Neta Chara Tensei Toka Anmari da!

Chapter 5: CH 5

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“Now I have done it…”

True I regret what I have done.

But the feeling that it didn’t really matter was stronger. It actually shocked me a bit.

“But, why……?”

I have a theory.

The body I trasmigrate to was, Nacht’s. Not Tooru Aikawa’s.

That means even if the consciousness that overwrites was Tooru Aikawa’s, the fact that I am Nacht did not change.

That’s why, even though I did something like that, I did not feel agitated.

The one who stood here was Nacht, although I have Aikawa Tooru’s memory, it was nothing more than foreign matter, an impurities.

And I have a basis for that.

That was, the foolish words that spilled out from my own mouth.

“”Embraced by the flame of darkness and die–“”

There was no way the now college student Aikawa Tooru would say something like that.

In the real world, the phase of his eighth-grade syndrome has passed.

But, Nacht would–certainly do.

Probably, I did input those words using Yorune Noa during my roleplaying as Nacht in the game.

Because Nacht was like the incarnation of my eighth-grade syndrome.

If I am currently Nacht, then I would easily say phrases that would go down as dark history once again.

“Should I just accept it…or maybe I should change how I speak? From that exaggerated, condescending, eight-grade syndrome patient like a way of speaking…”

During my roleplay with my comrades, they actually pretty like it. However, in the real world, those kinds of words sound really painful.

Although, now that I have become Nacht, I could feel it.

I wanted it this way.

“Give me a break…….Or rather, I have been talking with myself for a while now…well I am in the middle of the forest with none around so it could not be helped I guess……”

Forest, all around me.

With my heightened five senses, I could feel presence a few hundred meters around me, but I find none, only some animals.

I guess I feel lonely because I was alone.

A true loner.

Attacked by the indescribable feeling of loneliness, I could tell that Nacht is someone who prone to feel lonely.

“Let’s search for someone, anyone…If I’m not mistaken, I have soul magic from third job advancement that similar to detection magic……”

Realizing that, I activated the magic.

“Area Extension (increase magic range)–Soul Search.”

If not mistaken according to its flavor text it was a skill which determines the soul good or evil to its root from all sentient creature in range.

Together with the activation of the magic, information flowed into my brain.

Among them, I searched for the human soul.

And then–

“Near the forest, there were three muddy one–and a pure white one.”

I got a response.

But it didn’t look like a good one.

Those with muddy souls should have surrounded the pure white one.

Perhaps he/she was attacked?

Noticing that, my body moved faster than my mind.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Fueled by the thrill of the unknown meeting ahead, Nacht accelerated.

The ground gouged by her kick.

Because high-speed movement above the ground equal to the destruction of nature, Nacht used Origin skill (race skill) and spread out her dragon wings that were hidden inside her.

The appearance was like an illusion of mist or shadow.

It surrounded her like clothes, but when gathering behind her back, the formless wings made Nacht looked like clad in darkness.

The difference between a low dragon and a high dragon in Real World Online was as the name implied high dragon was a higher version of the low dragon. Disregarding the appearance that the low dragon looked like an eastern dragon while the high dragon looked like the western one. Nacht wings were similar to the western ones but firmer and thick.

“Although carelessness is dangerous, no matter how I see it, I need to limit my power–”

Looking at the crater she made, Nacht sighed.

And then she took out a jet black bangle.

It was a cursed tool–weakening bangle.

Actually, it’s not a common item. Since it would make the wearer has all stats reduced by 30%, basically a cursed item. After completing a certain quest, the cursed would be lifted and become a strengthening bangle, which would increase all stats by 5%.

It actually made many players wanted to complain because of the stinginess of the effect. Considering the labor needed and the effect that’s not actually that good, in the end, Nacht never clears the quest and thus the item remained as a weakening bangle.


However, this time it was a perfect item that she needed.

She quickly equipped it. In an instant, she was assaulted by feeling as if a weight was put in her body, but she quickly adapted to it.

“Kuh, hold it my right hand…St-stop it, it’s not yet the time to unleash this power!”

Those words flowed smoothly from her mouth disregarding her will, she was already given up at this point. The only saving grace that her current appearance was a super beautiful girl.

“This is the first time I fly but how should I put it, it feels refreshing. And this wings–they feel oddly familiar.”

Of course, she has never moved something like wings, not even once.

However disregarding that, it truly felt like a part of her.

She must admit it.

She has become Nacht.

When her mind blended into one, she felt her body also synchronized.

She understood that the odd feeling in her soul, and the uncanny feeling in her consciousness have merged into one.

(I see, I am Nacht–)

Then she must prioritize what Nacht wanted.

She decided as the scenery passed among the darkness.

“What a dirty soul–just what the hell they did to make it that dirty.”

Her words left her mouth solemnly.

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Her targets have reached her dragon eyes field of view.

When she confirmed the trash with her own eyes, she once again flew high to the sky.

There is no mercy for them, who harass the thin and dirty little girl, with a filthy smile on their face.

The curse that has no place to turn, become a resentment that almost consumes the little girl’s eyes.

