
Chapter 70: Ch 69* “The Feeling of…”

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"Karol, do you know where Mistress is? I tried to find her but I couldn't find her in her private quarters." A somewhat pale human woman approached the armoured figure of Captain of Blackworm's Blacksteel Knights.


"Do you had permission to enter Mistress's rooms?" A stern snap came from behind the closed visor before the bulky knight resumed his eternal patrol in a contemplating pose.


Always trouble to ask you anything, you know that? Oh well, you are the best chance I have so let's try this again.


"Would you ask for permission to defend our Liege Lord?"


"Ehh... no."


"See, why would I need Mistress's permission if I am worried about her safety? Now, could you answer my initial question by your good grace?"


"I do know where our Lord is but she ordered not to disturb her in her deliberations."


How long is that stick shoved down your... never mind. He did give me a lead to follow just have to squeeze a bit more.


"I am carrying an important report for Mistress's eyes only."


"Then how do you know anything is written on that letter of yours." Through the small gaps in his helmet, I could see a scarred grin appearing.


You are such a plague swarmer, the biggest one at that, you know?


"Very funny Karol. Aren't you worried about our Mistress? She was not present in the last conclave. Basically, no one can get in contact with her. Some of the younger whelps are even spreading rumours that the Overtyrant had perished at the hands of the two adventurers who suddenly appeared in our Night Kingdom. I am worried about Mistress's health while you just smirk behind your oversized metal bucket."


"Had the cold and calculating mask finally slipped from the face of the all-mighty Marleen of the Froststeel?"


"I swear on my contract I will rip you to shreds, Karol."


"Hide your nail. As much as I want to spar with you again, I have significant things to think about. If you want to risk your head, Mistress is currently in the library." He said before renewing his stride. 


Huh? What happened to him, I had like three more threats to make. Had Mistress put a quarter of a brain in that oversized sack of muscles?

Time to check the library I guess. But did Mistress gain a new appreciation for the finest of fine art? Finally, the time has come for her to read something else than that old dusty manuscript. 


  I walk toward the library passing the few silent servants tasked with keeping this wing pristine. I push open the double wooden door leading to the large chamber filled with a fragrant sweet smell which causes my body to shiver in desire. Mistress knows how to spice a good wine.


"My Mistress are you here!?"


"I am, Marleen!" My Liege's voice came muffled from the very back of the vast private library of old knowledge. The voice and the sweet smell guided me to a small room reserved for the transcription of old books. The usual mountain of notes surrounded Mistress but the way she delicately handled each page told me that those notes were not regular reports. "I thought I told you something about your recent attire." Ceasing her work Mistress shifted her body staring at my green dress with cold eyes.


"Y-yes you did Mistress. I was interacting with the warmbloods and it really helps with bloodless persuasion."


"That's not an excuse you will be puni- wait what would Master say about that, Harbinger was not even bothered by her..." 


Wait what? Did Mistress say, Master? Oh noo not this again! 


"My Mistress could you explain, what do you mean by saying Master?"


"You wouldn't believe this. Our wonderful Master had come to rule us once again just like it was written! Wait Master said she never left her domain... So we will be the first of our Kin to gain such great, NO GREATEST OF HONOURS!" In a blink of an eye, Mistress proved her title as she stud up and grabbed my shoulders faster than my brain could even begin to process.

"Isn't this great!? Master's plan is truly incomprehensible. Whenever I think I figured out one small part of Master's plan, infinitely more possibilities are revealed! Like she easily noticed my powerful silencing enchantments when we first met and damaged them with a simple touch. I have a theory why she doesn't want to drink blood, her avatar nee-"





You are reading story Necropolis at


"This resebles a surtain similair situation."


Mistress's eyes narrowed and my muscles tensed stiff as I feel her nails shred my sleeves. 


"You don't believe ME?" My vision is filled completely with a slimy teeth-filled maw of Mistress's true form.


"Mistress?" She suddenly lets me go and slowly sits back on the chair behind her. Her transformation back to human was already finishing.


"I was only two centres old when THAT happened Marleen! I was weak, young and dumb. No mere necromancer can dominate me now."


"I know that Mistress but as your vassal, I can't be not suspicious seeing the current circumstances."


"I know but when Master unleashed her aura I felt... completed."


You and I know that doesn't mean anything when necromancy is the subject!


"Mistress, that does not help to ease my mind."


"You are too stuck in the past."


"I see the past as a lesson to be studied."


"How old were you back then? I doubt you even remember." Mistress siped on her famed wine as she questioned me.


"Five years, three seasons and two hundred and fifty-one days to be precise." See, Mistress you don't even think properly.


"I hate it when you do that." She gave a tired look.


"I am your loyal vassal. Could I know where is Master?"


"She and Harbinger are in the dungeon."


What did a powerful being needed from a low-level dungeon? That thing is barely conscious anyway!


"For what reason did Master visit the dungeon? I can't really understand."


"Exactly no one knows except Master's own great mind. Harbinger asked me to give her a few old civilian coins used to access the dungeon saying it will make Master happy. So I gave her a royal gleit to do as she wish." Mistress's eyes gleamed in the dim light with a curious gaze searching for praise and acknowledgement for her actions on my face.


A royal gleit allowed the holder to do anything they could think of, from perfectly innocent things like going to a dungeon without being checked to potentially turning the masses against the ruler as all actions done by the holder of a royal gleit are assumed to be supported by the crown itself. 

That shortens the time I have to gather suitable puppets before Mistress's centuries-old plan collapses.


"Marleen, why are you here anyway? Not for casual chitchat, I would assume?"


"I was sent by the rest of your vassals. They are all worried about you."


"Marleen you know you're not in front of the conclave? Those younglings can't verify what you said about them. Tell that worried vassal that I am more than fine actually I never felt so great!" Mistress stood up, her grace radiating from each fluent step. She gently almost motherly placed her hands on my neck levelling our eyes together. The illusion of her golden eyes was dispelled revealing the seductively crimson eyes underneath. Our forehead met as the many memories started to haze my vision but before anything happened a cold yet concerned voice rang out. "And tell that worried vassal she can test, review and inspect Master to her heart's content because I have full faith, Master will find it laughably easy but if even a single silky black hair falls from her gracious avatar's form. Master be merciful because I will not, no matter the history or relationship shared with that vassal." With that message Mistress slowly drops her hands and motions me to leave.


As I push the wooden door a single question swirls in my mind like an annoying buzz of a mosquito. 




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