Not to die. Just to live

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Desperation calls

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Chapter 9: Desperation calls

A real friend is someone who is willing to elbow a crocodile to save you. 



Location: Inside Gurus' family mansion

3rd perspective


Walking down a dim corridor, Gurus rubs his puzzled head annoyingly. Glancing uneasily down at his right arm, Nazli is forcibly clutching it. Noticing his gaze, she tries slithering and intertwining her fingers with his, but is rebuffed when he clenches a fist. Nazli solemnly clicks her tongue.

‘I hope she is unconscious of abusing her child status, knowing that people will dismiss this as a minor play and tantrum... ’

Gurus did muse over notifying his parents about Nazli’s annoying behavior but inferred it would exert minimal effects.

‘Otherwise, she will be too vicious for her cunningness.’

Distinct memories of Nazli saving him from his pretentious tumble resurface. Did she know that he was intentionally trying to set her up? Or was it out of concern?

‘No, she was aware. How, though?’

Pure deductions are plausible. However, within such a fleeting moment?

‘For a child? Surely not. What’s her name again?’

Mayhap the prior event was a rush, Gurus barely remembers her last name.

"Who are you?" he asked without facing her.

"… I’m Duchess Caitline’s second daughter. Nazli Singha."

Gurus are avoiding her eyes. But judging from Nazli’s tone and the gradual tightening of her secure grip over his flexible wrist, she is displeased with him for not retaining her specific name.

Something flickers within his brain upon ascertaining her name. But, besides knowing the Singha’s standing as a powerhouse of this queendom and their various influences, the Gurus do not know who Nazli is.

Recalling their initial interaction. Aggressive and unpredictable is Gurus’ impression of her.

‘How old is she?’ Gurus wonders. Appearances are rather deceiving in a world with varied ethnicities and biology. Nevertheless, Gurus is ninety percent confident she is older since she is taller than him.

Nazli's poise is excellent, and her maturity is astounding for someone of her age. Although she is still childish in certain ways. Gurus felt the penetrating stare of her crimson eyes on his side.

He offers some speculation as to why she is here and at this time. Albeit Gurus can not grasp her assertive nature. He knows that on this planet, gender's role is inverted.

‘Still, too assertive.’

A striking image with his memories of her flashing him her fangs that’s certainly too long to be human. Crimson eyes and pale white skin match her snow-white hair.

‘Vampire?’ The assumption sends shivers down his spine.

‘If so, that would explain her forceful nature.’

Arriving at his room door, Gurus tries taking off Nazli’s grip.

"Lady Nazli, I need to change my clothes." Nazli justly observes his gardening suit, a little dusty and ragged.

Suddenly, Nazli presses her index finger against his rosy lips and smile.

"Gurus. Just call me Nazli. I heard you dislike formality from your servant anyway."

Her dainty finger lingers just a little too long on his lips. Her cheeks were painted a bright pink color. Sensing the wiggling of her fingers that seem to try to part his lips apart, Gurus wipes off her hand.

"Then Nazli, can you let go of me?"

Her firm grip loosens but is still unbroken. Gurus' eyebrows furrow questionably as he sees a grin on Nazli's face.

"Say please~"

Gurus sneezed, his eyes closed. Patience has been dropping wearily ever since he woke up from his nightmare and was dealing with a little devil. 

<fatty acid> + <water> + <sodium hydroxide> = <soap> 

Sensing Gurus' mana rising, Nazli startles when Gurus' wrist becomes lubricated with slipperiness. Her grip gets firmer. It would bruise his arm if he tried to yank it out now. 

“I’m not some kind of pet!” 

<negative charge> + <positive charge> = <voltage>

Nazli's yelp echo down the dingy corridor. Her body jerks. The relentless hand that was holding onto Gurus swings back. Before she could perform anything, Gurus rush into his room and slam the door, leaving Nazli alone in the hallway.

