
Chapter 65: Ch 64 “Under the Blanket”

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  Iris opened her eyes, she was greeted by hazy blobs of colour which slowly cleared as her vision focused back to normal. Her mind and body sang ballads of joy over the given respite as she allowed her head to sink back onto her incredibly soft backpack under her head.

The elf blindly tried to take in her soft surroundings as her eyes ached with sicking pain whenever she tried to open one of her eyes.

It must be something with my brain. Iris thought remembering her pain-negating ability. The risen noticed that her left forearm was pinned by something to the soft ground. Whatever it was it felt comfortable to her touch. She also noticed something heavy and coarse covering her naked body. "Naked?" She managed to mutter, forcing her eyes to open once again.


  She lifted her head hearing her spine make cracking noises as she straighten. Her body violently jerked as she suddenly remembered yesterday's events. In a panic, her dark amethyst eyes started to scan the room for intruders or signs of break-ins. Realising her useless behaviour where she searched for people with total access to the room. Iris dipped her head down and lifted the heavy cover, searching for the most irreplaceable person in her life.


  The elf let out a long sigh of relief as her eyes found what she looked for. A curled-up Kia sleeping peacefully resting her head on the elf's forearm. The necromancer's pale skin glistened in the purple glow of the crystal embedded in her chest.

Iris threw her body backwards feeling her brain regaining yesterday's exhaustion with a hefty gain at that. Silently cursing herself for letting Kia be left unguarded as she herself slept.


"Mmm...tired...yum...worm...massage...angry...happy...mmm" Kia's soft purrs gained the attention of the elf, as she quietly purred arbitrary words.


"What kind of a dream are you even having?" Iris asked the sleeping girl. Receiving a ticklish purr in return as Kia shifted closer towards Iris's voice.


  The elf reached toward the girl curled up in a fetal position beside her chest, she skimmed her finger on the girl's cheek moving her long black hair away from her beautiful face. Kia's hand moved to her face grabbing the elf's finger and pressing it to her face as she rubbed her face on the finger.


"Meowyicu~," Iris commented. "I am vetoing any disapproval, Kia." 


  On the girl's snow-white forehead, a small adorable frown formed as she let go of the elf's finger and pushed herself towards Iris, slamming into her chest with unexpected force.


"Woah." Iris suddenly felt her body shift a small distance backwards. She suddenly found herself balancing her body over bed's edge. "I am even more convinced now, you know?" She commented as she pulled herself back up. 




  Most of the truly giant bed able to fit at least four adult humans was empty with Iris barely fitting on her smaller half.  The undead girl pushed the elf even further back as she nestled her head on the elf's bare breast while purring happily.

The risen ran her finger over Kia's skin following the snaking imprint which mirror her "Anchor" mark. Her finger ended on the purple crystal which was rooted in the undead girl's chest. Iris overtaken with curiosity ran her finger on the glowing gem's edge, where it seamlessly fused into Kia's skin. The gem was not a perfectly cut jewel-like Iris expected but rather it looked like the purple crystal "grew" out of the girl as she realized the edge between the crystal and the mage's skin was blurry with bits of both flesh and crystal intermixing like two different colour sand grains on a beach. 


  The purple glow of the gem dimmed significantly as Kia's body turned over on her belly, her shining pale blue and golden eyes slowly opening, meeting Iris's amethyst eyes. The half-asleep girl's hand tightly gripped the purple gemstone around her chest.


"Good morning, Kia." Iris greeted the girl.


"Mmmm." Kia half acknowledged the greeting. 


  The necromancer made a variety of noises as she rested her head on Iris's chest.


"Slept well?" 


"Soft." A happy answer came from the barely awake girl.




  The girl frowned at the elf before turning her head to her headrest. The drowsiness from Kia's eyes disappeared in a flash as they became wide open upon noticing what she rested on.


"I didn't mind~" Iris teased, stifling a chuckle at the girl's reaction.


"Bully." Kia pouted, blowing her cheeks up. To the elf's endless amusement the defiant mage took sneak glances at her naked figure. 


"When do we wake up?" Iris changed the topic.


The shorter undead crawled closer to the risen's face before collapsing back onto the soft bedding. "Later." She said.


"Sound good."


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  Kia closed her eyes but not for long as she began to shift around in discomfort, suddenly grabbing the elf's left hand and tucking it under her head.


"Such a spoiled girl you are." The elf remarked, allowing her hand to become Kia's pillow.


"Hehe," Kia let out an adorable giggle as she rubbed her face into Iris's hand. "By you." She answered with a wide smile. "Oh." 


"Something happened?"


"Your flower." Kia replied reaching for the blue flower braided into Iris's hair. The elf thought the flower was firmly braided into her hair but in a short moment, the girl quickly had a slightly withered star-shaped flower in her hand.


"Haven't even thought about it withering." The tall undead said but was ignored by the necromancer. Iris watched Kia's expressive face show very the moment the undead mage realised something.


  The flower's stem turned dark green almost black from the spot where Kia held the stock in a wave-like motion. When the wave reached the flower itself the muted yellow in the middle turned bright golden while the blue gained the same pale hue as Kia's left eye.


"Wow" Iris voiced her awe at Kia's magic. The girl smiled upon hearing the elf's praise. Her smile quickly disappeared as the vibrant blue colour shifted turning the newly mended edges of the flower pure black.


"Oh." The girl made a disappointing noise with a face of distraught painted on her face. "I didn't control it at the end."


"Looks better than it ever used to." Iris spoke her thoughts out loud




"Really, really." 


"Really, really, really?" 


"Really, really, really, really and plus one for every really you add." Iris assured the strangely reluctant mage.


"Really, really, really, really and plus infinity?" Kia tried to beat the risen in a new competition.


"But I was first so it's infinity plus one, so I win~" The elf won the competition with ease. 


"That's not how it works!" 


"It does, I just did it now," Iris said. "Could you braid my hair again?" She asked taking the flower from Kia's hands.


"no" The cold radiating undead pouted at the elf.


"Pretty," Iris leaned towards the girl, she cupped her pale cheeks with both hands and gave her a long kiss. "Please." She finally finished giving the flower back to Kia and sitting down on the edge with her back to the stunned girl.


"S-sure." Kia hesitantly kneeled on the bed. Her hands swiftly braiding black elven hair into a crown with the rejuvenated flower weaved in. "Done." She announced.


"Thank you, Kia." Iris stood up and gave the mage a quick peck on the lips. "Where did they give us the clothes?" 


"A little bit long-*Grumble*-er." The undead tried to pull the risen back into the bed.


"I think you are outvoted by two to one."


"Traitor." Kia angrily stared at her guilty stomach.


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