Not Your Typical, Throwaway Villain

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: All According to Plan?

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Rin and Sneed had made it from the market town, and the common and merchant wealth areas of the city, all the way to the hillside where the noble district was located.

They both stared from about two-hundred yards away from the gates in an alley, where the guarded gate stood that separated the nobles, from everyone else.

“So? What’s the plan? Assuming you have one.” Sneed asked.

“…Well… I’ve got a few we can work with…” Rin told Sneed.

“And they would b-be?… I-If I know what you have in mind, I can tell you what our chances of success are.”

“…Well, for one…” Rin pointed at the smaller gate about two blocks from the main gate. “We can try and sneak in as servants at the servants’ entrance.” She explained.

“…….. That will most l-likely not work… and we’ll definitely cause, as you called it before, a ruckus…”

Rin nodded in agreement.

“True. But it is the fastest and most sure fire way of succeeding and allowing us to meet the Marquise.”

“……And the next plan?……”

Rin pointed back towards the main gates.

“Just walk up and start using some names and dropping some information I have… might get one or both of us arrested… but we’ll definitely meet the Marquise eventually.”

“………Pass… Next?…”

“Well?… You gave me a new idea and name to drop: we can always walk up and drop Ava’s name down, and claim to be a Parallax-“

“Absolutely not!” Sneed disagreed vehemently.

“……There a reason why not?” Rin asked him.


“Come on, Sneed!” Rin groused. “I know you’re reluctant to bring up the past. But if I can’t use all the options at my disposal, at least work with me and tell me why it’s a bad idea: barring any painful details you don’t want to share.” She offered up at the end.


Sneed let out a resigned sigh before turning to look at Rin.

“It’s because you’re being hunted…”

Rin just blinked at Sneed as if he had said the stupidest thing in the world.

She then pulled back her hood and pointed at her face.

“Uh! Yeah, hello?! Wanted criminal, here?!” She reminded to him sarcastically, as of her current status as a citizen.

“Not that kind of hunted, you d-dumby!” Sneed scolded playfully, as he reached his hand over and rapped his knuckles on Rin’s forehead. “I-I meant that, you-, that Ava; Avalin Parallax, is being hunted by the noble faction of the realm.”


“……………………..” Rin was silent for a while and stared back at Sneed, waiting for him to elaborate.

But when no such information crossed his lips, she let out a sigh.

"*SIGH* ...Look," Rin called out to draw Sneed's attention. "I know you're reluctant, or that it's hard for you to talk about the past. But if I don't know, anything. Then chances are, I'll more likely make a mistake in the future." She gave Sneed a serious look. "I won't judge you, or Ava; or whatever it is that you guys went through, if that's what you're worried about: I just need information as to pertaining to the; who, what, when, wheres, and whys." She listed.

Sneed let out yet another reluctant sigh before speaking.

"Their hunting you-... Hunting Ava; because your-... because Arvania was a commoner..."

Rin tilted her head in confusion at Sneed's words.

"Their hunting Arvania and Ava, simply because they were commoner's that received a title and a name?" Rin asked Sneed in confusion, as to why the noble would be so petty.


But after hearing Rin's question. Sneed also was looking back a Rin with a confused expression on his face.

"What?" Rin asked after a few seconds of Sneed's staring.

"It's not just a name, or a title; the name Parallax, is given to the hero of the realm."

"Uh, yeah. I knew that." Rin informed him. "It's supposed to be an honorary title given to those who've done a great service to the kingdom, right?"

Sneed sighed in frustration while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"It's more than that!" He lectured. "Being the hero of the realm, is equivalent to having the king back all of your action; in other words: Anything you do, and or say, is basically the same as if the king himself had endorsed them."


After listening to this, Rin's eye went wide in surprise and astonishment.

"O-O-Oh- OOhhh......" She murmured as the gravity of her situation became apparent. "........And being of common birth... That threatened everything the nobles stood for and against..." Rin put into words what she also thought might be the case in this matter.

But to her surprise, Sneed was shaking his head.

