Neta Chara Tensei Toka Anmari da!

Chapter 14: CH 14

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Inside the filthy cell, two female and two male was locked on their underwear.

Galen was the party vanguard and he was from an orphanage. He has a talent for the sword. Using that he lives as an adventure and even sent some money to the orphanage. Knowing his background and still willing to invite him to the party was Chrysta’s best friend, and also school friend, Sasha.

Sasha was a student of the academy in the capital, where she met Chrysta. She was charmed by Chrysta who always interact with other, even commoner like her, equally despite being a noble, and thus decided to join Crysta’s party. She was also a priestess of the Goddess of Love Airos and worked as the healer in the party.

And the last one was dog demi-human Al. Using the demi-human trait which is a sharp sense of smell and superior five senses, he worked as the scout, and he was the most veteran among them. When they took the same quest in the capital, they naturally become closer and in the end, he joined Crysta’s party. Although he was the oldest, due to demi-human long life span, he still appears like a boy who hasn’t reach twenty despite already being on his forty.

Their team was among the best in the capital, and when they moved their base to the free city, they quickly gain achievement appropriate to their true power.

That’s why, when this special request comes to them they believe they could finish it without trouble, and thus none was worried.

After all, in this kingdom, adventurers with titles like them could be counted with the finger on both hands.

Even without Crysta, this scale of bandits could be cleared up by three of them if Duran was not there. And using Crysta magic at full power, freezing this cavern is a piece of cake.

However, that was only “if”. Since they were currently held against their will.

Even for B-rank adventurers like them, it is impossible to break free from shackles made from magic steel that bind their hands and feet. Except for Chrysta none would be able to break free.

However even Crysta could not break free, because her limbs were bound with even thicker shackles, with magic formation bellow her, added with neck shackle which seals magic that usually used to restrain slaves.

Without going that far, it was impossible to bound Crysta after all. With body enhancement magic, it was not hard for her to break the magic steel shackles and magic formation and break free from the cell.

“Ne~ Galen, break this magic steel shackle with brute force will you?”

Sasha asked Galen again for nth times.

“As I said, this shackle is no pushover. It’s a miracle for bandits to have something like this. Give me half a month and I might be able to bend the latch, but don’t expect I could do it now! Ah, I am hungry…”

“It was a set up huh.”

Al said calmly.

“Those damned nobles said this is for the people, but they must have colluded with them in the first place!”

Sasha cursed the people who gave them the special request.

However, they were the ones who made a conclusion that even if it’s a trap they could do something about it since they were just bandits. So they could not really blame it on someone, since if they do they would basically deny their own decision.

That’s why what they said basically just self-mocking.

“I am sorry, I was too naive.”

A cold monotonous voice reverberated in the cavern.

One of the reasons for the title Ice Empress was her expressionless and monotonous tone. The cause was actually her enormous magic power, which has an unusual ice attribute and somehow affects her emotion and makes her always calm, although people who saw her for the first time would say she is cold like ice. Crysta has a feeling like others, it just rarely appeared on her face.

“No no, you are not at fault Crysta! I am the one who suggested bandit extermination.”

Sasha quickly interjected.


“That’s right, I also did not object at that time!”

“We have taken all the precautions. It’s just that none expected that Duran would be in this kind of place.”

That’s right, it’s nothing but the tragedy that comes from misfortune.

“But that guy was truly a monster…I, as a vanguard felt ashamed that could not last even for 2 seconds, there is no way Cysta able to fight properly because of that. Damn it.”

Galen was the second to be defeated when facing Duran.

In two seconds. His sword blasted away, and he was cut together with his shield.

He was among the first-rate warrior of B rank, but that was all that he could do.

“Haha, then I am the most useless. Despite being a scout I did not notice him until he appeared in front of me… He must have mastered thief arts.”

Al said in a defeated tone.

“I was turned unconscious before even cast single healing you know? I am the most useless here.”

Since their topic was about how they were captured it was pretty gloomy.

In the end, the one fought against Duran was only Crysta.


Inside the prison was like a wake.

Their fate was basically sealed, to be sold as slaves. Even if there is a rescue come for them, as long Duran was there, it was meaningless.

They have given up.

Except for one person.

“Who is it?”

Crysta was the one who shouted.

It’s not like she heard or smell anything, on the contrary, her five senses picked up nothing.

However, the words still flowed from her mouth.

It should be something like the sixth sense of the strong. That’s why she reacted even faster than the demi-human Al.

“–Umu, they are here alright–and their fashion is kind of exciting–do you want any of them, Aisha?”

Nacht said it dignifiedly.

As if a customer who appraised the article.

The hope that appears in a second quickly turned into vigilance.

“Jeez, Nacht-sama. Please save them properly! Duran also said that he would release them, right! Also, Nacht-sama shouldn’t look too much at them!”

“Why? We are all girls here. Also, that blue-haired girl was really pretty you know? Also, Duran said that we could do anything we want, remember?”

“Please stop with sophism! Ehehe, isn’t having me enough, Nacht-sama!”


“Are you guys…on our side…?”

Sasha asked warily.

“Well, let’s stop the joke here. The captives are those in the clean cell and the ones at the dirty cell are sex slaves huh. First, let’s do something about this smell, nothing could be done otherwise–<>.”

It was wind magic that was used to deal against the vacuum-type traps.

