No Wind or Rain

Chapter 3: 3

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Since that day, Yu Sichun didn’t mention Lu Sisi again for a while. Instead of pretending that she didn’t exist, Yu Sichun just pretended she didn’t appear at all. She pretended that the relationship between her1 and Du Jiayi never existed.  

Yu Sichun stayed at home every day and only went out to deliver food to Du Jiayi at noon. After the two employees visited their house that day, she was successfully promoted from the boss’ nanny to the boss’ lover.  

Occasionally, she would hear the company employees say things like “she’s the mysterious lover…”, “I don’t see anything special except for her okay appearance…” and so on.   

She didn’t pay any attention to it and Du Jiayi had probably never even heard them or he just didn’t he didn’t care at all to explain anything.  

She took the lunch box to the company. The girl who sat at the front desk was used to her coming and going. She smiled at the girl and walked towards the stairs.  

When she arrived at the door, she turned back and almost immediately saw the girl sneering. Her expression stiffened and she withdrew her contemptuous eyes when she saw Yu Sichun turn back.  

Before entering the elevator, she could hear the girl deliberately speaking in a loud voice: “Isn’t she just a mistress? If the boss’s first love was here would she even be able to show off…?”  

Yu Sichun wanted to laugh a little. How was she showing off? She didn’t dare or have the right to show off her power.  

She tilted her lips up but didn’t say anything. Seeing her ugly smile on the elevator wall, she closed her eyes in tiredness and stopped smiling.  

This office building wasn’t particularly tall. Jiang City house prices weren’t expensive but they weren’t cheap either. Not to mention it was in the city centre but Du Jiayi was already regarded as one of the wealthiest people.  

He was a young man who encountered a few obstacles when chasing his dream a few years ago. Now he was a very successful entrepreneur who managed more than 2,000 jobs in his company.  

After pushing open the door, she happened to see Du Jiayi in a meeting with someone else. She said a quick “sorry” and planned to back out but Du Jiayi stopped her. “Sisi come in, we’re nearly done talking.”  

She walked in and Du Jiayi waved her over.  

She went to Du Jiayi’s side and sat down. He put his arm around her waist.  

“Mr and Mrs Du are very loving.”  

Jack said in broken Chinese with admiration in his eyes. Obviously, he was appreciating Yu Sichun’s beauty. Westerns weren’t as restrained as the Chinese. His eyes were very direct and he didn’t hide his thoughts. However, his eyes just showed appreciation and it didn’t make other people uncomfortable. Yu Sichun could feel Jack’s eyes on her for a long time. 

“Mr Du, perhaps it’s right to cooperate with you. This product should be entrusted to someone with a great sense of responsibility. I believe that you are a family person and I also believe that you will do a good job in this project.”  

“I think Mr Du will be a wonderful partner.” 

Jack’s expression showed that he was very excited. He made gestures using his hands. Then, he paused for a moment and told Du Jiayi, “Mr Du, I want this advertisement to be done with your wife.”  

Du Jiayi frowned and didn’t answer him immediately. He turned his head towards Yu Sichun. At that moment, she lowered her gaze and for onlookers, they didn’t know what she was thinking about. Feeling his eyes on her, she turned to look at him. 

“If you don’t want to, you can just refuse.” Du Jiayi said. “Don’t force yourself.”  

Yu Sichun lowered her head and smiled. Then, she looked up and told Jack. “My pleasure.”  

Many things didn’t need to be thought into too deeply.  

Speaking of which, she never really provided any help in his career. Even if he didn’t love her, as a husband, he had fulfilled his responsibilities and obligations that she didn’t have anything to complain about.  

If she could help him, then even if she didn’t like it, she would still try to do it.  

“Mrs Du is a really beautiful woman. She must be very happy to be with Mr Du.” Jack said in his mixed English tone. The admiration in his voice was obvious.  

Yu Sichun smiled but didn’t give an answer. 

“Thank you.” Du Jiayi saw what she meant by that and answered for her.  

Fortunately, others couldn’t see whether they were happy or not.  

Du Jiayi’s happiness was not something she could give right from the beginning. Even if she tried her best, she still couldn’t feel his happiness much less give happiness.  

They were 3 years in their marriage but was he happy? She didn’t know, she really didn’t know.  

The man she loved was a peerless hero but no matter how good he was, he wasn’t hers.  

“Well, Mr Du, I wish us a happy collaboration! I should go and stop being a light bulb otherwise Mrs Du will get angry. Isn’t there an old saying in your country, “lovers who haven’t met in a long time are better than newlyweds the next time they meet”? Mr Du, I’ll leave first.” 

