
Chapter 74: Ch 73 “True Monarch” +18

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"Kia?" Iris asked the waking girl.


  Kia turned around, her beautiful face was illuminated with the rapidly flickering purple light coming from her chest. She watched the girl slowly prowl towards her. The girl began rubbing her head on Iris's long legs like an animal marking its territory, Iris's confusion deepened as Kia squeezed herself under her legs, emerging on the other side before seating herself on the elven laps.


"Did something happen?" Iris asked the girl currently burying herself in her chest. The cold pulsed into the elf with each shallow breath the mage took. "Have you gone mute? Are you drunk?" The risen suddenly smelled the sweet intoxicating aroma coming from the undead. 


"Sweet." The clingy undead responded as she sniffed the risen. 


  Iris looked into Kia's dual colour eyes finding them hazed and unfocused with craving. She couldn't understand why the girl acted like that, always thinking undead possessed complete immunity to poisons and by extension immune to being drunk. She also had drunk the wine and she wasn't feeling any strange effects.


"Iriiis." Kia whined the elf's name.




"Cuddle me!" The necromancer demanded with an uncharacteristic tone. Before Iris could even move to respond the girl whined again. "Iriiis hug me!"


  Iris's body moved to obey the girl's command, embracing her in a tight hug. The girl seemed to melt in the elf's arms, her shallow breaths slowly evening out alongside her crystal which returned to its constant dim shine. The room filled with silence as the two sat on the large bed. The elf's mind silenced all other distractions focusing only on the soft cold feeling on her skin.


"?" Iris felt something rub her knee as the girl stirred in her hands.


"M-more." A weak needy whimper came from the girl as the violet light began to flicker once more, illuminating the dark room in uneven bursts.


"More of what?"


"Mmmgrr." The mage let out a frustrated animalistic groan as her body began to move back and forward, rubbing her inner thighs on Iris's leg. "I order you to..." Her words trailed off as Iris felt something slipping under her white shirt.


"Oh." Iris finally understood what the necromancer desired feeling dumb about herself. "Kia?!" She gasped with a mix of surprise and arousal as the usually shy and naive girl slipped her hands into the elf's underwear.


"want it." An irresistible purr came from the snow-white girl before she kissed the elf.


  The little air left in the undead elf's lungs was pushed out into a muffled moan as the girl eagerly explored her mouth. She began to feel her knee become progressively damper as Kia continued to rub her thighs on it. The girl's hand travelled up Iris's body, her silky hand brushing against the elf's skin sending waves of pleasure to besiege her mind. 



  The world around Iris swirled around her as she fell backwards onto the soft bed with the lustful girl sitting on her lap pinned her. Her mind was fully focused on Kia's second hand which neared to her womanhood which lusted for the girl's touch. 


"Mmmm!" The elf bit her lower lip trying to suppress a shameful moan feeling Kia's fingers suddenly penetrating her honeypot. Her rough motions send lightning to travel down her spine causing her spine to arch towards the sky as Kia intensified her assault.


"More~" Iris loudly moaned into Kia's mouth as her body mandated for more of the unusually dominating girl's touch.


  The mage's delicate body pressed itself onto the elf as her other hand cupped Iris's breast and began fondling them. Her inexperienced motions shouldn't have brought much pleasure to the elf but the small inklings of pain morphed into great waves of pleasure which slowly brought her to her peak.


"Aahh!" Iris's body convulsed in bliss as Kia's hands brought her to the apex, surprising them both with how quickly it happened.


"Iris?" A soft purr pulled the elf from the depths of bliss as she finally separated her lips from the gasping elf.

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  Iris stared back at the mage above her, the pale blue and golden eyes begged her for the same happiness and bliss she had received. A long string of clear sticky liquid between Kia's thighs glimmered with purple light. The tall undead elf straightened her body, each movement causing her muscles to spasm in unnaturally intense pleasure. 


"Iriiis!" The girl could barely speak as she begged her risen to touch her, Iris's knee becoming more drenched in the clear liquid with each moment Kia's skin brushed against the elf. "I order youuu!" Her words trailed into a lustful moan as Iris lightly brushed her fingers against the girl's inner thigh. "Mmooremmm." 


  Iris stared at the moaning girl with a shamefully lustful expression with her slim hands wrapped around the elf's arm trying to make it touch her drenched honeypot. Iris struggled to not give herself to the gorgeous-looking mage and satisfy their common craving only held back by one selfish desire flaring inside her body as she devoured the helpless vixen struggling to fulfil her lust with her amethyst eyes.


"Nnnnoo!" Kia's lips trembled with pleasure as Iris's finger followed the anchor mark on her pinkish body brushing over the girl's small erect nipple.


"No~?" Iris lifted both of her hands away from the girl's petite body.




"But you said no~?" A mischievous smile appeared on the elf's face as she leaned over beside Kia's ear. "Ask nicely and I might give you more~" Her warm breath brushed against the girl's skin, causing her body to shiver.


"Mooore!" The girl's irises diluted as the elf's finger barely began to touch the lips of her honeypot, causing a clear liquid to gush out from her depths.


"Already peaked? I just lightly touch you, you sinful undead~"


"I-Iris more, pleeeaase." A moaned whimper came from the girl as her body trembled with an uncontrollable desire for more of warm elven touch.


"I will show you how is done~" Iris reached behind Kia and untied the last few knots holding the dark corset on the girl's body, causing it to drop to the side fully reviling the flushed body of the mage. "Now~"


  The risen pushed Kia onto her back, pinning her arm above her head as she began her revenge. Her hand teased the defenceless girl's honeypot causing her to squirm in the elf's grip. The petite mage's legs wrapped themselves behind the risen as her fingers penetrated the girl.


The necromancer moaned loudly before Iris sealed Kia's lips with hers, the girl's wet insides wrapped themselves tightly around the elf's fingers penetrating her honeypot.

Deep jealousy rose inside the elf, she let go of the girl's arms and gently lead her soft hand toward her own wet womanhood. 


  Kia's dimly glowing eyes flashed with light as her back arched away from the elf. A deluge of love juice squirted from Kia's body as she cried in ecstasy onto the elf's half-naked body. Her flushed body convulsed with pleasure as she weakly let go of the elf and dropped onto the bed.


"Mmmm~" Iris's body began to fill with bliss as she peaked for a second time. She moved her lips away from Kia's and moved downward tasting her sweet juice causing the girl to gasp as she peak once more. "Now, time for your punishment~" Iris picked up the half-conscious girl and began to tease her.


  The girl was lay on the elf's lap with her head supported by her hand, she was powerless to stop the elf from torturously teasing her. Without the helpless necromancer's knowledge, her body actively moved towards the elf's warm and rough feeling fingers which gently touched her post-coitus hyper-sensitive body indulging her in an overflow of bliss, causing her to go in and out of reality.


  The room was filled with the hopeless undead cries of ecstasy as her pelvis began to go numb with the risen continuously blessed her body which moved by itself searching for its own primal hunger. Her hand moved between the elf's muscular thighs to retaliate but her plan backfired as Iris's fingers parted her lips and entered the girl once more.


"I like that new Kia but I much prefer you like this." Iris pulled her fingers from the twitching girl, tasting the sweet liquid on them. The sleeping girl on her lap radiated the excess of bliss from her body as her breaths began to normalize alongside the purple gem in her chest. 


"My sweet little kitten." She said, lovingly running her hand on Kia's cheek causing one last squirt of the translucent liquid to slowly leak out onto the white bed sheets below.


  Iris reached over for a dry blanket, filling her eyes with the softly gleaming form of the petite undead before covering the girl with a warm blanket.


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