NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 206: Chapter 205 – You Forgot Something

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The leading edge of the swarm slams into Rosha’s staff. To start it goes just like the first attack. Her swing throws them back with small masses trying to flank. Jason keeps those flanking attacks under control, his movement ability being shown in full as each step brings him in and out of combat at a whim.

There are just too many cats in the swarm though and even with Jason making use of both his attack skills they surround the two. Being attacked from all sides, the swarm’s damage kicks in. Cat claws sneak in between armor sections and slash at open flesh. Both of them are fine for the moment, Jason’s naturally tough skin winning out and Rosha having barkskin cast on her.

At this point Courtney comes in with another fire illusion overhead and the swarm flows back off of the two. The reprise is short though, and the cats are soon on the attack again and the two get covered once more. Another illusion comes, but the swarm is less affected, only doing enough to get the cats off the two before they resume. A third illusion and it is clear the swarm has realized what is up as they don’t even twitch.

This delay is enough though for Jason and Rosha to kill a good sixth of the cats but now they are into the slog. A good 250 swarm cats remain to harass them with the only saving grace being they aren’t targeting Courtney because she is standing far enough away to not aggro them.

Unnoticed by the three, Peter has his own fun to take care of. While the nearby area is flat, the area in front of the group rises like a wave frozen in earth. Just beyond it are three more swarms coming. Each of the swarms are of similar size to the one the group is currently fighting if not bigger, and Peter has snuck off to deal with these groups.

He strides over the ground as the brush in his way flows out of his path. Behind him, the grass removes all signs of his passing. Peter arrives at the closest group and the grass extends out of the ground as hardened spikes, piercing most of the swarm cats. Only ten survive his culling and they try to escape towards another swarm. Peter isn’t going to allow this and with a gesture the very earth rises up. Frightened, the swarm cats change direction and run away from not only the group but the other swarms as well.

Peter nods at this and draws out a bow made of a glass-like bone. The third swarm is farther away than he wants to bother with, so he decided to go with a ranged option while he waits for the second swarm to charge him. From the ground, the grass once again rises up. Though this time instead of just spikes it takes the rough shape of arrows.

He plucks the first one and fires it. The grassen arrow strikes one of the cats in the swarm. Peter clicks his tongue. He had been aiming for the center cat. That had been a ranging shot so to not hit the target wasn’t out of the ordinary, but he knew these lands quite well.

Peter shakes his head and reaches down for another arrow. As he lifts it up, the rest of them come up with it. He knocks the arrow and goes to pull back the string. The muscles on his arm strain and the bow creaks ominously. He releases the string. All around him the various grass arrows fly out, each one at a slightly different trajectory.

The arrows streak out in straight lines. With a whisper quiet sound, they all strike at the same time. In the third swarm all but ten cats have been pinned to the ground with an arrow through the head. Moments later the arrows all shrink back down into normal grass stems that have planted themselves into the ground.

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Peter puts away his bone bow and turns to the remaining swarm. The cats have just reached his location and he shakes his head at them. With a wave of his hand this swarm as well is left with only ten members, their necks having all been broken by a sharp twist to the right. He shakes his head and sighs, “I don’t really like doing this.” With another wave of his hand, the grass pulls all the dead cats into the ground and he heads back to the group.

Back with the group, things aren’t going too badly. Not good, but they are still winning. The swarm has encompassed Courtney now as well, and she has moved to the center of the group to provide close healing support. There are only 50ish cats left and with each passing moment another one falls, the swarm hp no longer to support them.

Jason steps forward, “Rosha, guard Courtney. I plan to burst down these last few like last time!”

Rosha backs into Courtney and sweeps out her staff to clear the area. The two retreat as Jason body blocks them and only a handful of cats decide to follow. 40 some cats crowd onto him as he crouches down and pulls his arms in tight. Once surrounded, Jason glows bright before he bursts outward.

The cats on him go flying as the last of the group’s health is blasted away. Those last few cats that had been chasing after the other two change direction and just scamper off into the distance. Escaping away into some nearby brush.

Peter claps at their victory and to draw their attention to him. “Wonderful! You actually communicated your plans. Though Jason, you’re still missing one little detail.”

Jason stands there in the center of so many dead cats and turns toward Peter with an eyebrow raised. “Mostly certain I’ve done everything you’ve suggested. If I am missing something it is a thing you haven’t said yet.”

Peter gives him a big toothy grin. “You’re forgetting one little piece of advice I gave way back at the last inn. You haven’t let your rabbit join the fight yet!”

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