No Costume Required

Chapter 1: 1 – The party

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"JAAAY, You still in there?" I could hear Tom yelling from outside my dorm room followed by heavy knocking. "Come on we're going to be late"

I couldn't help but groan, Tom and his friends had invited me to a costume party for Halloween. Tom was cool and I did want to go, but I honestly couldn't find anything I was comfortable wearing. 

After realising I was trans last month, every costume I looked at was either far too masculine for my liking or a costume for girls. As much as I wished I could wear them, I didn't want to out myself, besides I knew I'd look terrible in them, what was the point of wearing cute costumes like those when you looked like a hulking monster. 

"Come on dude, we gotta get going" I couldn't help but cringe at his words, not that I could really say anything about it, he didn't know, and I definitely didn't feel like telling him any time soon. It wasn't like I was scared that he'd hurt me or hate me or anything, no no, the guy had serious himbo energy and would never hurt a fly. I was more so worried about his friends, Tom isn't exactly known for being able to keep secrets, and the last thing I wanted was for my secret to get out to the rest of the basketball team. If it did, I was sure I'd get bullied or worse beat up. 

"If you don't open this door in the next 5 seconds I'm barging in" Okay, time to get it over with. I could hear him counting down as I dragged my feet to the door and opened it.

"Fiiinally, there you are."

He was already dressed and ready to go, dressed in a superhero costume with a cape and everything. He looked me up and down and frowned.

"Wait, where's your costume? did you forget where we're going?"

"No, I know, I just couldn't find anything okay? not that it would matter now, all of the costume stores are probably shut."

"Damn, well, uh, I mean I have a costume from last year that could probably fit you" I recoiled at the idea and shook my head. 

"No no, let's just get going, we're probably late already" Walking my way passed him I started my way down the hall to the exit.

He just shrugged and followed after me. The rest of our group were already waiting for us, which just made me feel bad for holding them up, but at least they didn't seem to care.

Frankie and his girlfriend Eliza had dressed up a couple costume, Eliza was wearing an owl-themed witch costume, complete with an owl staff and a pretty cute dress that I would never be able to pull off. Frankie was wearing a bard outfit complete with a violin and mint hair, he was playing his violin when Tom and I arrived.

"Sup dudes, finally managed to convince this one to leave their room." Tom beamed slapping me on the back.

"He didn't need to convince me, I was going to join you guys eventually" I lied as naturally as I breathed, I really felt out of place with the rest of the group. they all had such amazing costumes and all I had on was a stupid hoodie that didn't actually hide anything, I was lucky to find one that fit properly. Being tall like this made it so hard to actually find things to make me feel better. I constantly ended up finding out the sleeves would be too short or the shoulders too wide. If anything the only benefit to being tall was being able to help people reach things and helping me be moderately good at basketball. 

At least basketball was fun, if it wasn't I would have never let Tom convince me to join the team, especially when I had to join the rest of the team in that gag-inducing locker room. At least there were stalls for the showers where I could hide away in while I changed.

"Tom, be nice to Jay, we know he doesn't do well in social situations." Eliza was a blessing in situations like this, I had to give one to Frankie for finding someone like her. Honestly, I was jealous of the relationship those two had, but the chances that I could find anyone who'd want to put up with an anti-social person like me was like winning the lottery.

"Have to agree with Liz here, now let's get out of here before we miss out on all the fun" Frankie stowed his violin in its case and started making his way to the car. We of course followed after, sure the party was nearby but no one wanted to have to walk 20 minutes in costumes.

The party was already going strong when we arrived, and getting through the front door went without any hassle. We met the party's host, a pretty girl named Layla wearing an honestly adorable witch outfit. Her hat was adorned with a very obvious trans-coloured ribbon, which I hoped meant that the people at the party would be a little more accepting than the usual frat party that I'd get dragged to. 

"Glad you could make it Frankie, who are your friends?"

