
Chapter 78: Ch 77 “Trapped and Dressed”

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"What are we doing now?" Kia asked Iris with eagerness and anticipation radiating from her as she orbited around the tall elf.


  Iris pushed open the door in front of her allowing the snow-white girl to overtake her, the girl's eyes met with the amethyst-elven eyes as she walked backwards with her hands behind her back, leaning ever so slightly towards the elf.


"You are going to hit something." The elf gently grabbed the adorable girl's shoulders and turned her around. "You smell nice." The girl smelled like flowers blooming in the scorching summer sun, causing the elf to feel nostalgic about her long-lost home.


"You didn't answer." The inquisitive undead's eyebrow rose in suspicion as she matched the long stride of the risen's long legs. 


"I didn't?" Iris pretended to be shocked.


"Yes?" The overly expressive face of the petite mage painted an expression of obliviousness as she began to frown.


"Too easy~"


"Not funny." A quiet grumbling came from under Kia's nose as she pouted her dissatisfaction toward the elf.


  They turned a corner and Iris saw the senior maid at the end of the corridor diligently standing in front of their door. The maid dusted herself before approaching the two undead adventurers.


"Misstress was asking for you, Harbinger." The maid said, motioning the two to follow her. 


  The two exchanged glances with one annoying undead pouting even more while the second undead knew why their host had been asking for her, before following the maid.


  The two were led up the third floor through long corridors lined with dark oak doors closed shut. Occasionally one of the doors was not closed properly. Peeking inside one of the small rooms Iris saw a young maid changing clothes in front of a large vertical mirror, her gleaming body was covered in red marks which Iris saw on the more prettier and handsome slaves serving Dian or Alicia. She instantly closed the door causing the oblivious maid to let out a surprised yelp as she resumed her walk following the older maid.


"I don't like this." Kia suddenly stated as they stopped in front of a highly ornated door behind which warm light leaked into the corridor through the gap between it and the floor.


  The maid knocked on the door, they stood still for a long moment in silence before loud racketing noises sounded from behind the door.


"Is Harbinger with you!?" A familiar voice infused equally with both anticipation and nervousness came from behind the door.


"Yes, my Mistress." The maid answered.


  The human hadn't even had the chance to finish her sentence before the metal handle of the door began to move, yanking the door wide open Umbria stood in the threshold to greet her Master. She wore some kind of uniform which resembled the uniform of the maid beside Iris. Instead of the deep red and black of her household, her simple dress was made out of a white long-sleeved shirt worn underneath a frilly black dress resembling an apron.


"Come in, come in!" For the first time, Iris heard Umbria forget to address Kia adequately


  Iris gave the stupified girl a gentle nudge before the vampire slammed the door behind them. The room around them resembled their own room with the large bed moved into the corner of the room. The pillars holding the roof had stone placks embedded in them with whatever symbol they once bore meticulously scrapped off.


"Harbinger," Umbria spoke to the elf as she approached an emptied section of the room. "Prepare Master."


  With a simple signal, their selfless scheme was sprung as the vampire moved the wall, sliding it to the side and reviling a truly massive wardrobe filled to the brim with clothes of all kinds.


"I-Iris?" The petrified girl beside her asked with a trembling voice.


"There will be a festival and we have to get you something more local for the festivities. I will make it as short as possible and you will be deciding the final outfit." Iris explained to Kia not mentioning her other motivation.


"Master, it is tradition to dress yourself for a royal ball." The vampire casually said as she searched through the wardrobe.


Kia's body suddenly tensed up even more causing the elf to begin to doubt her agreement with the bloodsucker. "If you don't want to do this, we can leave."


  The girl looked troubled as she fidgeted nervously under the two pairs of eyes. Her eyes shifted between the giant wardrobe and the door. Her lips silently moved as she looked to talk to herself considering her options.


"FINE, I WILL DO IT!" The girl seemed to be reading herself for battle as she gave herself over to the gentle care of the two older-looking undead.


  Iris and Umbria finalised their scheme as the elf began to undress Kia's slender form away from the eyes of the nearby vampire. In the short time frame, it took her to leave the necromancer standing bare behind the bed she found Umbria already standing with a dress in her hands with roughly two dozen more dresses neatly laying on the bed.


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  Kia's snow-white face slowly turned pink as she was devoured by the eyes of the two dotting undead circling around her like pair of wolves circling around a helpless lamb. The girl hid her flushed face in her small, delicate hands in the short moment of respite when Umbria and Iris would scrutinize and argue on the look of the outfit she wore, drowning Kia in waves of compliments. Unnoticed by all the undead older maid entered the room again and instantly assumed the role of courier, pulling out clothes from the wardrobe allowing her Mistress to bask in the aura of her Most Gorgeous Master.


"Done," Iris said as she placed the previous dress on the pile to her left.


"This is truly the most powerful weapon in Master's repertoire!" Umbria shouted as she turned around toward Iris and the embarrassed figure behind her.


"Lovely~" The risen commented as she stepped back to see the mage in full.


  Kia wore what the bloodsucker described as the garments worn by the humans living in Firmusa just before the declaration of the Human Empire.

A tall rigid cap sat on top of Kia's head with a strap of white fur running around the brim, her long onyx hair were tucked into the cap with a black veil which was wrapped tightly around Kia's head leaving only her flushed face to be seen. On her shoulders, a long blue padded cloak hid her slender neck from the elements. A heavy wool dress dyed white and ice blue reached her ankles with a dark-grey corset resembling a piece of plate armour with purple patterns embroidered on it was wrapped tightly around her torso, highlighting her previously slender hips.

  The girl in front of Iris looked like an ice queen pulled from some ancient fairy tale ruling over the harsh north with an iron-fisted rule but this image quickly shattered as Kia's face flushed once again with pink.


"My heart, this is too much." Beside the risen, the vampire swooned with emotions as she began to drool.




"Y-yes!?" The woman rubbed her face with her forearm before facing the elf.


"How much time do we have?"


"Mmmmm? Enough for two or three dresses." Their host stated as she gazed through the window.


  The two took a moment to fully appreciate the image before them until Iris stepped closer to help Kia undress. 


"I like this one." A very embarrassed whisper tickled the elf's ear as Kia rested her forehead on Iris's.


"Me too~" The elf replied with a warm smile giving the embarrassed girl a quick peck, a sudden idea flaring inside her mind.




"NjoOoh!" Kia made an adorable cry as she looked down at the dress she was wearing which was picked by the risen.


"I-is, is this allowed, Harbinger? That uniform is..." Umbria struggled to say something to Iris as her eyes were glued onto the girl.


"I don't see why not~" The elf grinned at the doll-like necromancer, fidgeting adorably.


  Kia wore a maid outfit which Iris had made assembled from couple saprate uniforms which she found in the large wardrobe. Her black dress with white frills and apron reached just above her thighs with black leather garters securing the strange transparent socks that Umbria had given them. 


Iris couldn't stop grinning at her creation as a warm wave began to rapidly spread through her body.


"Kia, could you do a spin for me~?" Iris made a circle with her pointing finger. "Please."


"Niooo!" The embarrassed girl tried to pull the skirt down to cover her exposed knees.


"Oh, *Sniff* I see how it is. You like Umbria's dress but you don't want to do one innocent spin for me." The mischievous elf wouldn't give up quickly on her prize. "You could at least do it for me. *Sniff*"


"F-fine. For y-you." Kia spun around her heel for Iris.




"Mistress!" The maid quickly came from behind Iris to her Mistress laying motionless on the ground with a small trickle of blood flowing from her nose.


"I think that is it for today." Iris stated to the petite mage's great relief.


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