No More Nobles

Chapter 5: Dead Silence

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.....  Pain.

There is pain all over the front of my body, it feels like I'm laying face down on hard concrete.

Groggily I try to move my body and open my eyes - and fail.  It feels like I've been sleeping off a heavy drinking binge...

I can hear muffled voices, they sound male.

One more time, I try to force my eyes open and move my lethargic body.

  I succeed in cracking my bleary eyes open, and twitching just a little bit.

 Apparently I was laying face down on the hard stone floor.  There is smoke & dust all around me in a cloud, as if I was in some accident or explosion or something... maybe that purple light I was caught in caused some sort of accident?   Through the dust, I can barely make out two men in white next to some machinery. 

Struggling with far more effort then it should normally take, I move my aching muscles and try to force my body to get up - I only succeed in bringing myself up to a kneeling position.  

"Oros kide tu fermin nvena!"  I must have banged my head pretty hard, because I could not understand a single word the men in white - I think they are doctors? - were saying.

Et tu tik qua bein si qual uoral! TU FERMIii-"  I take a deep breath and try to get my bearings, but this is a mistake, as I accidentally breathe in a mouthful of dust and cough. 

The two doctors whip around as they hear me, finally realizing I'm here.  Maybe I could get some help now...

The dust was starting to settle now, and I could get a better look at my surroundings.  I was in some vast underground chamber of smooth black stone.  There were strange square pillars at regular intervals that had green lights running all the way up the middle. They gave the whole area a very creepy horror movie vibe.  Underneath me was a weird satanic looking circle with odd symbols carved right into the stone - did I get drunk and wind up in some punk/goth rave party or something?

"Kiden! Ziit los enti Jory!"  One of the doctors shouts. I still couldn't understand him, it did not sound like he was speaking spanish...

"What - What the hell is going on?..."  I ask aloud in a cracked hoarse voice, while trying to get up off the floor.   Blinking rapidly to keep the dust out of my eyes, I see one of the two doctors - the tall skinny one, the fat one was fumbling at his side for something - stride forward.

I didn't like the way he was walking towards me. Something about his body language was wrong, too aggressive.   Is that a cattle prod in his hand?

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT FUCKING THING"- is what I try to shout.  Only half the words make it out of my mouth before the bastard shoves the cattle prod into my neck.


My nerves are on fire as the thin rod burns into my neck!  My muscles spasm, and my teeth clench down hard.

'This fucking CUNT!'

Slowly, I force my twitching arm up to to the electric prod.  'I'm gonna shove this fucking thing up your ass!'

Suddenly, the pain increases as the end of the prod crackles with even more electricity.  It takes all my effort to just remain conscious with the painful voltage running through my skin.

Shit!   The fat one is approaching!  I have to get away before he- 

 Too late.  The fat doctor drives his cattle prod into my neck hard, then zaps me.

The world goes dark as I fade into unconsciousness once more...






I awaken to darkness and pain in my back.  I try to move, but I am cramped in some kind of metal container. There is a subtle sense of vertigo; the container appears to be moving.  Inhaling a deep breath, I almost puke.  It smells absolutely foul in here.

 What the Fuck...  Trying to make sense of the situation, I go over the last few events in my head.  I remember going to work and then being trapped in that weird light.  FUCK, it hurt so MUCH.     Shuddering involuntarily over the what was easily the worst pain of my entire life, I try to forget the horrible sensations of it...

Then, I remember waking up in some strange dark area with huge pillars and green light.  There was dust everywhere, and then those two doctors- Fuck! They fucking Tazed me!      I press my hand to my neck, and felt at the burn where they electrocuted me.

Hearing muffled noises outside, I kick at the metal wall of the container and it makes a loud thump.  There is someone outside, I can hear voices.     

I try to shift my body up, and press on the lid of the container.  It goes up a couple inches and stops, allowing blessedly fresh air to come in.   There must be a lock or chain or something preventing me from lifting it.

Shifting on my back, I kick at the lid & hollar "LET-ME-OUTTA-HERE!!"

All I hear is a muffled voice and a loud thud that reverberates throughout the container as someone outside bangs on it once. 

It must be those damn doctors - if they even ARE doctors.  I don't understand... are they psychos?  Are they kidnappers trying to blackmail my father into paying a ransom for me?      My mind raced with negative possibilities.

Pressing up on the lid again, I try to get a look outside.  Its difficult to see, but I can make out a hallway?  I can see the chest of one of the men transporting me.

"HELP! I'M TRAPPED IN HERE!"  It's a slim chance that anyone actually helps me, but a slim chance is better than nothing.

 Suddenly, I see a tip of one of their cattle prods crackling with electricity right in front of my eyes.  It comes in through the gap of the lid.