Frankie gave Layla what looked like a secret handshake or something before introducing us.

"Well you should recognise my girlfriend, behind her in the superhero suit is Tom, he's on the team with me, and the one in the hoody is Jay"

"Oh, wow, I love the costume, Lizzy, did you steal that yourself?" Eliza giggled before giving the same secret handshake back

"Yep, took ages too, hoping to take it out on the next convention with Fran, wanted to test out its durability and this party seemed like the best place, and on top of that hear through a little birdy that you had something planned for tonight?"

"Yep, something absolutely magical, you'll all love it, sure to make this party go wild, now get in before you let all the cold in."

There were tons of people here, most of them in store-bought costumes, princesses and vampires, exactly what you'd expect from a Halloween party. Some costumes that stuck out to me were a guy wearing what looked like a professionally made galaxy ranger outfit, he even had the helmet, There were a group of girls in what looked like themed magical girl costumes, a guy in a mascot outfit but I didn't recognise what team they're for, and finally Kyle, one of the guys from the basketball team, he was wearing and completely rocking a cheerleader outfit. Kyle was laughing his head off looking like he was having the time of his life, I could see some of the rest of the team with him dying of second-hand embarrassment.

As I looked one thing became abundantly clear, I was the only one here not wearing a costume. I felt like I stuck out even more than usual, I was about to turn around and head out when I was stopped by Eliza and Frankie.

"Come on Jay, It's fine, now come on, Fran and I were going to see about getting some drinks, you should join us"

"Are you sure? everyone else is dressed up and I'm just here in my normal clothes" I was beginning to regret coming now, but I couldn't turn my friends down so I followed them and we tagged down Tom at the punch table, there were bottles of alcohol and a what looked to be a werewolf guarding the bowl. I awkwardly made my way over to the punch before hesitating. The guard must have noticed because just as I did she spoke up.

"Don't worry bout tha punch there, mate, Layla'd get super mad if someone spiked the punch so she signed me up for good ol guard dog duty. Go on then, help yaself, I promise ya it's safe." She had a toothy grin that smiled in a way that I couldn't help but feel calm around. I grabbed myself a drink before finding a corner to hide in.

I was actually starting to enjoy myself in the atmosphere when I was interrupted by Kyle, he'd ditched the people he was embarrassing and had found his way over to me.

"Jay, how're you hanging? Didn't expect to see you being a wallflower over here, where's the rest of the people you came with?"

I gestured over to the centre of the room, Frankie and Eliza were performing a duet. Liz had managed to get her hands on a viola and was playing along with her boyfriend. Tom was in the crowd of people happily dancing along to the upbeat melody the two were playing.

"Ah, yeah, centre of attention's not your thing is it?"


I wanted to shrink and hide away.

"Shouldn't you be with the people you came with?"

"Nah, you look like you need a friend, and I don't think the rest of the guys would be too happy if I caused them any more grief. What's gotten into them tonight, there's nothing wrong with my costume is there?" Looking closer at Kyle and the costume he was wearing, I noticed some things, he'd shaved all over and I'm pretty sure he had some padding in the top, even his hair was styled in way that accented the costume.

"Er no, you look great, uh, you wearing it for a dare or something?"

"Nope, I just figured it'd be a fun thing to try out, I mean I see the cheerleaders at our games and they always looked like they were having fun so I figured why not see how they feel" He struck a pose that I was sure I'd seen the cheer squad use before with a massive grin on his face. "Gotta say, I definitely feel something"

Just as I was about to respond Layla's voice echoed through the room.

"Hello everyone, hope you're enjoying the festivities, now I'm sure some of you have heard about a surprise well it's time to reveal, hold onto your hats it's going to get magical" She cleared her throat before beginning to speak again.

