Oda Nobunaga with Dimensional Chat Group.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Prologue

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I don't know how much time has passed, as all of my senses become erroded, even time, all I can see is darkness encompassing my surrounding, and the cold feeling accompanying me.

Even my memories become blurred, All I know is that I was a human, that died.

[Found a host, requesting permission, accepted.]

I feel empty.

[Syncronizing with user..]


It's been too long that I've fallen into despair, trapped into whatever abyss this is.

[The Host has no body, searching an alternative.]

I lost count to how much eternity has passed, the hope that I held was gone long ago.

[Found an alternative, Incarnating Host to body, fusing host's soul with the heroic spirit "Oda Nobunaga", recovering Host's memories, sealing the heroic spirit's power in order to balance the soul, sending host to location.]

[Welcome, Host.]


As the sun began rising, birds are singing, and flowers are blooming, one day, kids like you- My apologies, wrong script.

The sun light has landed on a certain girl's house, the girl's age seems about 16 years old, if we're looking into her appearance, with straight long brown hair that reached her waist, and with the face you can call a beauty, there's a hint of regality at her appearance ,as the sun light has hitted her face, she opened her red wine eyes grudgingly, trying her own best to awake from the peaceful sleep.

Her name is Bushida Nobunaga, rather known as Oda Nobunaga, The Demon King of Sixth Heaven, The Fool of Owari, atleast that was her memory told her, she didn't know how she got her memory -as Oda Nobunaga- or how she was reincarnated to this world, atleast she was glad that she can live again, not suffering in that abyss.

She was suprised that she got reincarnated, moreover with someone's memories, and waking up as a baby is a bizarre experience, she already overcome the impossible situation she got, and be thankful to whoever higher being that reincarnated her, atleast that is her assumption about the situation.

She yawned while trying to get out from her bed, trying her best to not fall into sleep.

"Hey, Nobu, breakfast ready!" shouted her mother, making Nobu's eyes widen slightly, destroying her sleepiness, as her gaze focused on the clock.

'I'm late!' she thought, suddenly remembered this is the first day of highschool.

"Yes, Mom, I'll be right there!" she replied back while panicked, as she prepared herself in hurry.



"Mom, I will go." I said as I opened the door that lead to outside.

"Becareful with you surrounding." My mo
m replied back.

Honestly, having a family that care about you is rather fresh experience, , considering I have experience as someone who lives in Sengoku period, moreover leading it, My 'family' term is just someone you acquitanced and born with, so having a family who really cares about you is great experience.

I sighed and decided to walk to the school, honestly, I am rather lazy to going to school, but meh, there will be some fun in school, right?

Wait, what the school name?, ah, It's Kuoh Academy, forgot about it.

Suddenly, a panel, or it is hologram?, appeared infront me.

[Host has met requirements to access the system, giving permission,accepted.]

[Analyzing Host's soul, success, unsealing the heroic spirit's power, success.]

Suddenly, I feel a headache, information about my 'Noble Phantasm' and power pierced my brain, what. an. actual. fuck. this is?!?

[Welcome to the system, Host.]

Wait, wait, what the fuck 'system' is?!?, moreover you are the one who sealed my power?!?

[System is a tool where the purpose to help it's host, as for sealing, in order to balance host's soul, sealing needed.]

I gawked on the panel infront of me, trying to calm myself, alright Nobu, calm yourself, this is not your fist experience at facing bizarre things.

Alright, so you are 'the system', the thing where you usually find in novels or fanfictions?


...Is this some bad prank?, if so I will kill whoever made this.

Also, it seems everyone at my surrounding can't see this thing.

[Your soul has merged with the system, thereby making you alone that can see the system.]

Wait, since when my soul has merged with it?!?

[The beginning.]

Can you explain it more?, I feel I'm missing some context here.

[Host's soul has also fused with Heroic Spirit 'Oda Nobunaga', as the system who fused Host's soul and incarnate host to this world.]

So you are the one who responsible for all of things?!?


...I see.

Why are you doing this?

[Host compatibility with system is 100%, therefore making you the Host.]

...I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.

You are reading story Oda Nobunaga with Dimensional Chat Group. at novel35.com

So, now what will you do to me?, 'System'.

[Host will granted an ability called 'Dimensional Chat Group']

...Well, considering I have read tons of fanfics and novel in my former life, I can guess what the ability is.

