Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 8: 8. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (7)

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8. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (7)

We disembarked at mid-afternoon. At Sandnath the city nearest the Vile Vortex. A city made of glass, with a reflective dream like vivacity. No sigils visible either, the city cautious of warping from prior experience. Junius, Greysong and I couldn't hide our amazement of the place. Also present with us, Phaidra Solveig—a golden lioness by her stature and demeanour, having been before she said. "Invigorating place, right? They built it underground to avoid the Vile Vortex at its worse, the glass originally reflected a fake sky underground but now creates an ethereal appealing to the place," she said.

"I still can't sense my sister," said Greysong.

"I can't sense Scordi either," said Aurelio, his ears twitched.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Think of Elvenfolk ears like antennas for vibrancy," said Aurelio.

Junius furthered their observations. "Life-calling: Trace with Reckless isn't picking them up either."

Aurelio expounded. "This means they're certainly within the Vile Vortex by now. Going through Sandnath's old underground tunnel is our short cut. I'll need to get permission from the Noumenon citadel for us to go. If Mar has come by this way with Scor—Mayor Vince should say. Although by the fact that all the GOLEM GEMs were gone, I'm certain a Sky Gate was used for their disappearance," said Aurelio. I gave a firm nod understanding Aurelio's conclusion. Aurelio smiled. "I'll be quick, Nodin monitor the kids for me, make sure they don't get lost, okay?" he requested.

"Yes honey, don't take too long," I said.

"I'm no child," said Phaidra. Although Aurelio got the mayor's approval quickly, we still got time to explore the sites and get to know the locals and although they offered happy faces, they seemed distraught about something.

All of us eventually found ourselves in the local inn within one of the private rooms—invited by Mayor Vince, a hefty, bearded man not hiding his sorrow. We sat around the coffee table as the Mayor spoke of his personal reasons for distress. "My cousin Volos is a knowledgeable person. He studied Noumancy within Terra Academy—it's here where he mastered Earth-calling and came up with the idea of this once underground city to keep us safe from the Vile Vortex and Minusfolk, and eventually even became a tutor there. But ever since he successfully subdued most of the Vile Vortex and the warping of his Noumenon comrades, lost to us—he too became lost mentally. He's became obsessed with the 'inversion principle', believing that looking at the worse destination of a problem is the key to solving current ones, and is using nullsman for his experiments, many of these people marked criminals for the littlest things. It's no wonder you could see through our people's anguish," said Vince.

Fisting the table, Junius annoyed. "He has to be a part of the Omega Force," he said, it was unusual to see my brother this stressed but it made sense, the possibility of losing another family member and friend. I couldn't believe how calm I was, deep down I felt that whatever happened—Junius and I would make out of it alive.

Mayor Vince's body shook in anguish. "The Omega Force. That woman corrupted him."

Phaidra confused. "Pardon, but what are you cons conversing?" she asked.

Greysong explained. "My cousin's done he's research Phai. [The witch], [the mercenary], [the druid] and [the familiar]. Those are the core people of the Omega Force," said Greysong.

"Oh, the devilish fellows, count me in on fucking them up," said Phaidra, with a thumbs up.

I gulped. "Do you know the name of the woman?" I asked.

"Yes, her name was—Antisophia. She was the Witch of the Omega Force and the one who edified him on their cultist beliefs," said Vince. My brother and I looked at each other puzzled expecting a different response; the Mayor added. "He may be attempting to do the same to Markya and Scordi, that would be a fair reason for their sudden disappearance."

Junius queried. "This Antisophia, are they still alive?"

"I wouldn't know," Vince answered.

"But what reason would he have in abducting or even converting my sister and Scordi?" Greysong asked.

Aurelio crossed his arms. "Their capabilities? Scor's incredibly smart so two minds are better than one, and out all of Star Student's Markya's the strongest. The other option…"

Junius furthered. "They went to him."

Vince continued. "If Ms Markya captured Ms Scordi as you said, they have not come by here, I'm certain that whatever agenda is fuelling her relates to my cousin, she has likely gathered at the changed environment of the Vile Vortex, changed to once again a means of experimentation, [Volos' Lab]." The Mayor declared solemnly then got up and bowed deeply. "Please, lend us your strength."

We did. Accepting the Mayor's request, Aurelio, Phaidra, Junius, Greysong and I proceeded within the underground tunnel to infiltrate 'Volos' Lab' where the former majority of the Vile Vortex was, now 'stabilised', he couldn't request for anyone else besides the militia he gathered as the other Noumenon were under Volos' pay check.