The pure white soul trembled painfully, however, the half soul dragon Nacht understood.

“That’s a pleasant color. Don’t curse, young child–smile, as you have an exceptional fortune.”

Hearing these words, Aisha felt the tension on her body loosened. And to answer those voices, even if it’s forced she tried to make a smile.

However, apparently, that’s unnecessary.

Because when she looked at Nacht appearance, she–

already smiled.

“That’s right. Splendid. Alright then, trash, time to take your leave.”

The most fearless bandit, Gil, becomes angry that someone tried to obstruct his enjoyment and unable to correctly assess the situation.

“O-oh, amazing! You’re just my type. I-I will dote on you…!”

Nope, that’s only his way to look away from reality.

Although his mouth said that, he was swallowed by Nacht’s killing intent and have difficulty in breathing.

Facing that tremendous might, none would dare to blame him for being intimidated.

However, those words actually irritated Nacht even more.

“Hou, so you will play with me? Rape me? Interesting–then, I will retaliate in kind. Let me prepare the perfect retribution for those murky souls.”

Just by looking at them, she could see, rape twice, murder three times, gang rape four times, mass murder seven times, violence, thief, etc……

The reward and punishment that were carved in the soul, their recorded evil deeds actually did not always make the soul muddy. If they have justified reason, or if they repented, they would slowly turn clear again.

However, those trash’s souls did not have any tendency of being purified–

“You guys have no right to live–soul magic–”

Negative Gate (Death Prison Gate).

Soul Magic is the specialty of Nacht who choose race soul-dragon dragonkin.

It was high dimension magic, which affects the root of all living beings, the soul. It could bind them, judge them, sometimes even guide them.

Although the reason she got it was pretty crappy–just because Tooru who fall into eighth-grade syndrome illness thought it was cool–she actually felt that this power really apt for her.

She could see people’s true essence to their core.

Together with her declaration, a hole appeared in the space. Black light poured from the opened keyhole like a tear.

And that was the signal of the opening gate.

From the round-shaped hole, appeared innumerable hands.

That was, the grief of the dead.

“Hi! Please wait!! Stop!! Save us–”

Gil who tried to ward off the dead’s hands only received a cold look from Nacht.

“I think, ah right, ‘Have you ever give mercy to those who beg?'”

Those words sound like a rip off from manga or maybe anime, but it indeed represented Nacht’s true feeling.

“Noooooooooooooooo! Please stop! Stop! Stop! I don’t want to die–! I don’t want to…di…”

The dead’s hand pierced Gil’s chest.

He stopped breathing, and of course, stopped screaming too.

Those hands then drag the now silent Gil to the deep of hell.

“I wish at least your soul would be bleached after dead–and in the next life, you should choose a better way to live.”

Her golden pupil trembled together with the light.

“Alright–I have kept you guys waiting. Next is your turn.”

The bandits who received death sentences turned pale from fright.

Their breath already ragged, the blood drained from their face, and about to lose consciousness.

But if they lose consciousness here, what awaits them was only death.

Using the never used brain, they racked it so hard to find a way to escape with their life.

“Please wait! I-I didn’t become a bandit because I like it! I have no choice! The feudal lord b*stard raised the tax like crazy, and even after work hard like a dog we could not earn anything! To escape from this d*mned poverty we could only take from others! Isn’t everyone like that? Rather than getting hurt, we choose to hurt others to keep ourselves safe! Rather than getting hungry, it’s better to steal from others to eat! None have ever saved us, that’s why it couldn’t be helped…!”

Their words were not a lie.

In the first place, they come from reclamation villages. When things getting south they escaped and then gather as a group.

They received treatment similar to Aisha who now didn’t even have the power to work anymore.

If it was Tooru who still lives in peaceful Japan, those words might move him.

But for the current Nacht, it was not even worth consideration.

“I see, that’s pitiful of you.”

“You get it, don’t you!?”

They appeared to be misunderstood and smiled, Nacht also slowly smiled.

A deep smile as if she smiled toward a friend.

“By the way–how is the taste of the first village girl you raped?”

“Oh–that was especially amazing–”

He stopped his words.

But it was already too late.

“That’s right! It was so fun, right? Because that was your color told me!”


Because Nacht could see the sediment in their soul.

“Listen, unhappiness and misfortune, although I could not say they were equal in shape in size, would always exist in our life. There are people who could keep their soul color beautiful even when facing them, but there are also some who lose their way and muddy their soul.”

Nacht embraced the dirty, thin like a withered tree, and stinky young girl, and then smiled with affection.

“You have worked hard–everything is fine now–”

The young girl lost her consciousness after the tension loosened and surrender her body to Nacht. While at the same time, the dragon’s claws rip through the dark night.

Without paying attention to the two dirty flowers that have withered, she continues to hug the young girl.

Of course, it’s not like Aisha did not have any hatred or anger, or other negative emotions.

Nevertheless, her soul could remain pure and transparent.

“Perhaps this is what called fate.”

Those words flowed naturally from her mouth.

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