NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 238: Chapter 239 – Peak Existence Panthers

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Rosha asks, “So if the System can’t replicate peak existences, how does it get the essence if the being is still alive? A dead being would be easy enough for the System to snaffle up some blood. But I would think anything called peak could keep track of their blood. Also, how does being a peak existence work in the first place? I doubt they get born at the top.”

Peter shrugs, “I can answer that first one. The System makes deals with them for essence occasionally. What does it mean? I’m also uncertain. As for how the peak thing works? I assume monsters evolve into it. Though I can’t be sure. All I can say is all peak existences are beings past the eighth break. This does give a lot of wiggle room. For instance, me and my husband both count as peak existences. With that in mind, you would think I’d know more, but it isn’t my specialty.”

Courtney coughs, “It might not be your specialty, but knowing things is mine. Peak existences while technically count for anyone past the eighth break, the context narrows down exactly what it means in this case. The peak existences being referred to in this are not normal people like use. Rather, this is a specialized use to refer to monsters who have evolved after the eighth break. This is incredibly rare as most evolutionary lines are broken before then.”

“Part of what makes the higher levels so slow is that few monsters on NeoRealm proper get up there. Notice I said NeoRealm proper. Places like the shadow plane are not on NeoRealm proper and so have a much higher quantity of high level threats. The problem with this is at those levels even the non-sapient monsters will have enough intelligence they can work together to defend their territory.”

“So not only are there more eighth break threats, those threats all will gang up on you, so it isn’t exactly a good place to train. You might fight a monster who just broke through only for the neighboring level capped monsters come join in the fun. I have to guess shadow panthers are one of those evolutions that returns to a simple name. With how the System likes to do names, most peak monsters get like four to six modifiers on their name. So you would expect it to be called a Savage Deepest Shadow Panther of Assassination and Stealth or some other nonsense.”

Peter claps, “I can answer that one! The shadow panther is one of the rarer forms of evolution. Monsters have a level cap based on their form. They either evolve or get stuck in almost every case. Panthers for instance go down a darkness based path. In a normal situation, a panther would evolve into a dark panther. Shadow panthers are a third path.”

“In nearly every case, monsters will be level limited based on their current form. With enough persistence, time, or luck, a monster can break through this limit. Now before I say the next bit, let me say right out, darkness is not evil. However, a dark panther is evil by most standards. They torture their prey through hours of hunting.”

“From what I’ve seen, this is almost certainly something forced on them by the System, as once they become dark panthers they can no longer gain sapience. A clear sign of System tampering. Anyway, if a regular panther stays a normal animal, break the bloodline limit, and get all the way through the eighth bottleneck. Then finally it will evolve into a shadow panther.”

Courtney frowns, “So why do you know so much about shadow panthers?”

Peter shrugs, “Because you aren’t the only one who can do research. After I found out about your little shadow trick I went and got my friend to send me some info on what might be going on. That is where I got the original guess from. Then I ended up going a little deep on the shadow panther.”

“Did you know they can’t breed? Every single shadow panther is its own unique bloodline! This is one of the rarest things for a species. So if you do find your ancestor, you will be like a child of the panther, as beings like you are the only descendants they can have. Beyond that, a pantherkin having the bloodline is so much rarer than a pantherfolk having it. Really fascinating what the System has done to you.”

Courtney purses her lips as a few emotions flow across her face. In the end it lands on annoyance, “Well. Well, I do like the ability. My shadow form is quite handy. However, I am not sure how I feel about having a panther ancestor somewhere in the shadow plane. That sounds like all kinds of trouble as it is very much the type of thing the System loves to throw around quests about.”

Peter laughs at her response. “I bet the moment you gain the ability to plane hop, you will have a never ending flow of quests. Each one trying to get you to either meet or avenge your ancestor. After all, once a monster reaches that level of power they don’t just die of old age. Not that they can’t mind you. There is still a limit to their lifeforce. However, at that level of power even one sign of weakening will be met with old foes showing up to challenge you. Unless a monster has capped out, the chance at a higher leveled monster who has weakened due to age is the ultimate target.”

Courtney rolls her eyes, “And what about the whole coming together for defense stuff?”

Peter shrugs, “That is to defend against outside sources. They will all pounce on any human coming in and disturbing everyone with annoying dimensional magic. A peak death’s shadow elk coming in to fight an old shadow panther to the death because of a grudge is just another day in their life. Not that you would have a better chance when they are fighting. The second they notice you are there, both of them will turn against you in a temporary truce.”

“Though while it has been fun to talk about this, the next group is in a dip in the ground not far ahead. There are only two yubjubs there, but I expect better results from the two of them in their fight against you. Not that I expect them to win, but that’s life sometimes.”

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