Nei-Dios Archives : Seasons

Chapter 3: ii : Personality

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Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?

  • I’d call myself an optimist
  • I’ve been told that I’m pessimistic
  • I’d say I’m an optimist
  • I’d say I can be rather optimistic


Are you introverted or extroverted?

  • I’m rather extroverted
  • I’d call myself an introvert
  • I’m an introvert
  • I’m an introvert


What bad habits do you have?

  • I tend to interrupt people when they’re talking when I have something to say rather than letting them finish, I’m trying to improve that habit though
  • I’d say I have a bad habit of putting my own well being on the backburner 
  • I’d say I have a bad habit of bottling my emotions and exploding rather than dealing with them in the moment
  • Bo likes to tell me that I’m a timid person and that it causes me to back away when confrontation is necessary 


How do you want to be seen by others?

  • I want to be seen as a good person, as someone who is kind and brings a smile to people’s faces
  • The opinions of others don’t really mean that much to me as long as my family thinks well of me
  • I’d prefer not to be looked at like a burden
  • I want to be seen as useful, somebody who can be relied on


How do you see yourself?

  • I think I see myself the same way I want people to see me
  • I’d say I turned out just fine
  • I’m a coward, if we’re being completely honest
  • I see myself as resourceful and strong


What is your best trait?

  • I’d say my best trait would be kindness
  • I’d say my best trait is my sense of integrity 
  • I’d say I’m a rather empathetic person
  • I would say I’m a logical person


What is your worst trait?

  • I’d say sometimes I can be a bit careless at times, it’s gotten me in a bit of trouble here and there
  • I’d say I can be rather rude and overcritical of others unnecessarily 
  • I would say I have attachment issues
  • I would say I’m a resentful person sometimes, I hold grudges a lot


How competitive are you?

  • I would say I can be rather competitive in some things, it was that sort of spirit that got me into this whole thing after all, so I can’t exactly deny it.
  • I’m not a competitive person
  • I’m not a very competitive person
  • I’d say I’m competitive in the right environment


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Do you make snap judgements or take time to consider?

  • I have been known to make snap judgements, sometimes carelessly
  • I prefer to think over my choices rather than act rashly
  • I would say I take my time to consider options
  • I’d say I make rather thought out decisions, Bo is the rash one


What is your greatest fear?

  • My greatest fear… I’d say having to see a Fungorin creature again
  • My greatest fear? Probably being on the run as a national traitor again
  • My greatest fear is disappointing those closest to me
  • My greatest fear… Irrationally, it would have to be the Shepherd


When was the last time you cried?

  • I think the last time I cried would have to be six months ago, my Nana sadly passed
  • I’d prefer not to answer
  • I’m pretty sure I cried yesterday
  • I haven’t cried in a very long time


What haunts you?

  • I guess… I think I’d have to say Ambrose’s memories. I only get to see the ones that hold strong emotions so sometimes they're happy but… a lot of them aren’t. I have to watch them play out from Amborse’s eyes, so I’ve had to watch their death several times. I guess I now understand all those nightmares Marka talked about. 
  • I’m haunted by some of the things I saw during that year
  • I’m haunted sometimes by what could have been, all the what ifs had we failed, what Owlos would have done with the world
  • I sometimes fear becoming obsolete. It haunts me to think that someday, no one will need me around


Are you indoorsy or outdoorsy?

  • I’m a very outdoorsy person
  • I’m an indoorsy person
  • I’m an outdoorsy person
  • I’m an outdoorsy person


What sense do you most rely on?

  • I’d say my sense of smell is the one I rely on the most.
  • I rely on my sense of hearing the most
  • I’d say my sense of hearing is the one I use the most
  • I most rely on my sense of smell and hearing


What quality do you most value in a friend?

  • I value honesty the most in a friend
  • I value a person I can trust to be my friend
  • I value a person who is kind as a friend
  • I value integrity in a friend



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