Nyxie and Olive

Chapter 1: Something New Falls

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I think the entire cavern was watching right then, when that thing fell from the opening. The opening in the top was surrounded by a glass dome and we could see, even from this far down, all the humans standing around the opening on top of the glass. The glass of course was strong enough to hold them and probably an entire crowd of humans. The opening itself was about six feet in diameter though whatever fell through it barely took up a sixth of the space. The thing that was falling seemed to be screaming and fabric was billowing around it. The thing fell down and down and down past the scaffolding and makeshift metal bridges, past the watching eyes of draki and sylphs. Down and down, story after story it fell until it hit the lake of sewer water at the bottom and a splash of filthy water rained down. The splash was so large that it managed to reach even me and Astrid where we sat in an alcove a few stories above the very bottom. I looked at Astrid in that moment and the grin on her face told me we were thinking the same thing. Dinner.

We slid down the pole of the scaffolding and I gave a whistle to the sirens and selkies that were poking and prodding the thing as it sank. They looked at me for a second and Astrid bared her teeth and then a pair of them dragged the thing to the surface and pushed her onto the top of a large pipe that ran across part of Sewer Lake. I glided along the pipe from where it met the concrete shore and stopped next to the thing laying on the pipe, looking it over. Whatever it was was wrapped in what looked like formerly white and light pink fabric though what looked like human legs poked out of the bottom. I prodded it but it didn’t move. It’s head was covered in what looked like hair that was now soaked with sewer water.

“What is it?” came a watery voice from behind me and sure enough when I looked over Naida was poking at the person from where she swam next to the pipe. Some selkie or siren must have gone to fetch her. 

“I don’t know, let's find out.” I said and ran a razor sharp nail across a section of its arm that wasn’t tangled in fabric. Blood rose to the surface of its skin and I lifted it to my mouth. It tasted like human but there, right there, a bit of magic. “It’s a witch.” Naida swam back a few feet from the edge of the pipe. Behind me I heard Astrid take a step back. They saw a threat in this thing, this witch, but I saw an opportunity. I pushed the hair out of her face. I called over my shoulder to where Astrid stood behind me, “Go get Lance, we might need a healer.” she indeed looked bruised from the fall. Astrid ran off and I looked back to the girl, the witch.

 Her face was pretty, creamy coffee skin and long lashes, cute. But right now that didn’t matter, not yet, right now I needed this witch to survive. I stood up and jumped down to elbow her in the stomach and she started coughing and spewing sewer water from her mouth, disgusting. After a minute of hacking and spitting the girl seemed to notice where she was.

“Am I dead?” her voice was light and wavering, but hopeful, like she would rather be dead than have fallen into the cavern. Couldn’t blame her, most humans would rather die than come here, but she wasn’t a human. At least she wasn’t completely human. 

“No.” I said it as kindly as I could but it still came out sharp. I needed to get this girl to trust me, or at least not think I’m evil. “You’re currently at the bottom of the underground.” Bottom wasn’t exactly accurate as there were tunnels running even farther down then where we were now, but this was the lowest the cavern itself went.

“Oh shit.” 

“Oh shit indeed, but you're in luck,” I heard Astride and Lance approaching behind me.” because we can keep you safe.” 

“Wait what?” Astrid said and I elbowed her in the gut murmuring

“Follow my lead dumbass” the girl looked confused, and wet. 

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“Why would you help me?”

“Because you, my dear little witch, are going to help me.”

“I’m not a witch.” The girl looked like she was admitting a shameful flaw when she said it.

“Don’t lie, I could taste the magic on you.” 

“Well that's probably just because my grandma’s a witch.” For my purposes it didn’t really matter though I highly doubted that the magic I tasted was just some dormant power. 

“What's your name girl?”

“I’m Olive.” 

“Lance, bring Olive back to our place, get her some clothes, something that isn’t soaked in sewer sludge.” As I turned around Lance picked up the girl.

“What's your name?” the girl called as I was almost at the concrete ledge. I turned back with a wicked grin,

“I’m Nyxie.”

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