"Ugh, it's so damp, and it smells dreadful," said Phaidra, pinching her nose. Besides Junius, we chatted casually.

Junius extended out his hand in stoppage, all of us also halted. "Light Array," said Junius, the ray of light brightened what was ahead.

"Well that looks demonic," said Greysong. It stood like a construct of several shadows of people behind one another, waving its many shadow hands about.

"What is that—" said Aurelio. At unthinkable speed, I turned around to see Aurelio's face half red with a missing right arm.

"Huld?" The construct sounded—one of its stretched hands of shadow examined the right arm of Aurelio, wondering of its shape—though it had no eyes to see it.

I hurried to Aurelio, Junius surged the GEM rapier for Water-calling to my hand, I hovered the GEM over Aurelio's residuals of his amputated arm. "Water-calling: [Healing]," I called.

As black mist surrounded its shadow body, fuelling and extending its shadow hands towards them.

Greysong dodged with ease using Wind-calling for short bursts of speed—expecting each attack.

Phaidra took a deep breath. "Sound-calling: [Mute]!" her GEM necklace expanded the call.

Though the 'Huld's' actions stopped for a moment, Junius explained as he darted evading its continued extensions of shadow. "It's not a calling—it's like the Plusfolk—The shadows are a GEM structure of its body."

"Huld?" It noted Junius also easily evaded, combining its many hands of void within its expanded mist into a single hammer of abyss—ready to hit the nails of flesh that stood before it.

Healed—"Void Storage," Aurelio surged the whip sword to his left hand. "Impetus," with the empowered muscles of his left arm flexed—the whip too hardened in its extension, blocked by the sword—the massive shadow hand could not proceed its momentum—giving an opening for Greysong—closest to it.

"Wind Burst—" Greysong's body zoomed forward with her lance—puncturing the construct of shadow.

"Huld?" As if its lights had been shut—although not having any light to begin with, the unaware creature turned off its body of black mist, collapsed with its holed torso it slowly crawled backwards. "Huld?" It reverted into a skinless Minusfolk, crawling away—its exposed muscle vapoured. "I'm only bones," it announced as the bones drummed on the ground, too vapouring into nothing.

"Yeah, we're powerhouses," said Greysong.

"Powercity baby," said Phaidra.

"It still caught me off guard though." Aurelio looked at the stump on his right arm. "I got distracted—sorry guys."

"Worry not Aurelio," said Phaidra, she gave Aurelio a thumbs up.

I asked. "Aurelio are you good to continue?"

"I'm not about to disappoint the militia, and make the nullsman suffer any longer," said Aurelio.

"I wonder what it was," said Greysong.

"It kept saying huld," said Phaidra.

Junius considered. "In Proto-Indo-European 'kol' or 'kwol'—A cognate word includes the Old Norse 'hold' for 'flesh'. 'Huldufolk' or 'hulda' may also mean 'hidden', perhaps it questioned why its flesh was shrouded in shadow," said Junius. We thought of our own personal interpretations as we moved towards the ladder of the underground tunnel—which would lead us right outside the Vile Vortex, now Volos' Lab.

"This is it," said Phaidra. I stared at the ladder which extended past the hole in the wall to the surface. Junius once again extended his hand out to stop everyone from moving.

"I can see the sky from here—the manhole cover has been taken off," said Junius.

"Kill!" we heard—a skinless shouted soaring into the tunnel from the open manhole.

"Die-Die-Die!" More Minusfolk spoke with attitude—A sea of exposed humanoid flesh creatures rained smearing the ladder red. Dozens of muscle exposed bodies collapsing on each other as they landed.

"Water-calling: [Freeze]." I slashed my sword—surging a wall of ice which suspended them all.

"Impetus," said Aurelio, with a heavy slash down of his whip blade, the flesh shredded into broken pieces of ice with a burst of crimson fluid as if we hurled a paint bucket across the tunnel—painting a bloody path.

"It's too easy," said Phaidra.

"The real threat is up there," said Junius. The blood rained down on us. As Greysong cleaned everyone up with Wind-calling. Junius intreated. "Before we climb the ladder, let's see how everyone's LVL is doing. "

"Astute suggestion, Light Array," said Phaidra.

Name: Phaidra Solveig

Education: Primavera Academy of Noumancy (Grades 1-)

Guild Affiliation: Not applicable

Community Status: Good

Color Grades

Strength [Green] = 8

Intelligence [Yellow] = 4

Agility [Green] = 8

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [Green] = 8

Life Vibrancy Level


= 28 of 32

32 0.32 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.32

Warning: Child of Graviton Guide of Sound of the Terra sphere

Warning: Noumenon in training

"Light-Ah-ray," said Greysong.

