Not Your Typical, Throwaway Villain

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Checking Stats.

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Rin was standing on a hillside, looking down at the City of Coriolis.

God! The naming sense of this game, I swear!... It's still a good game though... She murmurs in her mind a begrudging compliment towards her favorite game.


The city of Coriolis itself, was your standard affair for a fantasy type game. The city itself was a sort of circular design, with inner-and-outer walls that separating the different districts of the nobility, the wealthy, and commoners alike.

With a large market dominating its city center.


There were three things to note about this city, that made it very different than others in this game; or other typical fantasy tropes.


The first being that the Marquises is a pretty cool guy and very helpful... At least towards the MC, he is.; he also isn't even that very corrupt: But he does have a secret, one that I can exploit... if necessary.

Second; the Marquises and his family line, came from a Barony family background. Before they were lifted up to the status of Marquises from the royal family and through a political marriage.

And third; this was originally a mining town.


While the shape of the city was indeed circular. It laid within a small slope of some gentle hillsides. Which nestled it safely from elements during harsh summers and freezing winters.

Around the city were rolling hills on one side, towards the east and south; with plains and forests in the north and northwest, respectively.

The part of the city closest towards the hills held both the noble district on the hillside. Along with the mining operations below them, within the hillside.


This city produced lots of the coal used around the different parts of the continent. Which made it extremely valuable and self sustaining as a city. It also had an iron mine that was discovered a recently as 100 years ago.

That is if you count four generations as recent.

But the thing about the iron mine was. Like most royalty from history or political-intrigue, that the iron mine was very quickly found out about by the royal family: who then laid claim on it, as was their governing right to do.

Which might seem as though the royal family stole the mine out from under the Marquises Coriolis family.

But it was actually a blessing in disguise. As then they not only were exempt from paying taxes, but also got money for labor and the amount of iron shipped from their city as a result.


As a result of all of this.

This made Coriolis City, one of the largest, most profitable places. Outside of the royal capital.

"If you can't find it in the Coriolis, it wasn't worth the effort"... God I hated that line from the game. Rin thinks to herself, as she remember all of the pertinent information that she would need in this city, and the lore pertaining to it.

It was always such a stretch of a way to make the name of the have some sort of relation to the Coriolis effect, but instead used the word "effort" instead. Groan!


"M-M-Miss?! A-Are you sure this is a good idea?" Sneed asks Ava as they crest the hill they had just come from the west side of the slopes around Coriolis.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Rin assured him. "I need to know where my stats are, plus, besides needing that, I need to make a deal with Marquises Terrance sooner, rather than later."

"B-Bu-BUT!" Sneed stammered in worry. "W-Won't this be incredibly dangerous and risky for us?! We could get captured and arrested!" He warned her.

"Could happen." Rin replies dismissively.

"O-O-O-Or we could run into adventurers that might attack us on sight!" Sneed expounded.

"Probably." Rin agrees.

"Then why!-"

"Because, Sneed!" Rin barked at the cowardly bandit lord's butler. "If I don't go and get a crystal reader now! Then I could risk dying in the future if I don't know my own strength in comparison to someone else's!" She argued in a vehemently huff of frustration.


Sneed just stared at her with wide eyes of shock and disbelief.


"W-W-Who?-........ Who are you? Where is the real Ava?" Sneed asked flippantly, just because he wasn't used to her using this much of her brain.


But when Ava stopped in front of him and stopped talking. He grew worried he had touched a nerve.


"................................ Now's not the time for that question............................" Rin said in answer to Sneed.

He watched from behind, as Ava sauntered ahead away from him towards the city.  Leaving him in silence and in confusion on what she meant by that.







After getting to the front of the city-gate. Rin hadn’t really had a plan to get through the gate at this point.


Shit! What do I do?! I thought of everything else and stuff, but how do I get through the gate without being seen?

This was one of the major problems, she realized, that came with being Ava.

Fluffy long curly pink hair, is a definitely distinct character trait…

What will I do?

“Hey Riff. What brings you to town today?"


Rin was shaken out of her reverie that was troubling her, when the man by the gates called out towards Sneed.

