Netorare Yuusha no Yukusue/The End of the Line for the Cuckold Hero [EXTENDED]

Chapter 1: No more regret, only silence

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Duty.. to one's mission.

Trust.. in one's companion.

Love.. for one's soulmate.

Despair.. from another's betrayal.

Anger.. against one's companion.

Hate.. for oneself.

Mission.. is all one has left.

Abandonment.. of one's companions.


For the sake of the one I love and those who suffer under the horde, I will put aside my feelings, put aside desires, put aside my selfishness and focus solely on my mission for I shoulder the hopes of countless people. One day soon, I shall rid the world of the evil menace, the demon lord. The chosen hero, saviour of humanity, Harry~


Burden.. from one's suicide mission.

Neglect.. from one's soulmate.

Loneliness.. from rejection.

Selfishness.. for one's desires.

Lust.. for one's pleasure.

Guilt.. for one's betrayal.

Love.. for someone new.

Hope.. for one's child.

Apathy.. for the abandonment of one's mission.

Happiness.. for the future.

Harry.. I desire you so, can you not see? Why do you reject me? Is the mission more important than me? Harry please.. I'm falling.. forgive me. Holy cleric, Miria.


Resentment.. towards one's mission.

Desire.. for one who loves another.

Pleasure.. for oneself.

Love.. for the first time.

Fear.. for the death of one's family.

Happiness.. in the despair of a rival.

Duty.. to protect one's family.

Carefree.. from the abandonment of one's mission.

Don't blame me Harry, you had her yet you left her unloved. I succeeded where you failed, I fulfilled the desires you neglected. The mission is no longer important, the world will move on.. let it go Harry.. The great warrior Carlos.


Duty, neglect and betrayal. Such were the ingredients for a catastrophe, one so easily avoidable yet the desires of humans are unrestrained and the wheel of fate forever turns, as is ordained, the sun now sets on humanity.

In the kingdom of Cain, in the capital Azilla there was absolute chaos as people ran to and fro in a panic.

The kingdoms armies had been absolutely decimated by the demonic horde and now the city was being sieged, it wouldn't be long before the demons broke through.

All of this was a result of the former hero's betrayal to the side of darkness. None knew why he did it, but there were suspicions especially towards the hero's companions, yet their answer only baffled those who heard it.

"All we did was return to the village for supplies, what happened after that is a mystery to even me." That was what the warrior Carlos explained, though the gloomy expressions he and Miria had alluded to something else entirely.

Although the royals and a few nobles were still suspicious of the duo, they had to put it all to the back of their minds now that the city was under siege.

In the noble district stood a rather moderately sized house surrounded by various gardens. This was the home of Carlos and Miria, both who pooled their combined fortunes to purchase it. It had been 13 months to the day since they parted with Harry and they had stopped thinking about him and their original mission, though sometimes their thoughts of their abandonment would return, they would embrace each other endulge in passion and quickly forget. It wasn't long before the remnants of guilt were snuffed out and replaced with righteous indignation, why did they have to fight? why did they have to go on a suicide mission? why should they endanger themselves? why couldn't they be happy?.

It was supposed to be a glorious time for them. There was hope for their new future together along with their baby william but the news of the new demon lord Harry horrified them, before they could escape Azilla, they were detained and questioned. In that time, kingdoms armies quickly fell and the city was surrounded. Now released, they could only stew in their own thoughts while awaiting whatever fate had in store for them.

Inside in the dining room, Carlos and Miria were sitting at the table silently eating their dinner with only the noise of the chaos outside to accompany them.

Maria stared at Carlos who was tearing apart a piece of meat on the bone, there was a hint of judgement in her eyes along with the slightest sliver of disgust.

Carlos noticing this, spat out a piece of gristle and barked. "I see the way you look at me Miria, as if you think everything is my fault."

Miria grit her teeth and slapped away her plate in anger, her voice filled with anger, she retorted. "Isn't it!? This is all your fault! If you hadn't-"

Carlos stood up pushing the table forward, his figure burly and stout, rage filling his eyes. "Don't be fucking hypocrite Miria. You're just as much to blame! I didn't force you, I only offered and you fucking accepted.. so don't dare put this all on me."

Miria bit her lip as tears fell from her cheeks, cupping her face she croaked in a broken voice. "I.. I know.. it's just.. how am I supposed to deal with this?" She fell to her knees and began sobbing. "Why did I betray harry? Why did we leave him?"

Carlos stern expression softened, he sighed and walked up to Miria and lifted her into his embrace. "We were foolish.. I was foolish, I should have left you alone but back then.. I resented harry, maybe that's why I approached you, I wanted to get back at him for dragging me into this mission. But even so when I saw you there all alone I wanted to comfort you and.. make you mine."

