
Chapter 63: Ch 62* “Greatest Of Masters”

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"I was once asked by one of my students. "Why there is not an Aspect of Undeath sitting on one of the dove thrones. After all, there is undeath mana in the world which would make such an Aspect greater in stature than Aspects such as Pruina who lacks her own type of mana." And I stared at him, for all the intellectual knowledge this man possessed he had no knowledge of such a basic fact. I told him that there is no Aspect of Undeath sitting on the dove throne because he had discarded it a long time ago when in prime evil rage he declared war on our great Court. Waging battle against the righteous Aspects, duelling Idicac the Aspect of War in one on one combat. For the Daemon Lord imprison somewhere in the far north, the creator of evil is the greatest corruptor who taints the sacred pure mana into undeath. All daemons, undead and those gifted with destructive talent have to be eliminated." 

Exert from "Domain of Aspects" by the first Geni'i of Oriripol.





  My eyes were glued onto the magnificent visage of the Great Master, her splendid aura had faded, replaced by an unworthy presence of a low-life. Mmmm~ At least my skin basked in its magnificence for a few mome-. Get the hang of yourself! You must not offend Great Master again! Focus!


"S̵̗̩̍̅ě̶̪͒e̸̡̓!̸͉̻̌" The Supreme Master spoke in a melodic manner with pairs of consonants and vowels forming her words creating a strange rhythm, I-I mean the most correct and eternally beautiful rhythm which had never reached my humble ears. Unfortunately, as I scoured my mind for any languages I knew which sounded remotely similar, I found nothing which resembled Wise Master's melodic language. 

Grand Master's language closest resembled that of ancient elves but the resemblance was soo minuscule to indicate anything more, as expected of the Master's tongue. To my minuscule irritation Harbinger, who resembled a young elf spoke in the divine tongue with surprising fluidity, conversing with the Merciful Master with ease not granted to me.


  Why did the holy scripters not write about the existence of our own Harbinger on Master's very side if not even Master's favourite creation? Why? Why did Master revealed herself now? Why is she hiding her identity from her creations? Why is the Harbinger an elf, is that a disguise for Master's unseen plot or are my senses failing me? Will she abandon us after seeing the state of her physical realm and my horrific behaviour? I-If yes then wha-


"Are you okay?" The Harbinger asked. 


Am I okay? What does that mean!? Is this a trick? She is speaking in Common but... AHH, what did the warmbloods tinkered in my ancestor's language this time?


"I'm sorry I don't know your name but why are you crying?" She said. Why is Harbinger speaking like a low-servent to me? Wait, crying?


"I'm sorry my Master for my appearance. My name is Umbria dar Blackworm." Come on, I can do this. "Do you need anything to be arranged? Perhaps I can be of service?"


  The Dark Master steps slightly behind Harbinger. I can still see her, is this a part of her incomprehensible plan of some kind? Must be, why else Master would do that?




  A noise came again from Master's waist. Harbinger turned her face watching Master with a thoughtful expression. Under her gaze, Master's faded white skin turned adorable pink. I think I am in Great and Dark fields of Obium'nera already!


"You sure you are feeling well?"


"O-of course, w-why would I not? I humbly invite you Harbinger and my Master to my most humble homestead"


"Y̷̱̎o̵̤͔͝u̸͉̎ ̴̬̒̏ď̶͍̻͌e̶̢̒̎c̴̠̳͆î̴̯́ď̶͈̰̔ė̵͓̹,̸̥̈ ̵͚̕K̸̟͒̓i̸͎͘a̶̡̅̚.̷̠̼́" The Harbinger consoled with the Eclipsing Master.


Master's cloak bulged as she placed her hand on her stomach under the cloak. "Ḟ̷̡̭͌i̵͙̼̇n̴̹̏̓e̶̱̪̅̌,̶̱̈́͠ ̵̲̺͝ḇ̷̫̏u̴͙̯͠ẗ̶͇ ̸̻̉͘n̵͕̍̉o̷͇͑̓ẗ̷̬́͝ ̵͖̊f̷̨͚͗́o̴̼͑͛r̶̲͛̍ ̸͚̤̄͝l̷̜̈́̽ò̸͕͔́n̴̢̫̂̈́ġ̷̙̹!̵̱͊" She declared as if steeling herself for a difficult battle.


"..." Harbinger turned her deep violet eyes with an ever-present slight frown above them onto the body. Is this how new associates feel like in front of me? 


"We accept your offer." An overly polite answer came from the elf.


  Her judgment rang in my ears with a joyful chime. I think my heart just beat again! "Then we shall take haste to my residence." 


  The back door whistled softly across the carpet as I opened it for Majestic Master. In front of me was a long tunnel running through half of the noble district and under the palace walls, directly ending in my cellar. 

The lonely echoes of our boots hitting the beautifully paved floor, the silence birthed new worries, compiling on my already overworked mind. How would I tell the conclave about this? Most of the old members only pay lip service to the rituals while the pups outright ignore them whenever I look away. Am I even allowed to announce her magnificent return seeing Master is hiding her presence from us? How would Master react to all these demons worshipers to our north and even her-


"Mistress are you well?" Karol's voice sounded from behind.


