Neta Chara Tensei Toka Anmari da!

Chapter 8: CH 8

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“Yes, my master–Aisha pledge an eternal loyalty to you.”

Since Nacht would not possibly know what changed–or evolved inside Aisha’s heart, those words of course out of her expectation.

She meant it as a lighthearted invitation to travel together, but somehow it ended up as eternal loyalty.

Of course, she would properly care for her, since she felt a deep fate connection with her.

However, hearing those heavy words even Nacht would confuse about how to respond.


Aisha who about to rise from a kneeling position caught by the tree’s root and almost tumbled.

“Upsy daisy.”

But due to Nacht’s superhuman reflex catching her was easy-peasy.

“Are you ok, Aisha?”

“Ehehe, my apologies, but I am fine.”

Just being supported by Nacht, Aisha looked really blissful and smiled from ear to ear.

Nacht could not understand just what makes her so happy.

“Let’s hold hands.”

Nacht gave Aisha her right hand.

“Hawawawa, but that’s disrespectful–”

That was what left she said, but her hand still catch Nahct’s hand.

Although Tooru did not have any experience in holding a girl’s hand except during the culture festival dance, and would probably too embarrassed to ask even though Aisha still looked like a child, due to become Nacht somehow she could do it naturally.

“Hawa, but it’s such a waste–hawa, but, no–but–”

Aisha turned red like a boiled octopus, and repeatedly hold and release Nacht’s hand while muttering incomprehensible words. Finally, Nacht could not stand it and hold her hand tightly.

“Hau–! I’m moved! What a honyor!”

Nacht saw her as a travel companion.

That’s why she hoped that Aisha would be more relaxed.

Holding hand is nothing. Well, Nacht could think like that because she is a female character. During the game era, when Tooru used a male character, using character expression change he did sham-kiss with a guild member. It was fine because they get along well. But when he tried to do it with a newly acquainted female character, she was disgusted. By the way, he was forgiven after give her a piece of legend equipment, but if he didn’t she might have announced with horn* that she was sexually harassed. That’s why Tooru subconsciously could not handle the female characters.

In her previous life as Tooru Aikawa, he never goes out with anyone, and let alone kissing he never holds a hand with any girl.

Looking at that, it seems she has become pretty assertive.

Nacht looked hard toward the small beautiful girl, Aisha.

No matter how young she is, her feminine feature still could be recognized.

Although Nacht herself is a beauty, Aisha did not pale in comparison.

After the dirt removed and her skin complexion becomes healthier, added with her golden hair that has been purified from all of the impurities which now looks like a work of art. The light that reflected from it looks majestic as if the moonlight itself.

Remembering her first kiss with the girl who she holds hand now, Nacht’s face became slightly red.


However, that peace, that blissful moment, was destroyed by the tactless sound of flapping wings.

Considering dragon-kin hearing ability, that voice should be around tens of kilometers away, however, in just ten seconds, it already appeared above them.

“Ha, wa…eh, why…no way…”

The gigantic wings, or maybe the blueish-green whirlpool of mana supported the massive figure.

The sky becomes dark as it blocks the source of light.

The dark green scales covered its short–by the standard of its size– four limbs. In each leg, was sharp claws in the size of a person.

The width of the wings could not be measured just like its body.

But if it must be expressed with word that would be a mountain. A figure as big as a mountain floated in the sky.

Its emerald eyes filled with wisdom, and its eight horns enveloped by the wind.

Behind its back was a serpentine tail that swung aggressively.

“So this world has Dragon too.”

Although it was a species that she has never seen inside the game, it was a dragon, she sure of it.

Just like how a human met another human, she felt fellowship with the dragon, and the dragon seems felt it too.

Facing the gigantic ultimate lifeform, Aisha falls to her buttock and even wet herself. However, Nacht was different, she just smiled gently.

And tell Aisha who has fallen into despair to calm down.

“Don’t worry Aisha–it’s just a lesser dragon. It won’t pose a threat to us.”

Around the lesser dragon in front of her, there was no golden circle.

In the real world online, the lesser dragon has levels around fifty at least but below one hundred at most.

Although Nacht’s level hasn’t reached the cap, it’s still 147. There is no way she would lose. Even the peak of the lesser dragon, a raid boss with level 100 still no match with her.

Well, that was in the game.

Perhaps there was some difference in this world, but Nacht still felt no threat from the entity in front of her.

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She did look at the bangle she wore for a split second, but she did not feel the need to take it off.

“It’s just fooling you with its size and hostility. Remember it again, compared with my dragon surge, it was nothing, right?”

Well, her dragon surge was never directly directed to Aisha.