"Goddess of the night

Hear my honest plight

Reveal our self true

Gifts brought into view

Release this masquerade

Make our disguises fade"

The entire room seemed to shift as people around me started to shimmer and change. The room was now dead silent, the entire atmosphere had changed, it felt tense and then out of almost nowhere people started going wild, people started literally flying around the room, I was pretty sure I saw Tom and Eliza among the ones who'd taken off, Eliza was riding her staff like a broom. The house was filled with noise, and I swore that I heard a group of wolves. Whatever Layla had done was clearly magic, and it looked like it'd affected everyone differently. 

The people around didn't look like they were wearing costumes anymore, mythical creatures, animal boys and girls, video game characters and characters from pop culture had now filled the room, and even those with cheap 'sexy' costumes now looked like the real thing. 

Seeing everyone change made me wonder what had changed with me, my shirt felt really tight and my shoes felt heavier, before I could investigate further a voice to my side pulled my attention. 

"Whoaa, I have boobs now?"

I turned to my side to see a now very obviously changed Kyle. They were cupping their now very obvious breasts, their face looked softer but still resembled the person who had joined me earlier. Their figure had changed too, taking on a still quite muscular but decidedly feminine appearance.

"This is weird, Jay, you seeing this?" Their voice was sweeter too, still quite deep but definitely a girl's voice, what stuck with me the most was the fact that they seemed quite calm about the whole situation. 

"Uh..." My response was cut short when I heard my own voice, it was definitely not the same awful voice I'd begrudgingly dealt with up until now, it was lighter? "Uh, y...yeah, I am, you look, uh" I couldn't finish my thought, my voice kept tripping me up, It was clear that something about me had changed. I looked down at the same flat, dull, boring chest I've always had, as far as I could tell nothing about me had changed, maybe my clothes had but I still looked the same. Before I could try to investigate further Kyle grabbed my hand and dragged me away from the wall.

"Ky... Kyle, Wh... Where are we going?" 

"I wanna get a better look at this"

"B...But why am I coming with you?" That stopped them in their tracks, we were now in the middle of the crowd surrounded by people

"Eh? But don't you wanna see your changes too?" What changes were they talking about, I didn't see any obvious changes, was there something wrong with me that I couldn't see? 

"Wh... what are you talking about?" Maybe it had to do with my voice, had my head changed?

"Oh, OH now you have to come with me" With that I was Kyle dragged me the rest of the way towards the bathroom, and to my surprise, no one else was in them. Kyle immediately dragged me over to the mirror and put me in front of it to see, nothing, I could clearly see the cute tomboy-looking girl beside me that was Kyle, and beside her was the same boring old me, I still had the ratty unkempt hair I always did, I still had that boxy mannish body, my legs and arms still as spindly and gross as always. I looked at Kyle in the mirror with a confused look on my face. Their excited expression drooped.

"What, nothing about me is different except for my voice, why did you drag me here... this was a waste of time, I'm still boring old me."

"Come on, you can't be serious, I watched you change, you're completely different."

"What are you going on about Kyle" I didn't know if this was some sort of joke or something but I was starting to get quite annoyed with them. I don't know why I was hoping something had changed, that somehow I'd magically become a different person due to some lame spell that clearly only worked on costumes, I wasn't even wearing one for fuck's sake. I turned to look at Kyle, they're expression had turned from disappointed to confused.

"You really don't see anything Jay? But you're so small and cute now" Okay they clearly were pulling my leg here.

"What on earth are you talking about Kyle, Nothing's changed! I'm still the same ugly horrible useless man I've always been. Nothing about me is cute, now can you stop with this stupid prank?" 

"It's not a prank Jay, I promise. Why can't you see it?"

"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BE SEEING?" At this point I was shouting, I was about to turn around and leave the bathroom when Kyle's hand grabbed mine.

"Please, Jay, just trust me" Their voice was really quiet, she honestly sounded scared.

"Fine... but if you can't convince me, I'm getting out of here and going home."

Before Kyle could say anything the door to the bathroom opened and a girl with bunny ears entered and screeched.