Miria wept as she hugged Carlos. "Yes.. I was lonely.. stressed.. I didn't even know if we would live or die the next day.."

Carlos patted her gently back as he nodded. "I know, I know. As soon as I heard you were with child, I knew I couldn't let you continue on. I only packed light on our gear to give you a reason to leave.."

Miria only replied with silence.

Carlos raised his brow. "You knew didn't you?"

Miria sniffled as she replied somberly. "I had to think for our baby.. but now everything is for naught, karma has come for us Carlos."

Carlos held her tight, clear defiance in his eyes. "No Miria, I'll do everything I can to get you and William out of here, no matter the cost! Even if I have to die!"

Miria shuddered and cried. "No Carlos, the demon encirclement is too tight. There's no gaps for anyone to escape! There's just an endless sea of them out there. I saw it!"

A tear fell down Carlos's cheek as he said. "I know Miria but we have to try."

"Mmm.." Miria lay her head on Carlos's chest.

With his heart in turmoil, Carlos finally muttered. "Say Miria, if we get captured.. "

"Don't say it Carlos.. please.." Miria begged.

Sighing Carlos only nodded as he rests his chin Miria's head.


The escape of Carlos and Miria happened when the city of Azilla was breached. Through an old sewer they traveled as the city above was trampled, alas, Harry knew the city in and out, he had already memorised maps of Azilla and the surrounding cities prior to his crusade in case they ever came under siege. So the sewers were already compromised from the beginning.

Even with all his strength as the second most powerful warrior in the kingdom of Cain, Carlos was eventually overwhelmed by the countless demons and thus Miria, Carlos and their baby william were captured.


In the ruins of the capital city Azilla, in the central square a horde of thousands of demons gathered. Sat upon a throne of hundreds of decapitated heads was the new demon lord Harry and his concubine, the previous demon lord Lilith.

Kneeling at the bottom of the throne was a disheveled Miria clutching her crying baby william tightly, the despair on her face clear to all to see. To her side was a battered Carlos bloody in appearance yet his breath was vigorous, his armor broken, his sword taken yet the defiance in his eyes unmistakable.

Lilith lay in Harry's embrace rather comfortably, there was a hint of amusement in her eyes.

Harry leaned against his seat and, in an emotionless tone asked. "Do you know your sins?"

Carlos shouted in rage, his voice booming and echoing in the desolated square of the burning city. "What sins? We only wanted to be happy safe! Why couldn't me and Miria be together you fucker, are you jealous? Are you doing all this because of jealousy!? Are you that pathetic!?"

Miria quickly tried to hush Carlos. "Please Carlos don't!-"

But Carlos wasn't listening, he was consumed by his own anger and pride. He even felt superior to Harry considering he took Miria for himself as this was the only crutch he could stand on right now, this was the only thing curbing the dread within his heart.

"Answer me Harry! Was it fucking worth it?"

Lilith looked at Harry with slight curiosity. She also wanted to know Harry's reasons, though should could tell that he was in immense pain when he embraced her, Harry had yet to elaborate. With the pieces of info she had gathered thus far, Lilith could deduce only part of what had happened yet was that why Harry betrayed humanity? She was not so sure.

Harry only sat there in silence, his expression never changing, his eyes showing no hint of emotion. He eventually said. "So you don't know your sins.. then let me enlighten you."

"Carlos, Maria.. I had already discovered your tryst months before we arrived at the demon lords castle."

There was an expression of disbelief on both Maria and Carlos's face.

Harry continued. "But I never mentioned it because our party would fall apart if I confronted you two, so I hid my pain and my despair.. all of that could be set aside.. for the greater good of our mission. I could do that because so many of those suffering the attacks of the demons had their hopes placed upon me and that was my burden to bear."

"You think you two had it tough?" He stared at them and poked his chest. "What about me? When Carlos was lacking in battle due to exhausting himself fucking all night, I picked up the slack. When you Miria were dazed and weak in the knees from your tryst and not properly supporting, I suffered the fatal blows that would have ended you and Carlos's lives.. As the days past, even though I felt my soul shattering everytime you two embraced, when even my broken body could barely move, I could continue to go on because I had the support of you two"

"But I didn't complain because I knew if we failed, I failed.. all the blame would be placed on me, even if we survived, I would be welcome nowhere while you two would be fine. Even with that thought, I thought as long as we defeated the demon lord, everything would be better."

"The burden I carried would be lifted and I could move on, maybe I could have even forgiven you two but right when we were staring at the finish line..."

Harry gripped the edge of his throne crushing it into dust, with a tone filled with seething hatred he said. "You.. both.. abandoned me! That is your sin!"

"What was already a suicide mission turned into one of absolute death, there was no way back and no way forward, my death was assured. How ironic was it that when I fought all the way to throneroom, I found that the demons were so weak, even the demonlord had one foot in the grave. For what reason did I sacrifice everything? Even you Miria was lost to me... it's all just a joke.."

