Nyaa! (My Goddess?)

Chapter 3: 3.Oh my Goddess…

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As beautiful as my voice suddenly was, I was rather distracted by the currently on-display breasts on my chest that looked to be defying gravity. They were not in the least bit the nubbins that I had been so happy to be growing earlier in the day. No, these were large and fully formed boobs. 

They weren’t the only thing that had changed, either. My gaze traveled down from my chest, across my petite waist and past the ever so slight layer of fat that kept my belly looking healthy and squishy. Further down, a pair of lovely legs were curled underneath me, and it was quite obvious that certain accouterments previously present had left the stage. 

Of course the tail that still wrapped around my torso proved that I was not fully human either. It still carried the black and orange blotches that seemed to closely match those of the knit yarn cat that had caused all of this. 

Well, I guess that explained why my boss and coworker were averting their eyes. Having a nude catgirl appear sitting on the floor would have been a shock to anyone. Avery seemed to get over themself a bit and snagged a long wool cardigan from their chair and blindly tossed it at me. It landed just to my side and I quickly pulled it on to cover my nakedness. 

“Thank you, Avery… I’ve got it on now.”

The enby uncovered their eyes. “Ah… good. Sarah, do as our guest asked, please. This uh… I can see that this is a situation to be dealt with.”

Sarah apparently had turned to look at me and squealed. “Oh my goddess! You are adorable! Like, I know you’re trans, Ari, but gosh! Whatever magic bullshit is going on, it did good by you!”

My face burned, but Avery spoke again before I could respond. “Sarah, please. We find ourselves one short for staffing already tonight, I’d rather not lose a second for any longer than needed.

“Alright, boss. I’ll go. You’d better let me come see you again soon though, Ari!” The bartender walked out of the office and Avery was still being careful not to look at me too much. I appreciated the concern, but was honestly more curious about the singer that had still yet to take her eyes off of me. 

“Well,” I said to her while pulling the cardigan a bit tighter. “Seems the boss would rather have us have our conversation in private.”

Allie nodded. “Probably for the best. After you?”

I stood and had to fight off a wave of disorientation. Ten minutes earlier, I had been just shy of six feet tall. That was definitely no longer the case. I had lost a massive chunk of height, at least eight inches or so. The benefit it seemed though, was that I felt just as significantly lighter on my feet. I felt positively springy.

I thanked Avery again for loaning me the coat. Goddess knew my clothes weren’t going to fit anymore, considering my vastly shrunken frame. 

The boss’s response was to tell me to return the coat when I could.

With that done I walked out of the office and quickly ducked into the stairway to avoid any stray eyes. Once I was up the stairs I relaxed a bit and made sure my guest was still with me. Before I could even turn my head though, I had the odd first experience of my ears swiveling to hear the other woman padding up the stairs just a few steps behind me. I had to blink at the strange sensation. 

Upon arriving in my room, I moved the blanket off of the small couch and generally tried to make room for Allie. As big of a fan I was of her, it felt surreal to have her in my room. Not wanting to sit around in the cardigan, I also walked over to the closet and grabbed a hoodie from within. 

“I’m going to change into this, real quick. Mind sitting tight? I can grab you a drink when I’m out if you’d like.”

“That won’t be necessary, but thank you. I brought my own.” I peeked back at her and sure enough, she was holding a glass of wine. It took serious effort to hide the confusion, as I was almost positive that she hadn’t had the glass before. I decided not to question it though as I closed the bathroom door and pulled the cardigan off. 

Of course, this had the added benefit of giving me my first glance of my reflection in the mirror over the sink. All other thoughts were wiped from my mind as I took in the image. 

Gone were my mousy brown hair and hazel eyes, replaced by striking bright blue eyes and hair that matched my fur pattern. It was primarily white with bold streaks of orange and black. While my hair had previously only been just down to my shoulders, it now hung all the way to my mid back. Despite that not being anywhere near as far a distance now, it was still surprising how long it was. 

As I had seen earlier, my skin had paled a shade or two and my rather large for my frame breasts were jutting proudly from my chest. My waist had an elegant taper that then flared out into wide, but not overly so, hips. I couldn’t see any lower than that in the mirror, but looking down, I could see that my torso and legs were entirely hairless with the exception of a patch of patterned fur/hair above my new genitalia.

All in all, I was adorable. With the right clothes, I would probably be downright hot, in fact. It was impossible to withhold the squeal of delight that emitted from my throat. I was in love with this new body, even with the inhuman additions. 

Not wanting to keep my guest waiting though, I pulled on the now enormous hoodie and went to hang the cardigan from the hook on the door. Another giggle bubbled up as I had to pull the sleeves up to grab the thing. After lowering my arms again, the sleeves flopped around my hands and I giggled even more. The hooded sweater hung down almost to my knees, so I wasn’t too worried about flashing anyone, even if Allie hadn’t seemed to at all care back in the office. 

In the main room, Allie sat patiently on the couch, watching me as I walked back in. I took the office chair from my desk and pushed it over to face the couch before hopping into the seat. A moment had to be spent maneuvering my tail to be comfortable, but I eventually got it wrapped around me again and settled in my lap.

You are reading story Nyaa! (My Goddess?) at novel35.com

“Sooo…” I started.

“So.” was her reply. 

We both sat in silence for another moment, but Allie didn’t let the silence last long. 

“Well, you look uh… good?”

I blushed deeply but tried to stay strong. “Thank you… I uh… I guess you got a pretty good look before.”

She blushed back at me, embarrassed for having stared as she did. “I’m sorry, I just felt the magic and well… this is going to sound weird, but who are your parents? Specifically your mother?”

I gave the woman a bizarre look. “My mom’s name is Linda Trent.” 

Her eyes widened and she nodded slowly. “That… would explain a lot.”

“What on Earth do you mean? I thought you said the plushy caused this?”

“The transformation, yes. But there is something else too.” 

My head tilted and an eyebrow went way up. “What do you mean by that?”

Allie took a deep breath and blew her cheeks out. “It means… that I think I might be your grandmother, a couple generations removed. I’m going to guess that your mother and grandmother were both musicians of some kind?”

I spluttered. “H-how do you know that?! I mean, yeah, my mom was a singer and my grandmother was supposed to have been an incredible pianist, but what does that have to do with anything?! You can’t be more than a decade older than me, how could you be my great-grandmother?!”

Her head fell back and I could hear her mutter something about her ‘damned sisters’ messing with her. When she looked back at me, her face was serious, but gentle. 

“I know that because I taught your grandmother how to play the piano and was aware that her daughter was quite the singer. I haven’t talked to them in quite some time, and your mother thinks I died a number of years ago. I’m a lot older than I look. I try not to reveal it to others more than is strictly needed, but you… Whatever that plushy was and where it came from, the magic that changed you somehow interacted strangely with your heritage.”

“How are you so old, then? What are you, immortal?”

“Functionally, yes.” 

I was flabbergasted. “W-Who are you?”

The mysterious woman took another deep breath. “I’ve been going by Allie Prospor in this lifetime, but I’ve had many names over the years. I was born in Greece about three thousand years ago under the name of Euterpe.”

Memories of hours reading books on mythology and stories involving demigods and the like during my childhood rushed to mind and my breath began quickening. “But that would mean…”

“Yes, Ari. I am Euterpe, Muse of lyrical poetry and music, the daughter of Zeus, the king of Olympus and Mnemosyne, the titan of memory.”

Breathing was becoming difficult quite suddenly as my vision swam. I managed a breathy “Oh my goddess…” and then everything faded to black.

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