Chapter 20: Chapter 19: You can’t conceal that otaku scent of yours!

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Kaho Miyamoto’s heart was pounding rapidly.

She had never imagined that she would be princess-carried one day, and by such a handsome boy to boot!

It shouldn’t be this way, right? A prince-like boy like him should be carrying a princess-like girl, not a disgusting otaku girl like her!

Kaho Miyamoto was self-aware of her own appearance being on the ugly side, and along with being a loner whose interests were different from most, no matter how you looked at it, she was at the bottom of the rung.

And as for Seigo Harano who was carrying her, even though this was only his second day in school, his appearance and body shape was A+, and he had a gentle personality and was polite. All the girls had excellent opinions of him, while the boys seemed rather jealous.

The difference between her and this shining fellow who was top-class in everything was like that of a mountain and a valley—they shouldn’t have had any contact with each other in the first place.

Nevertheless, she was currently being princess-carried by him.

When she had accidentally injured her foot earlier, she had thought that today was an unlucky day, but perhaps today she was fortunate after all?

While Kaho Miyamoto’s heart was all aflutter, they reached the infirmary.

The infirmary nurse was a friendly woman in her 40s that had plenty of experience in treating this type of injury, so her injury was quickly treated and bandaged. Kaho was then informed that she should rest her foot for the next two days.

After that, the nurse allowed Kaho to rest on one of the beds, before she hurriedly departed from the infirmary to attend to another task.

"Does your foot still hurt, Miyamoto-san?"

"It… doesn’t hurt as much anymore. Thank you, Harano-san."

Kaho lowered her head after glancing at the boy who was worried about her.

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"I’m sorry… I’m probably so heavy… my apologies for all the trouble when I’m such a disgusting girl…"

Seiji frowned upon hearing her words.

"Look here." He put both his hands in front of her.

"Mm?" Kaho reflexively raised her head.

*Smack!* In front of Kaho, Seiji slapped himself hard on the hand, and the sound resounded clearly through the infirmary room, startling her.

"Give yourself more credit—you haven’t done anything wrong, so why are you lowering your head?"

Seiji smiled at the girl who felt a mixture of shock and confusion at his action.

"Yes, you’re rather fat and somewhat disgusting."

Kaho Miyamoto felt like she had received a critical hit.

She couldn’t help but think, ‘Was there anyone that would say it so directly like you!?’

Even if she was fully aware of the truth already, it would still hurt if someone else said it out loud.

"But, so what?" Seiji continued. "Your weight means nothing to me. I could carry you and run for 100 kilometers if necessary, and as for you being disgusting… sorry, but I’m already used to someone that’s 100 times more disgusting than you are."

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