Neta Chara Tensei Toka Anmari da!

Chapter 18: CH 18

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Free trade city was the title of the city that support the nation through as its name implies: trade, and it was also a place where discrimination toward race did not occur.

In the land in the north, there were some villages of minority tribes and the dwarf race who were good at blacksmithing. Now it was part of the kingdom area, however since they were integrated peacefully, as long they paid a certain amount of tax, they were allowed to self-govern themselves. Basically similar to the feudalistic system.

In the far east, there was an island country whose only connection was through the Kerbel harbor. And the unique commodities they have flowed through the trade city.

In the south was the Yorno forest which contains a lot of resources and monsters. It was a splendid place for adventurers to obtain the blessing of the forest and monsters’ material.

In the Depth, was the place where powerful monsters lives and under the spring said to be the seal of an ancient demon, however except for some veteran adventurers they would not be allowed to enter that place. Most people that went to free trade city usually those that live through foraging and hunting monsters.

In the west was the road toward the capital, and everyday merchants going back and fro to trade their wares to and from trade city.

As a place which trades with various villages and city and intense traffic, it would be easy to found various type of race there. Although the human supremacist ideal was strong in the capital, if that kind of thinking was brought there, it might affect the function of the city. That’s why there was almost no difference in the tax or tariff used between races.

When it was still a small trade city, it was also built together by various types of people, and thus the resident also not secular, does not discriminate, and were able to accept various races.

And now Nacht walked on the main road of that city.

Naturally, people’s attention gathered at her.

As if looking at an elaborate doll, they stopped walking, talking, and keep staring at her.

Among the hustle and bustle sea of people, there were some with hairy and standing ears, the dwarf with muscles, and the lizardman who was the embodiment of carnivore.

“Nacht-sama…everyone looking here…”

“Haha, my Aisha is really cute after all. No wonder no wonder.”

Nacht was not the only one.

After regaining her complexion and wearing the maid uniform, although Aisha still looked young, she was also outstandingly cute. After looking at Nacht, their gaze would naturally also move toward Aisha.

“What a strange sight—”

Nacht said that unintentionally.

“What’s strange?”

Aisha asked while tilting her head.

“No, it’s just, beyond my expectation. Diversity is one thing, but to think they could live in harmony like this surprise me.”

People who live in a different environment usually have a different value and sense of justice.

Even in Japan, even in the previous world, although they are all human, a small difference would still create friction. The difference in clothing, skin color, living place, some just could not let those differences go. She remembered how Aikawa Tooru could not accept people, even those who were close with him in real, since he decided they have no connection with his ‘reality’.

However, in this place, although their races were different, they could live together.

(The world we lived in is small. Even smaller than a game. A pitifully, small–)

In her head, the sound of her and his most trusted comrade reverberated.

Surely, what drives them to become like this was not peace, but the cruelty of this world, even so, if Tooru saw this scene, he might live a different life, that was what passed through Nacht’s mind, but then she stopped.

“What useless thinking.”

Nacht muttered without being heard.

After walking toward the center of the city for a bit, the biggest building–the adventurer guild came to view.

Adventurer guild also functions as a shelter during emergencies. That was why it was placed in the middle area. Just from a glance, could be seen that the building was a study. The entrance was made big to allow the material from the big monsters to pass through.

Just by entering there, Nacht would raise a ruckus. That was what she thought, however this time the focus was not toward Nacht.

“Crysta! You are safe!”

“Crysta! Welcome back, thank goodness!”

“All members of Ice Thorn are safe!”

“Ha! Just as expected. It was a party with Titled!”

Among the congratulation and shouts of relief from the adventurers, Crysta did not show any change and walked straight toward the receptionist.

“Could you tell the guild master? I have something to report.”

Receiving Crysta’s sharp gaze, the receptionist becomes flustered.

“Y-yes. I will quickly convey it. Erm, are the people with you the captives…?”

The receptionist looked at Nacht nervously.

But Crysta shook her head.

“No. This is Nacht-dono, when I failed the request, she coincidentally saved us. This time my party, me included are the captives, and the one who completes the request was Nacht-dono.I will report the details to the guild master, please take care of him.”

After saying that, she pushed the now bounded and gagged Aizen toward her comrade.

“Eh, is that, no way…?”

The receptionist was dumbfounded and the surroundings become boisterous.

“Did something happen?” “It’s the Ice Empress, now way bandits would be able to best her.” “That girl really cute though.” “She seems just like the usual noble ladies.”

The adventurers started to chatter among themselves.

But it quickly calmed down.

Not because someone said anything, but because they felt the chill of killing intent.

As if a frozen, chilling, extremely cold blade pointed at all the people in the room.

“You guys, are you saying that I am a liar? Do you think I would falsify the report? Could I take it as an insult?”

Crysta usually stays expressionless even when she is angry, so it is unusual for her to openly show displeasure in a public place like this.

Of course, the reason was to keep Nacht’s mood to become worsening.

If that personage becomes unhappy, just who could stop her.

Crysta would only have three choices, run, apologize, or even help her to vent.

“…Erm…The guild master was calling……please, come inside…”

The receptionist girl said nervously.

Nacht just smiling from the beginning till the end.


Nacht and co were brought to the innermost room on the second floor.

Just from a glance, the room was certainly bigger than 20 tatami mats, and have expensive-looking furniture. On the work desk, numerous reports and documents stacked up. And in front of it was a desk and a sofa, which should be for guests or maybe for adventurers that went to report.