Name: Greysong Kresnik

Education: Terra Academy of Noumancy (Grades 1-3) [Former]

Guild Affiliation: Avant Guard [Former]

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Community Status: Good

Color Grades

Strength [Green] = 8

Intelligence [Yellow] = 4

Agility [Green] = 8

Charisma [Orange] = 2

Endurance [Yellow] = 4

Life Vibrancy Level


= 20 of 26

26 = 0.26 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.26

Warning: Former Noumenon

Warning: Child of the Kresnik Estate

"I have average Intelligence now, yay!" said Greysong.

"Congratulations," said Phaidra, she gave Greysong a thumbs up. "Aurelio?" she asked, in realisation of Aurelio's missing arm. "My blunder," she said.

Aurelio assured. "Don't worry Phai, I may be out of an arm but I'm not out of shape," he said.

"Good, to have a chance up there we need the both of you. Light Array," said Junius.

Name: Junius Allfather

Education: Terra Academy of Noumancy (Grades 1-)

Guild Affiliation: Not applicable

Community Status: Neutral

Color Grades

Strength [Yellow] = 4

Intelligence [Green] = 8

Agility [Yellow] = 4

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [Green] = 8

Life Vibrancy Level


= 24 of 28

28 = 0.28 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.28

Warning: Sovereign child of the House of Allfather

Warning: Title holder of Gradus ascendentis of the Thunderland sphere

Junius' LVL and Graviton went up, for some reason I feared showing my own Surgem, but did anyway.

Name: Nodin Allfather

Education: Terra Academy of Noumancy (Grades 1-)

Guild Affiliation: Not applicable

Community Status: Neutral

Color Grades

Strength [Green] = 8

Intelligence [Yellow] = 4

Agility [Yellow] = 4

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [Green] = 8

Life Vibrancy Level


= 24 of 28

28 = 0.28 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.28

Warning: Sovereign child of the House of Allfather

"Talk about being twins," said Aurelio.

"You guys are practically the same person," said Phaidra.

"Resonance is reason—is helping you out quiet a lot, huh Noddy?" said Greysong.

"Be quiet you," I said.

Climbed outside, we observe Volos' Lab, more accurately—a fortress.

Aurelio pointed. "We need to get through one of the balconies and walk ourselves over to the centre of the fortress, I sense them now," he said.

"Should we split up then?" Greysong asked.

"Good idea, Phaidra and Aurelio, go help the militia at the entry. Greysong, Noddy and I will try to counsel with Markya until you break in," said Junius. We nodded going our separate ways, Junius, myself and Greysong headed to the rear balcony of the fortress.

"Wind-calling: [Float]," said Greysong. Using Wind-calling to glide us inside. We breezed through the corridor taking down one Minusfolk to the next painting the corridor red—and soon after we made it to the courtyard where beyond the gate—the militia, Phaidra and Aurelio, would endeavour to break in.

Standing on air—Volos Dike—wearing visors—a long man with long auburn hair said. "You should be honoured to be sacrificial experiments for my research," and a taller attitude—a black aura surrounded him. He looked over the courtyard wall, hovered above it all he witnessed—the ensuing fight between the militia and his Minusfolk. "It seems more have joined us. One with golden hair and one missing an arm," said Volos.

Floated up watching alongside Volos. "Two of them are my fellow Star Students. It seems they arrived as you predicted," said Markya, her spray-on more patterned. Markya turned around hearing the approaching footsteps.

"Do you think you'll convince them?" Volos asked.

"If reason doesn't work, I'll convince them with force," said Markya.

Hands in pocket, Volos turned around to see us who had arrived. "Fascinating indeed. The children of the witch are here."

Markya astonished. "I was expecting only my fellow Star Students and my cousins, but Greysong?" Markya flew down. "You bring my sister with you? Is she my kryptonite now?" she asked.

Stern I requested. "What have you done with Scordi?"

"Nothing, she chose to come along," said Markya.

Junius looked up at Volos worried, a single heavier thud to my heart having a similar realisation. Despite the silly look Volos held, I knew that if he got involved—it'd be over. I chose to perform a Sound-calling for Greysong and Junius' ears only. ("Once the others are here, Junio open a Sky Gate.")

Greysong answered in Sound-calling. ("Yeah, that Volos dude is serious, he outweighs us all. He's probably even listening in.")

Junius emanated his tension. "Markya, I need to know what's wrong, if you don't explain yourself, we can't help," said Junius.

Markya smirked. "Tell me Junius Allfather, how do you see immortality as a benefit to the Consurge race?"


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