
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Pony Girls

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Chapter 3 - Pony Girls

[ - May 08, 2021 - 11:20am - ]


“Oh my goddess, you’re adorable!” I exclaim.


Helen the unicorn pony looks up at me and whinnies, then cuts herself off and looks troubled.


“I can’t talk in my pony form either,” I say sadly, “but I still think it’s pretty awesome. If you want to go see yourself in the mirror there’s one in the bathroom, or if you want to get to the girl part you can touch the plushie and neigh again.”


Helen tilts her head to the side and stares at the plushie on the ground in front of her for a few moments, then she picks it up in her teeth and carries it towards the hallway at a brisk trot. I follow her as she makes her way to the bathroom.


Byte mows at us as we leave them behind in the kitchen, and I meow back out of habit. Helen turns her head back to give me a raised eyebrow, and I smile sheepishly. She snorts and turns her attention back to the task at hoof. She knows my apartment inside and out, she’d help me move into it after all, so there’s no hesitation in her hooves as she makes a right into the bathroom.


I follow her to the doorway and stand to watch as she goes in front of the mirror. Her new bright light blue eyes widen as she takes herself in, and she slowly sinks back to sit on her hind legs. Her dark purple mane is short and floofy, almost like a fox tail on her head. Her actual tail is much longer, similar in length to mine in fact, and has a bit of a waviness to it. And her horn is the same light pastel pink as her fur.


“You’re gorgeous,” I say quietly, my horn envy swiftly giving way to happiness for my friend. I’ve never seen her eyes sparkle with life like this.


She drops the plushie from her mouth to the ground, and places a hoof on it. “Neigh.”


I don’t catch what’s about to happen until it’s too late, and I get a full glimpse of Helen’s newly formed and very naked womanly body. My cheeks flush deeply as I avert my gaze. 


I hear her gasp as she takes herself in. 


“Holy shit,” she says in a soft, feminine voice.


“Yeah,” I say.


“It really works,” she continues dazedly.


“Mmhmm,” I hum.


We stay quiet for a little while longer, then I hear her getting to her feet.


“You can look at me, Sunny, I saw you after all, it’s only fair,” Hel says.


I gulp. “A-are you sure?” I ask.


“Positive,” she says.


I turn and meet her bright blue gaze, and find she’s every bit as beautiful as the glimpse I’d gotten before suggested. She’s thinner than I am, but not by much, and shorter too, maybe a hundred and sixty centimeters to my one sixty five. Given that she had just been towering over me, it’s a drastic change. She’s got plenty of curves and her skin is smooth, soft, and fair. Her deep purple hair is cut identically to her mane, windswept to the left and parted at her right ear, and her face is no longer recognizable at all with a pointed chin and rounded cheeks. 


I find myself falling for her new visage fast. Fuck she’s cute, I think.


“You’re beautiful,” I say quietly.


“As are you, cutie,” she says with a smile.


I blush. And for the first time in my life, I decide to take the compliment. 


“Thanks,” I say. “Um, do you want to borrow some clothes? Then I think we both need to get new wardrobes.”


Helen giggles, a high and light laugh that has me smiling too. “I’d love to borrow some clothes,” she says, “Just point me in the right direction.”


I lead her back to my bedroom and over to the closet on the far side of the room. I open the vented doors and the two of us begin to sort through my clothes.


Helen ends up wearing some old cargo shorts of mine that just barely fit her hips, as well as an extra large turquoise hooded sweater to protect against the chill May air and cover her pony ears. Her feet are even smaller than mine, so we attack a pair of old flip-flops with scissors until they’re about her size and duct tape them back together, and she decides to wear some ill-fitting socks with them.


“So now that we’ve found you clothes, what do you want to do next?” I ask.


Helen puts a finger to her chin. “Now’s probably a good time to have that freak-out that’s been building since I first saw the new you today,” she says thoughtfully.


My eyebrows rise, and there’s a moment of silence before I hesitantly ask, “Oh yeah?”


“Yeah,” Helen replies amicably. “Like is any of this actually real? We don’t seem to be dreaming, though I’m reluctant to rule that out as a possibility. If we are awake and if there really is magic, then how does it work, can we learn to do more with it than just switching forms with the aid of our plushies?”


I nod along with her. “Those are all good questions,” I say, “but I don’t think we’re going to find the answers easily.”


“Why do you say that?” she asks me curiously. “Not that I disagree.”


“I mean, there’s no markings or branding at all on these plushies, so whoever made them probably doesn’t want to be found,” I say, “Plus, if magic were easy to figure out, I feel like there’d be more urban legends and stories about it? I dunno.”


“Those are fair points,” she muses. “But given that these plushies exist we know there is magic, which to me means there are almost certainly magicians around, hidden in secret.”


I raise an eyebrow. “Who do you mean by ‘magicians’ exactly?” I ask.


She shrugs. “People who can use magic? So like witches, wizards, and all those other Dungeons and Dragons type classes of magic users, but also any nonhumans that can use magic too, like, I don’t know, demons and angels? That kind of thing?”


I frown in confusion. “Who said anything about there being nonhumans?” I ask.

