Neta Chara Tensei Toka Anmari da!

Chapter 3: CH 3

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That day, the world shook.

Dragons are known to absorb the mana where they live, in exchange blessing the area with the gift of nature.

The world’s biggest lake where the water dragon lives has always clear water is one of the prime and famous examples.

An existence with profound wisdom and exists on a different level with monsters.

They have lived together with man, no, other living beings for hundreds if not a thousand years, and yet they suddenly disappear.

Of course, it could be because they prepared a trial for a hero, or there might be a dragon festival, that’s how people convinced themselves.

But, if that was the case, the dragon holy maiden should have received an oracle.

“Just what has…happened…”

None could give an answer to the dragon holy maiden’s question.

The world has yet to know, the day when the dragons disappear and various abnormality that appears together with it, which later called dragon calamity–

was a gospel that indicated the appearance of a visitor.


“XXXXX, another new character? You are really an addict~ I think you are the only person in this whole world who raise three characters seriously.”

I heard that voice from somewhere.

Something that I shouldn’t have heard here. A voice from somewhere in the past.

“Kyaa~ It’s so cute! But you are too obsessed with female voice~”

Someone’s happy voice.

A voice that sounds nostalgic but also not, that kind of voice.

“Wait, how much you spend this time? Do tell me, please.”

“Oh, is this the rumored ‘trap’?”

“You’re going to leveling? Let me help you, senpai!”

“But with this, our guild will have a new friend, I fully welcome it.”

The continuous chatter was the first voice I heard.

That was the day, XXXXX was born.

“Wait, what the heck with those skillsets? Are you even trying?”

“I’m with big sis, that unusual of you.”

“It’s pretty interesting in my opinion though.”

I was surrounded by a lively voice.

And that’s not the end.

“Well, anything works I guess?”

“Cuteness is justice.”

“Please sell me your shoes.”

“Or just step on me!”

“Where the heck these perverts comes from, big sis, please.”

“Aran~ how about giving bis sis a hug?”

“”No thank you!””

I have never been alone.

That was XXXXX growth days.

“Noo! How the heck my firepower is weaker? That’s ridiculous!”

“Ah~ you shouldn’t mind it. XXXXX is special after all.”

“…Oi stop being so carefree and save me.”

“I am going to save the princess.”

That’s right, I am always on the side of the saved.

The days went past and go, disappear like an illusion.

“Another head first charge!? It really has no strategic mindset at all.”

“Princess switch has been turned on!”

That’s right, I was called princess.

Arrogant, always ordering others around with a condescending attitude, and act however I wanted, that was me.

My sinking consciousness started to resurface.

From the deep of sea without bottom to the surface of the water. That kind of feeling.

“Wait, quick retreat! Oi, someone please back her up!”

“Nope, that’s too dangerous.”

“Princess, run! Get out of the way for f*ck sake!”

It’s fine, this much is nothing for me.

There is no need to worry.

I said those words without any basis at all.

“Wait, healing, someone cast healing!”

“Nope, no more MP.”


“Wait, Guild Master, is that the ultimate item? But it’s still rash!”

“That’s reckless! Just what are you trying to do!?”

“Listen, all of you retreat! I will take care of it!”

Ah, that’s right.

I was saved.

Slowly my hazy mind started becoming clearer.

However, right at that time, my consciousness disappears.

Only leaving echoes.

And inside my disappearing consciousness–

“Good grief, what a hopeless bunch.”

I think I heard that voice.


My consciousness returned in a flash.

When I felt as if my consciousness was pulled out from some kind of big vessel and then shoved somewhere else, I, Tooru opened my eyes.

“Where…is this? Wait…I am alive!?”

Just as he about to digest the fortunate fact that he is still alive, it has quickly blown away by the strangeness he felt.

The reason for that sense of out of place comes from his own voice.

The pitch was too high compared to what he remembered.

Right between Altro and Soprano, he thought.

(No no no I am a man!)

Tooru’s voice was not high. During the chorus, he was assigned to bass after all. And even as praise, his voice actually not pretty.

However, right now, the voice that comes out from his throat becomes clear and sounds like a female.

No no no, let’s calm down. Take a deep breath.

Telling himself to calm down, Tooru checked his body.

Fine, and pure white skin without any blemish, and his limbs become unbelievably slender.

“Hah!? Wait…a woman…? How..?”

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His not so calm voice spilled from his mouth.

The place his consciousness returned was not a hospital bed, but between spring and forest.

People who could stay calm in this situation is the strange one.

When his mind almost descended into panic, he suddenly calmed down when he noticed his own figure.

He has deep crimson nails and yet it’s not dyed, he also has an inkling about the black dress he wore.

“This… The third job’s passive skill, crimson dragon claw? And these clothes… is twilight embrace (night brace), then, no way–”

A single possibility.

It’s ridiculous, he keeps denying it in his head because of its sheer absurdity.

However, at the same time alarm bell keep ringing in his heart.

Before he even takes a peek at his reflection in the water, he actually already has a convincing hunch.

Keeping his impulse in check, he moved his gaze from the reflection of two moons in the spring.

In the clear and transparent water near the lakeshore, is the reflection of the figure of a character that he loved, and obsessed with.

“It’s really… Nacht Schatten…!”

Nacht Schatten.

Born from Tooru’s eighth-grade syndrome as the driving force: because the dragon is totally dope, ah, but how about create a gap and make it young girl instead?

