(Not) A Vanilla Levelling System

Chapter 3: 3

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The nurse didn't dare say how much it was. "But I'm sure it will be covered by insurance."


That was terrible news.


"You've got insurance, right?"


We really wanted one. But not only were the payments too much, but the process couldn't keep going.


I wasn't born in this city.


When I was about five years old, we lived in the capital. Mom and Dad broke up at that time.


If I'm not mistaken, there was a custody battle and a divorce lawsuit, but Mom took me away before everyone found out about it.


She chose this place because it would be the last place Dad would look if he were looking for us.


And because none of our relatives lived here, it's hard to get things done.


When my mom and I asked for it to be done faster, the city council always came up with a reason we couldn't argue with. And that goal is becoming more and more clear every day. On the last try, the person in charge wasn't even embarrassed to ask for money to make things easier.


Damn corrupt bastards.


They don't think twice about getting water from a river that has dried up, do they?


"T-then, you need to prepare for about 20,000," the nurse said, not even trying to cheer me up.


Well, I didn't want to be given false hope either, but that's not the point. "20,000?"


"That includes medication and care after surgery," the nurse quickly added.


I understand. It was just a dumb rhetorical question. I just wanted to say that I was shocked. 


I mean, 20,000?


It was the equivalent of almost seven months of my part-time pay. "Should this be done immediately?"


"I can't give you an answer. But the sooner it happens the better."


That means I don't have much more than a month. Or even a week?


Where should I get the money?


The bank? I'm not old enough. Relatives?  We've lost touch for over a decade. Father? No, no. That scumbag.


Getting him out of my life was the best thing my mom ever did.


If he had been violent, Mom might have been able to sue him back and get what was rightfully her. But that jerk was so sneaky.


He never hurt her in any way. He instead made her feel like she was nothing. Taking away her confidence and changing the truth about what she thought. A more horrible, planned act of cruelty.


I'm happy I didn't have to live with him.


He was a drain on happiness that I had to stay away from.


Then the only way to get money is through loan sharks and illegal lending?


I heard that at 223 Pavilion Street, there is a powerful gang that likes to give loans to people who don't have enough money to gamble at casinos.


But it would be dangerous to mess around with them. And, of course, the interest rate was even more unfair than what the bank was charging.


Should I take out a loan in Mom's name?


"Hey," said a voice from behind me.


My body shook from surprise. I thought I would see the ghost of the restaurant where I worked when I turned around.


But it was just Liz. The female senior and the only person I talked to much at work. I'll admit that she has a pretty face and a nice personality, but love is the last thing I want to think about right now. "Hey," I said, trying to return the friendliness.


"Not going home yet?"


I gave a head shake. "Want to close the shop first."


"Isn't it Fletcher's turn today?"


"He had something to do." Actually, that's a lie. He was just a slacker. He said he wanted to go to a family event, but how can a single 20-year-old man who wants to hang out with his siblings or nephews look so excited?


"And he asked you to fill in?"


I chuckled. "Well, it can't be helped. This could be something important to him. So, can you not tell Mr. Sandler about this?"


Liz scrunched up her waist. "You are way too nice."


No and yes. I didn't do this voluntarily. I put off telling Fletcher what I thought until he finally promised me a complimentary dinner for tomorrow.


I don't think Liz should know that, though.


We looked at each other for a moment, then I cleared my throat and started wiping the table again because I felt awkward.


"I'm afraid that I'll miss the bus. Are you OK by yourself?" ask Liz, shortly afterward.


What am I? A nine-year-old? "Sure. Be careful on the road."


I didn't finish until almost 10 o'clock. Luckily, my house is only 10 blocks away. It took 10 minutes to walk there.


However, when I came out, I found an astonishing sight. Not far from where I was standing, Liz confronted three men with scary looks.


"What do you guys really want from him?"




One of the thugs answered with a snicker. He was the biggest and his mouth was always turned down. "Nothing to do with you, woman. Tell us where he is right now, or you'll be the one in trouble."


Liz seemed to be involved in a complicated matter. But I had my own problems to deal with as well.


I hope she's still alive tomorrow, because if she isn't, I might have to take a day off work and won't get paid.


But just as I was about to take a step, I was knocked down by something. I looked up.



Aside from the strange floating writing in the air, there was nothing or no one else.


Wait, floating writing? My eyes didn't see it wrong!


[Complete the mission to access this area]




I got up and gave it another shot.


But it felt like there was an invisible wall blocking the way in front of me. In fact, I heard an alarm when I tried for the fifth time.


I turned around and took a deep breath. I was probably tired and had a lot on my mind, so my brain must have made up something silly.



A good woman like Elizabeth is being hassled by a bunch of thugs. You can't let them!