"Not only that, but another stipulation with becoming a Parallax is: that the family eventually has to marry into the line of the royal family."

"Oh come on!" Rin nearly shouted.

"SHH!" Sneed shushed Rin as she started getting loud and upset.



Now it was Rin's turn to pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"God! So it was a really big deal when Ava's mom became a Parallax."

Sneed nodded slowly while he remembered about the day.

"...A very big deal..."

"...So... Does that mean all of the nobles are targeting me?" Rin asked for celerity.

Sneed shrugged his shoulders.

"P-P-Pretty much." He stuttered. "There m-might be a few out there that would give you refuge..."


"*SIGH*...... B-But at the cost of adopting you into their family, and giving birth to their next heir, so that they can retain the name Parallax."

"...So that they could get into the royal family eventually... Right?"

Sneed nodded at her assessment.



Rin nodded her head as she looked back towards the gate of the noble district of Coriolis City.

"No throwing out the name Parallx... Got it..."


"................So? If I have s-s-sufficiently dissuaded you from u-u-using the Parallax name. Which of the first two plans are we g-g-going with?" Sneed asks Rin.

"Hmm?......" Rin was just thinking on this dilemma as well.

While there are plenty more options than just the two I mentioned before. Most carried some heavy risks on escaping if we needed to.

And I'd like to keep making a mess to a minimal... As I'm mostly here to strike a deal with the man; or blackmail him at worst. Rin thought to herself.


"There has to be another...... way... out!..." Rin spoke softly as an idea came to her.

"Huh? Did you say something?" Sneed asked her.

Rin then got up and started walking away, back down the alley, away from the front gates.

"I've got a plan." She assured Sneed while walking away.

"H-huh?! W-Which plan? Where are you going?" Sneed asked as he jogged to catch up to Rin.


Rin smirked while looking backwards at Sneed without bothering to stop.


"We've got time until we can accomplish the new plan," Rin told him. "Let go get you that Cream-cheese parfait for ya."

"O-Oh! Okay, if you say so!..." Sneed agreed readily at the mention of his favorite desert. "B-But what is the new plan?"


"We have to wait until the dead of night, and then kidnap, Elois; the Marquis's daughter." Rin informed him. 










Elois flinched as she opened the gate as slowly as possible.

"Good Ellemoryss, mental note: get the servants to oil the hinges..." She comments to herself.


She looks both ways out of the gate. Making sure the shift change and subsequent guards are no where in sight.

"Yes!" She whispers aloud. "Time to go!"

She then makes a mad dash towards the alley across the street towards the merchant wealth district.

There was no light out, except by the light of the waning moon, which was only a quarter at best.


Once she was in the alley proper.

Elois gave one look back towards the gate. Then pumped her fist in triumph.

"Yes! I did it!"


This wasn't Elois's first time sneaking out and going to live the night life of the town. But it excited her every time she was successful.

"Time to find, me! Some rather gullible boys to buy me some drinks."


"*Ahem* I think you've found some." Said a voice from behind her.


"*GASP* He-" Elois didn't even have time to scream.

A large hand covered her mouth and pulled her tightly against a rather muscular frame.

She flailed and tried to fight against the large person holding her. But another large hand easily secured both her smaller wrists in their much larger hand.

She hadn't even really had time to figure out or look at who had subdued her. It was to dark to see properly,  And the light spilling into the alley was blocked by yet another cloaked figure entering from the front pathway.

"Ello' thar, lady Elois."Greeted a heavily accented voice. "Weer 'ere to deliber you to owur cliant." The man informed her. "He's pramissed us a big award four yor saif retur'n."

This only made Elois panic more and struggle more; She tried everything she could as the figure held her from behind. She tried biting his hand, digging her perfectly manicured nails into the hands holding hers, kicking at their shins; anything or everything to get free of their grasp.








At the sound in front of her face. Elois stopped struggling, as the glint of steel was raised and pointing at her face.

"Pa'leas, lady Elois. Tri bein' sival and sweet." He requested of her. "We'd 'ate to loose sleep, or owur money bei brin' you in 'urt."