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They try to stick me with it again, but I'm ready for it this time!  Clenching my hands down on it as hard as I can, I jerk down on the thin metal stick against the lid of the container - ignoring the electricity running through my arms.

It snaps with a sharp metallic clang, leaving me with a four inch steel fork.   

I can hear loud shouting from the other side of the container, and then multiple thuds as the container is kicked repeatedly.


I feel around at the metal fork in my hand.  It feels bent & blunt, but maybe I could use it to pick the lock on the container later?

Carefully, I stick the piece of metal in the side of my underwear. Hopefully they wont find it...


The minutes marched on.  Occasionally I would kick at the lid and call for help, but all I received in return was a kick to the container.  It didn't seem like anyone was coming to help me...

Suddenly the container came to a stop.

My mind was going a mile a minute, my heart started to race.   If they are kidnappers then I wont be killed - probably, but if they are psychos then...  I didn't want to think about it, but my mind conjured up images from movies like 'Saw' & 'Hostel'.

I can hear voices, but its still too difficult to make out what they are saying.  It sounds like there are multiple people.

Someone fiddles with the chain on the lid.

 Suddenly  the metal box I am in is flipped over, and I come tumbling out of it onto a hard wooden floor.

Its bright.  I have to blink repeatedly for my eyes to adjust properly.

Getting up on my hands and knees, I see a dirty large room with torches burning all around the walls.  In front of me are the two doctors. They are talking with an obese man sitting at a desk.

Looking left and right, I see cages in the walls. There are people in them!  Fuck, this is bad. I'm getting some major serial killer vibes in here.  Is this a prison or some twisted dungeon?

I don't want to find out!  I am about to get up and run, when a heavy hand presses down on my shoulder, causing my heart to skip a beat.

Looking behind me, I see two men.  They were enormous!  They were both between six and a half - to seven feet tall! And thick too, they were as wide as N.F.L. linemen.  They were fat, but incredibly muscular - like a bear.

In their hands were large wooden clubs, about twice the size of a baseball bat.   The one gripping my right shoulder pokes his club into my face, and the one to my left smacks his club down hard on the floor with a loud crack - both letting me know in very certain terms that they would crush me if I tried anything.     

   They were wearing some type of weird leather body armor that left their arms bare.  The big men were as pale as a ghost, and completely hairless - not even eyebrows.   For some reason they were wearing elf ears like in 'Lord of the Rings' or 'The Hobbit'

There was a door behind me, but there were two more large men guarding it.  I was fucked, even if I managed to get away from these Sumo-albinos - and that was a BIG if, I still wouldn't make it past the big fuckers guarding the door.

In front of me the obese man at the desk argues with the two doctors, both making aggressive hand gestures.

They were speaking a foreign language I could not recognize.  It didn't sound like any language I had heard before, was it some type of eastern european?

 The obese man at the desk hands the doctors a small heavy bag of something that jingled slightly. Coins?  He waves the doctors away with a smug look.  The doctors then turn on their heel, and leave while grumbling something.

I glare at them as they pass me, but they just brush past me like I didn't exist anymore.  The tall doctor takes one last cold stare at me before the big men at the door let them out. 

Turning my head in front of me, I see the obese man at the desk get up with a grunt and waddle over to me.  He was short, with tan brown skin and greasy long hair that was bald on top.  He was wearing some strange clothing that seemed like it came straight out of the Victorian era.  

He stepped in front of me and grinned. With a shock, I realized every single one of his teeth were golden!

He reached out with his pudgy hand and gripped my chin.  Turning my head from side to side, he examined my face like I was some prized horse.  


He grinned in my face, and slapped my cheek.

"EAT SHIT YOU FAT-FUCKING-BASTARD" I growl out at him, the big man holding my shoulder clenches down on me in a painful grip.

"Oooohh qual une ni rechy!"  The fat little man laughed in my face.   Insulting them did no good, it seemed they didn't speak english.

The fatty gestures an 'up' motion with his hand.  The big man behind me drops his club and grips the back of my neck in a powerful grip, with the other hand on my arm.  The other guard grabs my bicep, then they roughly haul me upright.

The greasy little man in front of me gets even closer, examining my body with a disgusting gaze.  I can feel & smell his putrid breath.  He runs his gross fingers on my biceps and chest, then down my stomach - He starts undoing my belt.

My heart is pounding in my chest, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I don't know what these people are going to do to me. Whether they are kidnappers, murderers or rapists, they aren't up to anything good.  But I know one thing for sure.

I'll be DAMNED if I let this disgusting creature molest me without a fight.   

My arms are held tight by the thugs behind me, and I cant move my head to headbutt the creep, but my legs are free. 

Putting all my strength into my right leg, I pull my foot back and bring my steel-toe boot as hard as I can into the creeps balls.    





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