
Chapter 37: Ch 36 “Clicking”

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Iris along with others walked out of the room. They slowly made their way down trying to open each of the wooden doors. The adventurers found all the solid doors to be firmly closed shut.


"Hey, what's that?" Anna's whispered. She pointed over the stone parapet at a part of a white creature patrolling just two floors below them.



[Corrupted Tutor. Level 32~45]
{Remoulded human still bound by its monotonous daily routine of a bygone age.}


"That's a power spike if I saw one." Albert whispered. 


The adventurers carefully advanced through the narrow walkway which started to spiral down. As they stepped on the beautiful carvings chiselled into the stone floor, Iris felt their dull steps send deifying loud racket throughout the previously deathly silent dungeon.


"Whoa!" Cisil screamed causing everyone to turn. His legs stuck out from a now open room.


"You alright?" The tall elf asked.


"Obviously." The annoyed swordmen responded.


"I don't think they heard you." Albert quietly said as he leaned over the parapet.


The room where Cil fell into was a wreck with pieces of furniture laying shattered on the floor. The stone walls were covered in long dry-out blood and deep scratches. The elf quickly peeked further inside finding an iron-bound chest in the corner.


"A chest, nice." Anna said behind Iris.


The undead hoplite walked in front of the chest. She tried to open it but the sturdy made chest did not budge. In frustration, she kicked the chest.
Elf's eyebrows dipped heavily as the invincible chest opened by her weak kick.


"That does not make any sense."


"At least you opened it." Cleric spoke while peeking at chest contents.


In the chest were five glass bottles with highlights gilded in gold, a weird black metal can with a string sticking above it, some blank gold coins and a pair of elbow-length black gloves, strange to Iris was that the gloves lacked fingers, rather ending with holes where fingers would stick from.


"I will be taking these," Blond hair cleric quickly took the glided bottles with health potion inside. "If any of these survive to the end, I will give half of them to you."


"Anna, what's this?" The elf asked, holding the metal can by the string.


"Those are bombs," Anna replied. "They go boom like a fireball. You can give them two Albert he likes them." She answered with a shrug as she turned.




[Gloves of Hunting.]
{Deal bonus damage with bows, crossbows and spears.}


Iris took the gloves and the gold left by the human and rejoined the people outside the room. She gave the bomb to Albert.


"Thanks," Elf could imagine the grin forming on the veteran's face. "Nice gloves." He said.

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The group resumed their journey down. As they got closer to the bottom a faint rhythmic clicking sound reached their ears.
The three living adventurers jolted backwards in panic as the magically illuminated dungeon was cast into total darkness. Iris's vision hazed with a thick fog which fell like a waterfall from floors above.


"Hear that?" The elf said, readying her silvery spear as loud guttural growls came from under them.


"Bad news," Albert answered. "Anna, use Light.


"[By the mercy of Citranus, let his light shine in the darkness]" A ball of golden light illuminated their immediate surroundings, blocked by the grey fog.


Iris felt a sudden jolt of pain as the light shone on her exposed skin. She glanced at her skin seeing darkness gathering just underneath her pale skin.


"[Darkness] [Night Vision]" A truly angelic voice behind Iris caused the yellow ball of light hanging above Iris to be utterly consumed by darkness.


"Wh-" Albert turned to say something, stopping as the quiet ticking suddenly came from in front.


A monster burst through the fog swapping at the armoured veteran.
Albert barely could lift his tower shield as the pale claw smashed into the shield, sending orange sparks into the air.
In one smooth motion, the monster used his body weight to pin the Golden adventurer into the wall, cracking the bricks with the impact.


The monster turned its head to 'stare' at the rest of the petrified adventurers. The monster's head sitting on top of an abnormally long neck lacked any eyes but rather possessed a smooth white dome sitting above a mouth which grinned at them, filled with jagged teeth resembling broken glass. The once human body was stretched beyond belief in its current monstrous form with long thin arms tipped with three long knife-like claws, the pale legs bent in two places. Its smooth albino skin appeared to be once melted like used candle wax and then stretched and torn to fit the new form.


The monster resumed its devilish clicking raising its long arm to tear into the pinned human. Iris rushed at the monster stabbing it under his shoulder. The horror let out a deifying scream swinging at the elf, leaving deep gashes in the elaborate design carved into the stone floors.

A long pale claw appeared over the parapet beside Cisil. He unsheathed his sword covered in runes which shone in the pitch darkness.

Iris rolled under the monster's swipe and quickly trusted the tip of her spear under the monster's ribs. Blue blood gushed out spraying the elven face. Corrupted Tutor let go of Albert and grabbed Iris's spear.
The monster let go of elf's spear as golden arrows pierced through its torso. The pale creature angrily growl as its body turned and leaped towards the quietly chanting Anna.
The edge of Albert's shield shone green as he slammed it into the monster, sending the pale terror into a pillar with a thunderous sound.
Light Sigil's leader quickly closed the distance, swinging his weapon at the fallen monster's neck, the bloody pickaxe dug deep into the stone tiles as the pale neck bent unnaturally.


Iris stabbed the nibble undead where the human hip should be but the unfazed creature swiped its claws at her sending sparks to briefly illuminate the darkness as she blocked the swipe with the shaft of her silver weapon.


"Shut up," Albert said as he swung his shield down onto the clicking monster once again pinning it to the ground. He swung his weapon at the smooth dome of the monster sending blue liquid splattering on his armour as the sound of a skull cracking reached Iris's ears. "What the fuck!" He screamed as the tutor threw both of the adventurers off itself with renewed vigour.
Through the monster's torn throat the blue liquid generously haemorrhaged onto its waxy white body. The tutor started to flay its arms around blindly hoping to strike the adventurers


"[Mana Shockwave]" Elf shouted sending the monster to crash again into the pillar, she stabbed it straight in the centre. Through her spear, she felt a hard surface inside the flailing monster. Iris pushed her spear inside the creature with all her might

"Ahh!" Iris screamed as her weapon slammed forward, piercing through the monster's torso. The sound of system notification reverberated inside her head.

She glanced back to the party seeing Cisil kicking a Corrupted Tutor of his runic blade, the sight of which send slight shivers down her spine.


"Nicely done." Albert patted the elf on the back as he breathed heavily.


"Let me heal y- what out!" Anna suddenly screamed. As another clicking noise was heard behind Iris.


The undead hoplite quickly turned her head able to glimpse at a giant pale creature leaping through the fog, its sharp claws aimed at the elf.





Before the hulking undead creature reached Iris, its body was flung back into the fog with incredible force. The entire walkway shook violently, sending dust into the air as the creature hit the wall.
Everyone looked at the perpetrator silently walking toward Iris.
When she reached the elf she hugged her arm.


"Stop staring and let me heal you." Anna smacked the back of Albert's metal helmet.

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