Aisha, still in her buttock, nodded weakly and grip Nacht’s hand tightly.

“Alright, then–what’s your business? I presume you are not simply out for walk or did you?”

“”You are—similar, no–your power is beyond me, you came to this world from the other, an outsider… what a tremendous power…””

Its’ words reverberated to the mind. The fact that it talked eloquently with human language, proves its high intelligence.

“From how you say it, it seems you are not the reason I came to this world–then, what’s your business with me? I presume you did not come just to greet me. Personally, I don’t want to kill my own kin in this world too, so could you retract your bloodlust?”

My cute servant is troubled in many ways, was what Nacht did not say.

Even if Aisha still a child, she is a girl after all.

Many things better left unsaid, that’s a delicacy.

“”–I guess you are right.””

“”–As one of the Observer, I should have to eliminate the outsider, but it seems my power will not be enough–please let me introduce myself. I am one of the four great dragons, Hurricane dragon Alhazard. People revered me as God of Wind and Travel, but for you, I am just a lesser dragon it seems.””

Somehow Alhazard looks a bit depressed, while Nacht lets down her guard.

“No need to feel down–I am pretty happy to be able to meet my kin you know? I am Nacht, Nacht Schatten. A soul dragon-kin. Don’t worry, I come in peace.”

The one who most surprised by that statement was Aisha.

Of course, Aisha speculated that Nacht is not a human, and has tremendous power, however, this is the first time she heard from Nacht’s own mouth that Nacht is a dragonkin. There is no way she is not surprised. Additionally, dragon-kin said to be stronger than the dragon itself. No wonder Aisha could not guess it.

In the first place, she might mix up between lesser dragon and high dragon.

“Be that as it may, I know I am an outsider according to this world perspective, but to eliminate me in sight is kind of cruel isn’t it?”

Nacht glad that her half-assed power worked as a deterrent here.

“”We have our own circumstance–letting a singularity roam free would bring an enormous risk. Additionally, it was our jobs to keep the world balance–“”

“By the way, do you know why I was called to this world?”

This was the only thing Nacht actually wanted to ask Alhazard.

Although she knows she was transmigrated here, without proof she still felt many possibilities to consider.

Why Nacht is here is one of them.

She was not called by God, it doesn’t seem it was because of Tooru’s good deeds, and she did not involved with the hero, or demon king summoning either.

“”That, I don’t know–We only have the power to see the abnormality of this world, a singularity, nothing more, nothing less.””

It was out of Nacht’s expectation, and thus she felt a bit dejected.

Since Alhazard was an existence that was revered as God, Nacht expects him to know about something, but apparently, he did not. Of course, there is also the possibility that he purposely did not tell her, however considering the fact that he dares to say that he came to kill Nacht openly, and knowing his life and death still in Nacht’s hand, it’s unlikely that he lied.

Suddenly another question arose in her heart.

“Then, otherworlder–people from another world, or perhaps a summoned being, have them ever appeared or will appear again?”

In novels, there were hero summoning, demon king summoning, and people who lost their way to another world, a visitor.

Nacht asked whether something like that has ever happened before.

“”In the long past, around a few thousand years ago, there was a summoning of Demon King of disaster. In the holy city, there was also a summoning formation to summon hero, and then–no never mind. However, people who were summoned from another world certainly existed in the past.””

Nacht appreciates Alhazard’s information.

“I see! That’s good to hear, thank you, young dragon!”

“”……Young huh. Other than my great-grandmother none else has called me that–then, I have one question. What is your objective?””

His gaze was straight as if trying to peek into Nacht’s true intention.

However, Nacht just reached this world and struggling to adapt, that’s why she hasn’t really decided on what she wanted to do. At most, she wanted to appreciate the girls from various races that previously could only be seen through the monitor. No wait, for now, it was–

“–Travelling casually with Aisha I guess.”

Her gaze focused on the tiny life she met in this world.

“Well, I did not think of conquering this world or massacring people to level up, or anything dangerous like that, so you not need to worry.”

Hearing Nacht’s answer, Alhazard closes his emerald eyes once, contemplating for a while, and then opened it again.

“”For now, let me believe those words.””

Alhazard who came like a gale ascended to the sky and then disappeared among the cloud.

After seeing it disappeared, Nacht’s gaze instinctively looked bellow.

There was the still absentminded Aisha.

“First, let’s take a bath.”


Aisha’s blinked twice.

And then after her consciousness returned, her face turned red due to shame.

“Na, Na, Nacht-sama…you dolt…perverts…Hiks…”

Looking at the teary-eyed Aisha, Nacht felt the urge of killing Alhazard for the first time.

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