Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 18: 18. Noosfera: World of Comfort—End: Continue (1)

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18. Noosfera: World of Comfort—End: Continue (1)

—My little sister being stronger, that was not fine, that was not graceful.

"Ruuubiiiii!" I yelled. I hope I can be a little more sympathised. With what happened back then, my brother's heroic sacrifice, perhaps even a selfish one. Something I've thrashed to understand for the passed decade. Only lingering deeper in my sorrow each time I did.

"Oh?" Rubicon sounded, surprised. With my downward smack with the rapier. Rubicon swiftly side stepped to my behind. The rapier's blade hit the grass creating a massive crater. "There we go. That's what I like to see from you," said Rubicon. I quickly changed course of my movement to my rear—to hinder Rubicon's slash to my back. "Power-calling: Impetus," she said, with both her hands on Reckless, I was gradually pinned down by Rubicon with my hand to the blade and hilt blocking her force.

"Shit." It had been over a decade since I used Noumancy, my vibrancy was all out of whack. But to counter Reckless coming down and I being cut in half by it, I had to channel further aggression, instead of seeing Rubicon—I saw Junius and the sorrow he gave me. Feeling like there was something to combat—a deeper reason for I to have grace and win.

It was my outgoing nature that had I first be considered as the wonder child. But at some point, I was outweighed by Junius as choice for the next sovereign, a demanded sanction by my father. Until this day, I didn't know why. Maybe that same reason—piercing at my true nature—my weakness or perhaps my strength, would have Rubicon succeed.

The rapier broke—the cut I was given began from my trap and ended all the way down to the side of my left thigh.

I looked up at Rubicon—dropped down to my knees. She raised that puncturing finger of hers and pointed. "I don't want to see you like this. So I'm going to burn this useless corporeal I once called my brother to ash. Wind-calling: [Hand of Fire]." Rubicon called—a surging flame from her closed palm to the tip of her nail. Dense, and heavy the ball of orange light burnt before it even made contact with my body.

I could outweigh reality and the Aeon Noema just as she did, but something else outweighed my corporeal. The chains that I was held down by. "Why?" I asked to Junius.

Rubicon didn't see my delusion so she answered honestly. "I've told you why, and I'll say it again. Seeing you like this—seeing you sad, I'm forced to ask myself—that same question, why? Why am I not sad? Why is he so sad?" she said.

Every since what happened, I've kept it simple, Junius saved Markya and I, he sacrificed himself, but we got the job done, to them that's enough, but I… [This is my immortality.] Those words from my brother. "Light-calling: [Mirage]." I said. The refract version of my self was hit by Rubicon's Hand of Fire and faded.

Rubicon tensioned looking around. "Where are you?"

Behind Rubicon, "Water-calling: Healing." I healed the injury she gave. "Water-calling: [Ice Sword]. Power-calling: Impetus." I Call-Stacked on the sword of ice so it wouldn't break as easily.

"Noddy," said Rubicon, her entire face smiled as if saying 'your back'.

If Rubicon won she'd be the first female successor to the House of Allfather, in a sense, I wanted that—tired of looking at the records and only seeing my old men. If I at least held back a little I'd be pioneering by letting my sister win but I didn't need to hold back on her. "Rubicon, I'm going all out," I said. I'd give her a challenge.

By the extension of her finger Rubicon shot dozen balls of blaze by her Hand of Fire, her try to melt the Ice Sword, my invasion tactics consisted of short burst of Wind-calling, and occasional Water-calling to deflect her Hand of Fire surge. With enough distance between us, another try at a leap by her. I was certain if I blocked using the Ice Sword my weapon would break again. I was still fearful of surging callings that I wasn't use to. I hadn't seen the results of my Surgem since I gave it up and made it weft—defunct. The last time I saw it, it was being trifled by Unodotodo with my Black CG status' and also warped to Boundlessness with my and Junius' surge to the Shapeless World.

To block Rubicon's leap. "Water-calling: [Ice Wall]," I said. The wall of ice curved from ground to above my head—Rubicon's options were to go behind or break through the wall, either way she'd be slowed and countered.

Her choice. "I remember this one from Greysong. Wind-calling: Float," she said, sustaining herself on the air.

I advised her. "Don't shoot Hand of Fire from too high above in the sky, it will cause some genuine damage to the sphere."

Rubicon smirked. "I guess you'll have to protect the entire planet then, won't you?"

Pointing her index upward. "Hand of Fire," the wind began powering the Wind-calling—more and more—the small amber was now like a second sun. Rubicon launched it, the moisture on the grass evaporated causing a steam to ascend—

"Float," letting go and pointing the ice sword like a pin popping a balloon—it made contact with Rubicon's sun before anything else and I surged to the sword of ice—"Null-calling: Nullify." The second sun vanished.