[Do you wish to make a group?, accepting will immediately invite 4 people accross multiverse.]

Later, I wanna test my power first.

What, you say I should go to school?

Meh, priorities comes first.

For now, lets find deserted place.


Found it.

An abandoned church, and without anyone at the surrounding, also quiet and a bounded field surrounding it.

Not so suspicious, I mean, this kind of thing is where usually villain hiding, right?

So what should I do,everyone?, try to lurking and become a ninja, or just choose the violence?

You guys already know the answer.

Of course, violence is the best answer.


"So, that is the order from Azazel -sama?" said Dohnaseek, his appearance is a middle-aged-looking man with short black hair and blue eyes.

"Acquiring Twilight Healing is a must for Azazel's-sama plan, also killing Hyoudou Issei." replied Raynare, an attractive young woman with violet eyes, she had long silky black hair that reached her hips, and a pair of black feathered wings on her back.

"So, all we need is just wait for the little girl to come here and kill some boy?" asked a young man dissapointedly, he had short white hair and red eyes.

"You should keep yourself, Freed." Raynare replied back with annoyed tone.

"Heh, As I wi-" Suddenly a loud explosion could be heard near them, and dozens of bullets shooting them from everywhere.

Freed, with his fast reaction barely managed to dodge bullets that come to him, though he got injury, while Raynare created light-shield around her, same with Dohnaseek, but they're shocked that the bullets can pierce through their shield and managed to hit them and got them to heavy injury.

"Mwahahaha! It's more powerful than I thought, as expected of me!" a girlish voice could be heard near them, as the girl made her appearance, a rather young girl with soft brown hair, and red wine eyes.

"Who are you, bitch?!" shouted Freed furiously, as he regained his composure from the shock

"Me?, I am The Demon King, the one and only!" replied the girl cheerfully.

Meanwhile, Raynare and Dohnaseek, trying to stood up but fell miserably, as they're got heavy injury from the shoot, but still managed to regain their composures.

"A Devil?!?" Raynare is shocked, how they're be able to find them this fast?!?

"No, You're wrong!, as I said, I am The Demon King, not Devil!, are you deaf?!?!" the girl shouted back, as many matchlocks appeared around her.

"Kuhm, So any last words?" the girl said indifferently.

"You bitch!" Freed shouted furiously, trying to attack her, but got headshotted by dozens of matchlocks. (A/N : RIP Freed.)

"So that's your last words?, quite disappointing." the girl said with disappoinment at her tone.

"And now, both of you, what's your last words?" the demon looking toward them, as the matchlocks around her turning toward them.

They're trying to attack her with heavy injury, but got headshotted. (A/N : Anticlimatic, right?)

"Typical villain lines.." she muttered as matclocks around her disappeared.

"Wait, I forgot to interrogate them.." Nobu said suddenly, cursing her foolishness to not interrogate them.

"Eh, whatever, I will interrogate when I met one of their kind." she said absentmindedly, while her figure disappeared instantly.

After some moment, two figures appeared at the same area.

One is young woman with voluptous body that can make all male drawn to it, blue eyes, and her most distinctive feature is her long crimson hair, her name is Rias Gremory.

"Koneko, can you smell it?" Rias asked to the small figure.

A petite girl with white hair and gold eyes, her name is Koneko Toujou.

"Gunpowder, and blood." Koneko said while her eyes drawn to Fallen Angel's corpses

"What is Fallen Angel doing here?" Rias wondered, but decided to note it, first she'd rather get her priorities.

Her eyes looked at the Fallen Angels and Human corpses, there's many holes at their body.

'Gunpowder, So someone using gun to kill them, but how?' Rias is rather knowledgeable about human's culture and their history, so she know someone has killed them with gun, but a human's gun cannot scratch supernatural being, let alone penetrate it.

'A wizard? but there's no magic trace here..' Rias whispered in her mind

'I should tell Sona about this, someone with capability to kill Fallen Angel is a good thing and also a bad thing.'


A/N : This is my first book, I know the characters seems OOC and I'll try my best to improve it, advice and critism is welcomed, I'm not a native speaker of english.

Also Nobu destroyed the entire plot of DxD without realizing it, but I will make a new plot regarding Hyoudou Issei.

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