
Chapter 2: Tour 1

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GOD, greeted everyone she saw. Looking at the group of four in front of her she waved carefreely.

She just arrived in this world as she planned this tour for months, after playing that game she decided to tour countless worlds. This world first. It's a mostly medival world however there are "hotspots" with advanced technology. 

This world looked pretty good if she does say so her self.

In front of her stood four people, she already knew who they were and what would take place but she decided during this tour she would "play" a little.

Turning her head to them she turned an gave them a playful glance.

"Who are you?" E 

"Lucia, you guys are?"

"Eris." E 

"Reika." R 

"Ressu." Re 

"Ren." Ren 

"Excuse me, you don't mind telling us why your hair is shining do you?" E 

"Because Its cool!" GOD exclaimed.

GOD gave a big smile as she said so then looked them over.

"You guys must've just finished school right?"

"Yea, but how is your hair shining exactly?" Re 

Ressu and the others were equally curious about who this is and why their hair is shining. 

"Because I want it to I guess.." GOD giggled a bit.

"No more questions about her hair.. the main question is why are you here?" E 

Eris as they're strategist could guess this person in front of them wouldn't tell them much further, she swiftly switched from useless curiousity and got to the point. 

"Tour! It's all for fun maybe I'll register at you guys school hm?"

"Not even registered.. how did you get in?" Re 

"Let's just take her to register." Ren.

"Ren?" Re 

"Let's not make a big deal out of it right?" Ren 

"Fine." E 

Ren sighed in relief.

Just as they were going to walk to the school not far behind them Reika spoke up saying something that made Ren break into a sweat.

"Wait.. how's your combat skills?" R 

"You're right! I'm curious too." Re 

"Guys we don't need that info." Ren 

Ressu chuckled and pat Ren on the back a couple times. "Relax Ren, if she wants to show us then it's of her own will right?"

"It's fine.. Ill play."

"Alright who-" E 

Eris was about ask who should but GOD interrupted swiftly.

"All of you at once." 

"Don't be cocky we are A rank!-" R 

When they said that, GOD appeared to be yawning as she smiled lightly, Eris behind Reika noticed before anyone the figure of the girl they saw yawning some distance in front of them appear behind Reika.

Before she knew it Eris already readied a crossbow of magic and aimed an arrow at GOD looked behind her and grinned at Eris. GOD already had her hand on the sword at her back when she was appearing.

"Reika!" Ren and Ressu 

GOD disappeared and appeared again where she left her yawning after image which simultaneously disappeared.

Eris homed in on GOD quickly while the rest gathered them selves and equipped magic and weapons.

"Eris, your reaction under normal circumstances really saves Reika."

"Normal circumstances?" Reika uttered as she dismissed her shock with ease, as they all pushed them selves to the limits these last few months it would be hard to keep them shaken. "Are you an S Rank?"

GOD shook her head.

"I'm just having fun."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Reika inquired calmly.

"Relax. Every do this as we normally would ok?" Eris looked at everyone while not taking her eyes of GOD. Then seeing then all nod she looked at GOD seriously. "You aren't attacking right?"

GOD grinned. "I will, a little."

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Eris nodded.

Once again GOD disappeared this time there was no after image. She appeared behind Eris with a hug. This shocked Eris causing her to lower her bow everyone who was looking around for the disappearing GOD found her behind Eris.

Eris caught GOD'S scent and blushed then almost dropped her weapon.

"Eris!" Ren Shouted and everyone rushed to her location.

GOD grinned, releasing Eris and appearing behind Ren. 

Ren somehow guessed she would appear their and turned around with fire balls and lightning magic ready he launched it at point black then gasped as GOD slapped it away. God shoved him away with both arms dramatically with a playful expression causing him to stumble back a few meters then she quickly turned and jumped at Ressu for a tackle.

Eris not remaining idle shot an arrow towards GOD.

everyone saw it and watched with a joyful expression.

GOD saw it and her pink lips parted in shape of an O as the incoming arrow closed the distance immediately and impacted her.

An explosion on impact occured as dust and whatever else formed a smokescreen around GOD. Everyone backed away and regrouped.

"What the hell was that!?" Ressu couldn't help him self and cursed.

Everyone was equally confused.

Eris was glad she they weren't being seriously attacked but when she thought about the hug from the target just now she blushed, shaking her head she notched another arrow.

"What should we do?" Ren 

"She's too fast, even if I know where to run I can't react in time." Re 

"She is still attacking leisurely." R 

"Everyone focus! She obviously far above S rank. Do everything you can and coordinate your attacks don't be wasteful." Eris instructed.

On the other side GOD is sitting mid air playing on her phone she just wiped out another monster and ended it. Turning off her phone and standing as she slid it in her pocket just as the smoke cleared.

Everyone realized she was unharmed but ignored it, they readied them selves to attack at a moments notice.

"Go!" E 

Reika ran in first an threw a punch at GOD, GOD Disappeared and appeared on the left thus dodging the punch. Ressu ran in quietly and went for a shield bash with and short sword thrust to follow up as Reika continued to throw a flurry of punches an kicks. Ren mounted multiple Magics behind GOD cutting off her retreat, he leaped above and raised his sword high and brought it down. 

Again GOD disappeared and appeared beside Ressu giving him the tackle she missed before. Unable to resist he fell forward in the position she was previously in. GOD disappeared and appeared some distance away.

"Enough." GOD clapped and therefore ending the battle.

However not before Ressu took a flurry of kicks and punches along with some magic. Ren pulled out quick enough and instead used Ressu's shield to jump away.

When it was all over Reika grouped with Eris and Ren unharmed as they were all familiar with magic placing a magic shield on her self was easy. Ressu seemed unharmed and also regrouped.

"Reika why didn't you pull back when you totally could've?" Ressu raised an eyebrow to Reika.

"Why would I miss a chance to test your defence?" Reika stuck her tongue out teasingly at Ressu.

"Come taste my shield!" Ressu ran at Reika as she dodged his bash an ran around Eris to hide.

"Blehhh!" Reika teased further.

"Don't run!" Ressu shouted as he stopped a distance from Eris.

"You expect me to stand still!?" Reika shouted back.

Ren sighed again relieved. 

The feeling of battle left everyone and finally- 

"I decided I won't register." GOD clapped and disappeared.

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