
Chapter 10: Ch 9 “Sunset”

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"Relics, artefacts and other vestiges of the ancients are truly priceless given usefulness in many fields. Nevertheless, it is my humble opinion that the possibilities of possessing their power are outweighed by simple greed.

An uncounted amount of people die trying their luck in the most desolate and dangerous regions seeking relics or kill by their fellows. Blinded by the prospect of a luxury life that will probably never come."

                                                                                        -Exert from a diary of a professor teaching at Oriripol Academy.





  Iris followed Kia through the corridors illuminated dimly by magical lamps whose lights were tainted by the unclean glass that encased them causing them to emit putrid orange light. They walked and walked, non of Iris's senses could discern if they got closer to the exit of the vast mausoleum or not.






"Do you know in which direction you are going?"


"Y-yes! I just go the way I-I remember." She cast her gaze towards the misty void that was ahead of them.


  They walked in silence only interrupted by their walking which echoed around them. Kia signalled Iris to stop with her hand, in front of them was what looked like a dead-end, a solid wall of stone. Kia raised her hand muttering under her breath. 


"See I still remember." She said while the solid wall behind her broke into pieces and levitated above the ground.


  They walked forward to pass the levitating chunks of rock which assembled themself seamlessly after they passed. They walked an ever-narrower corridor until the girls had to walk single file. Iris starting to ponder new life and...



"Are you uninjured?" Kia questioned worryingly while offering her helping hand.


"What t..." Iris rubbed her head.


  Kia pointed her slender finger towards the ceiling attracting a still dazed Iris. There was a small opening in the ceiling no more than a meter wide. 

She stood up by herself not wanting to accidentally hurt the ever delicate-looking Kia and what greeted her eyes was the scenery that she was well aware of. She fell right in front of the altar of the death priest Cyclop. Kia pouted but resumed her stride towards the exit.

  The elf noticed that some of the corpses that littered the hall were for a lack of a better word better looking than when the expedition left them.

When Kia passed one of the Cyclopses seemingly unfazed at the state they were in, the should be dead corpse twitched and moved.


"Watch out!" She screamed at Kia and dashed towards her.




  Iris pushed Kia but she grabbed her causing the two to tumble onto the floor. The elf held the other girl tight in her arms but the carcass did not attempt another attack she stood up and helped Kia to stand up.


"Little bit lon... *Cough* Why did you push me?" Kia blushed.


The elf who still was watching the Cyclop with suspicion said. "This tried to attack you."


  The girl walked over to the mummified corpse and watched intently as it began to twitch.


"Oooo! It's healing, fascinating." Iris could swear the girl's eyes sparkled for a split moment.




"When I stand near its healing is WAAYY faster I wonder although..." She crossed her arms contemplating something.


  She pulls out a small notebook and started to write something in it.

Both of them leave the hall. 

After another long walk flowing Kia, they arrive in the "globe" room as the humans called it. It was the great hall with the enormous spherical magical lantern emitting the same sickly light as the lights deeper in.

Kia stopped with a troubled expression painted on her snow-white face.


"What wrong Kia?"


  But instead of an answer, she extended her arm towards Iris.

The elf could have rejected such a childish offer or told the girl to grow up but Iris parished such thoughts and took the girl's innocent offer, leading her towards the exit. The top of the grand doors entered their sight and thought the opening a ray of sunshine was entering the tomb. Kia tried to slow down but Iris only increased her grip on her hand. The elf suspected that if Kia wanted to, she could free herself effortlessly but she didn't.

The sunlight became more and more blinding but Iris climbed higher and higher until Iris was passed the threshold followed by Kia.

  The sun was high in the sky and soft heat coming from the sunlight warmed her skin with a pleasant sensation. A soft breeze coming from the lake brushed her skin causing goosebumps to appear on her arms and legs. It felt like ages have passed since seeing the sun.




  Iris looked back at the girl who still was holding her hand. She looked with teary eyes at the blue sky, tears were flowing down her cheeks. She plunged herself towards Iris hugging her. 


"There, there everything is alright," Iris told Kia while caressing her hair. They both stood there for what felt like an eternity.




"I think it will be a waste if we just stand here." 


You are reading story Necropolis at

"Yesh" Kia muffled her response.


Iris plucked off Kia from her chest, gripped her hand and began to walk towards the perimeter. The girl started to sheepishly look around but quickly her enthusiasm grew to ask questions left and right.


"Wow! What's this? It's little and green." 


"That's grass."


"But it's green, not grey. You can't just call it the same... What's that? It looks like the things on the walls."


"That is a tree. They actually lose their leaves in autumn."




"It's too cold for them I guess..."


  Iris could swear that the girl would exhaust herself from speaking alone if not for her undead state. After leaving the perimeter of the ruined city, they wandered along the aged road that would lead them north. They have encountered a few dozen revenants and other undead but they all left them alone when not approached to close. If they did the undead would attack Iris and she would have to kill them.


Why are there so many undead here? Elf muttered to herself absentmindedly. There really should not be so many of them here given the fact that they look human or elvish and there were no human or elven cities on this continent at least in its northern area.


The sun was slowly setting down under the horizon and the sky was painted orange and purple.


"Oooo beautiful!" Kia squealed in the glorification of a simple sunset.


"Mm, indeed"


"Can w*yawn*ee stop to watch?" She suddenly said rubbing her eyes with her hands. 


"Sure but we need to find a place for a camp 'cause one adorable ball of excitement has to recharge~"


"Nooo*yawn*oo I am fine." Kia unknowingly just cemented her faith to rest.


"Could you take out my backpack?"


  Iris followed by sleepy Kia walked through the tree line finding a clearing of trees to set up camp. The elf told Kia to find some dry sticks while she would set up their tents. She was about to finish when the girl had come back carrying a bundle of sticks. Kia dropped the bundle in the middle of the circle made from stones as ordered by her. Then the girl crouches down and lights a black and white fire, unlike anything Iris has ever seen.

She stared perplexed but recovering from the shock she proceeded to finish her part. 


"I-I can change the colour if you want," Kia spoke after noticing Iris's gaze.


"No need I think it's quite lovely."


  The duo sat down on the grass beside each other gazing at the slowly darkening sky. With nothing really to talk about the pair sit there in silence until the day turns fully to night.






"Why does it have to end?" Kia rests her head on Iris's shoulder.


"The sunset you mean?"




"That's a broad question.~" Iris rests her head on Kia's head. "But how else would sunrise happen?"




"Yes. In my opinion, it's more beautiful than a sunset."


Kia moves her head and looked at Iris's eyes amethyst


"I would like to se*yawn*e it." Her eyes visibly fought exposition.




  Iris's gaze came back to watch the black and white flame dance and flicker. 


Suddenly Kia started to breathe raggedly, Elf quickly looked down on the girl. Her face was somehow devoid of more colour and on her forehead, droplets of sweat started to form rapidly.





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