
Chapter 95: Ch 94 “Under the Dress” +18

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  A ghostly pyre flickered on top of a withered hill where two undead rested for the night. Its silvery light mimicked the cold light of the moon which choose to hide in thick layers of grey clouds drifting from the peaks of the Ridge bringing an element of its hostile weather into the plains in the form of a whistling gale. 


  Iris shifted her back against the wind, shielding the curled-up beauty on her lap. She herself barely acknowledged the temperature brought by the gale feeling only the force of the element which was pushing her back.

Kia seemed to not be as gifted as the risen at that very moment which puzzled the elf. The undead girl herself felt much colder than the air but her body still shivered from the windy lashes hitting her body which managed to sneak around her tall vigilant protector. 


"I would have to ask her about this." Iris murmured as Kia's body climbed closer to her. The elf stopped her hand from tracing the anchor mark on the girl's body and took off her jacket to shield Kia further. 


  The girl seemed to wake up as her body rose from the elf's lap, she sleepily gripped Iris's shoulders and lifted herself onto the puzzled elf. Her head quickly found a place to rest in the form of Iris's breast, her slender legs locked around the elf's hips locking them together while her soft hands slowly lost their grip on the fabric before they fell to the girl's sides.


"I told you we would need a tent." Iris whispered as she look down at her adorable companion as she placed her jacket on Kia's shoulder.


  Iris took of her eyes off the snow-white kitten wearing her jacket and scanned the area around them. The pitch darkness of the night was easily pierced by her supernatural vision, allowing her to see the waves rippling through the dark green sea. The sight in front of the elf was spectacular to look at but instead of marvelling at it, she narrowed her eyes in search of would-be intruders. She wasn't worried too much about animals stumbling into their camp, rather she searched the darkness for light heralding the coming of an intelligent race intrigued by their ghostly campfire. As Iris turned back to look at Kia in her arms she saw the petite mage had tightly cocooned herself in the elf's jacket.


"Charming." The risen said as she sneaked her hand to the softly purring undead's back and began to trace the anchor mark from her memory.


  If not for Iris's undead nature she was sure she would have lost feeling in her legs a long time ago as she was sitting on her knees with a clingy kitten glued to her through the entire night. 

In the distance, a herd of deer-like animals had wandered into Iris's vision, from using inspect the animals were called Hornlegs which was a strange name in her opinion.


"...yum..." A muffled murmur reached the elf's ears before she felt something biting on her collarbone.


"Would you like to hunt them?" The tall undead asked the still-sleeping necromancer, who purred deeply in an adorable imitation of a growl. "Fearsome~" A long growl come from the small predator cuddled merrily in the risen's arms as something kissed her exposed forehead.


"Mmmmm." Kia's blue and golden eyes slowly opened after some time had passed.


"Slept well?"




"Ready to hunt?" The elf asked as she started to peel the still groggy mage from herself.




"You said you wanted to hunt?" The elf smiled as she tried to stand up, finding that her undead nature didn't prevent her legs from not working properly after sitting on them for such a long time.


"D-did I?" The girl sitting beside the elf asked with a tired voice. "?!" Kia's eyes widened as the elf suddenly kissed her.


"Are you awake now?" A pair of amethyst stones smiled mischievously at the dazed necromancer as she hesitantly touched her lips.


"I d-don't know." The girl slowly replied as her body moved closer to the elf.


"Needy kitten~" A hypnotising whisper tickled Kia's round ears before warm and soft lips met hers in a passionate exchange once again. "Did you like it?" The elf asked as she straighten her back.


"It's sweet." The undead mage still under the effect of the spell absent-mindedly answered.


"You are sweeter." 


"No, you are!"


"I wasn't talking about kisses~" The elf loomed over the pearl-skinned mage. Her left hand touched the girl's lower abdomen before slowly brushing her fingers up the slim body only to stop under Kia's chin levelling her eyes with Iris's own eyes.


"That's embarrassing!" The girl shuddered under the elf's touch, her snowy cheeks flushing pinky-red as she hid her face in her hands.


"Were you cold today?" Iris's playful smile flawlessly adjusted itself into a caring one reflecting the elf's thoughts. "You were shivering today a lot."


Kia stared at the elf with a face split between disappointment and confusion. "I didn't feel cold." She said while crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Huh?" She gently squeezed the hem of the loosely hanging jacket around her. "I wanted to feel more of you so I disabled my immunities. Thank you." She smiled back at the elf, flashing the elf with perfectly white teeth before nestling herself with the jacket. For moments like these, Iris lived for.


"It looks good on you if not a little too large." The tall undead commented. The girl who was tightly holding onto the jacket opened her mouth to speak before her jewel-like eyes brightened with a sudden revelation.


"I love this." Iris couldn't take her eyes off Kia, who had stretched her hands into the long grey sleeves. The girl looked soo innocent and precious as she waved at the elf while wearing the oversized jacket.




"Why doesn't it shrink to match you?" The fascinated risen finally asked after making sure she burned the image in front of her into her mind.


"Because I am already wearing a piece of equipment matching my torso slot, causing the resize enchantment to not work." Kia lectured with her finger raised into the air while the elf tried her hardest to concentrate on her words.


  The two were sure they could stay like this for eternity but a loud howl carried by the wind interrupted them. They turned toward the direction from where the noise came. In the distance, a spiderweb-like pattern began to appear in the tall grass as the herd of grazing hornlegs scattered. From the centre of the spiderweb, a deep bellow sounded as the hornleg's legs appeared above the grass.


"What happened?" Kia asked as her eyes followed one of the hornlegs leaping in the distance.


