
Chapter 46: Chapter forty-five

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Present day


White Knight dove through the bank window, rolling as he landed and coming up in a fighting stance. To his left a man was emptying the tills while two others stood among a group of customers and bank employees that had been made to sit on the floor. Each man carried a handgun and they had shot out the security cameras.

He surveyed this scene in a moment, taking everything in.

Three robbers. Ten hostages. No problem.

The first robber raised his gun and fired at him, but the bullets thudded dully off White Knight’s shining armour. He rushed the guy, catching him in the throat with his forearm and kicking his gun away as he hit the ground.

Another robber grabbed a hostage; a young girl no more than eight. He dragged her to their feet and held her at gunpoint. White Knight’s HUD told him the safety was still on, so he detached a throwing weapon from his armour and tossed it at the robber, catching him in the hand and making him drop the gun. He was on the criminal punching him dramatically in the face almost before the weapon hit the floor.

The final robber, the one who had been emptying the tills, looked from his companions to White Knight, fear etched on his face. After a moment of indecision, he threw his gun and his bag of cash to the floor and raised his hands above his head.

White Knight gave a thumbs-up to the police outside, and they burst through the doors, securing the criminals and checking the civilians were okay.

The hostages cheered.

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“Happy to help,” White Knight said, his mask magnifying and artificially deepening his voice. “Now let’s get you people home.”

“Are you quite done?” Came the condescending voice of Reaper in his ear.

White Knight tapped the side of his helmet and activated Private Mode so none of the bystanders could hear him.

“This is the job. It’s not my fault you’re a public relations nightmare.”

“Well that’s enough showboating for one day. We have a real mission.”

“We?” White Knight asked. What mission could possibly be important enough that it required two superheroes. Especially when one of them was meant to be retired and acting contrite about all the people he killed.

“Yes, we. Even Bodycount is getting pulled in on this one. Oblivion has been captured. We’re to oversee his rendition or, if the idiots interrogating him actually manage to make him talk, his execution. Sending rendezvous coordinates now.”

White Knight nodded to himself. That would do it. He couldn’t think of anything more dangerous than a hero gone rogue and Oblivion had been, from everything he had heard, the best of them. It could well take all of them to bring him in.

White Knight left the bank without another word, eager for a real challenge.

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