Although it successfully pushed away from the bad air, it quickly filled with another.

“I am Nacht-sama’s servant, Aisha. You are the adventurers that were captured, right? Don’t worry, we will quickly set you free.”

After saying that Aisha quickly searched for the keys of their prison and shackles.

“We are the A rank party, the Ice Thorn. We came for a bandit subjugation requests but ended up like this. Although it is shameful, we are very thankful for saving us.”

Sasha acted as their representative.

“More importantly, what about that monster, Duran!??”

Perhaps because shocked with Nachts and co appearance their thinking was dulled, but Galen quickly shouted from the side.

In the first place as long Duran is still here, no matter what kind of reinforcement the free city sent, it would end up meaningless. That’s why Galen felt wary toward Nacht.

“Nn? Ah, he is currently in a depressed mood. Well, rather than that–are you guys weak?”

As if an innocent child playing around, Nacht stands at the other side of the bar.

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“Ha? Did you not hear me? We are an A-rank adventurer party!”

“Shut up, Galen! I am sorry, we are should be pretty strong in my opinion… especially Crysta, she is in a league above all of us…”

Sasha admonished Galen.

Right now their fate was in the hand of the curious girl in front of them.

There is no sense to displease her.

“Hmm, I don’t know how strong is A rank party, but to be defeated by Duran, it seems like lackluster…”

Of course, Nacht did not mean to be a jerk, she just said what she thought honestly.

After becoming Nacht, she seems lost the modesty of the Japanese people.

“Haa!? What the f*** are you saying! I will kill you, Huh!?”

“Shut up, Galen!”

Although her mouth warned Galen, actually Sasha also felt a bit unpleasant.

Duran was after all an exception, as B rank adventurer and A rank party they have to achieve things suitable to their position. And being denied by others of course will cause anger to well up inside of them.

“Haha, sorry to make you feel unpleasant. Alright, I feel a bit bad, but I will leave you guys for later, first–”

Nacht did not look toward the four of them again but turned toward the slaves with empty eyes.

In front of the rusty iron bars, Nachts flicked her fingers twice.

And the iron bar was cut like butter.


Ignoring the stupified trio, Nacht enters the cell slowly.

Inside the cell were around ten women. Everyone was naked, and their age varies from around ten until around forty.

Everyone has lost all hope and is like a dead person. Additionally from the laceration, it is easily seen that their body is not ok. Among them even someone who carries another soul in their belly.

Some of them reacted and wonder whether they were saved, but the rest have no reaction at all.

“Alright, if you want to live, get out of this cell. If not, then I will send you guys to the other side as painlessly as possible. Well, before that, although healing is not my forte–<>. With this, you should be able to move.”

Although Nacht has enough potion for all of them, taking them out is a pain, so she used the only healing magic she could use from the wind system.

“No way, the wounds are–” “It feels warm.” “Even my butthole.” “The membrane did not return huh, too bad.”

They were healed just like that.

Nacht took random clothes and underwear from the storage and gave them to them and they quickly wear them.

The only problem was two people. One child and one woman in her twenty.

“Do you want to die?”

“U, Au, U–”

The child did not want to die and quickly shook her head.

It seems she was warry of Nacht even though she is a girl too.

That girl was just around ten.

It’s kind of weird looking at how she desperately moves her mouth and spits something and yet no sound comes out from her mouth. She was desperately want to say something but failed to do so.

Perhaps she remembered that the words she said might cause another train of pain and thus she lost the ability to do so.

“–There there, look, it’s alright now.”

Nacht pats her head slowly and then hugs her gently and lifts her up.

Although Nacht usually acted high-handed, it’s not like she did not have mercy.

Although half of her is a dragon, the other half is still human after all.

Although she did not proactively save her kind, she would not abandon those in front of her.

“Uu, a–, i–, a, u.”

The girl’s thought, although did not appear in words, could be heard from the vibration of her soul. She desperately wants to say thank you to Nacht, and Nacht could sense it.

“Yup, you have worked hard. Leave the rest to me.”

“Alright, you are the last. What would you like?”

In the corner of the cell, one woman sat leaning her body in the wall. Her body was like an empty husk.


No answer.

Although her wound was healed, the wound in her heart wasn’t.

There is no light in her eyes as if no will inside her. That eyes as if understand about something and thus give up, that kind of eyes.

Surely, she is no longer–

The world is cruel. Even in the peaceful world in Japan, a reality where living is painful existed, and in this other world, there should be more.

It’s better to die, it is more peaceful, and if she wished for it–as the Dragon that rules over soul, Nacht felt it would be her duty to send her peacefully.

“You have enough?”


The woman quietly closes her eyes.

That was her answer.

“I see…then, at least please rest peacefully–<> Hm?”

Her magic was interrupted.

The one who interrupted was the young girl on her shoulder.

She tugs her back with her frail power.

“n, o. N, O.”

“No, huh? But, she is already–”

“I, a, a, e, o, i, i, u.”

(I was saved, now is my turn, huh)

Even in this suffering they also have memories of helping each other.

The heart that could not be moved by Nacht, this girl might be able to touch it.

Nacht lends her hand toward that sliver of hope.

“I see, then do your best–soul magic–<>”

And use one magic to bridge them.

It’s simply a small hope.

The girl that has lost her words, and the woman who refuses to open her mouth, were connected by Nacht’s magic.

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