No More Nobles

Chapter 1: Freedom

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   "Fuck you Dad"

I say each word with clear detail, perfectly enunciated.

I cant possibly describe how completely Free I feel in this moment. 

My entire life.  26 years of  grooming, coercion and manipulation.

All my family's money.  

The mansions & penthouses I have & Would have lived in.

The political power they wanted me to have.

Their Ivy League Law school I never wanted to attend.

Their horrible shrew of a Fiancé they arranged for me.  She was chosen only for her family's money & connections.

I was pissing it all away in this moment.

There is an incredible feeling of ambivalence as I destroy my entire life up to this point.  

As I break all the chains holding me down.

I think my Grandfather would have been proud.  My mother's father, not my father's father- he is an evil cunt.

"Fuck you Mom"

"Fuck your legacy. Fuck your plans. Fuck your Money"

The look on their faces is priceless.   An image I will never forget as long as I live.

My Father age 56- U.S. Senator Odysseus Edwards the III.  Always so in control.  Now with a face as red as a beet- He looks like he's constipated.

I'm named after him.  Odysseus Edwards.. the IV, but anyone besides my family that calls me that is gonna get a bloody nose.   I go by Eddy instead.

My Mother age 48- Heir to an Arkansas diamond mine, Priscilla Armstrong-Edwards.    Obsessed with appearances.  Her jaw is wide open now however.  If only she could see her appearance now.

I give them a two handed middle finger salute

"Fuck your control. Fuck your manipulation."  I look at my father "Fuck your Power, I'm not afraid of it."

Fuck your cold-hearted shrew of a fiancé you've arranged for me - I'm actually about to break up with her today"

My mother looked sick now.   She gave me life.  I'll always be grateful for that, but I will never be manipulated by her again.

"And lastly, Fuck your Ivy League Prison. I'm dropping out"

I take one last look at their faces, maybe the last one I'll ever see.

My father looks like he wanted to hit me.   But I'm not the same young boy he used to smack around.  

The gym is the only place where I was able to relieve stress.

It became my 'happy place'.        It was either that, or cocaine. And I'm not much of a coke guy.

As a result, I've become a very big man...


My mother is looking at the floor, not even able to look me in the eye anymore.

And with that, I turn on my heel and walk away. 

"o-ODYSSEUS! DONT YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME!!!"  My father yells at my back


I just continue walking away, I don't look back.


I have a strange feeling of weightlessness as I walk out of my family's Connecticut mansion.

I wink at one of the maids who was secretly listening in, and she blushes

A thought hits me as I pass a doorway.

Turning around, I walk through the door into my Grandpa's old den.  Most of his things were already gone, but there was one thing i saw and immediately wanted.   

An old picture of me and Grandad fishing on lake Michigan.       I  was holding up a huge trout, with a goofy smile on my face.  Granddad looked so Happy & Proud...

Tucking the picture frame under my arm, I continue my escape.

Exiting through the front door, a cold winter wind hits my face.  It smells Divine, like freedom.

Freedom and frozen nose hairs.

It was cold as fuck, and there was snow on the ground.

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Spreading my arms out wide, I let the cold seep in.    I loved the cold, I loved the snow, the winter wind, that refreshing feeling when it first hit your skin after exiting a warm room.

Maybe I just love everything right now.

Afterall, I am now the master of my own destiny.   Free to carve out my slice of the american pie.

From now on MY hand will be the one controlling the rudder on the ship sailing through the oceans of life.

...Okay, enough philosophizing.

Lets get the fuck out of here.


Walking down the drive all the way to the gatehouse.   The gate is closed.

As I get to the gatehouse I nod my head at the old Gatekeeper Frank.

He just stares at me, shaking his head. 

I walk over and poke my head into the door

"C'mon Frank let me out"

"Sorry kid, Mr. Edwards ordered me not to open the gate for you..."

Really? How petty could the man be?

"Look Frank, I'm leaving. Even if I have to climb over that gate, I Am Leaving.   So, tell you what-" 

I walk over & I reach over him to the gate console

"I'll be the one to press the button, that way you can save your job..."

He doesn't try to stop me as  I press the button.

"Have a nice life, Frank" I say as I cross the final barrier barring my path.

I walk over to my car, parked outside the gate.

My beautiful car.

Currently my most valuable possession. 

She's a 1964 Ford Thunderbird Hardtop. 

Painted a creamy Wimbledon White, with a bright cherry red vinyl interior.  Chrome on both the inside and outside shined to a mirror-like sheen. Classic whitewall tires.

I rub my hand affectionately on the cold metal.

My Grandpa left it to me when he died.

It is now my only possession.

Well, besides my phone and some clothes (which I will later get rid of after I get a job)

Getting in, I start it up.   It produces a beautiful purr as I revv the engine a couple times.

Letting the engine warm up, I turn the heaters on.

Since I have to wait for her to warm up -  (you cant rush a classic) - I might as well choose some music.

Turning my bluetooth on, I connect my phone to the modern stereo system I had installed into the car.

Aaand I just thought of a perfect song.

The smooth rhythmic voice of a music Icon hits my soul


~I wont let you down~


~I will not give you up~


~You gotta have some faith in the sound~


I put the car in gear, and drive off into the sunset, to my next destination.





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