
Chapter 2: CH 1

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   Brad was preparing to depart from Havenfall on the crusade if one was charitable. Brad did not know how to feel about the "crusade" at one hand he should be happy not only would he be able to smite some abhorrent and vile undead but also and this was more important to Brad he as the "Hero" was entitled to a large portion of the spoils, at the other hand the "crusade" was to be joined by forces from Magocracy of Oriripol and Principality of Yorg-Berg

   The Mages from Oriripol offered to loan some of their battle mages and spell-breakers to Theocracy officially as a show of goodwill but in practice, they were only here to spy and take whatever artefact they spotted with their heretical eyes. Unfortunately without their help likely, any ancient vault would be found unbreakable and unplundered. While forces from the barely civilized city of Yorg-Berg were more of a nuisance than a help. Those north men were hardy fighters but not much else.

  Unfortunately, Brad couldn't do much about any of this because the crusade is meant to be unifying humanity and they could not be seen charry picking contributors, could they? After he packed his equipment including his new armour and many mana potions, Brad went to pick up an almost useless item.

*Plop* *Plop* *Plop*

*Plop* *Plop* *Plop*

  Brad approaches an old dilapidated iron door behind the army barrack in Havenfall. He opens the door that should long time ago be replaced and goes further into the building, with a quick movement of his hand he lights the corridor previously pitch dark corridor with brilliant light. He passes many cells that appear to be empty if you would just glance at them not realising that inside many of the cells are the most hated and vile beings, those that can manipulate pure mana polluting its sanctity and divine touch, thankfully many of them long abandoned their hopes of escape or even their name. Brad finally arrives at his destination and shouts with audible disgust.

  "You, wake up you useless piece of trash!"

 The figure stands up with visible difficulty and sways a bit having to support itself with one hand. Brad seeing this opens the cells and motions to the figure to follow. When he arrived at the exit opened the door and then he remember something, he pulls out a "shirt" if you could even call a no more than a rag with holes for the head and arms to stick out from, his storage and trows it backwards without even looking back saying.

"Dress your self I don't want to be known for having deviant tastes."

 If someone were to look inside through a slightly open door they would see a woman of an average height, with pale skin due to the time spent in the dark, her ribs could be seen more than you should be able to due to malnourishment. She possed long dark hair with dark eyes unlike many of her fellows that now rot in the cells behind her, her eyes were filled with determination. She was born with a gift of pure mana manipulation but if you ask her it was a curse that saw her being an outcast her whole life.

 The elf's name was Iris but probably only she and the aspects know that piece of knowledge. Iris followed her master a human named Brad to a building with a lot of havoc around it, Soldiers stacking boxes, honing their skills, feeding horses or other animals of burden in general very busy. Brad opened a carved wooden door to what looked like a residential area of the citadel and inside I see almost all of his team. His team has no real need to have a team name because Brad possesses a class called "Hero" meaning he is the strongest human alive in terms of level and his companions are well known to the general public. Brad motions to me to stand near the door. Alicia "Astral mage" is a blond-haired, azure eye woman that stands a little short compared to Brad standing up from her sedimentary position on a couch she speaks:

"Hello, Brad you are late."

" Yea, Yea I know I had to go to the old prison block and get that thing," Brad says and then points at Iris 

"Alright, so only Utrecht is out I need to repeat the briefing we just know or do you know what we have to do," Alicia says with a bit of annoyance siping through.

"Sure already forgot what you said today at like 3 am! " A figure answered with his legs on the small table playing and twirling with a knife.

You are reading story Necropolis at

"Dian did someone asked your opinion."

"Alright, Alright you can brief us again Alicia" Brad knew that if he don't stop their little game they would have to stay here until it was time to depart. 

"So you, Brat have to spend time with the representatives of Oriri at a dinner party and then our forces will embark onto our ships to sail south."

"O Aspect of light why do I have to do that cant the High priest do that." Hero retorted.

"Stop acting like a child and just go they are in the noble sector" Iris noted that a vein started to slowly bulging from Alicia's forehead.

Brad left the building and Alicia waved Iris to come closer with one hand while summoning a stone tablet with another.

"Can you read this?"

"Y-Yes it's in Cyclopian." Iris was slightly surprised at the unexpected request.

"What does it mean?"

"It is written here about Cyclopian myth of creation"

"Good at least you can be useful with your skill, your job will be to translate any valuable information that we will encounter. You should be thankful that you can see the sun." Alicia spoke

The talent that Alicia was referring to was "Masterful Translator" her birth skill

"I am," Iris spoke while looking at the ground.

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