Elois heard the laughter of several men that she was sure were surrounding her, as they mocked her resilience and struggles.

Elois lowered her head, after hearing the man's words and seeing his knife that he was threatening her with.



I...... I can't believe this is actually happening!.....



Oh father!...


I'm so, so sorry!


You were right!


It was too, dangerous to be out at night alone!


I promise! I'll be a good girl from now on!






















"Hey! What the hell is this?" Asked a bewildered and feminine voice from behind.


Immediately the person holding her against their chest whirled around while keeping their tight hold on her.

Elois saw two more cloak and dark figures at the other end of the alleyway. Lit only by the slight waning moon light that shone down from between the buildings.

Hope surged within Elois's heart and chest as she saw the figures from a distance.



Praise Ellemoryss!

I'm saved!


"Are you guys for real? Are you seriously really trying to kidnap, what I had already planned on stealing?!" Said the feminine voice in a  vehemently manner.


The hope that Elois had been feeling, sank and fell out from her feet. Like the floor had dropped out from beneath her.


"Who the hell are you?" Said the assailant from earlier, his accent from earlier noticeably gone.

"Who the hell am I? Pfft! That's rich," Said the incredibly large and muscular figure from across the alleyway. "I'm not the one who is reacting one of the scenes from the greatest movie of all time."

"...........What?" Elois's captor questioned before shaking his head. "Y-You know what?! Doesn't even matter."




Elois watched as the man pulled out his dagger and pointed it at the large figure.

"I'm just going to kill you now, okay?"

Elois watched and listened as the other members of her captors pulled out similar weapons and pointed them towards the new comers.


"*Sigh*" Elois watched as the figure started undoing the front of their cloak. "Sneed, hold this will ya. I got some ass to kick.”


“Ha! Ha!” The spokesperson for Elois’s captors guffawed mockingly. “Do you really expect to beat five of us alone? Unarmed? *TSK* You must be pretty brain damaged—“


As the stranger ahead of them flipped their undone cloak towards their compatriot, a bright pink shimmering blur came rushing towards Elois’s kidnapper’s.

“What the hel— *BANG* —GAAH!—“




In only a single move. The man out in front and the spokes person of the assailants, was now face down on the ground unconscious; a small dent around him in the stonework formed from where he had been smash downwards.


Elois stared mesmerized at the both masculine physique, and the beautiful feminine curves that were draped in a bright pink halo, that shone in the waning moon light.


“”B-B-BOSS!”” The five remaining upright kidnapper’s stammered in disbelief at how quickly their apparent leader had been dispatched.


One of the goons looked up with a furious glance at the person who had rendered their boss incapacitated. Only for his face to morph into an expression of terror.

“H-Holy shit, guys!”

The others had all started to recover after their boss’s subsequent defeat, and followed their companion’s voice and looked up.

Only to join him in his trembling at the sight before him.

“Y-Y—You?! W-What are you doing here?!” Another man asked.

“Y-Yo! No one said a-anything about Ava being here!”


Ava? Elois questioned in her mind. Where have I heard that name before?


“What the fuck, is the Pink Maned Mountain Lioness, doing in town?!”


Oh shit! Elois thought as it clicked and correlated the name with the reputation and moniker.


She stared at the buff, and frankly, steel forged woman standing before her. Who towered over the men around her.

Holy shit… am I still in trouble? Am I going to die?…… Is she going to kidnap me?

…I wonder how it would feel to be wrap in those muscles?… 

 Wait? Huh? Did I just think?—

But Elois didn’t have long to think introspectively on her thoughts, as the commotion in front of her drew her attention.

“Oh fuck this!” One goon said as he tossed down his weapon. “I ain’t dying here for this shit!” Then began running past her and the man holding her.

“H-Hey! W-Wait for me!” Elois watched as another took off after his friend in terror.

“You!— You cowards!” Shouted another one of the assailants who had stayed. He whirled around back towards Ava. “It’s still three-on-one! And she is a one-eyed giant woman in a narrow alley! We can take her!”