"What the fuck is a boy doing in here?!"

Kyle was quick to get in front of me, getting between me and the bunny girl. "Kenzie, Leave Jay alone, I'm the one who pulled them in here"

"Wait... Kyle? What the fuck? You're not supposed to be in here either" The girl who had now been identified as Kenzie looked mad, Really mad. 

"Kenzie can you please calm down" 

"No I will not calm down, I am not about to put up with some sissy and his boy toy in the girl's bathroom"

"I... am not... a sissy!" Kyle had joined in on the yelling, I tried my best to step away from the situation before finding myself backed up against a wall. Things looked like they were going to get from bad to worse, Kenzie looked like she was about to pounce at Kyle when the door to the bathroom swung open once again. 

There in the entranceway was the host of the party, Layla looked pissed. Before anyone could react, she started saying something in a language I couldn't understand, It was as if time had stopped, the two had stopped frozen in place, Kenzie mid-swing about to hit Kyle right in the face.

"Goddess, what on Earth happened in here" She looked at me with a concerned look before walking past the two girls frozen in place, right up to me. "Could you tell me what happened? what caused these two to start fighting? and why did I hear someone call someone else a slur at my party?" She was acting quite calm for someone who was looking like she would bite someone's head off only a moment ago.

"K...Kyle brought me in here to look at their changes, and show me mine? but that doesn't make any sense, I still look the same but they seemed so convinced I was different, she... er he... called me small and cute but as anyone could see I'm anything but." I soon found a finger placed over my lips.

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"Hey, there's no need for that." She sighed "Are you saying that the fight started because you were in here?"

I nodded my head and looked down in shame. 

"Hey, no, you're not in trouble. So, which one is Kyle?" I pointed at the one in the cheerleader outfit. 

She muttered something under her breath and almost immediately Kyle started moving again and fell to the floor.

"Ow... Fuck, Wait, Layla? When'd you get here?" Kyle got back up rubbing her... er their back before seeing Kenzie still frozen and jumping back. "Whoa, shit I knew magic was real from the spell you did Layla but damn, so how long's she stuck like that? Wait, was I frozen too?"

"Yes, you were, I heard shouting saw you two at each other's necks and stepped in, this one here explained a bit of what happened, but something they said has me wondering. They said you called them small and cute, now I'm not about to refute the second part of that, but what did you mean by small?"

"Uh, they just are? I mean they're clearly shorter than everyone here" Okay, now that was obviously a lie, there's no way that that's even remotely true.

Layla squinted at me looking me up and down before smirking. "Okay, I think I have an idea of what's going on here" She walked over to Kyle and the two of them started whispering, I couldn't hear anything that those two were saying, It took them a moment or two but eventually they stopped and Kyle walked over and asked me a strange question.

"Hey, so, could I have your name?"

"Yes?" before I could say anything else I felt something weird inside my head shift as if it was leaving. Something must have happened because now both Layla and Kyle were giggling. "Am I missing something?"

"Oh, that's too funny, alright then Kylie, what did they miss?"

"Could it perhaps be their name?"

"What on earth are you two going on about, I'm not missing my name..."

"Oh, then what is it?" Layla asked me and I just stood there dumbfounded, for some reason I couldn't respond. Nothing was coming to me at all.

"I... I don't know" was all I could say back. This was super confusing, then I remembered the weird question Kyle... no Kylie had asked me. "Wait, how did you do that? Did you steal my name? I thought only Fae could do that."

"You would be correct there, seems that my spell did more than just make Kylie's costume real, she's a lesser Fae, seems that somewhere in her heritage one of her ancestors got intimate with someone from Fae kind and, it seems my spell awakened her ancestral heritage."

"Okay, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Oh, it has to do with everything, if I told asked you what your costume was what would you say?"