Yu Sichun was quite helpless when it came to Jack’s stubbornness. Obviously, his Chinese was very ordinary and his pronunciation wasn’t that good but he wanted to show off his Chinese and instead of saying “goodbye”, he said “once”. 

Compared to what he had said just then, she was more surprised about his misuse of idioms. Was that idiom supposed to be used like that? Yu Sichun looked at Jack’s disappearing figure in speechlessness.

“Sisi, did you really think it through just now?”  

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What did he mean by okay?  

Yu Sichun didn’t know but she could feel that Du Jiayi wasn’t very happy.  

Was he unhappy?  


It seemed liked she had never made him happy. She was not the girl he loved or the woman he appreciated. The person she loved didn’t love her back so she couldn’t tell him about all the grievances in her heart. 

She stayed alone in an empty apartment without any warmth, only loneliness. At night, she would lean against the bed to look at the prosperous scene outside the window with bitterness overflowing her heart. She sat on her own in the darkness with sadness flowing in her like a river.  

She wasn’t a pessimist but the fact that “he doesn’t love me” had been hanging over her head for so long had made her unable to smile freely.  

When she was young, she also dreamed about finding someone who loved her. She would spend her life in safety but life was long and no one could ever predict what would happen in the future just as she never thought of falling in love with him in the first place.  


Lu Sisi, a talented and beautiful woman from the Department of Fine Arts was together with Du Jiayi. They were a couple envied by many people. 

In this era, people only looked at appearances and the combination of those two people could make any scenery beautiful. The places where they stood became beautiful.  

At that time, Yu Sichun had just entered freshman year where she studied international relations. Being 17 in freshmen year was relatively rare.  

Du Jiayi was already in junior year then. The only interaction between them was probably when Yu Sichun’s laptop malfunctioned so she had to go to the library to use their public computers and search for materials. She happened to use Du Jiayi’s computer and in the past, he was famous for being alone and arrogant.

However, because of his handsome appearance, he was highly praised by everyone. He also didn’t care enough to argue with some little girl so he took his book and pen and left. He didn’t even look at Yu Sichun again.  

Yu Sichun didn’t realise that she had occupied another person’s seat who was also tight on time to finish an assignment. As for the so-called love at first sight, it didn’t exist and never existed.  

Later, she saw Du Jiayi’s unique gentleness and even heard the people in the dormitory talk about them often. Over time, she developed some complicated feelings for Du Jiayi which were difficult to explain.
This continued until the time Lu Sisi and Du Jiayi were about to separate. Du Jiayi stood at the bottom of the girl’s dormitory with a resolute and helpless attitude even if his back was drenched by the rain. His expression had a mixture of loneliness and bravery which sparked her first heartache for him. 

Girls tended to be more soft-hearted than guys. They were also the easiest to feel love. They didn’t need to be in love for a long time to feel deep love.  

A book she previously read said that when a girl felt distressed for a man, it meant she was not far from loving him.  

Du Jiayi stood in the rain for a long time that day and it wasn’t until the next morning did he get pulled away by his friend. No one knew that she was in a corner far away from him with an easy view and stayed with him the entire night.  

Du Jiayi began to have a fever right after being taken back to the boy’s dormitory. According to his roommate, he had a high fever of 39.3° but Lu Sisi still didn’t go to visit him. She left the next day without a word.  

Yu Sichun’s health was never good in the first place. When she was a child, she was taken care of by a servant but no matter how good the servant was, how could she be compared to the care given by the parents?  

Later, when stomach problems, dysmenorrhea and various other conditions appeared, she began to take care of herself. When she was in the worst health, she would vomit whatever she ate. However, after marrying Du Jiayi, her diet gradually became normal again. Du Jiayi preferred lighter foods too which made her health better.  

It rained so hard that day which amplified the pain in Yu Sichun’s heart by an endless amount. Later, she married Du Jiayi on a blind date. It seemed that everything went smoothly but what he didn’t know was just how much effort she had put in private. Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental for him to meet her when he went on a blind date?  

When they met, Du Jiayi asked her why she wanted to be trapped in a cage already when she was so young. 

What did she say?  

Oh, she said she just wanted someone to accompany her.

As for who that person was, it didn’t matter to her. 

At that time, Du Jiayi was 25 years old and she was only 21 years old. After two weeks of dating, she had a flash marriage. 

Du Jiayi’s parents weren’t very happy with her. A large part of the reason was that neither of her parents were present when she got married. Her excuse was that her parents were too busy to make it.   

In reality, it was because she didn’t tell them.   

It was nearly four years into her marriage but her parents still didn’t know that she was married. 

Du Jiayi offered to go see her parents. She said yes but he was very busy with work and she really didn’t want them to meet, so the matter was delayed again and again.  

Until now, her parents still didn’t know of his existence. 

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