Nazli thinks about busting down the private door and reasserting her, but knows better than destroying someone else family property is not as simple as some teasing. She looks down at her soaping hand and puzzles.

Usually, Nazli is the person who attracts people she likes. Usually, Nazli is the sort who rouses people she hates always. Usually, Nazli is in control of those she deems feebler than her. It tramples her pride.

‘Good. Good. Very good, Gurus Tourhan.’

Despite getting humble, Nazli grin like a Cherish cat. Opposing Gurus’ intended effect, it conveys a sense of stimulation that Nazli tries to find. Her breaths are jagged. With one lightning swing, the viscose substance flies off her hand.

Nazli then realise her wicked grin and conceal her grinning mouth with the now dried hand. She inhales a couple of deep breaths, taking in all of Gurus’ fragrance from her hand. Nazli's imagination runs wild inside her. God forgives, Gurus wouldn’t want to fathom what is going in there.

Meanwhile, behind the door, Gurus finishes putting on a casual garment. He finishes buttoning up his long sleeve shirts and sighs.

‘Maybe that was a bit harsh.’

Although it was just a small shock, Gurus feels a little guilty for lacking self-control. He is considering humbly apologizing but judged that was necessary to set a standard for her.

Suddenly, the door clacks open. Nazli snaps back to reality from her fantasies, struggling to regain her apparent composure.

Gurus is incapable to discern her expression with her back toward him. Thinking that she is reflecting on her actions, Gurus departed from her alone and continued strolling down the corridor.

Getting a glimpse of Gurus’ current appearance, the flimsy shirt that tightly fits his body gives her an unknown excitement. Nazli typically follows him, eyes focused on his back. 

Soon they reach the kitchen, Gurus nonchalantly begins cooking. Coson, his father, forces him to learn to cook. Despite Gurus' protest, Coson is adamant about training him to be a househusband. Hence, Gurus painstakingly endure learning the very minimum. 

He barely cooks in his previous life. Scrambled eggs, bread, instant noodle, and microwave foods are his food when he could not order any. 

Being four years old, Gurus is just able to do cooking with the assistance of magic. It is strange. His body is like a 9-year-old on earth. The year here is longer and his growth rate is faster. This is consistent with the noble's children. Being well fed and nourished, high-class children's bodies develop swiffer. 

He dumps some precooked rice into the hot pan. They began to sizzle. The magic rises within Gurus' body. A gust of wind gently circulates the fire and pan. While controlling the fire and rotating the rice, Gurus crack up some eggs into a small bowl. He seasons it with salt, pepper, and soy sauce. When the egg mixture is finished, he pours it into the pan and bends it with the rice. 

Nazli stands close to Gurus, observing his magical cooking performance. When he says that he will treat her with food, Nazli thinks the servant is going to cook. However, to her pleasure, this is even better. 

Soon enough, the aroma of Gurus’ fried rice envelops the room. Gurus tosses in the vegetable; carrot, peans, and tomato. He sprinkles some more salt and peppers. He finishes it with a small spoon of fine chilly. Nazli's anticipation reaches a new height. To Gurus' surprise and delight, she didn’t interrupt him during the whole process.

Then, the fire dies when the air stops circulating. Gurus bring out two plates and split them evenly. Nazli instinctively moves to the small dining table as Gurus makes his way there, carrying two steaming plates. They settle opposing each other. However, Gurus placed both dishes in front of him.

Nazli's eyes darted at Gurus. He titles his head. 


“You want some?”

“O-of course!”. She replies, staring at the plates of golden rice. The smell tickles her nostril. She couldn’t feel shame at all. After two days of traveling, Nazli has not eaten any proper food on the road. Saliva builds up inside her mouth. 

“Then say please~”. Gurus smirks at her. Nazli's face burns up and pouts. She grits her teeth as the words get stuck in her throat. Pride? Dignity? What do they mean to an empty stomach? Before seeing her surrender, Gurus slid the plate in front of her. She raises her head and sees him smiling gently. 

