
Chapter 8: Ch 7 “Comet Leaves”

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"The continent of Edor, once dominated by humans so truly that it was said there was no need for the services of Exterminators, now know as Adventurers. The renewed need for their services was aroused when the Holy Human Empire disintegrated and fractured into progressively smaller and smaller petty kingdoms and city-states. Causing the once safe tracks of land into monster infested territories in which the average human is a mere prey and the appearance of demi-humans on the eastern side of the continent who overran the vast majority of human cities, settling down in previous human cities now turn rubble. The Exterminator's principle was to slay and vanquish all enemies of humanity but such noble objectives are rare among Adventures who are no different from mercenaries and killers for hire."

                                                                 -Exert from "On History of Edor"




  Iris's eyes open to the sight of a large room with dark red walls with small black patterns adorning them. Many marble white columns stuck out of the walls held the high ceiling which mimicked a star-filled night to a ridiculous level of realism. Her gaze lazily drifted across the room, she tried to recollect her thoughts on how she managed to enter such a place but the memories from the "previous night" were slowly trickling in, answering any of her questions. Her sight dashed to her right side, feeling her arm being touched. She found a girl a little shorter than herself with ebony black hair lying peacefully on the right side of the bed. Her body clad in the thin black dress rose and fell rhythmically. Her left arm was extended towards Iris holding her right arm with a porcelain white hand. 

 Her mind wondered about the new reality that she appear to be found in. 


First, there was the fact of her now being one of the undead. Race or rather a state that should hate all life, seeking its demise and did not have any similarities with the living but Iris noted that her "new body" appears to masquerade itself to great lengths as what she used to be. She could still cry, her body was still warm to touch and she could feel her heart pulsing in her chest. 

   Secondly, there was a question of where she now founded herself and with whom. She only saw the great and majestic palace-like complex overlooking an expansive underground lake and the silent city build which surrounded the lake in a crescent moon shape.

The ruler and the sole truly intelligent and sentient of the lonely city was a small and innocent girl who appeared only with a burning desire to converse with someone. She didn't know why Kia would not go outside after being so desperate to resurrect a slave elf instead of resurrecting the strongest human alive or any other high ranking member of the crusade.




  Iris's thoughts scattered after hearing Kia's voice. She tried to stod up from the bed but her right hand would not even budge being held by the delinquent arm of the girl still sleeping peacefully as if nothing has happened. Iris then pondered why would she even need to leave the bed, she did not feel thirsty or any other urge for that matter, it must have been her routine that she developed.


"Hello? You would like to wake up?" She gently pushed Kia's shoulder.


  She attempted to wake up Kia a couple more times, and just when she was about to give up trying, her two coloured eyes flared up and with them the soft purple glow from under her dress. Her eyes met hers with a confused look on them, she murmured something and stood up straight.




"Hi, Ir*yawn*s," Kia said while rubbing her eyes with her free hand.


"What is the plan for today, my lady." 


"W-wwhat !?" her sleepy looked vanished in an instance


"...mH..."Iris quickly covered her mouth with a hand.


"THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" a frown accompanied by a pout appeared on the face of the teased girl.


"So cute. But seriously what is the plan for today." The pout was replaced by a slight blush. 


"W-well I don't really have a plan, I never really did have one. Would you like to do something?" Kia put a finger on her chin freeing Iris from her iron grip.


  Iris mirrored Kia's posture and after a short thought she came up with the answer.


"Why don't we go for a walk around the city."


"That's a great idea!" the shorter of the girls threw her hand up in the air.


  They both stood up from the bed. Kia went over towards the grand mirror tucked at the back corner of the room. She picked up a comb and started to comb her ebony hair. She did that until her hair was nice and straight. Iris never took care of her hair, taking care of them was something that nobles did so she watched focused on the graceful motions that Kia's hands performed.


"Oh, I forgot, here have it." She pulled a new comb out of thin air and offered it to Iris.


  Iris took the comb with a bit of hesitation and confusion about what is she supposed to do with it.


"Do you not know what to do with this?" Kia who was watching Iris's attempt on replicating her asked.


"OH, m-may I help you?"


  After receiving a hesitant nod from the elf, she seated herself in front of the mirror and started to comb the elf's hair. After she was done with the comb she started to braid Iris's long black hair.


You are reading story Necropolis at

Iris turned her head around to examine Kia's handiwork.


"Wow." that was the only word that came to her mind. "Where have you learned that?"


"Well, I have a lot of time to waste so I was just experimenting you know."


she said holding one hand to her hair ear. "Now since we now both look good we are going out."


  They exited the room and Iris followed Kia through long and winding corridors until both of them found themself outside and they took the paved path flaked from both sides with gardens.


"Kia, how is it possible, that there are plants growing here?"


Kia stopped and stroked her chin and had a face of trying to recollect a distant memory. "I think there is a preserve spell of some kind on this area so they do not grow per se."


  Iris nodded and the two resumed their walk. They started to descend down a giant staircase which got even wider the lower it was and ended at a small empty plaza. Kia started to walk silently towards the direction of the lake occasionally stealing a glance at the elf.


"Why is your house, how should I put it? Your size while here the building are gigantic?"


"O I know that one! Well, my house was built last because they were building this as a giant tomb but after I was found they changed their vision from a tomb to a city of the dead that I should rule over."


"And where are they?"


"I don't understand?" Kia stopped in front of the lake which reflected the light that the rock ceiling produced reminiscent of a stary night.


"The Cyclops?"


"One day I was interested in why they did not come for so long and walked up there and saw that they were all dead, I think some new species that look a lot like yours rebelled or something. While the others are either in there or there" She pointed towards a far away portion of the city and then pointed at the only exit that Iris could spot from Kia's room.


" never tried to look what happen outside of the city?"


"N-no the o-outside world is scary." 


"Why?" Iris asked not knowing how a person of apparent high level could be scared of outside.


"I was once curious about the outside and I tried to see what was out there but when I opened the front door the Cyclops started to beg me to stay and that the outside is dangerous and horrible filled with BAD things." At some point, Kia covered herself with a blanket and hid behind it.






"How did you arrive here?"


"I don't really remember. Sorry." 


"That's alright but were you always stuck here."


"From my earliest memory, I was here so yea."


  Iris felt sad for Kiayicu, her whole Aspects knows how long life she was stuck here. If their myth about her was true, she could understand Cyclops's position to use any trick to keep their "gift from gods" with them. Iris bit her lip and gazed at the waves lazily washing over the cold sandy beach.


"Kiayicu, would you like to explore the outside world?"



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