Two of the men charged at the woman in front of Elois; their daggers drawn and pointed towards her. Both rushing her from either side, trying to blind side the one-eyed woman.




Elois watched fascinated and terrified for the woman in front of her. As she just stood her ground and while standing in a relaxed manner.

The man on her left side reached her first where she still had her vision.

“Your mine!” Cried the kidnapper.




“A-AH!” In an instant, the man was caught and held up at an awkward angle by his forearm. Forcing him to let go of his dagger, As Ava twisted his arm and lifted him up onto his tippy-toes.


“Ha-HA! GOTCHA BITCH!” Said the second attacker. His dagger thrusting towards Ava’s face, as she stood there holding the first man.


Elois wanted to scream in terror at what she was seeing and about to see done to her maybe savior.

“Hahaha!— *THWACK* —FAAAUUU?!—“


Elois watched stunned. As the Bandit Lord lifted her right fist at the last possible second, smashing the back of her fist into the attacking man’s face. Sending him flying and hurtling towards some empty crates and debris, where he laid unmoving.


How in the world did she do that?! How did she see him coming on her blindside?

The man that Ava had been holding and twisting his arm wondered the same.

“What did?!— How did you-ah AH!— *CRACK* —AAAAHHHH!”

“Quiet!” Ava shouted at the man after he started screaming when she broke his arm. “You’re going to draw attention to us!” She groused. “How is anyone supposed to kidnap people, if your being so loud?!” She argued.


So, wait?… She is here to kidnap me?…… I… I’m not sure I’d mind if it was her… Elois thinks to herself. As she stares on at Ava with adore.


“S-S-Shit man!” The last of the goons out in front stood there trembling in fear of what Ava had just done to his comrades.

He quickly turned to his larger companion, who was holding their target.

“Grease! You need to flatten her! Kill Ava!” He demanded.

Elois felt the larger man turn towards the other man.

“But? What about the girl?”

“F-Forget about her! Give her to me! Y-Your our last hope of getting out of this alive!”

The man named, Grease. Nodded his head before pushing Elois towards his cohort.

“Okay, Snick.” Grease answered him. “I’ll take care of her.”


“PFFT!~ You’ll take care of me?” Ava facetiously quips. “Awe!~ Now that’s just adorable.” She tells the larger man mockingly.

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“Yeah well, I will be more fucking adorable than you, once I’m done with ya.”The large man named Grease told her.

“Lady’s first.” Ava offered.


Grease growled as he brought his fist up, getting ready to throw it forward to smash it squarely into Ava’s face.

But Ava moved a fraction of a hair to the left, dodging his strike; She simultaneously threw her own punch, as she dodged Grease’s own.

Her punch, did land squarely in the middle of Grease’s face. Causing a crunching sound.

What followed, was Ava stepping up next to Grease’s person, then priviting a leg behind him, so that he lost balance as she push against his skull with her fist.

All of this happened within an instant. Grease tried backpedaling away from the blow. But with Ava’s leg behind him, he instead tripped and fell backwards.

This allowed Ava to carry herself with the momentum of Grease falling down, and slam his head which she had stuck with her fist, down towards the ground.






The two remaining people in front of Ava stood there in awe of how instantly the fight was over.

One; in adoration. The other; in terror.


The captor was the first to regain his composure of the two though, albeit, only slightly; as he trembled in fear at the grinning Ava looking their direction.



“C-C-Come any closer, and I-I-I’ll stab the girl?!” He said to Ava, not sounding too sure if that would truly stop the Lioness before him.


But to the assailant's surprise, as well as Elois's. Ava did indeed stop. She stopped walking and held up her hands.


"Woah, woah there... No need to get anxious and violent. I just want the girl." Ava explained.

"N-N-No need to get violent, huh?! W-W-What do you call that back there?!" The man argued while point the dagger towards Ava and his fallen companions.

Ava actually stopped to look around herself, as if she was confused about what the man was pointing at.

"......Self-defense?" She suggested.

"B-Bullshit! You attacked us first!" He argued.

"Um!... Not to point out the obvious, but you guys force and kidnapped a young woman against her will."