"Hello there, Hamil. How's the wife and kids?" Sneed asks casually while lowering his hood, revealing the rest of his face with a smile.


"Oh! Their just fine!" The guard Hamil by the gate answered. "Jake is sprouting up like a weed, I tell ya; gets bigger everyday, I swear!"

Sneed lets out a ruefully solemn chuckle at the guards words.

"Yes, they certainly do." Sneed replies with a side-eye glance behind himself towards Ava.


"Oh? Who's your friend?" Hamil ask with a lazy gesture of the spear he's holding, but now leaning against.

"Oh, her?" He gestures behind him. "A shy introvert, trying to make her mark on the world." Sneed informs the guard.

HUH?!............ I resent that!...



...I think?...


Rin was, to say the least, more than a little confused.

Seriously?! What the heck is going on?


"Yeah?" The guard asks in a playfully skeptical tone. "How's that?"

"...She is... going to follow in her mother's footsteps and... Become an adventurer."

Rin had to raise an eyebrow at Sneed's fabrication and idea for her to gain access into the city.

"Yeah?" The guard questioned Sneed's words, before giving Rin's figure a once over. "Well~ She certainly has the build for it, that's for sure."

Hamil then held out his hand towards Sneed, with a smile on his face.

"It'll be three silver apiece to enter, as you know."

"GAH! Hamil! That's highway robbery!" Sneed says dramatically with a playful smile on his face.

"Tough shit!" Hamil tells Sneed with a smile. "I'm already giving you a discount as it is for two people, so be grateful for that! We all got families to feed bud! Hahaha!"

"Hahaha! Oh you horrid guard you!" Sneed quips as he hands the man roughly six or so silver coins.


The guard waves them forward without looking back at them.

"Enjoy your time in Coriolis: stay out of trouble, and good luck on taking the test for adventuring." The guard named Hamil calls to Rin's back.

She didn't turn to look at him. But instead opted to wave while trying to hide more of herself and walk way more quickly. Making her look like the introvert that Sneed had suggested she was.

Which, she would be the first to admit, came all too naturally for her.


I don't like how easy that was to fall back into that... She thought depressingly.


Once they were clear of the City walls, and into the city proper. They both ducked into an alley to escape prying eyes. Rin turned to look at Sneed with narrowed eyes.

"A shy introvert, huh?" Rin growled with a scowl at Sneed; but there wasn't any malice in her words.

"H-Ha-hahaha-Haha-Ha...... ...Y-Yeah..." Sneed laughs nervously as he answers Ava. "...I just hope I did not upset you to much with what I had i-i-inadvertently had said."

Rin waved Sneed off with a dismissive wave.

"Don't worry about it." Rin assures him. "I'm not one to get caught up on a little name calling; I'm not that petty." She turns towards him to flash Sneed a reassuring smile. "But that was some nice quick thinking about our cover for infultrating the city:" She complements. "Where and when did you think that up? And how did you get to know the guards of the city? Aren't you wanted?" She shoots off a list of rapid-fire questions out of curiosity.


Rin watched, as Sneed's eyes narrowed into slits before her answered her.


"...Yes... Of course, miss. Whatever you want..." Sneed said as he walked past her before speaking again. "As you know... It wasn't really tale I had to make up; You, just don't like being reminded of it: And you, asked me to never speak of it again."


Oh shit... Has he figured it out? Rin thought to herself.


"......And you, were the one who instructed me to lay low, and make a secret second identity to allow us to infiltrate the city one day......"


Oh yeah... Rin lets out a sigh. He's figured it out... probably...


"...I just don't understand who you, actually are-"


"Enough!" Rin shouts, interrupting Sneed tirade about her.

Rin then walked up to Sneed who had stopped to turn around to look at her accusingly, as his speech was reaching the crescendo.

"...Remember what I said? back up on the hill about an hour ago?..." Rin ask, but didn't wait for Sneed to respond. "I promised, I'll explain it later; and I keep my promises: but right now is not the time." She latched onto his shoulder with her large hand, giving it a gentle and reassuring squeeze. "Let's just do what we came here to do, and everything will start to come together for you. Can you trust me enough and wait long enough for that?"


Sneed was looking at Ava, or whoever this person in front of him was, with increasing skepticism. She hadn't seemed untrust worthy.

