Chapter 27: Chapter 26: Monster

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Why did things become like this?

Kahei Watari panted heavily as he sprinted furiously at maximum speed. His face was drenched in sweat, and the sweat included both normal sweat from strenuous exertion as well as cold sweat from fear.

The purple-haired youth next to him, his good friend Takashi Kobayashi, was in a similar condition, and his expression was filled with confusion and fear as he ran desperately.

They were pursued by a nasty bunch of brutes in suits. They all had ferocious expressions, and most of them were brandishing metal poles or even stun guns, which radiated a fearsome aura.

It was clear that they were on a completely different scale from teenage hoodlums.

If Watari and Kobayashi were caught, they would definitely be thrashed badly if not killed outright. The beating would almost certainly be severe to the extent of at least some broken bones, and there was even the chance of being permanently crippled.

‘Why did it all happen?’ Watari forced his brain to work with great difficulty as he focused his eyes on the girl running in front of him.

That’s right—it was all because of her.

He had just come out of an internet café together with Kobayashi when he saw a man in a black suit struggling with this woman. The very slight sliver of justice he possessed as well as his overly hot-blooded nature prompted him to ambush the man and save her.

But without even a chance to say anything, another man in a black suit appeared out of nowhere, then a whole bunch… and things turned out like this.

Other than telling them to hurry up and escape, that woman didn’t have the chance to tell him anything.

Just who was she? What trouble was she in? Watari had no clue whatsoever.

He and Kobayashi were only ordinary delinquents, and all he did was protect a woman to fulfill his sense of justice, doing a rare good deed!

They were currently running down a street filled with businesses, and all the passersby watched them sprint past with bewildered expressions, ignorant of what was currently transpiring.

Just as they ran through the entire business section, a black car appeared from the street corner. With the sudden sound of rubber screeching, it braked at the intersection and some more men in black suits rushed out of the car and blocked their way before the car even came to a full stop!

The girl in the lead attempted to change direction, but it was too late. The three people escaping had slowed down due to the car’s interference and they were quickly captured.

Watari and Kobayashi instinctively tried resisting, but two hulking men approached them and instantly knocked them over with a punch and a stun gun.

"S… stop, they… they have nothing to do with me…" The girl said as she desperately attempted to catch her breath.

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She was wearing a jacket and a leather skirt that showcased her excellent figure. She had curly blonde hair, sky-blue eyes, and a soft oval-shaped face… even though she was also covered in sweat, it could still be seen that she was an above-average beauty.

"Let them… go…" She said to the man with the vicious-looking scar. Upon hearing this, he coldly strode towards her and ruthlessly slapped her on the face!

"This is a lesson from our leader." The scarred man said icily, while he indicated towards the others that they should teach a lesson to the boys sprawled on the ground.

And so, Watari and Kobayashi, who were lying motionless on the ground, suffered a brutal beating!

Upon witnessing this brutal scene, the expressions of the pedestrians underwent a drastic change. Most hurriedly left, some watched from far away, the few honorable ones called the police, while a small number of reckless ones secretly filmed the beating with their cell phones.

"I said… stop!!!" The girl covered her face where she was slapped, and she shouted with tears in her eyes.

The scarred man merely watched her coldly.

Seeing the two boys that had defended her were receiving an increasing number of injuries, the blonde girl ground her teeth.

"I get it…" It seemed like she finally gave up on something important as tears incessantly rolled down her face, "I…"

"Oh my…"

A voice filled with resignation interrupted them.

"Misters… I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but beating someone like this in public, not to mention there’s so many of you beating up on two teenagers, there’s gotta be a problem with that, right?"

The person to whom the voice belonged to was a boy wearing the mask of a cute character from an anime.

He was tall and muscular, but it was still evident that he wasn’t very old yet. It was a strange feeling as his appearance in the anime mask was rather comical, which conflicted with the serious nature of the situation.

The blonde-haired girl was stunned, while the scarred man frowned.

As the boy approached, a black-suited man blocked his way and reached out to grab him.

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