
Chapter 100: Ch 98 “Flaunting Her Victory”

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    The lands of the eastern Edor were shrouded in the complete darkness of the moonless night. Most beings hid themselves in safe shelters to slumber the nights in hopeful wish that the horrors lurking in the pitch darkness would not wander into them. 

In the same dreadful darkness, pulses of grey light would occasionally flash in the tall grass as the sitting Harbinger trained with one hand rested on an animated clay statue's back and with the other hand wrapped around an ancient horror which had fallen asleep in hers Harbinger warm embrace while loosely holding onto her open grimoire.

What was the most unusual thing was the fact that the slumbering snow-white monster had forgotten about her promised food.


  A lifelike sketch of the practising risen decorated the opened page of the old book with lighting arcing between her spread fingers.

To Iris's surprise, the sketch wasn't drawn by her favourite necromancer but instead, it was created by the eye on the front of the grimoire which imprinted the image in a matter of minutes. Interestingly the sketch wasn't perfectly realistic, it was of much higher quality than what the elf could even imagine anyone drawing but the eye seemed to have added a certain style to its drawing, similar to what she saw on a wall in the girl's underground home


  Iris casted another Negative Life taught to her by the necromancer. The touch-type spell caused the tips of her fingers to weakly glow with ghostly light. She technically knew how to cast the spell but Kia informed her that less than ten per cent of the mana she used on the spell was actually transferred into hit points. The scar on the statue's spine closed partially before opening back a few moments later.

The risen's arm slumped onto the ground before she massaged her temples. The quietly purring kitten managed to mentally exhaust the tall undead with her explanations. The girl had told her that she never saw stunning spells like what she had accidentally casted yesterday and that was the reason for her endless excitement. Kia would order the elf to meticulously describe everything she felt while casting and maintaining Shocking Touch. The mage insisted on optimizing the spell while shifting between not giving the elf enough information to work with the expectation of her to already know the basics and going into extreme detail. She was never a technically minded person and Kia's awfully technical explanation turned her mind into mush which the excited mage moulded until she managed to perfectly cast the spell which caused the azure-coloured lighting arcs to happen only between her fingers minimizing the mana expenditure at the cost of the elf's mind who had to constantly reign in her expanding mana.


  The elf had gained a little more respect toward the peacefully nestled girl on her lap since she had to constantly maintain certain spells during combat but she wished the girl could keep her thoughts in a straight line instead going on neverending tangents.

One thing she learned from a casually said tangent of a tangent which was itself a tangent was that her soul possessed an affinity toward fire which caused her to be primarily gifted with fire-type spells, even her new spell Shocking Touch was simply a mixture of fire and air mana. The risen would have thought this information as important if not critical to know but Kia reacted with an innocent "Ups forgot to tell you." and casually returned to lecturing the elf.




  Iris wrapped her hands around Kia and relaxed in the girl's soothing aura. The long black dress teased the elf's senses with the limited contact her skin was making with the girl. Eventually, her hands sneaked their way under the girl's dress. The corset she had made kitten wear blocked the risen's warm hands from playing with her favourite instrument but that was not the reason why the elf was there. Her hands quickly wrapped around the girl maximizing the amount of skin touching each other. The gentle pulses coming from the purring necromancer slowly penetrated the hoplite, the cold aura felt like waves which broke in Iris's mind incrementally washing away her exhaustion. 


  Iris was gently pulled further into the deep cold water which brought peace to her troubled mind, she gave a valiant effort worthy of praise to raise her head above the dark water's surface and stay awake but without her even knowing it, the invisible force tenderly pulled her under the surface of the water, where she slowly sank into the deeps of her soul to rest alongside a dark mass which gladly resided there.






  Iris had woken up to a feeling of something biting her. She opened her eyes and saw the birth of the new day with long streaks of warm colour painting upon the lower blue sky. She instantly realised that she had woken up laying on her back with something soft supporting her head. While trying to sit up she noticed the pale girl laying on top of her. Even more bizarre was that Kia managed to sneak her petite body under the risen's jacket with only her head sticking out.


