face was paler than earlier now and the pain of the bullet lodged inside her made her lips twitch at times. "Still, you must have a reason to help me out. What's in it for you?" 

Encouraged, the elf girl took two more steps toward the vampire. "Power." She spoke a single word with all the conviction of her heart. "Power to have my revenge." 

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