Lilith nodded in understanding, even a being as old and wise as her felt a bit heated listening to Harry's story.

"B-but we had to take care of the baby! We couldn't put it in danger!" Miria desperately shouted, with tears and regret filling her eyes.

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"That's right! We had our baby to take care of!" Carlos cried out in anger.

"You both seem to conveniently forget how much I protected you." Harry snorted. "I would have have done so right until then end, even if I had to give my life so that you both could escape, I would have done so. You understand right Miria? From young you watched me, you know how selfless I am."

Miria gripped the hem of her dress tightly, yet did not answer, she didn't want to answer, she didn't want to acknowledge the fact that Harry was speaking the truth, though her eyes told a different story.

With shaking arms, Carlos glared at Harry and said with fury in his voice. "If you're so fucking selfless, why don't you just let us go?"

Harry smiled, though it was now the smile of a demon, a heartless grin. "Sorry Carlos.. I'm all out of selflessness. The Harry you knew before is now dead. His soul scattered to the wind.."

His eyes turned dark. "Now that the air has been cleared somewhat, it's time for you to suffer. Since you're so fond of fucking Carlos, I have a special treat just for you.."

He waved his hand. "Bargato, fuck Carlos right up the ass."

"Oh my." Lilith chuckled gleefully.

Carlos's eyes turned into pin points as he shouted in despair. "No! You fuck! JUST KILL ME!"

"No Carlos!" Miria cried out.

Harry wagged his finger. "What would be the fun in that?"

Two demons stripped Carlos of his clothes and then held him down. A horned demon twice the size of Carlos walked over with a silly grin, bits of human flesh still stuck in its teeth. It's member thicker than a mans forearm was decorated with barbed spikes. It stood behind the struggling Carlos and mounted him.

"AAHHHHH GRRR NO! STOP! UGHH! HAARRRYYY!" Carlos screamed as he felt his insides twist and turn and be ripped apart, tears and snot covered his face as with every thrust, his pride, his dignity was destroyed.

Miria wept along with the baby in her embrace. Gripped by demons, she watched helplessly as the strong man she loved, who held her in his embrace many times before was defiled and broken down.

This torture lasted a grueling 20 minutes and by the end of it, both Carlos and Miria were numb.

"M-mercy..." Carlos mumbled as he stared at Miria's tear stained face. "Please... Harry... Miria.. William.. give them mercy.."

"Mercy?" Harry smirked.

Carlos struggled to lift his head yet when his eyes laid upon Harry, there was no longer any pride, defiance or superiority in his eyes. There was only a regretful plea.

With a haggard breath, Carlos said the word he thought he'd never never say in his life. "I.. beg you. Have mercy.."

Harry sat silently there, it was not until he saw a bit of hope appear in Carlos's eyes that he said. "I don't understand the concept of mercy anymore.."

"Bring the dogs."

"No.." The light in Carlos's eyes disappeared. He breathed out, absolutely powerless to stop anything.

Viscious looking demonic dogs bigger than wolves were brought to the base of the throne. They looked greedily at Maria.

"What are you going to do!" Miria shouted as she held her baby tightly, her boy shaking in fear.

"Don't worry my dear Miria, I'm only giving these good boys a little snack. They've worked hard today and they deserve it." Harry replied with a smile.

"Snack!? No what-" The baby William in her arms was grabbed from her arms by a nearby demon.

"NOOO! MY BABY!" Miria screamed as the crying William was carried towards the demonic dogs. She tried desperately to reach for her son but she was held tightly by a couple demons.

With a breathless scream, Carlos cried out in anguish. "No! Please! Harry! I'll do anything!"

The demon held William by his little leg and dangled him in front of the demonic dogs, their hungry eyes looking at the baby as it swung from side to side like the hand of a clock, as soon as the order was given, they would pounce.

Carlos could do nothing but let out agonised whines as he watched his son dangle in front of the maws of demon dogs.

Harry raised his hand and as he was about to give the order, he was interrupted by Miria's harrowing scream.

"HARRY NO! Look Harry! Look at me!" Miria smiled crazily as she ripped off her clothes. The demons holding her backed off in bafflement.

"I'm here Harry, look at my plump sexy body! It's all yours!" Miria began to rub her nipples and her pussy, desperate to get it wet even peeing herself in the process.

Lilith looked at Miria with her little mouth agape, even she was surprised.

"Fuck me hard Harry, I want you inside me!" Miria shouted, even trying to sound promiscuous and seductive though her voice only had one tone, that of blatant despair.

Carlos gritted his teeth until they shattered and blood seeped from his mouth yet he kept quiet, the hatred growing in his eyes once again.