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“I did just now,” she says with a wry smile, “I figure there’s got to be some truth to stories like that. Magic’s real, so why not gods and goddesses and the like?”


“Because that would probably be really inconvenient for me just trying to live a normal life as a girl?” I hazard sheepishly.


“Not necessarily, people worshiped deities and demons throughout most of history as we know it,” Helen says, “You can be a ‘normal’ girl if you really want to, even if Demeter happens to control the seasons or whatever.”


“You seem to have thought a lot about this,” I say with a raised eyebrow. 


Helen blushes. “I um, maybe have a special interest in weird shit, and this so totally qualifies. Don't get me wrong, I'm overjoyed at my new body, both new bodies, but that’s not going to stop me from trying to understand everything about this as best I can.”


I nod as she finishes. "That's really cool, I had no idea you were into this kind of stuff."


She smiles shyly. "I don't really go around advertising it, I've just always had a fascination with magic and mystery ever since I was a kid. I took out library books on stuff like the bermuda triangle, bigfoot, and other urban legends in grade school."


I smile. “You must’ve been the cutest little weirdo girl,” I say.


She snorts almost exactly the same way she did as a pony, and asks, “Was that a flirt?”


It’s my turn to blush brightly. “Ah-ha, um, not intentionally? But I think it’s true!”

Helen’s smirk turns into a smile. “Well, thank you,” she says.


“You’re welcome,” I reply. 


“I think I’m about done freaking out now,” Helen says. “So how’s about we figure out getting some clothes that fit?”


I nod. “That sounds like a good idea. Any idea where we should go?” I ask.


“Probably either a mall or a thrift store, depending on budget,” she says. 


I grimace. My ‘budget’ comes directly from my controlling parents, and I’m not looking forward to facing them as Sunny. “My parents... fuck, how are we going to explain this?”


Helen shrugs. “If they really need proof, we can always shift in front of them? That should at least give us a chance to talk.”


“Good point,” I say, “What about your family?”


I knew she had a younger sister and a dad, but that was about it.


“My sib will be envious and my dad will quietly flip his shit, most likely,” she replies, “but I think both of them will at least believe I am who I say I am.”


“That’s a relief,” I admit. “And wait, sib?”

“Short for sibling, they came out to me as nonbinary a few weeks ago, that’s why I started looking into trans stuff originally,” Helen explains, “then I realized a lot of trans girl’s experiences resonated with me, and, well, here we are.”


“Damn, well that’s really cool for them,” I say awkwardly.


“It is. Anyway, what about your parents, are you going to be okay do you think?”


I give her a wiggly hand gesture. “They might buy it with the magic demonstration but truthfully I’m not sure what to expect. They both keep their cards very close to the chest. They’re funding my apartment and my schooling, my job only covers food and other supplies.”


“Right, I remember you telling me this before,” Helen says. “Well, I’ll be here with you when you try to come out to them, alright?”


I look at her with surprise. “Oh, well, thank you!” I say.


She laughs. “You’re welcome nerd, us pony-girls gotta stick together, right?”


“Yeah,” I say, “we do.”


Helen and I end up spending the rest of the day in various thrift stores around Toronto. I get several cute dresses, some skirts, jeans, and shorts, a bunch of t shirts that cling to my new body in all the right places, underwear, a few sports bras, and several pairs of footwear including a set of combat boots, a couple pairs of sneakers that fit, and one set of little booties with heels. Not that I really feel like I need to be taller, I just want to have the option. 


My best friend gets a similar haul to me across the three stores we visit, and we decide to take all the clothes back to my place so we can set about using my in-unit washer and dryer to clean them. By the time we get it all from the stores to the car and from the car to my apartment our arms and bodies are aching, and after we get the first load of clothes going in the washing machine we collapse into the chairs around my kitchen table. 


“Fuck, that was a long day,” Helen comments.


“Yeah I’ll say,” I say, “want to go snuggle up on my bed in our pony forms?”


Helen blinks her eyes wide open and looks to me. “How very forward of you, Sunny. But yeah actually, that sounds heavenly.”


I make sure the apartment’s locked up tight, then Helen and I both grab our plushies and neigh at them quietly. 


In a moment I’m booping Helen on the nose with a hoof and whinnying at her to follow me as I canter towards the hallway. She lets out a surprised neigh and then falls into step behind me, and the both of us stick to the left side of the hallway to give Byte, who is sleeping curled up near the heat vent on the right side of the hall, some space. We both also have our plushies clutched in our teeth, though I have some ideas for how to make them more easily carryable for ponies like us. Namely: saddlebags.


When we get to my bedroom I close the door most of the way behind Helen and then trot over and hop up onto the bed. My little nest from earlier is still here, and I pat the bedding beside me with a hoof and let my plushie fall onto the pillow on my other side. My pink and purple guest wiggles her butt a little bit and then hops up onto the mattress. I give her a neigh of approval, then set about pulling the covers around us into a slightly bigger nest. 


We settle down with our bodies pressed against each other, two ponies exhausted from a day of labor. 


It feels like not a moment passes before I’m falling into a light sleep.


 ~ The End ~

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