No Matter How Much I Beg, This Demon Lord Won’t Step On Me!

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Quest: The Ties That Bind

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Starting locations in this new world were, to the best of my knowledge, determined by class. A Gladiator would begin in the arena, for instance, and their basic quest line would involve working towards freedom. As for Lackey though, I didn't know what in the world I could be promoted into, let alone what strange promises my future might hold. Did I promote into having Lackeys of my own, or would I be forced to become some sort of figurehead-obsessed Zealot?

Almost more importantly, would my attentions to be transferred to someone at random, or would I have a choice of who my servile attitude would be applied to?

A twisted sort of enthusiasm blazed in my stomach. As my consciousness began to fuse with my new body, I even felt a little nauseous. It was a unique talent of mine, getting excited and making myself sick in the same breath.

"Look alive!" a gruff voice barked. "If you miss today's ceremony, you're shit outta luck."

A Beastman with the pointed ears and docked tail of a doberman pointed towards the far end of the room where others had begun to kneel in front of a throne. Words appeared in front of me: Quest: The Ties That Bind.

It looked a lot like the text from the VR controls, actually. I guess the system had fused with my consciousness to give me a sort of advantage in this world, just like it might for a real protagonist. Menus seemed to open and close based on one's focus with no need for any motion-sensitive controls. Good; I'd hate to think what another sneeze might do.

Focusing on The Ties That Bind, I was able to see a definition of the quest. Requirements included Lackey (level 1) and "Master: None." I shook my head, trying not to think about any of its implications, and instead focused on looking around.

The room we were in was spacious and luxurious, but the torches along the wall burned with blue flame that made me feel uneasy. Good guys didn't live with blue fire.

Sure enough, the figure on the throne did not appear good by any stretch of the imagination. He was absolutely another demon. He had two golden horns, more straight than spiraled, sticking out of messy blue hair. From his posture and the way his eyes roamed the room, not once looking at his subordinates, one might guess that he was bored. In fact, he sighed loudly.

"My lord!" the doberman exclaimed. "Please, pay attention or the spell won't take."

"Let's get on with it, then," he answered laconically.

Just like the others were doing, I got down on one knee. Leather boots squeaked gently as the Demon Lord got up.

"Kiss them," the Demon Lord would surely say in a voice that left no room for compromise.

My breath would catch in my throat, but I'd listen to him. I was here to be his Lackey, after all, and that meant his word was my law. He would become my—

My Master. Oh god. Would this demon expect me to simper and grovel before him, or simply obey him without a word to the contrary? Would there be punishments for disobeying? Would he deliver them himself, or would he rely on his right-hand Beastman?

I would shift onto both of my knees for better balance, hitting the hard floor without a single care, and keep my balled fists resting on my thighs as I'd bend down to press a kiss to the black boot. The smell of the leather would overpower me just slightly, so I'd have to stop for a moment to keep myself calm.

He'd put a hand in my hair and yank it none-too-gently to remind me of my place and what I was supposed to be doing. As if I'd need help remembering that.

So I'd kiss it again and again, until he'd huff with scorn. He probably wouldn't be expecting someone to enjoy it so much. Then he'd lift his foot up and press it down on my shoulder—

"Open your eyes," a gentle voice interrupted my fantasy.

The Demon Lord lifted my chin with a finger and I swear to my dear departed Watase-sensei that I almost drowned in his golden eyes. At such close quarters, I could hear and feel each breath he took. The warmth that radiated from this singular being was unreal.

What was his name? How on earth should I address him? I tried to speak. My mouth opened and closed, but no words came.

"It's okay," the Demon Lord said. "Let's seal the pact. Kiss it."

My heart thundered in my ears. Before I could sink down lower to his boot, he held his hand out before me. For a moment, confusion overtook me. Then, a figurative light bulb appeared over my head!

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Right. Kissing a hand to swear fealty. That was normal.

I could do normal. I swear. Please, believe me.

God, his hand was so warm.

"With this kiss, you are bound to my service," he intoned.

The magic surrounded me in sparkling, shimmering waves. Words flashed in front of me: Quest: The Ties That Bind is now complete! Class skill unlocked: Absolute Obedience. I had to be reading that wrong, though. There was no way. Guys like me, we never got that lucky. Our fetishes were always shoved under the rug, never to be spoken of, never given any kind of incredible spotlight.

Our fetishes were things to be mocked, and appropriately so, since scorn gave us that much more excitement. I couldn't remember a time in my life that I hadn't been into weird shit, and my love of the fantasy genre had only given my imagination more and more creative outlets for my endless series of daydreams.

Of course, I also couldn't recall a time I'd ever been able to accept myself for who I was, or any time I'd ever trusted another person to do the same. I had never had a single boyfriend or girlfriend in the entirety of my human life.

"Now rise."

Before I could think about it, strength flooded through me and I obeyed, moving faster than my body was accustomed to. The Demon Lord held my arm, steadying me as I swayed.

Holy shit. I would have to investigate and see exactly how this ability worked once I had a moment alone.

"Thank you for joining me," he said, and I knew in that moment that I would surely die for him one day.

Without another word, he advanced to the next underling. All in all, there were four of us. The others were a Desire Demon, one Beastman with the features of a lynx (or was she a Hellcat?), and one bronze Dragonkin. We were all reverently silent.

"The ceremony is complete," the Demon Lord said. "I will be retiring to my chambers. Listen to Argos in my stead."

With that simple instruction, he took his leave of us. It was all too strange. Without him, the room seemed duller, darker, colder. Even the flames in the mounted torches seemed dimmer. He was truly a fiery sun, the center of our universe. I had never felt such a fervent devotion to someone before.

My life had been cursed by an appreciation for unconventional romance, so it seemed only natural that I was already falling for the Demon Lord. His position of power was terribly enticing, and his pervert potential was off the charts, though he didn't seem aware of any of it, carrying himself like a regular man.

How much of these feelings were my Absolute Obedience skill and how much of them were from my own damn heart? I couldn't help but wonder what the technical details of that skill were, but I didn't have the time to investigate. Argos was talking, and I couldn't help but pay attention.

"Welcome to Lord Azdarch's army," he said. "You will be allowed free reign of the castle, but you will spend most of your time in the barracks, on the training field, and then eventually on expeditions. I will take each of you to your rooms, and you may consider yourselves dismissed until morning."

Muted grunts of acceptance were all we could muster. Each and every one of us seemed equally dazed in the aftermath of the binding ceremony. Although the Beastman's words were ultimately kind, they didn't have the same wonderful heat — uh, the same warmth — that Lord Azdarch's did.

Apparently I was already calling him Lord Azdarch. I was sure there would be punishments for forgetting his title. And besides, have you ever imagined calling someone my lord or my king? They're terribly underrated terms of endearment. They're not cut and dry like "Master", and they have way more subtlety than—

Argos cleared his throat. "Are you going to stand there all day?"

He was already holding the door for the others to leave the room. I ducked my head in apology and quickly followed.

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