"Fill me with your strong seed Harry, wash away the Carlos's taint. I want your child Harry, I'll bear as many as you want!" Miria continued to plead. "I only love you Harry, I never loved Carlos! He's nothing but a piece of filthy trash! Weak, nothing compared to you!"

Harry only listened, never changing his expression.

Seeing this, Miria only grew more desperate and crazed. "I.. I-I'll even kill Carlos for you! I'll cut off his dick and feed it to him, all for you!"

Carlos gripped his fists so tightly that they turned white and blood seeped from his palms.

Miria finally began to feel something with the adrenaline pumping through her body, as she grazed her clit she let out an unintended moan. The pleasure she sought many months ago had reared its head once again, filling her tired brain with reward chemicals.

She moaned loudly as she rubbed herself. "Please Harry.. ahhn.. I want your big strong cock.. do you want me to suck it? Please.. ahmnn.."

"Please..Ahh..Anything.. I'll do anything, just.. don't hurt my baby.." Miria begged, though her voice was an odd mix of terror and lust.

Harry expression slowly changed, eventually his eyes revealed absolute disgust.

With scorn in his voice, he said. "Eat slowly my pups, I don't want you to choke."


Both Carlos and Miria's screams were drowned out by the terrified cries of their baby William, the dogs took their time slowly and carefully biting off the baby's arms and legs and when the poor williams screams turned into whimpers, the dogs devoured his guts and then the head was split in half by their tugging.

Clapping Harry let out his first genuine laugh. "Good good, very good!"

Miria sat there giggling like she had lost her soul, staring vacantly at the bloodstain on the pavement as she vigorously rubbed her pussy, it seemed as if she had cummed several times already.

Carlos laid limply, tears of blood staining his cheeks.

"Now then, let us wrap this little party up shall we?" Harry chuckled.

"I agree mine husband." Lilith nodded her head.

Carlos looked at Harry with a hatred so strong, it was as if it would materialise in the next moment. His eyes bloodshot and eerie with an endless burning fury, his voice filled with venom and bitterness. "Harry, you better pray you're not alive when I hatred of you will follow me beyond the grave, I promise you this."

Harry met his gaze though something had changed, that which was hidden was now fully revealed. "Reincarnate? I don't think so Carlos."

Carlos shrunk back in fear as he stared wide eyed at Harry, even Miria had snapped out of her trauma and was shivering.

"W-W-Who the fuck are you!"

Even Liltih was somewhat taken aback.

What they all saw in Harry's eyes was an abyss, an endless void.

"Who I am doesn't matter anymore, all that matters is that I am the end Carlos. I will hunt down every last human until there are none left, until they are just a memory." Harry declared loudly.

"Wait! thou canst, they're food. Husband canst destroy them!" Lilith objected with a bit of panic in her eyes.

Harry looked at Lilith with a hint of murderousness and asked. "Are you defying my orders?"

Lilith bit her lip and sighed. "No mine Husband."

"All things must come to an end Lilith, even us demons." Harry whispered as he walked down the steps of his throne, greatsword in hand.

As Harry walked past Miria, she whimpered. "I'm sorry."

Paying no attention to his former childhood friend, his former love, he continued and walked up to Carlos, putting his blade on his neck. Harry asked. "So Carlos, with humanity wiped out, there will be no next life for you. You have reached a dead end. Do you regret?"

With listless eyes, Carlos mumbled despondently. "I.. regret.."

As countless memories passed in but a flash, Carlos's head was severed with just a flick of Harry's wrist.

"No..." Miria whispered with droopy soulless eyes.

Harry returned to his throne and his watchful eyes rested on Miria.

"What of Miria?" Lilith asked.

Harry waved his arm. "She shall satisfy the men as they have fought hard today, it shall be their reward."

The surrounding thousands of demons cheered excitedly, even the dogs began to drool with their erect members showing.

"Make sure not to spoil her, I want her alive and healthy so she can be breed. Her children will be feasted upon endlessly till the end of the world."

Lilith shuddered and nodded.

"Ahh no! Harry I'm sorry! Spare me! Kill me!" Miria's screams were quickly silenced as she was surrounded.

As the demons took their prize under Harry's emotionless gaze, night gave in and so the sun rose.


It only took 82 years for Harry to wipe the dominant humanity from the face of the earth, their grand cities turned to dust, their culture erased, their existence a memory.

The demons only lasted a couple centuries before they followed suit, only their tall spires and pitch black castles remained as monuments of their once terrifying civilization.

Alas time marches on, the remnant races which were supressed by both humanity and demons emerged from the hidden corners of the world and flourished in this new era.

Like the eternal four seasons, Peace brings prosperity, prosperity breeds conflict, conflict beats the drums of war and war ushers in a new peace, and so the cycle goes.

The wheel of fate is ever cruel.

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