
Chapter 14: Chapter thirteen

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Present day


Liz woke to find herself in a cell. She had never been inside a cell before, but there was no other word for it. There was a single bed in one corner of the room and a toilet and sink in another. Beyond that the room was bare, with no paint or windows adorning the cinderblock walls. There was a heavy door that Liz assumed was locked. She tried it anyway, to no avail.

She tried shouting for help, but the acoustics of her room made her think it was heavily soundproofed.

She tried to think through what had happened, and why she had been taken, hoping she could come up with some way out of the situation. She found that her mind, usually sharp and quick, was sluggish. Someone must have drugged her, which would explain how they got her from her apartment to wherever she was without her waking up.

And that means… Liz thought, still trying to figure out who had her and what they wanted. But she had nothing. She had no idea who had her, or what they would do with her, no one knew she was there, and she had no way of breaking out or signalling anyone for help.

Liz started to cry.

After a time, the door opened, and the large man who had taken her from her apartment entered.

“Doctor Elizabeth Clark,” he said in a light Russian accent. “Your life is currently in your hands. You will help our scientists with a project. If you do exactly as you are told and don’t cause problems, no one will harm you, and you will be released when the project is complete. If you refuse, or disobey any orders, you will be punished. If you go to the police, or anyone else, about what has happened here, you will be killed. Nod if you understand.”

Liz wanted to be defiant. She wanted to spit on the man and tell him where he could shove his understanding. But she looked at his thick arms, his scarred knuckles, and knew that would just lead to a beating or worse. She nodded.

“Very good. This way.”

The man led Liz through a tight hallway and through another door that he opened with a keycard. Beyond the door was a lab and a team of scientists working on what Liz immediately recognized as her own prosthetics technology. The lab was similar to her own, and stocked with all the same equipment. The main difference were the guards posted at the door, wearing grim expressions and automatic weapons.

“Do as you’re told,” her guard said again, then moved to stand by the door.

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A man who looked like every unfortunate ill-formed stereotype of a scientist approached Liz. “Doctor Clark. I’m Doctor Danvers. It, um, looks like we’ll be working together for a while.”

He stuck out his hand to shake.

Liz looked at it. Does he not know I’ve been kidnapped or is he just that awkward?

Danvers withdrew his hand after a few moments. “Ah, yes. Anyway, if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you where we are at with creating a working prototype of your cerebellum implant and you can help me figure out where we’ve been going wrong.”

Well aware that they are stealing my research then. Arsehole.

He took a few steps before he realized Liz wasn’t following him. He turned and motioned to her again.

Liz narrowed her eyes at the man. “I’m not helping you with anything, you absolute creep.”

Danvers’ mouth drew into a tight line. “Oh dear. Uh, listen. I don’t know what Petrov told you about your situation, but—”

Danvers didn’t get to finish whatever explanation he was going to give though, as the man who had escorted Liz, Petrov presumably, explained for him. He was suddenly beside Liz, though she hadn’t heard him move, and he smacked her hard with the back of one meaty hand.

Liz’s world turned sideways and she hit the ground. Her head spun and she tasted blood. She could see Petrov walking back to the door, giving her no further notice.

Danvers stood over her, offering her a hand up. “Yes, well, I suppose that says it all doesn’t it. Shall we have a look at that cerebellum implant?”

Liz ignored his hand, getting to her feet herself. She stared cold hatred at Danvers. But this time, when he motioned her to follow, she did.

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