His eyes narrowed while staring up at the eye he had once been shaking in fear of before.


"And what if I don't? Why should I trust you now? I thought that t-things were weird and that you-... that Ava was acting strangely!" Sneed shouted at her.

Rin smiled at Sneed and his gumption. That he would stand up to her, despite her appearance as Ava.

"Well, before I answer that. Can you answer me something first?" Rin asked him with a sweet smile.

"...Answer what?"

"Do you know where the nearest crystal reader would be, and where I could get one?"

"......" Sneed wasn't sure if he should answer her, but decided to anyways. "...The nearest one will be where I said it would be: at the Adventurer's Guild."

Rin raised an eyebrow at his answer.

"Won't using that in a public place reveal to everyone who I am?" She questioned.

"......Only if you're the real Ava."

Rin shrugged her shoulders.

"...I suppose you're right; but now, to answer your question." She said while cracking the knuckles of her hands. Right before swinging her fist towards Sneed, into the wall of the building they were hiding next to.




A large fist sized hole opened up in the wall she hit, along with splintering the entire mortar of the wall itself.


Sneed stood there. Shaking and trembling in terror at the sheer power of the punch that Ava-... That the woman in front of him had just done.

I can tell that strength behind it wasn't even her full power... She was holding back so that the building wouldn't collapse...



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The woman in front of Sneed that he knew as Ave leaned in and spoke in front of his face.

"I'll knock you out... Then carry on without you..."


This made Sneed question something in his mind, which he blurts out.

"W-W-W-W-W-Why n-n-not just k-ki-ki-k-kill me then?!"

Rin laughed at his question.

"Because you're useful, Sneed. And I don't hate you; I realized from your stats, that you're no average bandit." She told him as she pulled away from him. "You're someone important; and if you're a butler for a bandit lord. That must make Ava special in someway as well. And I could use some answer: answers that only you can provide me."


Sneed stared up at familiar face in front of him with both admiration and startled surprise.

There is no way that this is Ava; she was never this smart... As much as it makes me sad and angry to admit.


".........So then... W-What's the plan?..." Sneed figured that if, whoever this was, was keeping him alive for such a purpose. He might be able to learn what had happened to Ava.


Rin smiled at Sneed and reached down with her hand.

"Well!" She said as she hoisted him back up onto his feet, after he had slid down the wall against his back from her freighting him. "First thing first is.................."





"Welcome to Coriolis City Adventurer's Guild!" Shouted a greeting from one of the many receptionist at the long counters of the guild.     


Rin gave a whistle as she eyed up the place.

It's one thing to see it on-screen in a game with a flat 2D imagine of this place. But this is actually a really cool place!

Some people always depict an adventurer's guild in stories as some sort of wooden shack or inn like structure. But the creative mind of Records of Ellemoryss decided, that if adventuring was going to be a lucrative but dangerous occupation. That it was going to be a very comfortable place.

The floors were made of marble and had red carpets that ran from the entrance, all the way towards the counters; the counters themselves were also made of stone, marble tops, and fine mahogany.

There was a fine dining establishment at the far end of the room. Where some people were either preparing themselves, or having the food and meat of the beasts and they killed and brought in made into meals for them.

Round tables, made up of more fine mahogany were scattered about from the entrance to where the dining area started.

expensive crystal and gemstone chandeliers hung down from the ceiling. lighting the room in a warm but friendly light. That was not harsh to the eyes.


It truly is a thing of beauty to see this in person!... Rin thought breathlessly. I feel so lucky in a way!... I'm... still not sure how I'm even here now, or not even sure if I died or not.            




But I guess that is a worry for future, Rin!


Time to enjoy the fantasy trip of a life time!



Sneed lead the way towards an empty counter, with Rin following close behind him.


"Hi there!" Called a blond elf with blue eyes and a cheery smile. "How can Mina help you today?"

Rin had to bite her lip when she heard the elf speaking in the third person.

That was both hilarious and cute!~

"Yes, hi there." Sneed replied while sliding up to the counter. "We're here to use a crystal reader to check my... daughter's, level. To see if she is high enough to qualify at being a solo adventurer."

