New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

Chapter 16: 16: Current Skills

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Huh? Beatrice blinked twice. They’ve made so little progress? I could’ve sworn that fat guy was about to blow his load at least five minutes ago! I was analyzing my stats and reading information tabs all this time, and yet…

Beatrice did not have a watch to look at the time, but she had the next best thing her character’s information in which three of her stats had a clearly defined recovery rate per second. Beatrice popped open her information and checked the one stat that was recovering in points.

That confirms it! Beatrice thought. No matter how the system rounds up the Points to full, no more than three minutes could have possibly passed.

Beatrice could have sworn that she spent a lot of time analyzing her stats and reading the information tabs. But Beatrice’s system information was manifesting inside her mind. Reading through several pages of a book might take minutes, but the thoughts and processes inside a human—or in this case, a Succubus’s—mind operate on another level.

Beatrice had no intention to waste a single moment while she waited for the High Priest to be done with Helen. Better learn as much as I can about myself within the system while I have the time, Beatrice thought. The skills! The class description implied I should have a large variety of them. Most of the cool skills probably come at later levels and might take considerable effort to unlock, but I need to understand what I have to work with right now.  Before I get to those Skill Points I was offered for leveling up.

Now, how to get that information? Beatrice wondered and tried imagining in her mind what her skill tab could look like. Skills?

Bingo! Beatrice smiled and proceeded to check her skills one by one.

Wait, what!? Beatrice was shocked at the discovery she made just now. The first thing she did was wrap her tail around her waist to keep her weakness close and out of reach of prying hands. Did Succubi really have such a weakness? Beatrice had to admit that she did not know much about Succubi apart of their mythical great powers and fondness for carnal pleasures. I’ll need to be more careful in the future.

No cooldown? That’s what Victoria said, Beatrice smiled at her little joke.

Beatrice glanced at the naked Victoria. The succubus had no conscious intention of getting the blonde pregnant, and yet she had mixed feeling about her discovery that Victoria was beyond a doubt “safe”. Obviously, Beatrice would not want to get any woman pregnant unless the woman wished for it. And yet. And yet. What was this fleeting feeling of subtle disappointment? Was it the “male” part of her that had the natural urge to spread its seed? And to know that there was no chance. No risk. Unless she decided to. Only one way or the other with a hundred percent guarantee…

Beatrice tried not to dwell on the thought and checked her remaining skills.

Well, that looks underwhelming, to say the least, Beatrice frowned. And it basically halts my Stamina regeneration. No wonder this skill is ranked as the bottom of the barrel. The “toggle” most likely means that I can activate and deactivate it at will. I’ll have to test it out at some point, but the cooldown is most likely in place to prevent me from activating the skill for a split second during an attack and then toggling it off to conserve Stamina.

Beatrice let out a deep sigh. Most of these are atrocious, the succubus concluded when she closed her last skill’s information tab. There is no way I’m going anywhere near a fight with the abilities of this caliber.

Going through her current skills reaffirmed Beatrice’s earlier strategic plan—fucking her way to power. And she had to use her Skill Points accordingly.

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