"Something caught one of the hornlegs, I guess." Iris replied.


"Can we try hunting them?" The undead mage said and before the elf could answer a black fog began to surround the necromancer's hand. 


"That is not how you hunt." Iris lowered Kia's hand away from the pair of hornlegs, who had already forgotten about their former companion and began to graze again. If they needed to actually hunt to live the elf wouldn't feel anything wrong with hurling a spell from far away at the defenceless animal but they were undead with an ability to store fresh food for a very long time and she figured out it was better to teach the exited girl something. "Would you like me to show you?" She knew the basics of hunting big prey but she had never had a chance to do it herself.



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  Kia made a sad face as the tall elf took her jacket away from her. With a simple hand move from the alabaster girl the still-burning campfire instantly died down and the two walked down their little campsite.


  Iris instructed the petite mage to go against the wind to away their sent being detected as she assumed the role of a teacher walking a step behind the inexperienced girl, she knew that was pointless given that they were undead but she still did it to make the girl work harder for the success. 

The necromancer struggled to silently approach the nimble hornlegs, not discouraged by lack of skill the mage attempted to sneak couple more times finding the simple animals outsmarting the ancient undead every time.


"I think that will be it for today, Kia." Iris suddenly announced.


"I still haven't caught anything though?"


"We are going to try later." Iris leaned toward the girl pressing her forehead against Kia's own forehead causing the tips of their noses to brush against each other. "Okay?" She said with her eyes closed.


"Mmm." The girl mirrored the elf and closed her eyes.


"You can't push yourself too much or else you will get frustrated and give up." 


"I know."


"Do you?"


"What is that supposed to mean?" Kia opened her eyes and saw a big smile filling her vision.




"Hey!" The girl's cheeks puffed up into a flustered pout.


"We are going to try hunting smaller animals next time."


"Did you ever catch one?" The girl's colourful eyes sparkled with curiosity.


"I did~" Iris opened her eyes and stared at the girl with mischief causing the small frame of the mage to shrink in fear. "...Just now!" Kia's legs were swept from under her and she was suddenly carried by the risen as she took advantage of her prey's helplessness and began to nibble on her ear and neck in revenge.


"Hehestophehe! Iris!" The small critter tried to defend herself from the merciless predator with a firm grip on her body. Only after being satisfied with her meal did the risen gently put down the girl back on the ground. 




"You said something, Kia?" The elf feigned ignorance as the girl began to rub her thighs together.




"More of what?" The risen tilted her head in an imitation of the necromancer while stroking her cheek. "You are shameless~" She grabbed the begging girl's hand as it hovered above her groin in a losing fight over her purity.


"Pleeease, it starting to ache down here." Kia began to take increasingly shallow breaths as the elf blocked her hands from reliving the increasing pain.


"If it hurts that much, touching it will hurt more, wouldn't it?"


"Buut I can't..." 


"If you resist touching it until nightfall, I will give you a reward~" The devilishly smiling elf offered the fair-skinned girl a simple-sounding proposal.


  The girl nodded to Iris's words, not realising the cruelty of the task as the elf maintained constant contact with Kia's cold body, brushing her fingers on the girl's smooth and soft skin. The two slowly cut through the pathless plains accompanied by quiet squeaks, peeps, squeals and moans played on the petite girl by the tall risen.


"Ahhhh!" Kia abruptly stopped, her thighs squeezing each other with all her might, trying to stop something coming from between her legs before she fell down on her bottom with her love juices ruining down her thighs and dripping on the ground below her.


"I-I t-tried h-hard." She checked the sky with the sun still shining down at them and managed to excuse herself between shallow breaths before her body violently jerked again.


"Shhh, you did good, Kia." Iris kneeled and spoke as the convulsing girl hugged her. The helpless necromancer greedily stole the elf's warmth as she helped the aroused girl to stand up again and waited for the petite mage to catch her breath before lifting Kia's sleeveless black dress by its hem and sneaking underneath.


"Noo, I am too sensitive now-!" Kia desperately protested but with a single touch from the risen's fingers on her lower lips which yearn for her companion's loving touch, she bent over and weakly held the elf's back. Her slender legs began to jerk chaotically as she reached yet another peak.


  Kia's underwear was soaking wet as Iris slid it all down along the girl's slim legs, revealing pulsating womanhood slowly dripping with transparent liquid as it opened and closed.


Kia's legs began to tremble as the elf got neared her groin and tickled it with her warm breath. The risen took in the beautiful sight before she gently spread the mage's pinkish flesh and tasted the moaning girl.

The elf's tongue was being squeezed by Kia's wet insides as her tongue ventured deeper into the girl. She was sure to press against the roof of the vagina as her tongue retracted back carrying Kia's sweet nectar with it.


"Soooo gooodd~" Iris heard the girl's moan before her eyes widened as she felt the back of her head being pressed further into the flowing fountain by the petite mage's hand.


  Feeling her own honeypot beginning to beg for her attention Iris sneaked her left hand into her pants while her right hand gently pulled by the pink hood covering Kia's small clitoris and began to play with it sending the standing undead into a series of animalistic moans.


"Something iis comming!" The quivering undead moaned as loud as possible, pressing the elf under her skirt harder before she came.


  Hearing Kia's euphoric voice reinvigorated Iris in the last few seconds before the trembling girl's sweet love fluid gushed out. Still not finished orgasming the girl collapsed onto the elf's lap causing the grey fabric of her trousers to be instantly soaked.


"Mmmmm~" The risen moaned as she stared at the trembling girl on her lap as she too climaxed. She embraced the girl as hard as she could as through their connection an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion and pleasure hit her.


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