"Y-You were going to do that as well!" He pointed out.

"Yeah, that may be true. But you also were the first to draw out weapons in the situation. All I've done so far has been to disarm you guys."


"Y-You liar! You- You're just trying to get me to drop my guard! Is that it?" The captor accused.

Ava smirked at him and folded her arms together.

"No," She told him while buffing her nails. "I was just being a distraction."

"...A-... A what?"




"GAAA!-hhhhhhaaaaa....." The captor gargled as he fell to his knees and releasing Elois.


The cloaked figure that was with Ava stood behind the man, his own dagger dripping blood as he just finished killing the man, who had been holding the woman they were planning to kidnap.


"Well... That could have gone better." The cloaked figure sarcastically quips.

"Meh! It went fine." Ava argued.

He walks up to Ava, handing her back the cloak she had thrown to him.

"Did you get the two that ran?" Ava asked him.

"W-Was I supposed too?" He asks her.

Ava looked contemplative for a bit, but then shook her head.

"Nah! Shouldn't matter if you didn't."

"W-Well, good news to you: I did." He informed her.


"Um?..." Elois made a questioning noise at the interaction happening in front of her.


Both of the dark cloaked figures turned to look at her.


A shiver of fear ran through Elois as the two turned to stare at her.


Ellemoryss! I-... I kinda forgot for a second that they're bandits and wanted criminals. Elois thinks retrospectively.


"S-So?........" Elois bit her lip while staring up at Ava's handsome face. "A-... Are you the one who'll be kidnapping me now?... Like you said?"


Elois had very conflicted feelings about this.

On the one hand; I don't, want, to be kidnap and cause my father problems... It was scary enough as is when I thought those guys were going too.

A shiver ran through Elois at the thought of how she had almost been abducted by those scary men.

So why does the thought of Ava being the one to take me away...... just get me so w-...




Y-Yeah! T-That's the word.


Another shiver ran through her; but one of a different reason.



Elois watched intently, as Ava looked down at her with- a wide eye.

W-Why does she look so surprised?

Ava chuckled as a smirk crossed her face.

"Nah," Ava said casually. "I got some fun tonight. And I think you've had more than your share of excitement for one night." She jerked her head back towards the noble district. "Go on; get on home."


Huh?! What?


"W-Wait!..." Elois called out to Ava's retreating back. "W-Weren't you going to kidnap me? Hold me h-hostage and r-ransom me to my father?..."

Elois could believe or even understand why she was even arguing or trying to get the Lioness to continue with her plan.

W-What is wrong with me?! I-...... I should just be grateful that I'm not getting captured or kidnapped tonight!

Why in all of Osmori would I want that? Why would I want her to take me to her den of thieves, where she could tie me up, and do any unspeakable thing... she wanted to me......


.........All night long.........


The more she thought about it. The more Elois squirmed in place while rubbing her thighs together, from where she sat on the ground; surrounded by the bodies of her assailants.


She watched in surprise, as Ava turned around quickly and took three long strides to come back to her.

D-...... Did she change her mind?! Elois thought hopefully.


Ava bent down on one knee, and was still looking at Elois from above.

By Ellemoryss... She is so tall... And strong... and handsome~...


"Do you want me to take you away?" Ava whispered softly to Elois.

A shiver ran through Elois at her gentle and whispered words that caressed her ears.

"Y-...... ...yes..." Elois whispered back.

This brought out another confident smirk from Ava.

"Do you want me to take you to our base, and keep you all to myself?~" She sensually spoke temptingly to Elois.

"Y-... Yes." Elois spoke louder as if she began loosing control to stay quiet; her breathing getting heavier with every passing second.

Ava stared with her one eye, deep into Elois's own.

"Do you want me to," Ava lifted her hand and brought it to the side of Elois's face as she spoke her soft and enveloping words. "Do whatever I please with you?"

"Y-Yes!... Please! *pant*" Elois begged as Ava offered her things she didn't even know she wanted.


Ava leaned forward closer to Elois's face.