With that kind of ridiculous idea, his third sub-character, a joke character was born in Real World Online.

A specialist of evasion, with not a single point assigned to defense, and a unique class “Dragon Princess” that gained after completing all dragon related quest just because he felt like it, a total joke character.

“Why…Just why…”

Indescribable complaint spilled from my mouth.

In the forest where I was thrown into, was certainly not the earth, looking at the sky that was dominated by the two moons.

Considering the place and my current appearance, the conclusion I reached was–



Although I keep saying it was impossible in my head, due to exposure to web novels with similar settings, he could not completely rule out that possibility.


then why,

“Why the joke character……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Truth to be told, Nacht is not strong.

Her level stopped right before max, and her origin (race) skill and job skill already have + mark. And yet, she could not farm monster at a similar level, against area boss or event boss, if she is not at least 10 levels higher, even fighting is difficult.

The dragon that Nacht represents excel in physical and magic both in attack and defense, in other words, a superb all-rounder. In exchange for having almost no notable strategy-type skill, it could handle almost everything from attack, defense, support, enhance, and buff. However, Nacht status actually killed this advantage.

Generally, Tooru put most of Nacht stats to magic attack, throwing away defense and make her evade specialists. Just from that it would pretty clear that a balanced fight would be impossible with her. Since she was changed from all-rounder to magic attack specialization, Tooru did a lot of trial and error with dragon magic that has a lot of versatility but lack power, job-related magic that even inferior from it, and finally even test joke magic, include those who have incredible visual but actually not that strong when building Nacht. As the result, she becomes hopeless in melee. Trash level.

Nacht’s usual playstyle would be running around from enemies using her high evasion rate, and then fire roman-filled magic nonstop.

Nacht concept was a mobile cannon, however, in reality, her usability is not that good.

Losing her biggest advantage, she becomes unable to handle the enemy with high magic resistance. Although she is indeed strong in some cases, she is completely useless in the others.

A character that’s fun to use, that’s all to it.

Although Tooru does love her because she is the hardest one to raise if he was allowed to choose he would definitely choose his main character who always in the top five rankings.

“This way I could not become super OP or unparalleled!”

Although Real World Online did not have a resurrection item or system, the battle system was really fair. As long you did not skimp on the equipment, it would hard to die against the enemy at the same level. And there were almost no instant death magic or trap.

However, because of it, Nacht that mostly build for fun, would not be able to become peerless.

“But wait…., Currently I am Nacht, but is this place Real World Online…?”

And then I looked up at the sky again.

To ascertain the reflection in the water.

“Two moons…no, during the raid boss Crimson Moon Vampire, there was only one moon…”

And thus Tooru noticed that this place other than not being the earth, might also not the Real World Online.

Unconsciously he started to look around thoroughly.

The moon cast a blueish light.

The lake that reflected the light and the dense forest that bath on those light.

“I have never seen this type of terrain… This is not Reinold forest… And this is not Leine lake… Dragon King lake, nope. Although it’s similar to the Moonlight Shore, that place is close to Hades Valley, and rather than a forest, it was more like a marsh…”

Although it’s also true that Real World Online’s world was too wide and Tooru has no way of knowing all of its areas, from all of his knowledge, although there were some with similar shape, none match with any place he knows.

“Ah, that’s right, if this is inside the game, then–Voice Chat.”

Tooru tried voice command to connect with his comrades but nothing happened.

“Failed huh, then–Menu Open.”

No response too.

“Then, this is really not inside the game…?”

No matter how he sees it this is not earth.

When he thought he has died, he is inside Real World Online as Nacht, but apparently, this is also not Real World Online.

“Hah… Is this really transmigration…? –No God appeared in front of me, and none explain anything to me either, just what should I do…”

He could smell the scent of the earth through the night wind.

Since it’s so real, this is unlikely a dream.

Tooru never believed in any God.

But if this is a chance given to him–

After driving away all his doubts, the excitement started to build up inside him.

When he thought he had died, he’s in another world. No man could resist this roman.

Because here, there exist the excitement of fantasy that he has given up in real life and unknown challenges.

His life in Japan was peaceful, normal, and carefree. It was a happy life, no doubt.

But he still finds it boring.

Wake up early, went to school, sit on his desk, work part-time, run away inside the game.

He always thought his life has no meaning.

That’s why he has no qualm throwing away his life at that time.

At that time Tooru must have thought that, instead of someone who has no meaning in life like him, it’s better if someone else lives in his stead.

The muddy feeling inside his heart flushed with sudden excitement.

His mouth started to distort into a strange smile. But even those ominous smile made the Nacht he made from a lot of microtransaction become more charming.


His smile slowly turned into a chuckle and slowly become louder and louder.


That laughter that would scare even demons away heard by none and fade to the sky.

At the same time, his fist clenched till it hurt.

Just with that, the wind blowing and the earth was vibrating as if trembling.

“—This time—This time, let’s enjoy this life to my heart content.”

Regretting his past life that bears nothing, Nacht looked toward the sky with determination in her eyes.


TL notes:

1. Not sure about the strategic skill mentioned there, but it should be something like crowd control in my opinion. Basically Nacht base was all-around combat-oriented with almost no cc skill. But Tooru made in super magic specialized. Rather than weak, actually, it’s closer to a niche in my opinion.

2. I am confused as to whether I should use he or she in this chapter.

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