"I'm not wearing a costume? I don't understand"

"You will" Layla walked over and offered me a container of makeup wipes. "Here, why don't you go wipe your face with these, if you aren't wearing a costume nothing should happen right?"

I begrudgingly took the wipe and ran it over my face, I was going to argue that nothing happened but when I looked down at the wipe, there was clearly something there, I wiped the rest of my face, getting more and more of what looked like makeup off my face. When I looked down and saw that there was nothing more coming off my face I turned back to the pair feeling confused.

"Now what? Why was I wearing makeup?"

"We'll get to that, now, here, why don't you take a look at yourself" Kylie grabbed me by the shoulders, which felt weird for some reason and turned me to face the mirror. Staring back at me was myself or someone who looked like me, wearing my clothes but with a clearly feminine and honestly cute face. It took me a moment to realise that the person staring back at me was my own reflection after which I was filled with even more confusion. 

"Here, let me give you a hand" Kylie reached up to my head and started messing with my hair, the next thing I knew she was holding my hair in her hands and now the reflection in the mirror was sporting a longer but still decidedly short and cute haircut, my brown hair had clearly changed colour too, going from chestnut brown to now looking much lighter and a bit blonder like my mum.

there was no mistaking it now, whatever Layla's spell had done it'd changed me too, which got me thinking back to the weird sensations I had felt when I first changed. I reached down and slipped my hoodie and shirt off.

Shoulder pads and a binder, that's all they could be. I didn't even hesitate, It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened, getting the shoulder pads off my head was easy, but the binder? I tried lifting it over my head but no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't budge, I was really starting to get agitated, I wanted this damn thing off me already, I felt like screaming before I remembered that I wasn't alone. I looked over at the other two, they looked concerned, they looked like they wanted to help but they were just standing there looking at me expectantly.

"Kylie, can you please help me" That was apparently all I needed to say before she rushed over, she started fiddling with something on my side and suddenly all the pressure it was holding back burst forward. I don't know how to describe the relief I felt when it was finally off me, I pulled the binder off my head and tossed it into the corner of the room. I quickly turned my attention back to the mirror, my reflection was now sporting a pair of large and really pretty breasts, I couldn't hold it back anymore my eyes started watering almost immediately.

"I... is this really happening, are those really mine?"

Kylie and Layla had now joined me, standing by my side, Layla spoke up first.

"Yes they are, they're yours and with the way my spell works, you won't change back either unless you want it."

"Wait really?" It was Kylie that spoke up at that point. "I thought it would just change me back at the end of the night, you mean I can stay like this?"

"Kylie, I'm trans, if I made a spell that changed people into a form they were more comfortable with why would I make it so it'd revert? unfortunately, the powers your costumes give will wear off when you leave the house but hey, lets me sneak some instant transitions onto people without others noticing, er not that I didn't want the people affected not to notice, sorry about that, seems like whatever the spell did to your friend Kylie it was a bit too subtle." 

Layla stretched before speaking some words, and with a poof, a pile of clothes were now in her hands.

"Alrighty, we should probably finish up in here before people realise the bathroom is locked and I've been missing for quite a while. Here, these should fit better than your old clothes, oh and Kylie, could you help this poor girl figure out a new name? Taking someone's name away may be a blessing for trans people but unless a Fae helps them they literally won't be able to come up with a new one. Don't worry thankfully there are safeguards now and all you need to do Kylie is ask them what their new name is.  Now I better go deal with this transphobe and get back to the party, congratulations both of you, hope to see you around"

She smiled before walking over to the still-frozen Kenzie and started chanting again, one moment she was in the room with us and the next she was gone leaving just me and Kylie in the room together.

"So then, we should get this done first hey, So wasn't expecting anything like this to happen but hey, at least I'm glad I could help now then, what's your new name?"

It was like a switch had flipped and I was able to remember the name that I'd given myself when I first discovered I was trans. 