You are reading story (Not) A Vanilla Levelling System at novel35.com

(*) Get Liz out of trouble safely.

(*) (Optional) Take down the bullies by any means necessary.


This isn't happening.


I clicked my tongue, turned around, and went back the same way to try to get home.


[Complete the mission to access this area]


What mission? Help her get rid of those dangerous-looking people?


But no matter how hard I tried or how many times I did the same steps, it was pointless and silly.


I finally went to them because I was so mad and frustrated. Liz kept trying to argue, no matter what. "What's happening?" I said.


The biggest of them looked at me and spoke up. "Did you also work him?"


I couldn't pay attention to what was being said because I saw another floating text.



AGE: 28



.... click to see more]


The writing was stuck to the bottom of the gang leader. Not just him, but almost everyone. Even Liz.


"Hey, did you hear me?"


"Ah, ah. Yes. I meant no. I mean, yes, I work here," I said rather frantically.


The guy, whose name seemed to be Shane, laughed. "These folks just don't get it, do they?"


"Shane, this is useless. Let's go see for ourselves by going to his house. These kids know nothing."


But Liz stopped them. "No, no, no. You can't. If you dare to go to his house with such bad intentions, I'll call the police—"


Shane grabbed Liz and me out of the blue. His mouth began to mutter a warning, "You're not listening, aren't you? So, this is how it will work: you tell me what I want, and then maybe I'll spare you. Understood?"


He wasn't joking. Did I really get involved into this bad situations because of those meaningless foating words? "S-sure, i get it. I'll cooperate."


Shane nodded and said, "That's a smart choice." I could see Liz giving me a look of surprise. "I'll ask again, where is your boss, Anthony Sandler?"


"I'm not sure. And even if I did know, I would say nothing to bad people like you."


I quickly spoke up before Liz could make him even more angry. "Um...can I ask why you're looking for Mr. Sandler?"


"It's none of your business."


Okay. Calm down. Calm down. "I don't know, sir, but based on how my coworker talked to you, I think there's some confusion. So, you might want to be more clear about what you want so we can help."


Shane laughed out loud. We got away from his embrace. He backed away with a giggle. Did he really listen to my words?




Of course, it wasn't that easy.


Instead of cooperating, Shane delivered a brutal, crushing fist to my nose.


I fell down and stumbled backwards.


When I finally gave up, Liz's worried cry was all I could hear.


"Well, Miss. I've given you options, but you always pick the wrong one. Since I'm a forgiving person, I will give you one last chance. Once again, where is that bastard?" said Shane, sounding so fed up.


I, who staggering on the ground, could only shake and hope that Liz didn't say the wrong ans


Wait, am I just about to give up?


I always am. That's what keeps me at the bottom of everything. I had no will to fight, no desire to win, and no respect for myself.


I was always the one who had to look up ... pushed around and used.


It's not Carl's fault that he changed; it's mine that I didn't.


However, it ends here.


If I'm going to die here, I should at least fight!


I crawled forward, grabbed something that could help me stand up, looking for something that could also be a weapon.


Found it!


But it was only a thumb-sized pebble. There would be no change. Should I just give up?


No, I don't. I decided there was no point in begging for mercy and hoping for help.


I should have learned from past mistakes that I was the only one who could help me now.


I looked up and got ready to throw, but then those floating words came back.


[Analyzing the target...]

[Analyzing the terrain situation...]

[Result confirmed!]

A throw at a 90-degree angle will produce a total of five powerful bounces that can turn the opponent around.

[Do It!]         [Abort]


What the heck is this?


Tsk! What a piece of crap.


It was a strange feeling that moved me according to the writing instructions. Even though I knew it was a bad idea, I did it anyway. Let alone hit, but it fell straight to the street. Rolling into the trash can. The wind blew it. jumped up and down and ...


It landed right into the eyes of Shane, who was laughing at me. The laughter turned into a roar of pain in an instant. "Get rid of it! Throw it up! Asshole!"


Wait. That ... really worked?


"You bastards! What are you waiting for? Do me a favor. Argh! This really hurts! Damn it! You jerk, help me out."


I was still watching in shock, and when a hand went out, I was even more shocked.


Liz smiled, but her face showed that she was still nervous. "Let's leave while they're not looking."


We shouldn't have had to run. Shane's men were busy taking care of their boss and didn't have time to chase us.


"Stop. Wait a minute." I couldn't help but sigh. We hadn't been moving for long, so why was I already so tired?


"We need to move fast. What if they catch up?"


They won't. But I also couldn't be sure. "You're right. But... I think I can't do this any longer." Not only that, but my vision got blurry and my consciousness drifted.


After the third blink, I could only see black.


I passed out.


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