Elois felt herself growing weak just being near this person, as she grew more and more desperate for her. Her eye lids felt droopy as Ava's face came closer to hers.


I-... Is?-... Is she?-... going to kiss me?...


Never in Elois's young life had she wanted something so much and so desperately, that she hadn't been able to thing about anything else.


And just before their lips met, Ava paused; her breath teasing Elois as it tickled her face and lips.

Elois felt eyes roll to the back of her head with desire for the woman in front of her.


"Then I need you~ To tell your father about what had happened tonight." Ava instructed her.


And never in Elois's life, had she gone from so unbelieably horny, to completely sober in an instant; it was as if Ava had just dumped a bucket of water all over her head.


"W-What?! What are you talking about?!" Elois asks startled as Ava pulls away from her a bit.


Ava chuckles at Elois's question.

"I need to talk to your father; I have some important business proposals for him: and I wanted to find a way to meet him amicably. Buuut!~ As you know~ I'm a bit of a wanted criminal, and I doubt he'd see me without putting me straight in irons first." Ava quipped her logic.

"HMPH!" Elois crossed her arms and looked away petulantly. "A-And why should I?! I know you're a criminal and all, Ava. But can't you read the room a little? Or does the lack of depth-perception make it hard for you to notice other people's feelings?!" Elois shouted angrily at her savior for ruining the moment.

This only brought another chuckle out of Ava, to Elois's surprise.

"Sorry, sorry." Ava apologized, which surprised Elois further that Ava was capable of such compassion. "I know that was probably not what you were hoping for, and that you really wanted me to sweep you off your feet... But!~..."

Elois felt Ava's fingers and thumb of her large hand, gently pull at her chin, to turn her back towards Ava's apologetic face.




"I know that was pretty obtuse of me to do." Ava admitted. "But I need to get into contact with your father; it's really important that I do: important enough to try and kidnap you, just for a chance to talk with him."

".........Well...... Y-You're asking for a lot out of me." Elois informed Ava. "Not only will I have to admit that I've been leaving and exploring outside of the noble district at night. That I also got into a situation where I had to be rescued, and by an equally unsavory person at that..." Elois smirked at Ava this time as she thought she might have made a comeback.

"If I do this for you, not only am I doing you a favor in return for saving me, I'm also willingly going to admit and get into trouble for all I've done; I'm probably going to be locked up on house-arrest for awhile: so? What's in it for me?"

But despite Elois's hope of taking Ava's confident smirk away, it only seemed to widen.

"Well~......" Ava drawled out. "I can think of a couple of ways~"





Elois was stunned and shocked by the sudden pressure on her lips, as Ava, The Pink Mane Lioness. Kissed her fully on the lips.

She immediately brought up her hand to push and beat against Ava's chest; to push her way from this, "unwanted," award.

I mean it~... I did!~... B-But!-... BUT~




As Elois felt Ava's tongue tease her lips to seek entry into her own mouth, sparks like fire or electricity shot through her as if she was being melted from the inside.

Her previously raised hands, found Ava's shoulders to hold on and draw her closer. As she opened herself up for Ava to invade her mouth.

Their tongues met in a wet kiss as she felt herself be irreversibly changed from who she was previously, to a person who would probably do anything Ava asked of her.

I-... I can't... I just-.... She's just so good at kissing!~ No one has kissed me like this: No one.


She felt Ava draw her own tongue from her mouth, to suck on it within her own.

I-... I'm g-g-going to!~.... She's going to make me!~


And as a shiver ran through her bodily. Was also the moment that Ava started to pull away from her.


She whimpered desperately at the loss of Ava's lips on her own.


"No!~........" Elois mewled in wanton lust. "Please!~ More!~" She begged Ava.


This only made the captor of her heart chuckle more; whose chuckle made Elois's head and heart dizzy with euphoria.

"All in do time, babe." Ava promised. "Do me this favor, and I promise~" Ava whispered near her ear with a deviant smile. "That I'll definitely, come~, and kidnap you for real." She promised.


Elois released a shiver for the umpteenth time that night.


Ava pulled back and looked at Elois's face before asking her.