"How?" Rubicon confused, "Your vibrancy, it should've lowered! You haven't done anything with your life for over a decade!"

"I never told you this, but the last time I checked, it was—Boundless," I said, Rubicon's sun shined expression shut off. "I guess the only thing that has been holding me back this entire time is myself." The ice sword floated back to my hand.

Rubicon breathed heavily, her LVL too low from her over usage of Noumancy. She slowly floated down to the ground. I finally felt like an older brother, having daughter-ed her by showing my superiority. That I should be the sun she looks up at. That's right. I'm him. I've already surged to all Aeon Noema.

As long as my state of mind didn't outweigh my desire for movement, I would be fine—though that expectation wasn't an easy one.

Rubicon fell to her knees like a sore loser smacking her head and fists on the grass. "Earth-calling!" she shouted—an earth fist shaped from the ground—one big enough to clasp my whole body, the fist's thumb over my head. "Power-calling!" Rubicon endeavoured to crush.

"Light-calling: Mirage," my actual corporeal and position once again refracted behind her. I placed the ice sword by her shoulder. "Do you yield?"

"Ha ha ha," Rubicon began laughing.

Both of our comforts would end here—my lack of reason to fight, and my sister's easy fight so far.

"Raysight," I looked at Rubicon's Surgem.

Name: Rubicon Allfather

Education: Avant Guard Noumenon Institute (Grades 1-)

Guild Affiliation: Avant Guard

Community Status: Saint

Color Grades

Strength [LBlue] = 12

You are reading story Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy) at

Intelligence [Green] = 8

Agility [Green] = 8

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [Yellow] = 4

Life Vibrancy Level


= 6 of 36

36 = 0.36 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.36

Warning: Noumenon in training

Warning: Sovereign child of the House of Allfather

Rubicon's outweighing is as powerful as Markya at relatively the same age, I knew she'd reach a similar acceleration in vibrancy with a little more luck.

Rubicon's voice quivered as though she cried. "What's changed for you? And what do you want brother?" Rubicon asked.

For almost a decade its been the same question with the same answer.


A hide of the truth.

"I don't know," I said.

Rubicon got herself up with her eyes closed. Smiling.

As her eyelids opened like curtains of a play.

My sister's natural violet eyes were instead a deep crimson. Fear surged my body, I was kept still—"There's an entire history about this family. A retrocausality that you still do not know brother," she said.

"Who are you?" I asked. Rubicon must have surged Unreality with Reckless. My fear of her being possessed by Antisophia surged, but that wasn't true as her ideals were a complete opposite.

"What do you mean? I'm your sister Rubicon Allfather." A piercing—and deep puncturing that penetrated my neck—the movement of Reckless—at an unthinkable speed. "I wanted to do this mano-a-mano, but I guess I chose to use this Reckless cheat instead." The purple radiance of Reckless was on my face.

I moved my neck away from the sword and quickly tried to surge despite my coughing gloopy blood. "Water-calling: Heal—"

"Life-calling: [Drain]," she said, pointing Reckless.

My body collapsed. ("How?")

Rubicon smiled. "The worst thing you could have given to me brother is this GEM sword. Reckless copied all surges of Graviton that occurred with your final battle against the Acelerado King, that includes the surge that would ascend you and Junio to Boundless hood—the Shapeless World. If Boundless times two were a thing, Life-calling: Drain just made it," she said, the sting on my heart no longer, Rubicon peeked under her sleeve, what coated her body—pure black. "Now I hold Unodotodo's power. But don’t worry, I'm a nurturing mother. One who's womb takes care of her little children endlessly, instead of this unloving father we call the Shapeless. That will be what I pioneer, brother, an end to all Thanatophobia."

My consciousness began to fade.

I was right to count how many second's I'd be alive.

How was I going to get out of this?

("Get up!") A Sound-calling surged throughout my nous. The voice sounded violent but encouraging, I was reminded of my Grandpa.

"In the end, you will always be the thing that holds you back, brother," said Rubicon. Ready to cut my head. Reckless was her source of power, Reckless was what outweighed me, not Rubicon herself.

Even with my LVL drained, even if I didn't know what I wanted to do with this corporeal form I was once again given. I knew I wanted to stay alive. But with a gaping hole on my throat and blood cluttering in my mouth—I couldn't use my vibration for evocation to make the call, as an alternative—I channelled the ki within my body.

Sky-calling: Sky Gate.


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