“I hope you learn. Just thank me later.” Gurus takes his seat and begins his eating. Seeing her tormenting expression as she was about to succumb was enough for him. 

“Why do I feel like being treated like a kid?” Nazli also dives into the food. 

“You’re a kid.” 

Gurus laugh. Nazli’s eyes twitch. 

“And you?”

“Heh. My age is just a number. My mind is more mature.” Gurus puffs his chest up a little. Nazli pauses and wonders. 

“… Right. Age is just a number huh?”, Nazli says beneath her breath. 

Nazli’s focus on Gurus, eyeing up and down. She grin but didn’t say anything further as she downed food with great joy. They eat their fill in the silence. It didn’t take long for Nazli to finish hers. 

Shortly after, Gurus collects the plates and brings them to the sink filled with shallow water. 

<soap> + <heat> 

The water warms up. They turn soapy. He left it there later for the servant to clean it. Nazli's intrigued eyes peek over his shoulders as she watches keenly. 

“Your magic is rather unique. What is that?”

“Just something to help with cleaning things, making stains and dirtiness come off easier.” Gurus tries to not get technical and Nazli knows that. Later, Gurus gets a cup and brown jar out of a cabinet. 

Out of nowhere, deafening high-pitched sounds disrupt their peaceful atmosphere. 

Startles, Nazli’s crimson pupils dilate, the eye’s brown narrow. She abruptly swings her arms over Gurus’ shoulder and pulls him into her, sinking his face firmly into her immature chest. 

Nazli's senses heighten, eyes dart around the room. Immediately, she pinpoints the source of the disturbance. 

A kettle. 

In a daze, Nazli just glares at the freak whistling copper kettle as steam blows out from its pourer. Her contoured face loosens. Her rising adrenaline halts. 

“Mhm, what are you doing?”, Gurus nudges her arm. Looking at his impassive face, Nazli’s tense body softens. Still, she wants to keep her arm wrapped around him. Being this close allows her to observe his face with extra detail. 

“What is that thing?”

“Just a kettle. Umm, can you let me go so I can stop it?”

Reluctantly, Nazli's arm slackens. Gurus shuffle out and make his way over the stove. Nazli follows him closely. He lifts the boiling hot kettle and places it to the side.

“Are you alright?”, Gurus turns back and meets Nazli’s alert crimson eyes. 

“… I’m fine. Just a little startled.” 

Nazli's eyes cast down slightly. Her swift reaction to the kettles makes him question himself. The way she immediately grabbed him as if she were scared of losing him. 

‘To act like that… as a child?’ 

The hissing sounds die down and the room resumes back to its peaceful resonant. Gurus' mouths poke out a little. A ringing melody comes out of his lips like a bird chirping. 

Nazli’s eyes peek at his face. She is perplexed at first. But then Nazli sees Gurus’ stupid-looking face as he whistles, her lips break into a confusing grin. Gurus stops a bit later and points at his poking lips. 

“It works kinda like my lips I guess. When the water boils, steam builds up in there and blows out the spout.”

Gurus points at the round plug on the top kettle spout. He tries to keep his explanation simple without going to sound waves, vortices, and the Helmholtz resonator mechanism.

“The blowing steam is like the air moving through my lips. These weird things are like the lips. Together, they create sound. Or you can just imagine I attach a flute at the end of it. Know why I did that?”

You are reading story Not to die. Just to live at

Nazli glances sideways and ponders. She then guesses. 

“…To tell us when the water is boiling?”

“Yes. Exactly!”

Gurus smile brightly at Nazli. Her shoulders jerk. Her face flusters at the sudden praise. Up to now, Gurus has not shown her anything but coldness. Nazli watches and enjoys his enthusiastic attitude as he continues to explain. She too was interested in his little inventions. 

“It is simple and elegant. I think this would sell if done right.” 

Gurus look at the kettle and contemplate. 

