North x Northwest

Chapter 15: 15

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A pale hand swung in front of his face. Its owner moved carefully like an animal that couldn’t swim.

‘Even if she knows the way of the sword, she’s still born with such fragile-looking hands.’

Ed hid his body, being sure to avoid Lil and make room for her to walk.

As if her eyes were finally accustomed to the darkness, Lil swept her elegant forehead. Her sweet, raised nose and gaping lips lit up the darkness with a picturesque silhouette.

His bright green eyes followed her like flies caught into bright light.

“…Damn it, it’s so dark…”

Lil, startled by her own voice, cursed.

‘Oh, God. It’s so quiet here, that I accidentally spoke out loud.’

Trying to figure out what was in front of her, Lil took out a dagger. She reflected some light with the blade, making sure that nothing was obstructing her path. After confirming, she could finally walk more comfortably. She quickly made her way to the window and moved the curtains.

‘The desk’s close.’

She was about to open a drawer, when…

“Where are you?”

The unfamiliar voice stiffed her back. Lil instinctively lowered her body to the floor and hid under the desk.

‘Where the hell did that voice come from?’

Suddenly, her blood turned cold and her heart started to beat faster.

‘I didn’t do anything, but I’m already out of breath.’

Lil hastily pulled out her dagger.

“I’m sure you’re here.”

The sound of someone cheerfully humming a song was terrifying.

‘Only one person. But there was no sound of a door opening and I didn’t notice anything until he spoke.’

She held the dagger tightly.

– Silence… –

Lil checked her dagger again, strangely nothing was reflecting in the blade.

‘I’m going crazy. It’s too quiet.’

She focused on her surroundings. However, she could only hear the pounding of her own heart in her chest.

‘It could be troublesome if I run into him.’

Lil cursed at the count.

‘Before we’d hit him on the head, he said he emptied the hallway.’

It felt like she was stuck there for a long time. Eventually, Lil lifted the dagger above the desk and adjusted the angle a bit. Reflecting against the moonlight, the blade didn’t show the shape of a person or anything similar.

‘At least he isn’t close.’

Determined, she corrected her crouching posture and prepared herself to leave her hiding place. She turned her body, placed one foot next to the desk, shifted her weight and popped out her head.

Two pairs of eyes met.

There was a man. He was crouching down just as she did, bringing them on the same eye level. Lil almost screamed in surprise but covered her mouth just in time. She saw a face with a childlike expression, excitedly expecting a strange bug to come crawling out of a cave. He sat in front of the drawer, looking at the space she was hiding in, waiting like a madman.

“As expected.”

Illuminating green eyes lit up in the dark. Suddenly there was a hole beneath them. It took a second before Lil recognized it as his big smiling mouth. The sight was so creepy, it left goosebumps all over her body.

“I knew you’d come.”


She instinctively wanted to blast that disturbing face. Her hands reacted faster than her brain and were already pointing a gun at him. It wasn’t until she started to pull the trigger, that she realised she was even holding the gun.

‘No! Guards will rush in when they hear the shot.’

The moment that fact pierced her brain like a needle, Lil immediately stopped her finger.

“That’s dangerous.”

In the blink of an eye, the gun was in the man’s hand. Afterwards, an intense pain hit her wrist. Lil frowned due to the unexpected pain and tried to remember his action.

‘No matter how close we’re, how can he be so fast?’

Besides, she couldn’t recall the feeling of being disarmed.

“This is a rare gun.”

Lil’s right hand, which was about to quickly draw her dagger, was caught along with the hilt. Her left hand was unable to move due to the injury. She bit her trembling lips.

‘If I’m shot at this distance, I’ll be killed instantly.’

The man, who’d been looking at the gun with a curious expression, suddenly stopped and slowly pointed the weapon at her. The round, pitch-black ring of death was aimed directly at her forehead.

Lil tried to shrug off the fear that flashed through her body.

‘Get it together.’

Her mind that’d been engulfed by fear finally snapped out of it.

She quickly kicked his shin with her left leg. The blow wasn’t significant due to the lack of force, but it was sufficient enough to accomplish her goal. While the man staggered, Lil struck the gun with the sheath and dived out the narrow space. Simultaneously she pulled out the dagger, however, the tip of the raised knife trembled. Chills spread all over her body as if she’d her back pressed against ice.

She recognized the man.

