
Chapter 18: Ch 17 “Village”

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"Oriripol was once an ordinary imperial city but after the collapse of the Holy Human Empire but the professors of the local university slowly transformed the city with the help of the local nobles into a city of magic and science. Where people without magic are treated as chaff.

In the current day, Oriripol is ruled by two classes of mages arranged in a "Grand Conclave."

The first class of mages are the nobles called Sophists who are required to be magically gifted individuals. They ruled and manage almost all the aspects of Oriripol.

The second class of mages are the Geni'i who are the mages and professors of the Academy following the principle of total magic reason believing all non-magical adept beings to be inferior in need of guidance or destruction. They control the Oriripol University and other magically inclined institutions making them the crown makers of the Oriripol society.

The two classes split their country in two. Never able to agree on subjects where the two classes disagreed on, resulting in the adoption of a diarchy, creating the equal offices of di'archs, two representatives of both factions have to be present in situations where their different interests collide.

The Diarchical Magocracy of Oriripol was and still is one of the main forces on Edor with their magical might and economic prosperity."

                                                                                                                                                -Exert from "On The Subject of Edor" by catalinan scholar.




 As the sun beamed its hot summer light down onto the green and golden plains surrounding Marinya. 

Iris stopped in front of a wooden sign reading "Gradya" reached for her pocket and pulled out a small paper scroll. The elf unfurled the paper scroll which managed to turn slightly yellow in hue on its edge from the age and double-checked the directions written on the back of the scroll. It was not a map but a list of landmarks and names of villages or towns they would pass to get to their final destination with additions of small black arrows indicating the general direction where to headed too. She gazed at the list and saw at the very bottom the very same name that was on the wooden sign. Iris furled back the quest paper and put it back into her pocket.


"Almost there." The elf said tapping the distracted cloaked girl on her shoulder.


  Kia turned from observing the swaying corn which reminded the elf of a surface of a golden lake which rippled in the strong breeze, she walked beside Iris flanking her right side. As the two girls walked in the direction of Grandya they spotted columns of grey smoke far in the distance, under the columns of smoke the elf could see a tall wooden palisade surrounding what she assumed is their destination. When the girls got closer to the palisade they saw that a dry ditch was created at the feet of the palisade but Iris could not see the entrance where the dirt road met the defensive structure. Iris found the sight of a road just suddenly ending in such a way humorous but she could see that the bare ground on the left side from where they stood seemed to be caused by heavy use by carts or people.


*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*


  The sound of metal striking metal rolled over the wooden palisade drowning other less distinct sounds from the elf's hearing. Suddenly Kia stopped her humming and lower her head as the guards came into Iris's view.


"Hello, what's your business here?" One of the guards with a grey hair in between his short brown hair equipped with a spear and leather armour painted in green and blue colours of Marinya spoke with a hoarse voice


"We are here about the quest posted in adventure guild."


"Aspects be bless, *Cough* finally *Cough* someone answered the request. Just show me your badges." The man's gaze sharpened and danced on Iris and Kia's torsos for the adventures badge.


The elf pulled the copper colour badges from her satchel and showed them to the guards.


" Looks all right to me, just be sure to wear them next time. Ros get them to the mayor." The guard looked at the badges and then motioned to the girls to follow the guard beside him.


  The guard was a young-looking man with fiery hair and freckles decorating his cheeks with identical equipment as his older partner.

Besides the closed gate constructed from wooden boles like the rest of the wall was a small reinforced door which the young guard opened with visible effort. The door was so small Iris had to bend considerably to fit. When the duo enters the village followed by the guard who takes the lead.

The village consisted of about three dozen wooden houses of varying sizes, many of the houses had pens around the houses with animals in them probably waiting to be herded to their pastures. They walk through the village finding that they are stared at by some people who hide in their houses while others ignore the pair continuing their work.


"Sorry about that, but you probably are used to it." The red-haired guard turns to look at them. His voice being almost drowned by the blacksmith who was working in front of them.


  Iris merely nodded at the boy not wanting to shout over the banging of the metal. Ros awkwardly scratched his head and turn away. When he turned from the two, he waved toward the blacksmith who had the same fiery hair colour as the Ros on his beard. The blacksmith's shiny head rose exposing his scared face which lacked an eye staring grimly at the trio, he did not return the wave. Behind him, two young children with similar red hair pumping the bellows, they also stopped but waved back, their faces drenched in sweat and dirty from ash.

You are reading story Necropolis at

As they continue making their way through the main street they eventually approached two buildings which looked different from the rest, one of them was a circular stone building inside of which Iris could see through the open doors the eternal flame of Citranus at the centre of the temple. The second building was slightly raised on a stone foundation and was much larger than the other buildings surrounding it. Two men wearing chainmail and with weapons rested beside them, playing a card game and sitting crates beside the house.

The guard lead the girls past the temple and climbed the stone stairs of the second building. Upon reaching the front door he knocks on it, after a prolonged moment in which the fiery-haired guard started to awkwardly fidget, the door was suddenly flung backwards and a young-looking blond human appeared in the doorframe wearing long silky robes.


"What you want!" 


"T-they are adventures asking about the quest..." Ros started to explain.


"Oh, You can leave but thank you for bringing these adventures to me." He waved at Ros to leave. "I am Gion Korenst the fourth, second son of Gion the second and educated in Oriripol as one of the sophists, would you beauties fancy joining me tonight?" The blond-haired human bowed slightly to them.


"But mayor t-these are adventures for..." 


"Silence and leave before I pluck your eyes out so you would have fewer eyes than that Cyclop!" Gion raised his voice and screamed at the horrified guard who quickly did as he was told. "Sorry about that, now as I was telling..."


"We are here about the quest posted." Iris finally spoke.


"The quest surely could wait a bit? I can assure you that my father can pay you whatever price you give if you do what I ask. For example, show me your face." Gion flashed them a sly leer and extended his hand towards Kia.


  Before he could even touch Kia's woollen hood Iris snatched his wrist and squeezed.


"Aaaaa! Stop! Please stop!" He tried to push the elf away but she remained perfectly still continuing to squeeze his wrist with a bloodthirsty fire burning in her amethyst eyes. "Aaa! Please!" Gion tried to peel off the shut hand of the elf with his free hand, finding it futile arcs of lighting appeared in between his fingers. "Aaa!" The magic at his fingertips dissipated as Iris squeezed harder.


  Iris eyed the human who slowly slumped down, leaning his body against the door. She ignored the screams of panicked humans behind her, focusing on Gion and his penalty until she felt a gentle tug on her sleeve. She realised the transgressing human who dropped on his back. She looked at Kia who meet her gaze from under her hood. In her right hand, a small scroll appeared. Iris had missed the moment when the silent girl had to take the scroll from her pocket.


"Where is the goblin layer?" She turned to the heavily breathing human who was holding his wrist.


"I-ts somewhere east along the river, I swear." 


  When Iris along with Kia were about to leave Gion spoke again. "There is another problem that I was about to send a request for help to the guild. A herd of ghouls established a nest on the eastern road, could you.." A deep frown appeared on the pale elven face. "I will pay! A lot I swear on the aspects!" He franticly started to speak while attempting to back away from the door.

  Iris and Kia turn away from Gion, leaving his guards to tend to him while they left the village. The people avoided looking directly at the leaving pair but Iris could feel many pairs of eyes drilling her back with their gazes.

When the girls left the village and headed east Iris asked Kia a question when she was sure they could not be heard.


"Why did you stop me?" 


"I just want to see a goblin." Kia shrugged her shoulders.


"Hmf" Iris shook her head but could not help but let a small smirk appear on her face upon hearing such an answer.


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