Necromancer: Summoner of the Dainty Hands

Chapter 1: Death has Embraced Him

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He was born into a world of darkness both literally and figuratively and the only thing he could trust were the hands that guided him. Only that the hand that guided him today lead him into the sweet embrace of peace. Death.

While in slumber he awoke and he heard a voice saying.

"Do you wish to take the husk of a man or to continue in a renewed body?"

"I wish to continue." The boy responded.

"Even if you may continue to live in persistent darkness?" The voice queried.

"Yes, I do." The boy said almost hesitantly.

"You have wishes, only three. With every wish comes its benefit and curse and no matter how great a wish but too great a wish the cost is your very being, your memories, your individuality as they will be erased and a new being shall be born from within you painfully tearing away from your soul thanking you for your sacrifice for bringing them into existence. They will have your memories but they will not be you and if your wish tis too small I shall ask you to wish again." The voice said.

"Where shall I go after these wishes?" The boy asked curiously.

The voice chuckled.

"Not many ask but the world you will go to is called Laloyona. A world of magics and super natural physicality a world were your wildest imaginations can come to light, now tell me boy what do you wish for."

"I wish to be a necromancer." He wished excitedly.

"Granted. You can summon, repurpose, control and speak with the dead but you are now considered an enemy of the three churches of light." The voice replied.

"Uhm, I wish to see through the eyes of my summons and repurposed undead or dead people, is that it?" The boy wished less excitedly while contemplating the effects of his first wish.

"Granted. The only downside will be the range which will evolve with your connection to the magics of the world." The voice responded.

"I wish to be placed in a kingdom where necromancers are accepted." The boy wished with determination.

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"It can be granted but tis is too small of a wish. Wish again."

"I wish to travel on any major landmark on a map of Laloyona with the added perk of being placed in a kingdom where necromancers are accepted." The boy said confidently.

The being smiled and the boy could feel it and he nervously put his hands behind his back and a nervous smile escaped his face.

"Granted. You will have to do a specific ritual to get there." The being responded.

"I guess I can do that." The boy said with a pursed smile forming on his lips.

The being held his hands.

"Aren't I a soul?" He thought but it quickly passed away.

The feeling of warmth spread throughout him like the pleasant heat of a cooling hearth.

"Welcome to my home soul who has floated adrift across the planes. Live a wonderful life."


He felt his body form from within him and soon the warmth of the sun hit his face and his back felt the cold sand beneath him. The start of a wonderful journey began.

"Thank you, wonderful being." A whisper only the being and his heart could hear.


[Also on Royal Road]

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