"Who closed the damned doors?" 


"That would be you, my Lady." 


  I try my best to hide my embarrassment in front of Fabulous Master as I push the wall to the side, sliding the masonry inside the wall. The dim light of the magical lanterns shined into my eyes as I stepped inside the comfortably cool room with barrels upon barrels stacked on top of each other waiting to be opened. Unfortunately, the young king had not taken a liking to my regular indulgences to be able to spice all of the barrels. I led them upstairs avoiding the cattle pens, the thought of the lowly cattle gazing at Master's perfect features made my essence boil.


"Welcome my Mistress." A servant elegantly dipped her body gently holding the hem of her black and red uniform. "What do you wish of me?"

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"Bring the best food I have into the dining hall. Go now. Be swift." 


As the taps of the servant heels got quieter the Harbinger's voice reached me. "You don't have to get the best food, anything would be satisfactory." An obvious trap to test my loyalty, I am too smart for such a test Harbinger.


"Anything is not worthy of being eaten by my Master, only the best shall be granted that privilege." To my slight shock, I saw the frown on the elf's forehead dip with unfound suspicion. "Let me indulge in this petty thing."


  After climbing the grand front stairs I led Master into the grand hall which rivalled the royal palace in scale and wealth displayed. With a crystal chandelier hanging above the wooden benches. The hall was as usual spotless just like the rest of the mansion complex with servants frequently cleaning the entire premises. It did not last long as the black boots of Master soiled the stone tiles. Should I be grateful or not?


"Please sit here," I said pulling the chair on the head of the table. "It is a seat reserved just for you." I watched as Master stared at the chair. "Should I bring a more suitable object for your grace?"


Master fidgeted in place glancing between me, the chair, the floor and Harbinger. Ahhh~ Master is truly the most powerful being in existence, worthy of all praise, my heart needed warm up before seeing this!


"Mmmm?" Most Thoughtful Master hummed under her small pale nose before grabbing a chair on the side and dragging it...towards me? I couldn't Master but if you-


"S̷͇͎̯͒͝ĭ̷̦̳́̕͜t̵̰͙̒̅ ̷̩̥͚̔̾h̷̪͙͉̔̕ḙ̴̈́̚r̵͈̊̓͋͜ȩ̸̹̀̏̍.̸̡̛̃͝" Master said to the tall undead elf patting the cushion on the second chair. 




  The side door opened with a dramatic rumble as the dishes were brought in. Dar Ronald, dar Argentblood. Ouuu! They know me so much they brought dar Furna too. 

The ladies in waiting were dressed in their light nightgowns which shined in the dim light. Their calm faces begging to be broken for my pleasure but they are now not for me to enjoy. "You are my Master feast tonight, be cheerful for being granted this great and enviable honour."


"What's happening?" Harbinger asked, seemingly confused about what was happening. Doesn't she know how to eat? If Master feeds on souls or other parts I don't mind losing my favourite girls, even more, it would be an honour to feed Great Master from my own stock. 


  Master stared with her gorgeous blue and golden eyes at her dinner as the girls silently kneeled in front of her the smell of confusion lingering behind them, exposing their slender necks. Confusion quickly set on Master's snowy face.


"What's happening?" The tall undead elf reaped herself forcefully.


"It's food?" Was it obvious to her?


"Kia eats normal food." Harbinger said. K-Kia? What's that, it did not sound like the langue she spoke with Master. Maybe is some kind of a title I need to learn.


"Yes, normal. I don't understand Harbinger? This is normal."


The Harbinger let out a long sigh. "Human food, do you have any of that?" She finally said.


"Y-yes if my Master wishes for it." Did the elf go mad? Master's porcelain white teeth were clearly meant to consume actual food and not some solid chow. Her pointy porcelain white fangs, although smaller than even my fangs clearly indicated Great Master's prefered sustenance. I would imagine that Master's bite would barely hurt as she punctured the skin of her meal, sucking out the crimson ambrosia stuck inside. Master would have to press her perfect body onto her meal's skin and after finishing she would lick the wound to make it heal as tradition says, ahh why I can't have blood to give to my Master to delight her and only her!?


Omnipitous Master looked between her meal and me. See I know what is good for Master, Harbinger! "Yes, some shashlik." Master made her judgement in Common.


"Please." Harbinger finished the Master sentence in an unworthy way of her position.


"As you wish!" I still don't know what the Master plan is, better blow on cold anyways. "You are to speak no word of this, you are to stay in your room until I come." The girls silently stood up, their greater confusion painted apparent on their faces. "Go tell the royal cooks to make a meal more worthy of a king." I tell Karol who obediently leaves. Leaving me, the servant, Harbinger and Master alone in the coldly painted hall.


"If I could suggest my Master, I would recommend a bath for you."


"But what about the food?" Great Master asked with great vigour.


"It will take about a bell or more to finish, so there is no reason to stand here like wooden poles. There is a bath in the residential wing which has hot running water in it."




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