"Think you can do that for me?~" She asked her playfully.


"*Sigh* Anything for you, Ava~" Elois told her breathlessly. "...But..."


"...I-... I can-... I'll be more willing... If you kiss me again~" Elois begged.

This made Ava chuckle, which in turn, caused another spine-tingling shuddered to run through Elois.

"With pleasure~" Ava agreed willingly, as she leaned towards her.





Sneed and Rin were watching Elois walk away, albeit, a little wobbly, towards the noble district.


"....................How did you do that?" Sneed asked in confusion.

Rin smirked and gave a huff of laughter.

"Do what?~" She asked him playfully.

"How'd you know she was going to be here? Or, even, how did you know she would help us?"


Oh!.... So he wasn't interested in my "player" skills, huh?...

Rin gave a shrug.

"I knew she liked to sneak out at night... Or... At least she used to." Ava told him

"Used to? Have you met her before?" Sneed asked perplex by Rin's responses.

"Ehh.... It's really a long story... But sufficient it to say: that back home. I had a rather magical item, that played the outcome of multiply peoples lives, that allowed you to see into their destiny; and even shape it a little based off of a choices you made as the reader."

Sneed's eyes went wide hearing this.

"A-And this book?!" He pointed towards the drunk looking teen. "It showed you her destiny?"


This caused Rin to laugh.

"It showed me far more than just her destiny." She explained. "But to simplify it a little. I knew her from a point where she's nineteen years of age, and has had a horrible life experience where she is captured and kidnapped earlier in her life while she was sneaking out at night; She also meets the second male lead and falls hopelessly in love with him, and becomes the second love rival if the MC decides to pursue the second male lead themselves."










My inner geek came out there and rambled a bit................ shit.... this could end bad-



Sneed lifted his hands in surrender while closing his eyes and gently shook his head.

"I'm not even going to pretend I understood all of that." Sneed informed her.


PHEW! Dodged another bullet on that one! Go me!


".......So you used your previous knowledge of this girl's future to, "kidnap," and make her fall in love with you instead?"


"............... Actually?...... No?...."

"H-Huh?!" Sneed did a double take as you looked back at Rin. "Then how?-"

Rin shrugged again.

"I-...... I just got lucky, honestly...... I really was planning to kidnap her, then use her as bait to lure her father into meeting with me."

"....Then how did?-"

"Look..." Rin interrupted Sneed's question. "I had honestly forgot she even gets a trauma from tonight. I didn't know when or where she would even be kidnapped, or what night it would have happened on...... Honestly, this wasn't the plan at all...... Because we just probably messed up her and her future husband's chance for happiness in the future, I think..."

"Then why did you save her, instead of just taking her?"

She threw her arms up in frustration.

"Because I'm human, okay!" She groused. "There was a cute girl in front of me! And my stat screen said she like me; Ava, the Lioness. So... yeah! I took a chance and took advantage of her feelings! I'm horrible! BUT DAMN IT!....... She!... was just to tempting not to steal, and just too cute not to tease~" She said breathlessly as she remember the kisses she and Elois shared.


This made Sneed crack up at Rin's tirade about her choices in the matter.

"All because you were tempted by a woman! Oh that is classic! Hahaha!"

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up!" Rin groused with her arms folded and her face in a mock pout.


And he finished laughing. Sneed turned to look at Rin with a serious expression on his face.

"Do you know our fates as well?" He asked her.


Rin nodded her head; but said nothing in return.


"..................What happens to us?" He finally asks.


"..........................................Hopefully nothing................." She tells him, before turning to looked him squarely at his face with a serious expression on hers.


".........Worst case scenario?........." She began speaking then hesitated.


"We die." She told him


This both stunned Sneed to hear, but also didn't surprise him.


"Is-......" Sneed hesitated to ask more. "..... Is this why you're desperate to meet the Marquis?" He asks her.


She nodded her head.

"That's right." Rin told him.


"I'm not planning on just rolling over and dying, simply because I became a person who was fated to die early on in the story." 



I am not going to be a throw away villain.




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