"Emily, my name is Emily, oh that feels so much better, never do anything like that again" now that the name situation was resolved and my head became clearer it became increasingly obvious that I was still standing around without a top on, I swear my face must have been as red as a tomato, I quickly turned around covering myself before trying and after some trial and error slipping on my new bra. MY bra, wow that felt weird to say but at the same time, it felt so right. I slipped the top on before turning around to face Kylie again.

Something that was said before finally caught up to me.

"Kylie what did you mean by me being shorter than you and Layla?"

"Oh, right that, so it turns out being part Fae means I kinda now see people as their true selves, which is something that Layla says I should be able to control later, but uh, it let me see past the costume and yeah, oh and we should probably take the stilts off you now."

"What stilts, I'm not wearing..." Wait! the heavy shoes, I lifted one of my jean legs and low and behold there they were, I undid my pants letting them fall down around my legs leaving them pooled around the stilts and me being left in my briefs. I quickly reached down and untied the stilt shoes almost tripping in the process, thankfully Kylie was there to catch me. I was now standing bear foot on the cold bathroom tiles.

The sudden height change really shook me to my core at how much I'd changed. I now stood a foot or so shorter than Kylie, a massive difference from my usual height, it was weird but oddly comforting, I felt so small but rather than fear, I felt warm and cosy, and my body felt right, looking up at Kylie felt right, my legs were soft with quite a bit of plush fat now built up around my thighs. One thing that seemed off though was it still looked like I had something in my underwear, I could still feel that uncomfortable feeling of something between my legs. I quickly dashed into one of the stalls.

I pulled my underwear down, and as I did something strange fell to the ground, I had a feeling I knew what it was supposed to be I wanted nothing to do with what was left of my manhood and kicked it away from me as fast as I could. It felt so good to be rid of it, looking down rather than seeing what usually made me feel uncomfortable there was nothing. A wave of euphoria washed over me, and as much as I wanted to explore more it didn't feel appropriate to do so while Kylie was waiting for me outside. I pulled my underwear back up and left the stall. 

"Feeling better now? I guess the thing I saw fly across the room into the corner was the reason why you went into the stall?"

my face was back to being red again "Yes, can we not talk about that please, I got rid of it for a reason"

"Of course, looks like you have an option, do you want a skirt or some jeans?"

As much as I wanted to wear the skirt, I'd already had enough excitement for one night and chose the jeans. Slipping them up my legs felt nice, they were snug and really hugged my new hips, I picked up my now oversized hoodie and slipped it over my head. I once again felt small, and just like the time before I felt cosy and warm.

"Ready to go out and face the music?" I felt a little apprehensive at first but realising I'd have to leave the bathroom eventually I relented and walked through the bathroom door and out into the main hall. Things had died down a bit since we left, no one seemed to notice our return to the party.

"Hey Kylie, after all that I'm feeling a little thirsty do you want me to get you another drink?"

"Nah, I'm good, but I'll happily join you and grab some food while we're there."

Walking around the people dancing was a bit more intimidating than last time, but this time, I didn't stand out as much as I did before and that equalled things out, and with Kylie at my side I felt safe. The bar was still manned by the same girl from earlier but with her werewolf features standing out a lot more than before.

"What can I getcha? wait, ain't ya that lad from before? looks like Layla's spell gotcha out of that shitty costume of yours aye? back for another drink then?"

"Shitty?" I looked over to Kylie, and she just shrugged back.

"Yeah twas obvious ya didn't like tha costume ya came in, ya looked mighty uncomfortable. Ya still want that drink?"

"Yeah, uh, thanks I'll have another cup of punch please, was it really that obvious?"

"Well maybe not ta most, with eyes like mine ya notice some things, now here ya go, go on and take ya girlfriend and have some fun ya here, ya should probably find tha rest of the group ya came with sounded, last I saw they were looking for ya over by the gaming setup."

We walked away, Kylie looking over her shoulder back at the werewolf whispered to me "You think she's like me?"