"Lovely." The elf stated as the hungry girl prevented her from standing up as she nibbled on the elven collarbone while drooling over her warm meal


  Iris tried to sneak away from under the undead devourer but the girl somehow managed to cocoon herself under the risen's clothes when she doze off. She eventually gave up on the idea of freeing herself without help and turned her attention away from Ommyicu and toward her surroundings. She noticed the golem's skeletal head above the grass as it unhurriedly patrolled around the two. Even if the golem was just an unfeeling pile of magically animated dirt the risen felt thankful to the construct for guarding Kia while she slept. She also felt sorry for the wound on its back she was unable to cure.


"Come here," Iris whispered loudly, hoping the construct would hear her. It stopped mid-stride and slowly turned its head toward her before stomping closer.


"Could you unbutton my jacket?" She asked nicely but the construct seemed to mock the elf as it turned its carved head to the side like its creator. "Unbutton my jacket... slowly." She ordered in a hesitant voice not knowing if the construct acted differently from Kia's previous summons which generally listened to her without question.


  The statue reached down while unnaturally bending its body, it clumsily grabbed the first button and slowly undid it. Somehow Iris felt dirty from having someone unbutton her jacket even if the someone was an emotionless construct but nevertheless she patiently waited until her co-conspirator freed her.


  As the elf grew hopeful with the summon's hand work on the second last button the girl's body on top of her vibrated as a low dangerous growl from her warning the two traitors to cease their actions.


"Great." Iris sighed heavily as the emotionless construct quickly abandoned her and scurried away into the safety of the tall grass.


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  Having her hopes snuffed out by the slumbering undead, the necromancer's lips rose a little in a resemblance of a smile before a triumphant purr taunted the defeated elf.


"Auch." Iris suddenly yelped, not out of actual pain but more out of the habit of her previous life.




  Looking down the elf found the girl licking her collarbone. Quietly observing the mage on top of her for half a bell, she noticed the girl piercing her pale skin with small needle-like fangs causing a small drop of fresh blood to form on her skin before the girl's tongue ran over her skin and collected the pin size crimson droplet leaving no trace of her vampiric meal behind.


"What have Umbria taught you?" The elf grumbled at the annoying lady far up north as she rested her head back onto the soft fabric.


  Feeling defeated, Iris surrendered to the girl and stopped plotting to escape and resigned herself to her terrible fate, causing the girl to let out another delighted purr. The risen relaxed and stroked the girl with one hand while occasionally tickling the tip of Kia's small nose as the girl's mouth opened to bite the elf causing the kitten to retreat and rub her nose against her chest instead of taking a bite out of her body.


"Irish?" Kia's melodic voice asked the playing elf a few bells later.


"Did you sleep well?" Iris replied.


  Instead of an answer, the girl stretched her body, causing her bare feet to stick out from the bottom of risen's jacket. After stretching her body her small palms weakly fell onto the tall undead's purple eyes.


"Sleep more." The necromancer said while renesting her head in the elf's soft breast.


"I don't think so." Iris grabbed the girl's arm and lifted it from her eyes. "It is almost noon." 


"No." Kia tried again to block the risen's only time marker but the elf retaliated by blackmailing the innocent Sleepyicu.


"I guess we are not eating tonight."


"Impossible?" Kia shrank under the elf's gaze which pierced her palms.


"How will I cook with you on top of me?"


"Y-you w-will manage," The girl was severely overestimating the elf's cooking ability as. "You always do." 


"Thank you for your kind words but no."


"Fine." Kia grumbled as she snaked out from under the risen's clothes. Not letting the evil elf stand up  the girl started to pull out items around the elf as the construct strolled closer with a bundle of dried grass for the her to set on fire.


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