
Chapter 4: Tour 3

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GOD, cuddled her little pickpocket. Her pink lips kissed the sleeping beastkin whom returned the kiss sleepily.

GOD, retreated from the kiss and embraced the beastkin as she watched the waking beastkin.

The beastkin groggily opened her eyes. Ahead of her is a golden haired girl, hard to look at. 

"Ahhh!" Yun screamed.

She retreated hastily, recklessly falling off the bed while screaming away. She stopped and looked calming her self down.

GOD, came over and swung her legs over the beds edge and proped her chin up on her hand and crossing her legs. She crossed her other arm under the other and said:

"Enjoying my wallet beastkin?"

Yun realized that the girl looked like the person she last pickpocketed and the scent is also familiar. She recognized it they were both hers.

'but! But! I can't give it back! I can't lose again!'

"I stole it so it's mine!"

GOD laughed.

"You stole it so it's yours? Fine. It's yours!"

GOD laughed a little more.

GOD, stood and walked over to the beastkin.

"It's mine?" Yun 

"Sure, however there's a catch."

"A catch?"

"You will be my beastkin."

"A slave?" Yun was patient.

"No. I won't be treating you as a slave."

"Then how do you benefit?" Yun 

"You will be mine for cuddling."

"?" Yun considered the chances, even with all this money there's no point if she can't keep it.

"You will also be safe."

"You will protect me?" Yun asked.

"Of course."

"I want to see!"

Yun wasn't sure why everything this person said is believable but she still wanted to see it, proof she would be safe. As someone whose be scared for weeks.. a fallen noble. She must secure her safety, she must ensure she is safe from thieves and that SSS rank.. she must.

"Very well how shall I prove it?"

Yun grasped her hems, wrinkling her dress. Shaking visibly she tried to speak but fear steadily fought against her efforts.

She slowly calmed down gaining her ability to speak albeit still shaken.

"I want them dead! All of them. The ones who called me "fallen noble." Those damned guards and that SSS rank!"

GOD, took out her phone and went to the game and turned the volume up so she could hear it's music. Albeit only she could hear.

"Lead the way."

Yun wasn't sure what she did but she felt that her day both just got better and worse. Looking at the girl in front her she could see the playful expression but something about it was different, no something about the girl in front of her was entirely different.

Yun forced a smile not sure how to respond but all she could do is as she was told.

Yun released her hems and stood steadily. 

"This way." Yun 

GOD arrived with Yun lead and the head of the noble district and lead to a familiar home.

Yun stopped and GOD of course stopped as well.

"Here." Yun 

GOD nodded, she walked passed the gate servents of the nobles home and before they could speak their heads fell off.

Yun reacted in surprised the people walking in the noble district behind them noticed and reacted badly, some called the guards, some panicked others..

Yun knees felt slightly weak but she hear the foot steps. Death was still moving.

She managed to avoid falling and run after GOD.

As GOD, approached the gates they fell apart, each time she approached an obstacle it became nothing before it even hit the ground. One could only hear the sound of a blade before the end came.

Arriving in front of double doors no, the entrance to the mansion GOD walked in and went some ways before coming to a servant.

"What are you doing here!?" Servant 

"Please leave!"

"I'll lead you out!"

Servants all said something along those lines before losing their head only their bodies would remain.

Finally, they came to another entrance, an office. In the office was a man pretty young In noble clothes and the usual look.

"Him!" Yun finally spoke. She was previously quiet not sure how to react but again seeing the guy who played a role she wanted him dead.

"I want him to die slowly! I must see it happen or I won't accept the deal!"

Finally, when she finish speaking before she or the noble could process what happened the desk disappeared and the noble lost and arm. It dropped to the floor with a dull thud. The noble looked in front of him then back at him self, screaming before he even processed what happened.

GOD, Looked at yun and yun swallowed her saliva. She with little hesitation went into the room.

"Fallen noble." Yun couldn't help her self and laughed a little.

Hearing him self be laughed at the noble stopped screaming and looked at yun.


Before he could speak further he lost a leg and held back a scream as he glared at it. He looked at yun, away from his leg.

"You've called me fallen, I'm only returning the favor."

He glared again and lost another arm.

"I will!-" Noble 

The noble finally lost his last limb.

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"Nothing to say?" Yun 

Yun said, remembering words he onces taunted her with.

Yun seemed to be done with him so he lost his life.

"Next.. the home on our left." Yun 

Yun lead the way and they entered soon finding a female noble while leaving a trail of copses behind.

"Stupid pig." Yun uttered.

This time Yun engaged by kicking or stomping while throwing multiple insults continuously tormenting the noble which was begging for mercy.

"Don't bother will a brothel bitch." Yun gave her a solid kick and broke her neck killing her on her own.

Yun felt endless confidence and continued.

"The Guards of the noble district and that SSS rank." Yun said as they left the nobles mansion.

They didn't walk far before guards surrounded them.

"Stand down now!" Guard.

Yun raised a hand stopping GOD from erasing them instantly.

"Whose orders are you under?"

"You dare question- We are under direct orders from his and her Majesty! Surrender now!" Guard 

"Do they know it's me?" Yun 

"A fallen noble? You aren't even in they're eyes as a criminal! No more questions! Surrender now or we will send your head to his and her Majesty!"

"Stupid guard!" Yun screamed an raised her hand and letting it fall leading to the guards losing their heads.

They marched around the noble district GOD killing every guard in sight singing the noble area.

"Where's that damn SSS rank!?" Yun screamed after looking around.

"Looking for me?" Came a beautiful voice.

Yun turned to the source of the voice.

"You-" yun seemed to visibly lose her nerve, shaken she dug her nails into her palm trying to fight her fear.

"You can hardly stand." Rain Ice gave a wry smile.

Looking away from Yun, Rain looked at GOD.

"Don't figure she has the courage to face me much less cause a ruckess... Does she?" Rain looked at GOD passively.

"Will you kill me too?" Rain asked GOD.

GOD looked at Rain, then yun.

"I see.."

Yun looked up noticing nothing progress, seeming as if time has stopped. She saw Rain looking at her, a sad smile on her face. Looking at GOD she saw the same playful smile. 

Feeling Rain's gaze she couldn't help but turn back.

Yun heard what was said and could understand but couldn't stop shaking. Yun collapsed, her knees weak as she looked back at Rain. Yun reasoned: she never did anything.. I'm a mere S Rank. I'm sure as a SSS Rank she senses me sneaking around. She allowed it anyway.

Yun sigh and calmed her self. Despite shaking with fear she stood again.

"The deal is complete." Yun 

GOD jumped at Rain tackling her to the ground dramatically it stunned her a bit but she looked at GOD whom lay on top of her.

"Am I safe?" Rain 

GOD soon stood and Rain was able to make her way back to the castle not far from there.

"You know her?" Yun 


"And you still would have cut her down at command?"


Yun furrowed her brow. She felt safer but at the same time couldn't help but worry. However GOD squashed those worries before they were even given to chance to rise.

"I of course won't forsake you as long as you're mine."

"That's good." Yun sighed relief and soon they left and went back to the mansion. GOD spent some time in town before leaving, yun found the experience of being a personal cuddle beastkin new. GOD would randomly embrace her at anytime kissing her and embraced her all while they slept with letting go until morning.

She believes she got the better end of the deal. Well.. until now.

They stood in front of the mansion gates.

"I'll be away for a little ok?"

"The how will I be safe?" Yun 

"Don't worry you'll be fine."

GOD again disappeared and reappeared somewhere else.

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