‘Damn it, why is that pervert here? At that time, the guard definitely didn’t recognize him, but if he’s someone who can go in and out of the Count’s house, how can the guard not know? …Crap, he said he was new, right? I never thought this would happen.’

“Your surprised face is so cute. Hm, I like it.”

Ed looked at the gun that flew far away with regretful eyes.

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‘Who the hell is he? Is he working for the Count? But he has a navy tattoo on his upper arm?’

Lil quickly rolled her brain.

‘I can’t give him any excuses now, he already knows I carry a dagger and a gun. Whoever Ed is, he’d never believe I’m here to seduce the Count. Also, unlike then, I’m wearing pants and look like a man…No, Cesar took off the necklace and kissed me before I entered the study.’

“Who are you?”

‘Let’s just pretend I don’t know. He’s too dangerous to escape recklessly.’

Lil didn’t notice Ed for a moment.

‘I don’t know what will happen if I leave him be.’

She bit her lip. Unlike her, standing with her back to the terrace, Ed was still half-crouched. The moon shone on his smiling face.

Ed slowly stood up. The shadow of the thin window frame fell on his smooth profile.

Instinctively, Lil knew he was an opponent that she couldn’t beat. Her speciality was shooting, but that was useless in close range combat. And there was also the risk of alarming the guards if she fired a shot. Her grip on the dagger tightened.

“I’ve been waiting for you.”

“What? You perverted bastard.”

“I thought it was a bit suspicious that a woman was so obsessed with the power of the navy. But from the fact you came to the study, it seems obvious that you’re not interested in the Count’s money or valuables.”

“And I thought it was suspicious that you hid your involvement with the Navy. But I never thought you’d be in the Count’s study. Seeing that you’re going to all this trouble, it seems clear that I’m your target.”

“I’ve never really hidden it.”

“Cut the crap.”

Ed raised his eyebrows and touched his earlobe out of habit. He rubbed it several times as if he was trying to erase the moonlight that had shone on it.

Seeing his relaxed attitude, Lil swallowed dry saliva. She was prey with nowhere to go and they both knew it.

“Hm, that’s weird.”


“Why are you so obsessed with the Admiral?”


Lil’s mouth twitched.

‘Why? At this point, does he still not associate me with the pirates?’

“I’m jealous. You treated me like trash. But now you’re going after the Count and the Admiral?”

“You lunatic.”

“I need to know what you’re up to.”

“Are you the Admiral’s lackey or something?”

“You said you’re involved in all sorts of work. What did you mean by that? Or were you lying about that too?”

“I can’t be talking to you like this. Damn it.”

‘Last time we met, he was all smiles, but today he seems like a totally different person. He must be completely insane or maybe he liked being tied to the bed.’

Lil left Ed alone and tried to figure out an escape route.

“It’s of no use.”


“Aren’t you thinking about running away? Let’s pretend you’ll succeed to jump over the chair and run between the first bookshelf and the desk. You then need to roll over the sofa and pass the table – the same table you’ll probably hit your knee on – and unfortunately for you, there’s a small couch in front of it. You’ll fall flat on your face. But by all means, try it, why should I stop you and miss it?”

At his lengthy and mocking explanation, Lil narrowed her forehead.

“So, you’re not only a pervert but also a voyeur?”


She didn’t even want to know what he wanted to look at. The thought of being alone with him in the dark, made all the blood drain from her face.

“You’re a real pervert. I’ve never met a pervert like you in my life. Is this whole mansion specially made for perverts?”

“Ah. So then, I’m also the most memorable one. What an honour.”

“Just let me go, I didn’t steal anything. And why are you talking like that? Using that exaggerated Sesbron accent.”

“I’m not here to arrest you.”

“What? Why don’t you stop talking like that, you’re giving me goosebumps.”

“I just want to talk. I have a lot to tell you… and a lot to ask.”

“Why me? And why should I talk to you?”


Ed let out a sigh and averted his gaze a little as if he was about to say something important. He squeezed his eyes, covering his pupils partly by his eyelids, visibly struggling with his words. The hand that rubbed his earlobe went down to his chin.

‘He seems to be completely absorbed in his thoughts. Now, this is my chance.’

Lil inspected the terrace windows, instead of using the door, she’d been thinking about the windows all along.

‘There’s no way I can run towards the door that I’ve come through. The glass windows will probably open or even break if I kick them. I just need to get to the other side and fall down. Just…’

She made a run for it.

‘Other side…’

Her hair blew slowly behind her.

‘Fall down…’


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