“Yeah, after some more refining. Anyways, I will get some drinks. You want tea?” 

“Whatever you’re having.”

Seeing that Nazli's composure improved, Gurus went ahead. Nazli sits back, resting her chin on her hand, and watches Gurus preparing the drinks. 

Witnessing Gurus’ stern focus and elegant movements as he controls the steaming water into a sphere that encapsulates tea leaves. The circulating orb of water turns into a forest green color soon enough. 

When satisfied, Gurus separates the liquid and withered tea leaves apart. The tea goes into a simple black teapot before Gurus put some earthly powders into another large cup and simply pour water into it. Nazli enjoys watching her new cute companions at work. 

In her keen eyes, Gurus' copper hair shines due to the radiant skylight. Being able to have higher sensitivity than a normal human, she can easily notice the aroma. Her mind grew at ease when the odor of tea and whiff of the unknown brown substance reached her nose. 

She watches Gurus approach her with suspension. Gurus poured her a cup and poured some into his cup for courtesy and drank it first. Nazli titles her head sideways, interested in Gurus’ dark cup of liquid.

“What’s that? I will have the same thing as you.”

“I think this won’t suit your taste. It is kinda like tea but more bitter and different in many ways. I like it because it keeps me awake. I called it coffee.” 

“Coffee… May I try?”

Nazli reaches over to grab Gurus’ cup.

“Wait I can…” 

Before Gurus' protest reaches Nazli, she glances at Gurus' soft lips and the rim of a cup, and sips. She closes her eyes, savoring the moment gracefully. A shade of red blooms on her cheeks. Moments later, Nazli's crimson eyes opened, and let out a warm breath. 

“I think I like it. Bittersweet, just like life itself. You’re right. It makes me feel more alert.”

Gurus is lost for words seeing her genuine smile. He shyly avoids her eyes. Once again, it gives him an uncertain feeling that he’s aware of being irrational. I choose to not believe it. Not again. 

Nazli noticed Gurus’ wavering behaviors. 

“Vampires subconsciously emit an alluring aura towards those around us. Usually, we can control it…”, Nazli paused for a moment. 

“But… it became difficult toward those that we… interested.” She winks at him. Gurus raise his eyes brown at how straightforward she is. 

“…Well, it’s my honor.” Gurus said sarcastically. Although her appearance alone is enough to capture the heart of most boys. 

The glow in Nazli’s crimson eyes brightens. It sends waves of heat rushing through Gurus’ body. 

His heart beats and breathes races. Gurus' cheeks flush as he covers his face with his hands to avoid looking at Nazli. Shame bobbles beneath his consciousness at the thought of losing self-control for a minor. 

“Some sort of vampire hypnotic? Non-physical intoxicant? Brainwashing magic?”

On the other hand, Gurus is glad he is not a pedophile. However, the whole experience makes him dizzy and lightheaded. 

Nazli chuckles from seeing the collected Gurus faltering under her witchery. To her surprise, Gurus opens up his face and gazes at her. She expects him to be shy towards her. Gurus is still under the effects of Nazli’s vampire charm. 

“You’re not avoiding my eyes?”. Nazli asks the flustering Gurus that she thought was cute in her eyes. Gurus stays silent and simply continues gazing at her glowing eyes for a few minutes. Witnessing the determination within his eyes, Nazli averts her eyes back and forwards. 

Naturally, it has grown a little uncomfortable for her too. However, before Nazli eases her charm aura, she notices his heart beating slowly down, and his breathing stabilizes itself slowly. 

His erratic expression softens and returns to its calm form. Gurus finally closed his eyes and let out a breath of relief. 

“What did you do?” Nazli's charm seems to not affect Gurus any more. 

“I guess I develop immunity to your aura.”


“I thought embracing your bewitching ability will normalize the experience. In other words, getting used to it. I expect this charm of yours has a limitation, otherwise, the vampire will be ruling the world right now.”