"Wouldn't surprise me at this point, I just hope Tom, Liz and Frankie are alright"

"Isn't that them there?" Kylie pointed off towards where Tom was floating talking with Eliza and Frankie, they weren't too far away from us. so we quickly shuffled over to join them. Eliza approached us first with a worried look on her face.

"Kyle, have you seen Emily? Wait, why'd I say that? I mean it sounds right but something about that felt off." Seeing Liz walk up to us, Tom and Frankie weren't too far behind.

"Wait did you just say Emily? weren't we looking for Emily, What?" Tom now looked even more confused than Eliza.

"Oh god, is that what taking someone's name does? That's actually kinda neat if a little scary" Kylie spoke up, she'd wrapped her arm around my shoulder keeping me nice and close.

"Taking someone's name? Ky... wait I should ask, what do you want us to call you?" Frankie was the one to speak up this time. 

"I think I'd prefer Kylie, at least that's what I've been going as since the spell changed me, as for taking someone's name? Layla convinced me to help Emily out by taking hers." She'd pulled me even closer in anticipation of something bad happening, I wasn't worried about my friends but the act made me feel safe regardless.

"Layla got you to take her name? Why'd you need to do that, Emily's her name right?" Tom might not be the brightest but at least he meant well. "I mean that suits them a lot better than their old one right? But having a Fae steal a name is dangerous you know even with the safeguards." Or maybe he knew more than he let on.

"Tom? why do you know about all that?" I finally spoke up, as I reluctantly escaped from Kylie's arm.

"Because I'm Fae? Wait why are you looking at me like that, I thought it was obvious?"

"Tom, up until I met Layla I didn't know magic was a thing let alone Fae" Frankie spoke up, he'd known Tom the longest, so hearing his confusion must have sparked something in Tom's head

"Wait none of you knew? For real? I thought I messed up loads of times." He looked around awkwardly "Glad I don't have to worry about slipping up about Emily anymore, that's a massive load off my chest"

"While we're sharing things, Fran dear, why don't you tell them about yourself so I don't have to stop myself from correcting everyone anymore?" What did Eliza mean by that, oh, crap was Frankie... er Fran like me and Kylie?

"Oh, It's not that big of a deal Liz really. Fine, I'm non-binary, could you use They or Them for me please, while Frankie's okay, I think I prefer Fran"

"Fran, please I see how much it gets to you, there's no need to hide anymore, and Emily I am so so SO happy for you! Oh my Goddess, you're so dang cute, you and I are going to have a lot of fun together" She then proceeded to let out one of the most high-pitched squeals my ears had ever come out of a human's mouth. "Now, tell me please, are you and Kylie? you know, are you two a thing?"

"Liz please, slow down, Uh, that's, I'm not sure yet, I mean Kylie's nice and she makes me feel safe, but we just met each other properly tonight, I think I'd like to get to know her a bit more before I commit to anything. Sorry Kylie, I'd like to stay friends if that's fine with you?"

"Oh come on Em, it's going to take more than that to get me down, how bout this, I take you on a date and we get some cute clothes for you and some clothes I can show off this weekend, how's that sound? I mean it doesn't have to be a date or anything I just, I wanna get to know you and"

"Kylie, please, it's fine, that sounds nice actually, and I... Maybe it can be a date."

"Hell yeah, I'm gonna show you just how cute you are." The next noise that came out of my mouth was definitely not a word, it sounded like my voice short-circuited.

We spent the rest of the night chilling out together, Eliza managed to convince me to get on her staff and fly around with her for a bit. As the night settled down and Layla announced the end of the party Kylie and I decided to head back with Fran and Liz to their apartment, It was large enough for all four of us, and would allow us to avoid the problems of changing sexes and trying to get back to our dorm rooms until the morning. I slept in the guest bed while Kylie slept on the couch.

I wasn't expecting things to happen the way they did but it sure was an amazing night.

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