
Chapter 84: Ch 83 “Little White Lies”

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"A group of wizards is often called a battery. The name was taken from an old plaque found in a ruins somewhere in the Wetlands describing magic users as batteries. Although to this day no one knows what the word meant it quickly was adopted into human and elven languages, slowly evolving into becoming a military term for a portion of a magical core of an army, akin to a team or a squad."

Exert from "On War"





  A small black and white flame slowly consumed a pile of wood which the girls gathered together regardless of quality. It sent white sparks into the air which slowly danced in the gentle nightly breeze. 

Iris leaned on a tree stomp with her cloak laid flat on the ground for them to sit on. A snow-white girl was resting on the elf's shoulder sucking out her warmth like some sort of fairytale terror of the winter night. 


"You did this before, didn't you?" The elf asked the girl clutching onto her slender hand which rested on the bandaged elven thigh.


"I did." The girl turned over to face the elf resting her chin on her shoulder and stared at the risen like a curious forest critter. "Sometimes bodies needed to be preserved for longer." 


"I am not even surprised by your answer." Iris smiled a little at the ridiculous girl beside her. "Why did you take the dagger with you?" 


"For money." The girl explained. For money to buy food with, was the girl's complete explanation, the elf thought.


"Could I see it," Iris curiously asked, her thumb ran over the scars on the girl's hand. "Or maybe not."


"It's fine as long as we don't touch it." The necromancer explained with the same curious tone as the elf, she sluggishly unglued herself from the risen, sitting up on her knees.




  A golden dagger appeared between the undead women, hitting the cloak with a dull noise. The silvery blade shined weakly in the unnatural light of the fire alongside the gilded handle. The weapon lacked a hand guard which was replaced with a circular sheet of precious metal at the very base of the blade.


"Shiny." Kia commented.


"I wonder what a paladin was doing so far north."




"A member of a knightly order who uses miracles. At least that is the case in human paladins."


"What is a miracle?" Kia tilted her head in confusion.


"Remember the human woman we were teamed up with, she used miracles," Iris tried to work the girl's memory. "I wonder what happened to her." She tried to recall what had happened, finding a blank void in her memory.


"She used normal spells though." The bewildered mage replied.


"That's what humans call miracles. A lot of them distrust magic in general."


"But why? Magic is great and fun and amazing and wonderful." The undead girl made almost entirely from mana couldn't wrap her head around human logic.


"Not all humans are like that but in general humans distrust magicians because of their power, a simple human has little chance of standing against a wizard. Also, wizards are still human you could find a person using their power to help you when you most need it or significantly more likely, threaten you for your last remaining coins. Also, there is the fact of wizards tend to have severe superiority complexes thinking very badly of non-wizards." The elf explained as she understood the issue while examining the carvings in the dagger.


"Absurd." Kia frowned a little bit as she placed the dagger back into her inventory. "Do humans use holy magic often?" A question emerged from her after a couple of moments of frowning at nothing, her eyes shined at Iris with a troubled look.


"No, barely any human can use magic and in reality, only priests and people from Havenfall use holy spells. It is rare for a human to possess talent related to magic, only nobles have the time, money and right parents to manipulate magic." Iris explained to the girl. "But they do use potions which are enchanted with holy or life magic although they are even more expensive than proper healing potions." She elaborated, seemingly putting the worried necromancer at ease.


  Kia leaned back onto the elf, getting herself comfortable in Iris's hands. She lazily waved her hand in front of her causing the flame to increase in size and brightness, causing long shadows to creep into the darkness around them.




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"Are you sure," Iris insisted. "You should rest."


The girl gave the wounded risen a look which foreshadowed what she was about to say. "Says who?" She bobbed her head in the direction where the elf's outstretched leg was. "You should sleep and I will keep you safe." Kia gave the elf a warm smile, flashing her pearly white teeth.


"Are you sure?" 


"Yes." The necromancer leaned more onto the elf, giving the wounded risen a brief smooch.


"Could I get one more?" Iris's lips longed for more of the small lips of the doll-like girl whose skin flushed pink.


"A-after you wake up." The girl stated to the saddened patient. 


  Iris unwillingly closed her eyes forcing herself to stay awake, periodically opening her eyes to peek at her surroundings. Without the ability to fulfill her need of watching Kia, each moment took millennia to finish. 

The petite girl must have realized what was happening and placed her wounded palm over the elf's amethyst eyes sending the elf into a comfortable darkness.




  Iris felt a gentle touch of the wind caress her cheek. The coldness of the winter failed to fully register in her mind as she stretched her arms, more out of the habit of her previous life than actual need.


"Kia?" She whispered the name of her dear companion, she quickly opened her eyes after receiving no reply. "Oh." 


  After she lifted Kia's hand off her face, she noticed the early rays of the sun painting the sky orange. She turned to where the girl was supposed to be and saw the watchful girl who adamantly took up the mantle of watching over the camp, sleeping peacefully in her hands. Her ivory face glowed in the orange light reflecting off of it.

Iris looked down and saw Kia's other hand on her thigh where the dagger had wounded her with the bandage laying on the ground. 




  The hoplite's eyes darted to where the rattling noise came from and saw a distinctive black skeleton with blue veins carved into its bones patrolling their campsite.


"My little vigilant undead~" The risen's fingers gently brushed the mage's pale neck as she stole her reward for herself, indulging herself a little bit as she kissed the sleeping girl as much as she wanted. After feeling satisfied she slowly lifted the necromancer's wounded hand which looked no better than when she last saw it and kissed it feeling responsible for the girl's pain.


"Guardyicu, Protekyicu? What do you think?" Iris turned to the skeleton receiving not but a rattle of bones in response. "Mmmm I will have to think about a more suitable name for you our Sleepyicu." She turned back toward her kitten receiving a needy purr as the undead kitten squirmed herself further toward the elf's warmth.


  Eventually, the sun rose above the tree tops causing the light to directly hit Kia's closed eyes which caused a string of sleepy grumbles to be sent toward the magical fireball in the sky. The girl opened her eyes and with a half-conscious glance, she examined the tall undead.


"Good..." The petite undead said as her hand traveled to touch her lips before Iris's vision was blocked once more by the girl's hand. "Hello?" A somewhat more awake question tickled Iris's ears, she wanted to respond but decided to see where her little white lie will reach. "I guess she didn't wake up yet." The girl barely whispered to herself. "This is also for you." A cryptic sentence came from the girl, the elf tried to understand the girl's words before cold softness touched her lips in a caring kiss. "Thank you." Whispered words of gratitude echo inside Iris's mind as Kia's lips move away from the elf.


"Me too." The woman granted new life instantly replied.


"Ehhh!" The girl's body jumped upwards as the tall undead smiled at her. "Iris!"




"You tricked me! No more kisses for you!" A strangely embarrassed mage quickly separated herself away from the elf only leaving a hand on the elven thigh. "Hmph!" 


"I guess stockpiling on you was an excellent idea~"


"W-what!?" Kia shrank in front of Iris's eyes but the elf didn't elaborate on the nature of her stockpile only reaching toward the girl and running her fingernails on Kia's scalp causing the girl to squirm adorably.


"We have to go, we have lost enough time." Iris suddenly stopped her cuddling, she gently removed the mage's hand from her leg and saw the terrible wound had healed in a miraculous amount of time. "Another point on why undead is the best."


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