For someone with high mental fortification, like older people, vampire charm becomes less effective. Otherwise, consistently abusing charm will cause the target to adapt to the physiological reactions. 

“Ever since you subconsciously let it out till now, I have to try to control myself. You have my gratitude. I don’t know what would happen in the future if another vampire tried this on me.” Gurus bowed his head and gave her a genuine smile. 

Nazli's eyes widened knowing all he said was true. She didn’t think the effects would die off so quickly. 

“Gurus Tourhan, you’re full of surprises.” She grins. Gurus have exceeded her expectations. 

“Likewise, you too. But, umm, you mind stopping it now because I am not completely invulnerable to it.” Gurus explains as it is rather tiring to be aware of his mind. Nazli breathes in deeply and closes her eyes. The atmosphere dies down and Gurus can now breathe a little easier. 

Nazli then enjoys Gurus’ coffee, waiting for him to ask questions. Gurus understood this and asked.

“Anyways, why are you here?”

“To meet you, of course.” Nazli gently puts down her cup, points at Gurus, and sends him a pleasant smile. 

“I think there are more proper ways of doing so… how did you find out about me?”

Nazli slips her hand underneath her blazer and takes out a used pencil and paper which details the source of new methods of bookkeeping and accounting. Seeing it, Gurus only sighs. 

“Your ideas I presume? We just did a little research because of the sudden improvement going on in your family region.”

After investigating the Tourhans' activities, they found and interrogated Gurus’ first home tutors. To which they found a little genius inside their home. 

“It did take a little bit to tempt and break her. But in the end, all people have a threshold.” Nazli grinned chillingly. Gurus gulped at the realization of Singha’s information intelligence. Although he did not put much effort into hiding it, to track him down this fast is insane. 

“Now, what do you want from me?” Gurus questions calmly, knowing it is futile to try to hide it. 

Nazli opens her mouth but pauses to think. The questions replay inside her head. It seems her answer has changed since meeting Gurus.


“At first, I listened to my mother to network with you like other noble kids. But now, my goal has changed…” Gurus feel uncertain feelings from Nazli's longing gaze. She ogles at his body. 


At first, she thought of making him a future ally and taking advantage of his mind. His beauty captures her attention from the beginning and she wants to play with him. He is the first who did not fall easily under her mind-bending charm. 

The thrill of Nazli's thoughts. She has always liked things that are not easy to obtain. Things that are hard to get. 

It happens again. Nazli’s charm activates. Gurus' body tense up and paralysis as Nazli rises from her sits. Something is different compared to the last time. 

“But you’re different, Gurus. Besides your intelligence, you're more mature than other kids just like me. Even better despite being 4 years younger than me.” Nazli states as she makes her way around the table slowly. Gurus stands up, eyes following Nazli’s movements.

“Some like you would know. The world is a lonely place when we’re different. It is difficult to find someone like me, who’s close to my age.” Nazli’s yearning stare locks on with Gurus’s eyes. Her advance did not halt even when she was right in front of him, causing Gurus to stumble back and raise his hands.

“Wait for a minute…” Not allowing Gurus to back out, she snatches his left hand, bows down a little, and brings it towards her nose. 

Gripping it tenderly, Nazli's delicate lips press softly against Gurus' fingers and knuckles. Her heat, and the lukewarm air from her nose, brush the back of his left hand. 

Nazli closes her eyes and sniffs his hands. Her lips create a smacking sound as they engulf his knuckles and suck on them, while her tongue gets a taste of fragile skin, which sends shudders through Gurus’ body. Completely perplexed, he did not know how to respond. 

Admittedly, he knew females traditionally kiss a male hand as a form of intimate greeting and expressing love in this world. Pulling always is a sign of rejection or disgust which is not what he thought of her. However, Gurus is ignorant of the sensuality of the act now that he experiences it quite literally firsthand. 

Stuns, Gurus just waits. Nazli lingers for another minute before her faint glowing red eyes peek at him, curiously. Those eyes speak volumes. It asks him.