"You phrased that weirdly. But Mina is not one to judge!" The receptionist told Sneed. She then turned to reach back towards a shelf and pull a standard looking crystal ball off of the shelf. Then set it and a sort of stand for the ball on the counter between her and them.

"Here!" She said excitedly. "One crystal reader for your evaluation!"

Sneed then turned and looked over his shoulder. Looking at his compatriot in her eye.


"Go ahead sweetie... The reader awaits..." Sneed told her.


Rin gave a nod of her head at Sneed. Then she reached her hand out, placing it flat on top of the crystal ball.









Holy shit! Rin thought to herself. Ava is stacked………


..........But seriously author! You named her Avalin?! A Villain?! God your naming sense or jokes just sucks!


After having read through the stats herself, Rin almost couldn't believe what she had read or was reading. Rin heard a small gasp from next to her.

And also one in front of her.

Rin turned to look at Sneed. Who had a very confused an unsure expression on his face.


Then she looked over at the receptionist. Whose mouth was a gap and her eyes were sparkling with curiosity and excitement.


“Are you really a Parallax— HRMP?!”


Rin watched as Sneed instantly reached over and put his hand over Mina’s mouth.

“Please!” Sneed said in a serious and begging tone. “……Do not ask us about that… and do not repeat or tell anyone we were here… understand?”

Mina’s eyes were wide in surprise at having her mouth covered at first.

But then she nodded her head with a look of understanding in her eyes; eyes that screamed: “You can trust me!”


With that, Sneed lowered his hand. He then looked back at Ava— Katherine— whoever they were, and gave them a nod before telling them.

“Well? We got what we came for right?” He asked her.

Rin gave a single nod at Sneed. Showing that she was satisfied.

“Yup. Indeed we did.”

Rin then reached back down and picked up the crystal ball in her hand.

“I’ll be taking this,” Rin informed the clerk.

Mina’s eyes went wide hearing this.

“B-B-But Mina will get in trouble!” She pleaded to them.

“Don’t worry,” Rin spoke reassuringly, before throwing down two bags on the table.

*CLACK* *clack*

“There is the 200 gold for a new crystal reader.” She told the clerk. Then picked up the smaller bag, being it back up to Mina’s eye level. “…And here is something to forget about what you saw on my reading.” Rin told her.

Mina’s eyes were wide when she heard this.

“But Mina will get in troub!— HRUMPH?!—“








Rin leaned her head forward towards Mina, planting a kiss directly on Mina's lips. Rin teased at her lips with her tongue, beckoning Mina to let Rin inside of her mouth.

After just a couple seconds of being surprised and caught off guard. Mina gave in and welcomed Rin's tongue into her mouth.

The kiss barely moved on past the stage where they could truly get going. Because almost as soon as Rin had started teasing Mina, and succeeded in getting her tongue into her mouth. Rin pulled away. She let the small pouch she had been holding fall into Mina's waiting hands.


"...And... Something to remember me by." Rin told the blushing and dazed woman with a wink of her eye.

....Which in retrospect.... Is sort of pointless and is just a blink when you only have one eye...

But the message had apparently been received. Because as soon as Mina saw Rin do her "Blink." Mina had then sank to the ground in a daze.


God, I always wanted to do that! Kiss a girl and just walk away. Rin thought to herself triumphantly, as she stood upright and turned to walk away with her prize in hand.






The other clerks in the guild and from behind the counter who had witnessed what had happened rushed to the woman's side as soon as the large hooded stranger left.

A short haired brunet ran up with a look of concern on her face.

"Are you alright, Mina?"


But Mina just sat there with a bewildered and dazed expression, as she clutched at the pouch she had been handed.

"S-Say something, Mina! You're scaring me!" Asked her worried coworker.




"What is that?!" The woman asked her when she heard Mina speak. "What did you say?"


"Mi...... Mi......."




Mina lifted one of her hand to touch her cheeks, as she began blushing from her them all the way to the tips of her ears.


Mina sat there with a goofy smile on her reddened face while she rubbed at her cheek.


"M-Mina's in love!~..." She murmured wistfully.


""H-HUH?!"" Her coworkers shouted in shock around her.




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