What was weird was, there was two work desk. One of them was completely neat and placed in the middle, it should be the guild master’s desk. However the other one was small, and in the chair, there was a cushion to adjust the height. As if it was meant for children.

The tall old man that stood before them should be the guild master.

He had white hair, and even his beard was white. He had a small scar on his left eye, no, not only in the left eye, he had a lot of small scars. Considering he was the one who put together the adventurers, who were known to depend on their strength to work, certainly have the power to back his position. Although it was clear that the old man was strong, Nacht still felt something amiss.

And the source of that was his eyes.

It was round and cute and glittering. A truly kind eyes.

What comes to Nacht’s mind was just one.

“He looked like a polar bear–”


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Aisha and Sasha tried to hold their laughter.

It seemed they have a similar impression.

“Wa, it…Haha, that was a pretty rude thing to say toward guild master…..”

Sasha rebuked her while holding her laughter, however, from Nacht’s perspective, Sasha was ruder than her.

“Hahahahahahahaha, this young lady really didn’t mince words. So, Crysta, who are they?”

Looking at Nigurd that laughed heartily, it seemed he didn’t really mind and asked Crysta.

Perhaps it was the intuition of veteran warriors.

Just with a glance, he could perceive that Nacht was not run of a mill young lady.


“This personage was Nacht-dono. She saved our lives when we were in plight.”


The guild master was groaning with a low voice as if thinking about something, but it was quickly interrupted by a hit from the spectacle girl.

That was not an action that is normally taken toward one superior. That girl was somehow looked very young. She was short, and her hair was cut evenly and make her looked childish. The only part that did not look like a child at all was two giant fruit that sways as she moved.

“That was hurt, Irina, what are you–”

“Could you report first? This place has become slightly cramped.”

Irina asked calmly. And instead of Crysta that was not good with words, Sasha explained the details of the incident.

“Hahahahaha, so you met Duran the War Demon? What bad luck!”

“The request was failed, but the bandits were annihilated. Considering the situation, it would be fine for Nacht-dono to accept the reward.”

Said Irina.

Although the reward did not really mean anything for Nacht, well, she would just accept it since they gave it to her.

“In the first place, Duran was actually planned to destroy the bandit in the end, so my help was actually not necessary.”

“Yes, but it did not change the fact that Nacht has saved us. Also, it seems the nobles in Eleonora’s faction who designated request for use have a dealing with the bandits. We have caught the head of the bandits alive, you could try to interrogate him.”

However, Sasha’s face was still gloomy.

Since it was unlikely that they would be able to catch the main preparator.

Because they would cut them off.

“I see, so it’s like that–sorry to let you handle a troublesome request.”

Of course, the guild also has the responsibility for approving the request.

However, accepting the request still depends on the adventurers themselves, discerning the nature of the task included in their job. That’s why they could not blame the guild strongly, and they did not plan to.


“We would deal within our power. But currently, we are in a state of emergency–”

“There is a high chance that they would muddy the water. And currently, we might need to move the knights too–”

Irina supplemented Nigurd’s words.


Sasha asked.

“Yes, currently monster in Yorn Forrest has become active. The cause is still not clear but we have sent adventurers to investigated it. This needs the guild utmost priority right now. Did you guys felt anything when returning?”

Crysta and Sasha looked troubled.

Of course, since Crysta and co returned through Yorn forest, they should have noticed if the monster became active.

But on the way back, Nacht always pays attention to their surroundings and released her pressure.

Because of that, not only monsters, not even a single insect dare to get close to them.

That’s why they did not notice anything strange.

“The reasons should be the appearance of a powerful monster or a mana krḗnē (mana spot) which cause monsters to become more active.”

Said Irina.

For a moment Nacht thought it was her fault. Because ‘appearance of powerful monster’ actually lines up with the fact of her arrival.

But Nacht did not use her pressure left-right for and force the monsters to move out, and she did not even hunt a single monster. And thus she concluded that it was not because of her.


“Hahahahahaha, or probably it was the sign of the seal in the spring was broken.”

Guild master said that as a joke.

Sasha, Crysta, Irina, and Aisha let strained laugh.



Nacht almost spits out what she was drinking.

“That’s impossible, that place was the most dangerous area even inside the Depth, so none would dare to going there. In the first place, the seal of twin moon would not break without a sufficient force.”

Sasha denied the conjecture exasperatedly. But cold sweat started to trickle in Nacht’s body.

A place no one around.

Two moons.

A strong force.

What appeared in Nacht’s mind was her own figure, who was drowned in the ecstasy of using magic.

“Well, the seal itself was a pretty dubious story. We should think more realistically.”

Crysta said calmly.

“Cough, cough…”

That must be coincidence, yes coincidence! Nacht whispered inside her heart.

“Hmm, is it really funny? Considering the worst was the basic adventuring after all.”

“No, no, it’s nothing. Hahaha, it was funny.”

Nacht kept telling herself that it must be a coincidence.

In those wide forests, there was no way that was the only spring around. There was no way the spring that Nacht burned down have such an important function.

Crysta and co thought Nacht’s act slightly odd but did not delve deeper.

However, Aisha who was stuck with Nacht seemed to notice something.


“H-hm? It’s nothing, yes, nothing…”

Well, first let’s think about how to explain it to Aisha, that was what was in Nacht’s mind.

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