‘Do I understand? Being different… Loneliness… Noble responsibility…’ 

Gurus' heart sinks a little, pitying Nazli’s curse. He closes his eyes and sighs. He squeezes her hand lightly in return for her gestures. With lower, Gurus lifts his free hand and places it on Nazli’s head sympathetically. She senses the warmth of his palm flowing through her white hairs and to her mind as he caresses her softly. 

For the first time, Nazli feels it. Something very rare and foreign to her, yet so familiar. The touch of sincere care, concern, and understanding. It is a gesture of pity, but not the kind that looks down on her. 

‘Dad…’  Distant, but, precious memories of the moments she was with her father arise within her consciousness. The experience of love and care that Nazli thought she could not ever find again unexpectedly comes from the young boy in front of her. 

“Nazli, I barely know who you are but do forgive yourself as long as you did your best. Whatever expectation, burden, and responsibility you carry know that you have the freedom to choose not to bear it.”

Gurus smile softly. In his eyes, he is just patting a child's head. Seeing her before, he thinks he must do something, say something. It left a bitter taste in his mouth if he simply rejected her. He knows this course of actions will lead him down a path of uncertainty, but chooses to go with his guts rather than the warning of his rationality. 

‘She is still a child too, no matter how tough she acts.’ 

Silence and stillness befall the room and halt reality. Nazli's reality slows down after savoring the sight of Gurus’ kind expression. Her thumping heart urges her to do the unthinkable to someone she just met an hour ago. Realizing Gurus is about to take back the hand on her head, Nazli gasps and twists it. In one fluent motion, she yanks his wrist towards her while her leg swiftly trips his foot from behind. 

Completely unguarded, Gurus’ body spun around and fell, laying on his back. Nazli carefully protects his head from slamming onto the ground with her left hand behind his head, while she hovers over Gurus with his body between her knees. 

In a panic, Gurus raises his hands but both are immediately detained by Nazli gripping his wrist. Calling for his magic, Guru attempts to cast <air bust> but the powerful immersion of Nazli’s aura disrupts the spell conjugation. 

Staring down at him are those bright crimson ruby eyes. It is the looks of a predator, thirsting for the prey underneath. She glances at the ragged shirt that has been unbuttoned a little from the sudden fall. It exposes his gorgeous neck and shoulders. 

“Nazli?!…” Gurus wiggles frighteningly.  

“Silence!” Nazli commands. The pressure of her aura grows and evokes fear within Gurus. His body grows weak and lumpy.

‘You dare seduce me, you swine!’  Her face is in heat, locking her eyes onto Gurus' delicate neck. 

Following Nazli’s eyes, Gurus instantly realizes the plight of his situation.

‘Shit. Will she turn me into a vampire? A ghoul? Slave? Is it even real, I don’t remember anything in the story so it can’t be.’ 

“No!—Wait—Get a grip of yourself!” Gurus' desperate cries fly over Nazli’s head. She is in another world of her own now. Her dry throat needs it. Her breathing is erratic. Light boiling steams exhales from her mouth, revealing her sharp fangs. 

“I…It won’t hurt. I will be gentle…” She smiles. Opening her wider, she titles her head sideways and lowers her head. Gurus' frail body lies under her mercy. 

His alarming brain overclocks, thinking faster than he ever thought he could, before coming up with just one course of action. 

‘Screw it!’ 

He lifts his head upwards and intercepts her approaching canine teeth, planting a kiss on her lips.


I'm not dead. I just got back from being arrested for trying to sneaking into the pentagon to find some alien. How did I got out? I will it to your imagination. 

In any care, upload will be slow but I don't intent to stop. But to appease you, I have complete a discord server for those who wish to join. 


The thing I would like to try most is the 'continue the story' section on the discord. I would like to see how that will turn out if anything. Other then that, feel free give me suggestion, advice or criticism. 

Enjoy your day. 


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